Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 734: How did they complete the sneak attack?

Chapter 734: How did they complete the sneak attack?

On March 1879, 3, Dutch Foreign Minister Joseph Beit denounced the defense agreement between Britain and Argentina and announced that he would not give up his support for Northern Chile.

Dutch Foreign Minister Joseph Beit also announced that 1 additional troops from the Ministry of National Defense will arrive on the front line in Northern Chile.

The Dutch Ministry of Defense also announced that the Dutch military will continue to pay attention to the development of the war there and will support it when necessary to prevent other countries from harming the interests of the Netherlands.

This was a move in response to the British Foreign Trade Secretary Joseph Chamberlain.

Seeing this, various countries looked forward to what Britain and the Netherlands would do in Chile.

In Argentina, intelligence agents from various countries have discovered that President Miter is constantly holding cabinet government meetings. No one knows what he is planning to do, but it is definitely related to the tension between the UK and the Netherlands in Chile.

Brazil's Pedro II and Prime Minister Fonseca also historically put aside their differences. The two sides held various consultations between the military and the cabinet government in the capital Sao Paulo. They are obviously also preparing for a possible head-on war between Britain and the Netherlands.

Paraguay frequently showed off its relations with the German Empire. Uruguay also seemed to be looking for a backer, and finally reluctantly accepted the German Empire. Even the warships of the German Empire are currently stationed in Montevideo.

March 1879, 3, Guayaquil, the largest port city in El Guador. .

Other South American countries are allies of the Netherlands, such as Colombia, Venezuela, El Guador, Bolivia, Peru, etc.

The headquarters of the Five Powers Allied Forces is in Guayaquil.

Although Ecuadorian President Moreno is a landowner, he is now somewhat of a guest.

Because this is the headquarters of the Five-Nation Allied Forces, and the Secretary-General of the Five-Nation Allied Forces Headquarters, Lieutenant General of the Netherlands, and Deputy Minister of Army of the Netherlands Castillo has the final say.

In front of him were Colombian President Mosquera, Peruvian President Prado, Bolivia Porter, and Venezuelan President Herrera, who was invited by Lieutenant General of the Army of the Netherlands Ministry of Defense, that is, Deputy Minister of Army Castillo.

"As you all know, the Netherlands is currently facing a challenge from the United Kingdom. The Netherlands needs help from all countries. If all countries can send troops to join the confrontation between the Netherlands and the United Kingdom this time, then any person or country that threatens your power in the future will be our Netherlands. Enemies of the Kingdom"

Castillo looked straight at the presidents of these small and medium-sized South American countries who showed complicated expressions and said: "We in the Netherlands are willing to help your family exist permanently in each country."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but feel excited.

He didn't say he would help the country, he only said he would help his family consolidate its position.

Although Castillo's promise seemed to be a price reduction, it actually hit the heart of those present more accurately.

As powerful people in various countries, they naturally have opponents, and there are also those who oppose their long-term rule. Therefore, some time ago, they actually supported Mascaiano from Chile and let Arthur Lauzon recommend it with the support of the Netherlands. - turned the other side off the stage, they were all shocked.

While I am frightened by the power of the Netherlands, I am also afraid that I will become the next Mascaiano with the support of the Netherlands.

Therefore, during this period, they had the idea of ​​​​distance from the Netherlands.

This is human nature, as is fear of the unknown.

Castillo has been organizing confrontations in South Africa for many years, and he naturally has a good grasp of people's hearts.

"Everyone, we know that Britain, France and Germany are currently in contact with you."

Ignoring their surprise, Castillo continued: "We are willing to maintain our relations with your family and your countries. Of course, if you think Argentina is a good example, I think Chile is more alarming. "

Except for Castillo, everyone couldn't help but feel dissatisfied, but more of a helpless feeling.

No one knows how many hidden stakes the Netherlands has arranged in various countries. Maybe they have them around them. Faced with such unknowns, they seem to be able to protect their family's interests, which makes it easier for them to convince themselves than the national interests.

Finally, with a combination of carrot and stick, Castillo got his wish.

On March 1879, 3, Venezuela became a new member of the Five-Nation Alliance. Venezuelan President Herrera announced in Guayaquil that he would send 18 troops to join the Six-Nation Alliance.No, it should be called the Confederate Army.

Various countries also announced an increase of 5000 troops, and the Netherlands announced an increase of 1.

At this point, the entire Confederate Army reached 9.5 people.

In response, the British Creston government stated that it did not care about the number of troops in the alliance, "because Britain has always defeated the smaller with more, and the number of our enemies is not proportional to the record."

As Creston's confident look appeared on the front pages of major British newspapers, people across the UK felt relieved.

However, can we really rest assured?


On March 1879, 3, just when everyone in Britain was feeling confident, a piece of news came that shocked everyone.

"The six-nation coalition led by the Netherlands dispatched 4 people and suddenly attacked Puerto Montt on the morning of the 26th. President Mascaiano of Southern Chile led his men to flee. Under the escort of British warships, Mascaiano finally only brought 1000 South Chilean descendants headed to South Africa.

The remainder either surrendered or broke through the border between Argentina and Chile and fled into the provinces of Little Uquen and Rio Negro in southern Argentina.

As the news spread, the world's attention turned from the Netherlands to Britain.

After all, this slap was too loud.

German Empire, Berlin.

As news of the situation in South America spread, William I held an emergency small-scale meeting.

"Hehe, so don't speak too hastily, or you may bite your tongue."

Bismarck said sarcastically.

In response, William I nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, he saw the frown on the face of Chief of General Staff Mao Qi and knew that he had an idea.

So he asked: "Your Excellency Mao Qi, what do you have to say?"

Bismarck and others also looked at him.

Mao Qi raised his head after hearing this and said with a heavy tone: "Your Majesty, please look here. The Dutch sneak attack from Valdivia to Puerto Montt was so short that even the British and Southern Chileans could not react. Isn’t there something incredible here?”

When Bismarck heard this, his heart suddenly moved.

Crown Prince Frederick also said doubtfully: "Yes, there is Osorno, which is ruled by Southern Chile, in the middle. If it is a sea attack and landing, there must be a dock, and the British navy is so sophisticated, there is no reason not to do this early." It’s better to be prepared, so there is only one possibility, that is, this attack is unexpected, it is a land attack and it has to bypass Osorno, and the group vibration of the horses is difficult to cover up."

He raised his head, "I think either the Netherlands is attacking from the direction of Argentina, or there is some way for the Netherlands to advance to Puerto Montt quickly and silently without anyone noticing."

William I: "It should be impossible for Argentina, so now we really don't know their method yet."


Meanwhile, Buckingham Palace is furious.

(End of this chapter)

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