Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 741: Force Chile to obey

Chapter 741: Force Chile to obey

It's normal for Cantur to be unable to analyze. In the absence of major information, if he can still analyze it, then he is not a counselor or a think tank, but a fortune teller or an astrologer.

However, there was one thing Cantur said that William IV did not expect, and that was Bismarck's previous operations.

The German Empire is participating in the game of the situation in South America and flirting with Paraguay and Uruguay. Is it really just trying to find allies in South America?
Something was wrong with the German Empire's involvement from the beginning.

Looking back now, William IV felt that Bismarck might have other ideas.

After all, South America is too far from Berlin, and Germany only robbed France of Guyana in South America. Even with an additional ally, Paraguay, the benefits Germany would gain do not seem to be huge.

What exactly was Bismarck planning to do?
Do you have any other ideas?
Thinking about it this way, the front and back are connected.

Cantur said: "Bismarck wanted to expand the land area, and the barren territory of Africa was definitely not what he wanted. In Asia, the British, French, Dutch, Far Eastern powers, the Ottoman Empire, and the Tsarist Russian Empire were guarding them like wolves. Bismarck obviously knew this, so he had no idea. In the end, the only way to start is the Americas, but North America is either the powerful Commonwealth of the United States, Canada, or the Confederate States of America supported by the United Kingdom.

At present, it seems that the Confederate States of America is an ally of Bismarck's campaign, and Stephen Douglas also fully agrees with this.If Bismarck wanted to gain a foothold in North America, he could only rely on the American government, but this method of relying on other countries would never last. "

He said sarcastically: "And I want something, but I can't ask for it explicitly, and neither the United States nor the United Kingdom will hand it over easily, so the Germany represented by Bismarck is ready to take advantage of the Dutch and British influence." During the fight for South America, they directly took the opportunity to enter the situation and used this as a reason to march into South America. Hum, when the situation in the UK and the Netherlands changed from turbid to clear, the German Empire had already cooked the rice, and the UK and the Netherlands had to accept this fact. .”

William IV nodded, thinking clearly about this, and said softly: "Yes, any land cession and compensation will be just an add-on. Now I am more and more curious about Bismarck's plan."

However, Cantur said: "His Majesty's top priority is to find a way to preserve the strategically important piece of Puerto Montt in Chile."

The expression on William IV's face froze slightly, and he almost forgot about it!
At present, the Chilean Civil War has ended. The six-nation coalition led by the Netherlands has helped Northern Chile occupy Southern Chile, including the new southern capital of Puerto Montt and the Strait of Magellan. These two places are very important strategically and play an important role in the Netherlands' position in the Pacific. play a key role.

Currently, Port Montt is the southern headquarters of the Six-Nation Alliance. According to the plan he formulated, Port Montt will become the garrison location of the Six-Nation Alliance in the future.

This is just a cover, because the Netherlands is the leader, which means that Puerto Montt will be under the jurisdiction of the coalition led by the Netherlands in the future.

However, if the Netherlands highlights its position in Puerto Montt too much, it will be worried by other countries throughout South America, and in the end the gains will outweigh the losses.

As an ally, the Netherlands has no reason to occupy Chile's second largest city.

This will trigger a chain reaction. What if other South American allies have opinions about the Netherlands?
"Mr. Cantur, do you have any clever ideas?" William IV asked.

Since Cantur made such a statement, naturally he should have his own ideas.

It was precisely because of his genius that this man became the captain of William IV's think tank team.

"Your Majesty can recommend Lieutenant General Castillo to continue to serve as the Secretary-General of the Six-Nation Alliance." William IV frowned slightly and said: "But Castillo has been doing this for several years. If he continues to be the Secretary-General, will it cause any problems?" The dissatisfaction of the other five countries?”

Cantur shook his head: "Your Majesty, you are a fan of the authorities. The main reason why this six-nation coalition was successfully formed was that the Netherlands was in it. If it were led by Ecuadorian or other international military personnel, let alone us, the Netherlands." If you don’t listen, other countries will become suspicious. Ecuador will doubt Colombia, Peru will doubt Bolivia, and Venezuela will also not trust Colombia very much.”

"As long as His Majesty agrees to watch it, any rules can be broken," Cantur said.

"And don't forget, Your Majesty, in this world, the strong will eventually be respected, and the weak will only obey orders."

William IV couldn't refute it, even in the 20th century.

"Your Majesty will send the fleet directly over."

Cantur's words now made William IV more interested, "The Chileans in Puerto Montt are not willing to hand it over, let alone if the Netherlands sends the fleet there, will Chilean President Arturo Lauzon do it?" can not fall asleep"

Cantur continued: "At present, the Chilean navy only has a few simple small ships of several tens of tons. If any European coastal country sails over with a small fleet, it will be enough to annihilate the Chilean navy."

Cantur showed a sinister smile and said: "Your Majesty can directly ask the Royal Siam Navy or the Danish Navy to visit there. With the continuous flow of naval visits, I think President Lauzon should know that if his seaport Without the protection of the Dutch navy, sooner or later we would be just meat on other people’s sticky plates, free to eat.”

The benefits are exciting. Chile's territory is quite fertile, especially soybean production is at the forefront of the world. This is a more delicious fat for many countries.

With the example of the Netherlands, the whole of Europe knows that South America has become a piece of meat. Which force doesn't want a piece of the pie?

It's just that the Netherlands and Britain were in peace before, and the United States was unable to extricate itself from the civil war and could not control South America. Therefore, Britain, Holland and Pakistan (Brazil and Portugal) had the final say. Although they were greedy, they had nothing to do.

But if the Netherlands suddenly lets go, not to mention the UK, which has just been expelled, Germany and France, which are now gearing up in Uruguay and Paraguay, will make the situation in Chile even more turbulent, and Lauzon is even said to be cut off. Object.

William IV understood that Cantur wanted him to put some external pressure on Arturo Lauzon.

"Just the navies of these countries are not enough," William IV said solemnly.

"Since we are going to do it, we have to make it bigger. I will scare this guy Arturo Lauzon half to death, and finally beg us to sign a garrison treaty."

Cantur smiled and said: "Your Majesty is right. I also think that we should make the whole plan more natural. Therefore, the plan is postponed a little. After all, forcing others to submit and letting us garrison troops is far better than asking us to garrison troops."

(End of this chapter)

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