Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 752: Diaz nailed to the cross and tortured

Chapter 752: Diaz was crucified and tortured
Kingdom of the Netherlands, mainland Australia, Melbourne.

After Secretary of Defense Fox waited for William IV to finish speaking, he said: "Your Majesty, Mexico has been in war for many years since it became independent in Spain, and there are scattered soldiers. Escorts of large plantation owners and bankrupt farmers, etc., often gang up as thieves, rob homes and homes, and injure people." It disturbs the local area, and successive governments are helpless.”

Baron Caslen, Speaker of the Privy Council and Speaker of the House of Commons, said with an unhappy expression: "After Díaz came to power in 1877, he recruited bandits and made them policemen to maintain law and order. This kind of policeman is called a very special policeman in Mexico. The infamous 'Country Rural Patrol'. The Rural Patrol's method of maintaining law and order is called "enforcement of the escape law", and they can kill innocent people at will.According to our statistics, during the past three years of Diaz's rule, tens of thousands of peasants were killed by the guns of the mounted patrols.So currently many people in our parliament are worried that being too closely associated with Díaz will affect the image of the Netherlands, especially the lower-class people in Mexico who will feel disgusted with the Netherlands."

Deputy Prime Minister Jules Danetang also said calmly: "I have to say that Díaz is very clever. His policy of bread or sticks for Mexican intellectuals has been very effective. He first expanded the bureaucracy. , allowing a large number of intellectuals to take up positions in government agencies at all levels and providing high salaries.

Education is controlled by the government, and those engaged in education can also live a comfortable life. Government subsidies for the retail sale of newspapers and periodicals are Díaz's propaganda tools.

Opposition newspapers also received subsidies privately, and the only people they opposed were those whom Díaz disliked or was ready to abandon.It is said that publishing anti-government remarks in newspapers will result in imprisonment or beheading.

Journalists who criticize Díaz are often sent to prison and tortured to death. At the beginning of this year, Filomeno Mata, a famous journalist in Mexico, was arrested and imprisoned three or four times for criticizing Díaz. Therefore, the vast majority of intellectuals remain silent about Díaz’s violence.”

He finally sighed: "This man is quite a political genius."

Foreign Minister Joseph Beit exclaimed: "It is said that Díaz, who is just 50 years old this year, actually married Carmelita, the 21-year-old daughter of Interior Minister Rubio. After the marriage, Díaz took advantage of the card. Melita's influence in the church led to a compromise with the Mexican Archbishop.

They secretly agreed that in the future, the appointment of Catholic clergy in Mexico must be approved by Díaz, and the government would cancel the decree on religious reform, return church property, establish monasteries and convents, allow the church to accumulate property, etc."

Joseph Beit said: "Through this agreement, the church became the spiritual pillar of support for Diaz. This allowed European countries to balance Mexico's original support for the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Mexico therefore fled. Exceeded the condemnation”

Joseph Beit supported: "Furthermore, diplomatically, Díaz reconciled with the Confederate States of America in the north, and even eased relations with the Confederate States of America in the south. He connected the Mexican railway extension to the Confederate States of America. , giving special discounts to the people of the Confederate States of South America. Because of this, businessmen from both South and North America are now coming in droves and becoming guests of Mexico."

The governments of the United States and South America were very satisfied with Díaz's closeness and praised him full of praise.Even now the President of the Federal Republic of the United States Stephen said that Díaz is "a hero worshiped by mankind", and the President of the Southern United States of America List called him "a great man of a generation", which has been recognized by both the United States and the United States. Armed threats to Mexico from other major powers.

.The U.S. government was very satisfied with Díaz's approach and praised him full of praise.U.S. Secretary of State Elihu Root said Díaz was "a hero worshiped by mankind" and "a great man."Since it has received asylum from the United States, it has eliminated armed threats to Mexico from other powers.Because of this, the Austro-Hungarian Empire now occupies the southeastern part of Mexico, but is unwilling to provoke the northern and southern governments of Mexico and the United States."

President Finance Minister John Press nodded and said: "This man is indeed outstanding." "However, as the influence of American businessmen increases, the owners of the largest manor in Mexico are not satisfied. They want to maintain feudalism." Debt serfdom and unwillingness to transform into a capitalist economy, Díaz hopes that agriculture can enter the international market while reducing its dependence on non-financial funds from both the North and the South of the United States."

Prime Minister Lyndon: "Diaz once said in private, 'Unfortunate Mexico is so close to the United States and so far from God.' It is conceivable how wary he is of the United States. Although Diaz hopes to develop Modernizing the economy, he was unwilling to go against the manor owners’ council members, because the article mainly relied on the support of these manor owners. In fact, the senior officials he appointed used local armed police to support the manor owners in gradually encroaching on the countryside. base land, so he is still not confident about the capital economy."

Chief Financial Secretary John Press said: "One rice feeds all kinds of people. The development of capital is developing well in Western Europe, but it has indeed brought disaster to the local working people in Mexico. When scientists were assigned to take charge of Mexico, workers were working hard every day." Able to work 12 hours to 14 hours, wages in the Americas are only 4 to 6 pesos (1 pound = 100 pesos), while strikes in Mexico are absolutely prohibited. Last year, the Cana Ni Ya copper miners in Sonora and Veracruz Workers at the Rio Branco cotton mill went on strike to raise wages and were suppressed by the government, with hundreds of people killed.”

In the countryside, in order to establish large farms of capital, the Díaz government plundered a large amount of land from Mexican farmers, whose main components were Indians and Indian mixed race people. Whether it was Indian communes or land cultivated by farmers during their time, because Unable to produce legal formalities, local government officials, manor owners and land speculators expropriated the land without compensation.The annexation of land has reached an astonishing degree. The 3000 million acres of land in Baja California are only owned by a few large families headed by Díaz.

One-fifth of the country's land is concentrated in the hands of 17 people. By last year, 600 farmers out of 450 million people across the country had no land.

As a result, most of the peasants who were driven out of their homes took turns paying serfs to the owners of large estates. On average, a serf could only receive 25-40 cents from his master every day (100 cents per peso, about 1/100 pounds or 1/20 U.S. dollars) prices are now rising, and the income of serfs is not even as good as during the Spanish colonial era. "

John Press: "I'm afraid we'll end up with another civil unrest in Mexico"

Other Home Secretary David Blanc.Industry Secretary Joseph Lanka, Transportation Secretary Byers, Education Secretary Mari Philip, and Energy Secretary Hester were all silent.

In addition, the chief justice: Robert Cook, the Lord Privy Seal and the Speaker of the House of Lords, Marquis Andrew Smith, fell into deep thought.

William IV saw everyone's expressions in his eyes and smiled: "Isn't this just right? We don't want to put all our eggs in one basket, so it's time to win over some grassroots villains in Mexico.

If the Netherlands wants to become a central global power, it must cultivate pro-Dutch figures among factions in various countries. Don't just bet on one side. After all, no one knows who will win the next election. "

(End of this chapter)

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