Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 744 Sovereignty of Tierra del Fuego

Chapter 744 Sovereignty of Tierra del Fuego
As the Netherlands and Chile signed the "Chile-Netherlands Security Treaty", various countries were discussing the matter, and the situation became increasingly intense.

At the same time, the headquarters of the six-nation coalition led by Castillo officially announced that it will establish a military port in Puerto Montt, Chile, second only to the coalition headquarters in Guayaquil, Ecuador. The north and south will echo each other. It is expected that there will be no less than 10 permanent warships. .

At the same time, 4 troops will be stationed in Puerto Montt, and the remaining 2 will be stationed in the northernmost port of Akari in Chile. A medium-sized military port will be built there to serve as a transfer station for the two major military ports. At the same time, the six-nation coalition took the war to Tierra del Fuego, the southernmost island of South America. The South Chilean government soldiers fled to the part under the jurisdiction of Argentina. So the coalition used this as an excuse to send 3 troops and captured the area stationed there. The 500 Argentinian soldiers and the Southern Chilean soldiers who fled there, the control of Tierra del Fuego also fell into the hands of the coalition forces.

On April 1879, 4, when everyone was surprised by the rapid implementation of the covenant between Chile and the Netherlands as soon as it was signed, Argentina finally stood up.

"The security treaty between the Netherlands and Chile should not harm Argentina's interests. Tierra del Fuego is shared by Argentina and Chile. Although the Strait of Magellan is patrolled by Chile with the support of the United Kingdom, Argentina has never considered the Strait of Magellan to belong to Chile. in the inland sea, we demand that the six-nation coalition withdraw from the territory of Tierra del Fuego ruled by Argentina in the east.”

Argentina used this to refute the Chile-Netherlands Security Treaty.

However, the six-nation coalition claimed that this was at the request of Chilean President Arturo Lauzon. If Argentina feels that it has objections, it can negotiate with the Chilean government.

On April 1879, 4, Chilean President Lauzon chose to refute it directly in Santiago.

"Israel Tierra del Fuego has always been Chilean territory. Argentina used to be friendly with Chile, so Chile was willing to share the convenience of a maritime transit station with Argentina. However, the former government was indifferent to Argentina's aggressive occupation of the eastern part of the island, which has now resulted in bitter consequences. , allowing Argentina to turn borrowing into occupation. In this regard, my cabinet government is absolutely firmly opposed to and resists this act of losing territory. Therefore, I appeal to President Miter of Argentina. It is time for Argentina to put away its ambitions. Chile , not Uruguay, you can divide it up as you like.”

Arturo Lauzon's words immediately shocked the whole world and aroused great excitement among Chileans.

Originally, many people in Chile were dissatisfied with the fact that the government signed a treaty with the Netherlands that reduced its power. However, with the promotion of the Chilean government and the Netherlands, all targets turned to Argentina.

With the promotion, demonstrations against Argentina have appeared in various parts of Chile.With the guidance of private newspapers controlled by the government and controlled by Dutch capital, the tide changed and the outlet became Argentina.

On April 1879, 4, Prime Minister of the Dutch Cabinet Government Linden was invited to the Chilean Congress to give a speech together with Chilean President Arturo Lauzon.

This has attracted attention at home and abroad.

When Lyndon was asked by a Chilean congressman in Congress in the summer about his views on Argentina’s sovereignty over Tierra del Fuego and the Strait of Magellan.

He made remarks that were firmly detrimental to Argentina's safeguarding of Chile's sovereignty and interests.

Lyndon solemnly said to all Chilean cabinet members and congressmen at the Congress in Santiago:
"Today I am announcing here that the position of the Netherlands is: first, Tierra del Fuego is under the administration of the Chilean government; second, the Chile-Dutch Security Agreement applies to areas under the administration of Chile."

Linden looked at the excited smiles of the Chilean cabinet officials and congressmen in the audience, and he dropped the next bomb: "Third, therefore, the "Chile-Netherlands Security Treaty" applies to Tierra del Fuego. In this way, , making it clear that the Diaoyu Islands are the applicable objects of the Chile-Netherlands Security Treaty that stipulates the Netherlands’ defense obligations to Chile.”

As his words fell, the entire venue cheered. The original sovereignty agreement and security agreement in which the Netherlands took away Chile's military sovereignty should have had a negative effect on Chile, but instead, as Chile and Argentina fought in the Strait of Magellan and Tierra del Fuego, The dispute changed, and the Netherlands clearly supported Chile's sovereignty at this time, which turned the Netherlands from a thief into the most staunch supporter of Chile's ally.Many people in Chile who were originally anti-Dutch had to put away their objections. They understood that with the recognition of this treaty, Chile would really rely entirely on the Netherlands in the future.

As vested interests, if they don't stand up and take the lead, then he and their family will disappear forever.Chilean Presidential Palace.

As Dutch Prime Minister Linden supported Chile's position in Congress, he immediately gained support from everyone in Chile. This also made the Chilean president seem to have gone from being a humiliator to being the biggest supporter of Chilean sovereignty.

He was immediately supported by the Chileans, which he never expected.

Therefore, he smiled sincerely at Lyndon in front of him.

Seeing this, Lyndon said: "Your Excellency, the President can now be said to have formally established power in Chile. Coupled with his achievements in defeating Southern Chile, perhaps the greatest president of Chile in the future will be the President."

Lauzon was naturally excited when he heard this, but he spoke modestly.

Linden: "Chile will be the most important ally of the Netherlands in the future. We in the Netherlands treat every one of our allies sincerely. I know that there must be a thorn in the heart of the President."

Seeing that Lauzon was about to say something, Linden continued: "The Netherlands will never let its allies suffer."

Lauzon still didn't understand at this time that the Dutch president of the Christian Party in front of him was ready to promise "benefits."

Linden: "The Netherlands will invest heavily to help build Chilean civil port terminals. At the same time, the Netherlands' economic communication with South America will be through Chilean terminals as a transit port. At the same time, we will build a large number of factories in Chile. Help Chileans find jobs and improve Chile’s economic status.”

With the many benefits that Linden said, Lauzon's heart was no longer calm.

Seeing this, Linden threw a bone to lure the other party: "The reason why Argentina has developed into one of the ten largest economies in the world, in addition to its own agricultural economy, is because of the capital investment from the Netherlands, which allowed Argentina's industry to develop. On a large scale, as the relationship between the Netherlands and Argentina deteriorates, our Dutch capital will naturally gradually withdraw from Argentina."

Lyndon said to the eager and excited President Lauzon: "If President Lauzon does not object to these withdrawn capital and factories and introduces supportive policies to support them, I think Chile will try to become the next Argentina."

Lauzon: "Seriously?"

Linden affirmed: "Naturally, at that time, the Netherlands will ensure that the President's family will be allies of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the future."

Lauzon knew immediately that he had been convinced.

(End of this chapter)

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