Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 728 Foreign Ministers’ Summit

Chapter 728 Foreign Ministers’ Summit
When Bismarck and others were discussing the Netherlands in Berlin, the Netherlands they were talking about was moving frequently.

On March 1879, 3, Dutch Foreign Minister Joseph Beit personally invited the foreign ministers of six South American countries: Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, and Northern Chile to visit Melbourne, Australia.

Joseph Beit told the top diplomats from these Dutch allies in South America at the meeting: "Our Dutch message, our Kingdom of the Netherlands has some lasting economic commitments and security commitments to South America, these two commitments are not sun and moon. It’s not measured in years, but in decades and generations.”

Joseph Beit reiterated at the Netherlands + South American Allies meeting held in Melbourne on Friday that the Netherlands will continue to increase direct economic support in South America, and at the same time the Netherlands will not give up helping Dutch allies in South America when there is a security crisis.

He said that the Netherlands will increase the flow of capital, goods and services in South America and is committed to long-term participation in South American affairs to eliminate the concerns of the Netherlands' allies about the Netherlands' commitment.

Later, after chairing the meeting of the Netherlands + South American allies, he defended the strategy of the Netherlands as an Indo-Pacific power formulated by William IV. He said that the Netherlands is a proud Pacific power and an Indian Ocean power, and the prosperity of America, Asia, and Africa has benefited from it. The Netherlands exists and has developed the fastest in South America in the past few decades. It is a long-standing security network here.

He emphasized to these allies from South America that the Netherlands would always be here to stay.

"Our message is clear. The Netherlands will not abandon its allies who believe in us. This is true for Venezuela, as well as for Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. What I want to say to the foreign ministers and journalists from various countries present in Mexico is that we The same goes for the government of Chile’s ally Artur Lauzon.”

Joseph Beit emphasized that developing and maintaining the Netherlands' economic partnership and security relations in South America is the top priority of the coalition cabinet government of the Christian Party and the Socialist Party.And pointed out that Dutch private enterprises and capital invest up to 2 million Dutch guilders (400 million pounds) in these six countries every year,

He said: "Dutch capital is a strong partner for the economies and enterprises in this region, because the Netherlands is and will continue to be the engine of global economic growth, the most developed country in the world, and the world's top technology. Our Dutch cabinet government is strengthening this a little"

Before Joseph Beit convened this meeting of foreign ministers of the Netherlands' allies in South America, an official from the Dutch Prime Minister's Office said that the Dutch allies in South America were worried that the Netherlands would gradually exclude the development of South America from the Netherlands' diplomatic agenda, and hoped that the Netherlands would strengthen its role in this area. security and economic presence in a region.

The Foreign Minister of the Netherlands and the foreign ministers of some South American countries are negotiating on the Netherlands + South American Allies economic framework. This is the new economic circle concept proposed by William IV as a core supplementary plan for the Pacific Rim Economic Circle.

At the same time, another purpose of this plan is to strengthen the Netherlands' presence in the South American Economic and Military Alliance and establish its core leading position in the alliance.

As Argentina engages in ambiguity with the United Kingdom, Argentina, which had the largest economic and military support from the Netherlands, has since been dragged into the cold palace by the Netherlands, and other allies may benefit from this and replace Argentina's share.

So this time, as soon as the invitation letter from Joseph Beit came out, people from all over the world began to visit enthusiastically.

This is different from the past when other countries felt left out by Argentina's presence.

After Joseph Beit held this foreign ministers' meeting, a senior official of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that Joseph Beit wanted to tell such allies that there is no better partner than the Netherlands.The Dutch diplomat pointed out that William IV was about to receive the visiting American President Stephen Douglas, the actual person in power in North America other than the British, and the relationship between the two countries was bound to be even stronger.

He also said that Prime Minister Theo von Linden of the Netherlands would visit Mexico to strengthen relations between the Netherlands and Mexico.

"This demonstrates the efforts of His Majesty the King, the Prime Minister and the Foreign Secretary to strengthen alliances with this part of the Americas and to increase investment in key institutions in the region."

William IV and Theo von Linden respectively received these foreign ministers from South America. This was a high-level reception. According to international practice, a country's foreign minister or ministerial level could only receive foreign ministers at the same level. In addition, they were interviewed by the Prime Minister or President at the next higher level. These people were flattered by William IV's interview. Many of them even excitedly sent messages to the country, proving that this was a positive signal for the development of relations with the Netherlands.
But some people believe that while Britain's economic and military influence in South America still remains strong, the Netherlands is now just realizing the importance of participating in economic affairs and security affairs in South America and even the entire Americas.

Schulman, senior director of the Pacific Council, a Melbourne-based think tank, told the Australian Times that the results of His Majesty William IV's collective meeting with foreign ministers of various countries were better, but the convening of Foreign Minister Joseph Beit and Theo von Linden The Prime Minister's presence is important
“The Americas region will recognize that the Dutch government from top to bottom has invested heavily in this region and will continue to invest in it.”

The Netherlands will not give up its interests in South America easily, just like the United Kingdom does now. This is even more true since the Netherlands moved its capital to Australia. He believes that the Netherlands will never give up South America and hand over its dominant position to the United Kingdom or others with ambitions there. s country.

On the day that Joseph Beit hosted the diplomatic summit, British Gladstone visited Paris, the capital of the Second French Empire, and was received by Napoleon III. It is said that the two held a secret meeting and then had a pleasant dinner.

Afterwards, Britain and France announced that they would conduct strategic cooperation in the Far East to protect the vested interests of both countries.

To this end, Joseph Beit held an emergency meeting with the foreign ministers of the six South American countries. In the end, surprisingly, the ambassador of the Kingdom of Siam to the Netherlands was invited to participate.

After the meeting, Joseph Beit denounced the actions of Britain and France as a blatant attempt to continue to rub salt into the wounds of the Kingdom of Siam. He also separately expressed dissatisfaction with France for revealing its colonial ambitions to expand the Kingdom of Siam, believing that this had undermined the Kingdom of Siam for ten years. Before drinking, let’s take a look at the peaceful foundation of Southeast Asia’s stable pattern.

"We strongly condemn these attempts to further harm the Kingdom of Siam and we reiterate our call on France and the UK to cease further illegal and destabilizing actions."

Subsequently, the words of condemnation called for by Joseph Beit were rebutted by both Britain and France.

Immediately after Britain and France seemed to ignore the attitude of the Netherlands, Britain directly deployed troops in Burma and France in East Cambodia.

The Dutch intelligence department believed that the British and Dutch were preparing for a new round of invasion of the Kingdom of Siam. For this reason, King Chula Longkorn V of the Kingdom of Siam made a request for support from William IV.

(End of this chapter)

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