Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 765: Entertainment Strategy in the Netherlands

Chapter 765: Entertainment Strategy in the Netherlands

On August 1879, 8, the Pan-Slavic movement in Europe became more and more fierce, with Central and Southern Europe advancing separately.

In Helsinki in Northern Europe, Finns and Pan-Slavs clashed many times, with more than 100 casualties on both sides. The unyielding Finns allowed Europe to see for the first time the awakening of the Finns, who had been suppressed by Tsarist Russia for 70 years, although they were finally ordered by St. Petersburg. It was suppressed by the Tsarist Russian army, but "Finland will never die" resounded throughout Europe.

Perhaps it was encouraged by the Finns.

In Poland and Lithuania, Pan-Slavic movements and defenders of the Polish and Lithuanian nationalities also clashed in Warsaw and Vilnius respectively.Lithuania, in particular, had been one of the Baltic hegemons hundreds of years ago. However, its strength declined after being divided by Poland. Prussia pressed harder in the west, and Austria in the south also remained ambitious. They divided Poland and Lithuania with Tsarist Russia. Although the country of the former hegemon of the Baltic Sea was destroyed, its pride has never been lost. Therefore, the Finnish spark in the northern Baltic Sea ignited the southern Baltic Sea and triggered an anti-Pan-Slavic movement.

But compared to here, in the Balkans, the situation is much more complicated.

Serbia and Romania are the most pro-Russian, but it is true that some people in Bulgaria are pro-Russian, but there are also many supporters of the British, and Austria-Hungary is ahead of them. Therefore, the centrists have always been close to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but the threat of the Ottoman Empire is also Let the three parties sometimes unite to fight against the Ottoman Empire.

Therefore, although there were sporadic small fires in the Pan-Slavic movement in Bulgaria, they were quickly extinguished.

A Pan-Slavic movement, led by Finland, came fiercely and left gently.

Obviously, everyone knows that this cannot really be just a folk movement. Without the promotion of a behind-the-scenes hand, there would never be such a big battle.

By the time the wave subsided, it was September 1879, 9.

During this period, countries such as Berlin and London expressed their disapproval of the Pan-Slavic movement, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire in Vienna did not allow the movement to undermine the foundation of peace in Europe.

These three powers even made it clear that they did not support the suppression of the anti-Pan-Slav movement, as this was not a well-known move.

Obviously, these three countries are already very vigilant about this.

"Everyone with a discerning eye knows that this is the result of the support of the Tsarist Russia. We clearly support the brave rebels in Finland because they know that they should not live under the iron heel of oppression. It is said that more than 200 people were killed and injured in Helsinki mainly because of Tsarist Russia. The military directly opened fire and suppressed it. The student protesters there were dissatisfied and emotional. We strongly condemn Tsarist Russia’s practice of shooting students. This is not something a big country would do. On the contrary, the loving God does not like to see it either. to this scene.

Therefore, with our help, the Finns have established a Finnish National Power Association in London. London does not support their unfriendly actions against Tsarist Russia, but it also supports their peaceful and questionable interests. We call on St. Petersburg to follow The Finnish National Power Association conducts negotiations, and the UK can participate as an intermediary to promote peace.”

On September 1879, 9, British Prime Minister Creston spoke compassionately to Tsarist Russia in London, and at the same time extended a hand of support to Finland. His sympathetic words made people almost take them seriously.

However, St. Petersburg simply ignored the British appeal.

This made Britain suddenly lose face.

Maybe he was irritated.

On September 1879, 9, the Lithuanian and Polish National Associations were established in London respectively. Britain once again declared that it supported the rights that these two nations should have and should be responded to and implemented.

At this point, Britain finally showed its claws to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.At this time, St. Petersburg would naturally not compromise easily. Alexander II directly called his old lover Queen Victoria. He asked the queen to take care of her subjects, and expressed that he did not like to see the countries behind the two fighting against each other.

However, to Alexander II's surprise, Queen Victoria's answer was to kill her, the man she first loved.

Queen Victoria: "As I get older, at 60 years old, I can no longer keep up with the changes in the world. The future is the world of young people. Therefore, I can only say that I agree with the Tsar's appeal, but it does not mean that I will intervene in this Let’s go into this matter, because to tell you the truth, I have handed over the British royal family’s handling of European politics and military affairs to Prince Edward, Prince of Wales. These days, Prince Edward is working hard to learn how to handle government affairs. I have seen it all. As the future British Crown Prince, I will continue to give him opportunities to exercise, including this matter, from the beginning to the end."

Netherlands, mainland Australia, Melbourne.

"The golden couple who once caused a sensation in Europe were forcibly separated by their respective countries in 1838. Their love led to hatred, so women must not be offended."

Lyndon nodded and said: "Your Majesty, Europe is now in chaos because of the Pan-Slavic movement. Do we want to get involved?"

"I always believe that I will never do anything that is not beneficial." William IV looked at Lyndon and asked: "My Excellency, Prime Minister, tell me, what are the benefits?"

Linden's face suddenly became calm and he said: "I think the more chaotic Europe becomes, maybe Bismarck's practice of blocking immigrants from migrating to the Netherlands in the German Empire can be broken immediately."

William IV: "But until now, Germany, caught in the middle, has not made any move in the confrontation between Britain and Tsarist Russia. Obviously Bismarck is not eager to participate, and he is also afraid that we will be behind."

"Not only Germany, but also Austria and Hungary are silent. This is a bit abnormal."

Linden asked on a whim: "Your Majesty, when Prussia, Austria and Tsarist Russia were separated in Poland, and Lithuania was annexed by Tsarist Russia, you said that if the Polish national movement in Poland happened within Prussia's sphere of influence, Tsarist Russia and Austria What is Hungary’s attitude?”

Lyndon's words made William IV stunned, "It's interesting, keep talking."

Lyndon continued: "The German Empire's early rise made Tsarist Russia, which has always been the most powerful country in Northern and Eastern Europe, very vigilant. Prussia blocked Tsarist Russia's southwest development route.

I don’t think St. Petersburg would be happy to see such a powerful neighbor standing in front of it.

The Austro-Hungarian revolution was defeated by Prussia. Although it appeared to be a reconciliation, who knows whether it is true or not.

If it happens on the Austro-Hungarian side, I think the same is true for the other two sides, so I think we can start a movement by provoking the Poles and follow our hearts to cause trouble in the places controlled by these three countries. The gains must be not small. After all, Britain does it. Very good”

William IV nodded realistically. Suddenly, he looked at Lyndon with a half-smile: "I think what you are doing is true or false. It is true that you moved the Poles to us."

Lyndon: "I knew I couldn't hide it from His Majesty."

"In that case, let's change our strategy this time and attack with entertainment and culture." William IV looked at Linden's puzzled eyes and explained softly.

(End of this chapter)

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