Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 722 The three top writers in the Netherlands

Chapter 722 The three top writers in the Netherlands

On March 1879, 3, Dutch social reform thinker Henry Lloyd's critical novel "The Election of Presidents and Governors" sparked criticalism in the world's literary world.

On March 1879, 3, the life history of Grandet, a capitalist upstart, shone brightly in "Eugénie Grandet", one of the masterpieces of French writer Balzac after "The Comedy Humane". It exposes the naked money relationship between people in capitalist society.

Even because of this, this work was used as a teaching subject in high school textbooks in the Second Empire of France.

The Third French Republic in the south vividly portrays Grandet's typical character of "miser" who is extremely greedy and stingy in this work.

Driven by these critics, other people also came forward one after another, and others began to continue to update their new masterpieces such as Stendhal, Dickens, Tolstoy of Tsarist Russia, etc.

In addition to them, there are also Maupassant's "My Uncle Jules", the Dutch progressive writer Mark Twain also published a "Running for Governor", Chekhov's "Chameleon" from the Tsarist Russian Empire, and French imperial writers all Germany's "The Last Lesson", August Strindberg, who immigrated to the Netherlands from Sweden.

Since Strindberg was deeply discriminated against and oppressed by the ruling class in Sweden, he wrote many problematic works in his early years, such as the novels "The Red House" and "The New Country", which profoundly exposed the problems of the Swedish upper class. Conservative, deceitful and ruthless.

"Critical realist literature uses realist methods to expose and criticize the non-humanist reality of the capitalist society at that time. It is precisely because of this that it is named, and it also becomes bourgeois progressive literature. However, due to class and Due to the limitations of the times, realist writers can only use humanitarianism as an ideological weapon and attempt to use humanism and reformism to prescribe medicine for society. This rescue cannot involve the capitalist system itself, let alone correctly point out the trends and trends of social development. The way out for the people, this limitation must be clearly understood during study."

William IV paused for a moment, then smiled at the people in front of him and said: "This time your attack on the world literary world has triggered a craze of judgment all over the world."

Sitting in front of him were Henry Lloyd (1830), Mark Twain (1835), and O'Foster Strindberg (1849), the leaders of realist literature who triggered this criticism. ), in addition to Hermann Van Peron, president of the University of Sydney, and Vincent van Gogh (1853), a Dutch Impressionist painter.

"Henry Lloyd, your "Presidential and Governor's Elections" opened up the situation in one fell swoop. Following Mark Twain and August Strindberg, you brought "Running for Governor" and "The New Nation" and suddenly overcame France to become the new nation. Critical. Now the Dutch literary world has become a representative of global critical realist literature. I hope you will continue to lead this trend."

August Strindberg first glanced at Ost Henry Lloyd, the highest person in the Dutch literary world and also the highest-ranking person present except William IV, because he was also an organization of the International Labor Union. Deputy Secretary-General.

Because of this, the unruly Strindberg had to bow his head.Similarly, when he looked at Mark Twain, he was also impressed by the latter, because since Mark Twain immigrated to Australia from America in 1871, he still occupies a special position in the American literary world.

Both men occupy special positions in their respective fields. Although Strindberg was well-known in Sweden before immigrating from Sweden, he was not very popular in Sweden because of his critical realist literature. Even before Karl XV, who admired him, could not withstand the pressure and finally changed his face. Finally, he immigrated to Australia in 1870.However, since he came to Australia and was "gilded" at the University of Sydney, he was spotted by Herman Van Peron, the president of the University of Sydney. So, with all his efforts to train him, he became a top literary figure in the world as a 28-year-old youth. It can be said that He became an instant hit with "Red House" and "New Country."

Today, I became the guest of King William IV of the Netherlands. I gained both honor, fame and fortune. It can be said that I gained both fame and fortune.

So, he couldn't help but said: "Your Majesty, the reason why I can succeed this time is not only the support of my teacher Herman and Principal Fan Peilong, but the most important thing is that the literary atmosphere supported by your Majesty is strong, which allows our literary world to bloom. Therefore, Your Majesty is the greatest contributor.”

William IV immediately laughed and said, "I didn't expect that our great writer Strindberg would have such a sweet mouth."

He said: "However, the atmosphere in the Netherlands is indeed a good soil, but it all depends on your talents."

"Mark Twain, what do you think?"

Mark Twain had a very gentle personality. Because of this, he had many friends in America. His coming to the Netherlands was actually more of a win-over from William IV. It took a lot of effort at the beginning, but... Finally he succeeded.

Mark Twain: "In 1869 in the United States, I published "A Fool's Travels Abroad," which received a lot of ridicule in the United States. I was said to be a fool behind my back. In 1870, I published "A Hard Journey," and in I came to prominence in the United States. But I was only slightly famous. In 1873, I published "The Gilded Age" and became famous in the United States. However, there were many famous people, and I was attacked by the traditional forces in the American literary world. In the end, I left the United States and came to the United States. Arrived in Holland."

Seeing William IV smiling endlessly, although he despised the other person for pretending, he was the only one who knew that the other person was the culprit behind his departure from the United States, so let it go.

He adjusted his mentality and said calmly: "In the Netherlands, I successively published the novel "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" in 1873, the short story "The Famous Jumping Frog of Calaveras" in 1876, and "At the Recent Carnival in Connecticut". "A Record of Crimes" and "A Note on Foreign Travels in 1878" have attracted a large number of book fans. This time, Mr. Henry Lloyd took the spotlight. The publication of "Running for Governor" has opened up the overseas market in the Netherlands and the United States. , has attracted much attention around the world, which can be said to be the greatest sublimation. Once again, I am very grateful to Mr. Henry Lloyd for the inspiration he gave me."

Henry Lloyd waved his hand and said: "That is your talent and has nothing to do with me. But I want to say, Your Majesty, should we take advantage of this plan and take advantage of it?"

William IV smiled and said nothing, but his eyes fell on Hermann Van Peron next to him.

(End of this chapter)

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