Chapter 739 British Military Intelligence Sixth Bureau
Inside the Royal Palace of the Netherlands.

"MI[-] actually lost six members all at once?" William IV felt distressed and his eyes flashed with anger.

Since he founded MI1858 on January 1, 1, this department has been the most powerful sword in his hand, including his secret hands in various countries, all helped by this organization. It can be said that this is what he The most valued intelligence organization.

In 1859, the First Belgian Intelligence Bureau attacked three members of MI1860 operating in Brussels. Finally, in [-], under the angry condemnation of the Dutch government, the First Belgian Intelligence Bureau was closed down, ending the dispute between the two countries.

In December 1861, in order to solve the increasingly frequent British activities in the Netherlands, MI12 carried out reforms based on the suggestions of William IV, who had just ascended to the throne of the Netherlands. A group of people were separated to publicly establish the Dutch International Intelligence Service and the Royal Dutch Intelligence Service. , thus the Dutch intelligence organization was divided into two light and one dark model was born.

With the establishment of the latter two organizations, Wright, Bill Charlie, and Mike Sean became the three giants of the Dutch intelligence community.

At this point, MI[-] officially became the Dutch Secret Intelligence Service.

After the reorganization of the Dutch intelligence agency in 1862, the title MI[-] has been used. Therefore, MI[-] is the main spy intelligence agency in the Netherlands. Its main figures are responsible for collecting political, economic and domestic information at home and abroad. Military intelligence, engaged in espionage intelligence and foreign counter-espionage activities.

And the list of the most mysterious spies currently in his safe is the greatest achievement of this organization.

In 1865, MI[-] established a project dedicated to sabotaging and subverting the political power of other countries. William IV directly called it Division D.

Reorganized in 1871, the Military Intelligence Division 20 established a Military Intelligence Group Four with D Division as the core, which was mainly responsible for foreign intelligence and espionage activities, such as infiltrating political organizations in other countries to instigate rebellion and recruitment. The headquarters of the Military Intelligence Division [-] came from Europe. Rotterdam, the mainland of the Netherlands, also moved with the relocation of its capital. It is located in a [-]-story building in Canberra, the second largest city in New South Wales on the Australian mainland. It is claimed to be the royal residence of the Netherlands and is controlled by William IV.

"For many years, MI6 has rarely had any incidents, but this time six people were arrested at once. Each of them is a valuable resource of MI[-]. This revenge must be avenged."

William IV looked at Wright and asked in an unquestionable tone: "Have you found out about the situation in the British Military Intelligence Bureau Six?"

Wright nodded and said, "It's Prince Edward."

William IV: "?"

Wright: "Queen Victoria handed over MI-[-] to Prince Edward"

William IV was stunned when he heard this. After a long time, he said: "Is Queen Victoria okay?"

If he remembered correctly, Queen Victoria lived until 1901, and now it is only 1879, which means she can live for another 22 years. At this time, she handed over British intelligence to Crown Prince Edward?
William IV asked with some doubts.

"Everything is fine, Queen," Wright said.

William IV took a long breath and felt extremely complicated.

Queen Victoria handed over MI-19 to Crown Prince Edward. This matter seemed to be different from history. He remembered that the relationship between mother and son was very bad in the previous life, and even in the 90s, when the Queen's body gradually became unable to withstand it, he Taking over foreign affairs from the Queen, Crown Prince Edward took advantage of the opportunity when Bismarck was dismissed by William IV in 1890, who had just been in power for a year or two, to win over various countries in Europe and try his best to suppress the German Empire.

After achieving the results, Queen Victoria finally transferred power to him in the last few years, and took back the power of other princes such as Prince Alfred, second in line to the throne, and Prince Arthur, third in line to the throne, and even gave them away Driven out of the British mainland, Prince Arthur became Governor General of Canada.The second son, Prince Alfred, became Duke of Saxe, Coburg and Gotha.

Queen Victoria actually handed over MI[-] to him in advance at this time, which he never expected.

MI[-] was Queen Victoria's eyes and ears, and its importance was self-evident, yet it was given to him so easily.

In this way, is Crown Prince Edward certain to inherit the British throne?

However, William IV always felt that something was wrong there, but he couldn't explain it.

"It seems that it has become more difficult for Prince Alfred to ascend to the throne. Her Majesty the Queen of England seems to have really recognized this eldest son this time." William IV thought complicatedly.

Almost all of his impressions of Queen Victoria came from the intelligence he collected. However, in the historical memory of his previous life, this one of the greatest kings of Britain was all majestic, domineering, and strong, with almost no tenderness on the part of a weak woman. , especially during his more than 60 years as queen, the British colonies increased more than ten times.

For such a fiercely competitive woman, he didn't think she would choose to hand over power so soon?
Suddenly, William IV wanted to see the Queen of England, whom he had not seen since attending the wedding in Greece.

Even if it's just to meet again.

Although he did not think that the other party would intervene in the suppression of Crown Prince Edward, William IV wanted to take the opportunity to find out whether Britain was preparing for a smooth transition of power in advance.

"Tell me about MI-[-]," he asked softly.

Wright stood respectfully in front of him and said: "The British MI[-] Bureau was established on the basis of our MI[-] structure.

The first point of their mission is to create human resources, that is, to recruit agents, direct surveillance, interception of communications or intelligence, intrusive surveillance, or dissemination of disinformation."

William IV nodded. Agents are social human resources who can provide secret intelligence reports on investigation targets. They are not members of MI[-], but they are the most important source of secret intelligence.Secret service operations are carried out by specially trained officials and can last for a long time, sometimes as long as many years, as in Argentina, or the leader of the Liberal Party, Jules Danetang, who became the prime minister of Belgium and is now the deputy prime minister of the Netherlands. et al.

As for direct surveillance, this is better understood, that is, tracking and observing targets. This work is performed by professional surveillance with advanced skills. They monitor through vehicles, on foot, or through today’s popular signals such as telegraphs and telephones. The supervisory department of the Dutch MI[-] often Work closely with several major telegraph companies and telephone companies in the Netherlands on this.

The interception of communications is similar to the interception of telegrams and telephone calls, but this must be approved by the king before it can be carried out.

As for intrusive surveillance, it means tracking someone or a target point-to-point for monitoring.

William IV asked: "What is the total size of the British MI[-] currently known?"

(End of this chapter)

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