Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 767 Lithuania and Poles

Chapter 767 Lithuania and Poles

As the German Empire rose step by step, it was false that he had no pressure. With each rise and fall, the status of Prussia and Austria changed. The former rose too fast. Alexander II no longer had the confidence to suppress Prussia.

In the past, it could rely on Austria, but now Austria-Hungary has bowed to Germany's Berlin.

In the Triple Alliance of Tsarist Russia, Austria, and Prussia, Tsarist Russia, which used to be dominant, was actually isolated, and its status was also greatly affected. Tsarist Russia was no longer the only one.

Therefore, strengthening Tsarist Russia became the most urgent thing for him.

The dispute over whether Chopin was Polish or Slavic expanded.


On October 1879, 10, Badlevski, Dombrowski, Bobrovsky and other revolutionaries organized the "Hong-Party" in Warsaw and established the The Democratic Committee that led the uprising, they decided to combine the national revolution and peasant revolution with the Polish uprising, and established close ties with other dissatisfied people in Tsarist Russia. On October 3, 1879, Tsarist Russia Authorities arrested Dombrowski.

At the same time, on October 1879, 10, the Tsarist Empire introduced compulsory conscription. All young people suspected of planning an uprising were included in the conscription list. The leaders of the Hong Kong Party decided to start an uprising on October 15.

On October 1879, 10, they established the Chinese National Committee and the Provisional National Government. They promulgated a declaration of uprising and a decree to emancipate the serfs, declared that the land would forever belong to the tillers, and called on Poland, Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine to The ethnic people staged armed resistance and overthrew the reactionary rule of Tsarist Russia.

Participating in the activities were workers, craftsmen, petty bourgeoisie and peasants, launching a guerrilla war, which soon expanded to Lithuania, Western Belarus-Russia, and Western Ukraine.

In early November, the poorly equipped insurgents with only over 11 people fought more than 2 battles of varying sizes with the regular army combatants of the Tsarist Russian Empire. They dealt a heavy blow to the Tsarist Russian army and forced the Tsarist government to continue to attack the Russian Empire. Increase troops in Poland and Lithuania, and at the same time increase troops in the Finnish area in the north, which is lit by the flames of Lithuania and Poland.

Even Ukraine made Alexander II nervous and kept increasing his troops.

The development of the situation in the Tsarist Empire is confusing and has attracted huge international attention.

The German Empire took the lead in announcing its support for the Tsarist Russian government on November 11. "Everyone is willing to see a turbulent Tsarist Russian Empire. If St. Petersburg makes a request, then we will provide help to Tsarist Russia."

Bismarck made it clear in Berlin that the German Empire was willing to send troops to help suppress it if necessary.

Berlin's statement shocked the people in Poland who were revolting.

Especially in the Polish areas ruled by the Kingdom of Prussia in the German Empire, grand demonstrations were held. More than 30 people took to the streets to express their dissatisfaction with Bismarck and the German government. "We demand support for our Polish compatriots in the Tsarist Russian Empire and oppose the power of the Tsarist Russian Empire." As for the repressive move, if Prime Minister Bismarck spoke from the standpoint of opposing the Poles in Berlin, then we definitely think that Bismarck was a move that was inherently hostile to the Poles."

As various anti-Russian actions by Poles and Lithuanians seemed to spread to Germany, this craze began to spread unexpectedly.

On November 1879, 11, the number of troops deployed by the Tsarist Empire in these places increased to 25, accounting for almost half of the total land forces of the Tsarist Russian army.The leader of the Red-dang was not afraid of sacrifice in the face of the superior strength of these enemies and fought bloody battles. Badlevky and others even sacrificed their lives one after another, but this did not affect the resistance of others.These rebels led other armies to fight on the front lines, such as Warsaw, Poland, Vilnius, Lithuania, and Riga, Latvia. The White Party, composed of representatives of the big landowners and capitalist class, usurped the power of the leaders of the uprising.

On December 1879, 12, the White Party regime of Langevitch was established, which refused to implement the decree of liberating serfs and implemented the policy of separatism and trafficking. On December 10, 1879, Traugut wrested leadership from the rebels and continued to lead the uprising, but it was too late and the situation was over.

On February 1880, 2, the tsarist government issued a directive to emancipate serfs in the Kingdom of Poland and the Principality of Lithuania. This brought an end to the high-pressure policy after months of resistance, and many small capital and craftsmen felt relieved.

This is exactly what Alexander II wanted to see. On March 3, Traugut and four of his comrades were captured. On March 11, several people were shot. With the sacrifice of these people, the headless The uprising was eventually suppressed.

This suppression by the Tsarist Empire shocked the world, but the repressive policy implemented by the German Empire in Poland was also revealed to the world as the Tsarist Russian Empire calmed down.

It turned out that when the Bismarck government was paying attention to the territory of the Tsarist Russian Empire, the German government separately suppressed the Polish regions it ruled.

Szczecin crackdown - gun crackdown - shooting!More than 800 Poles were shot.

Gorzów's demonstration was suppressed, and three hundred Poles fled.

Assassination in Poznan!The successful assassination of the German Governor of Poland shocked Berlin. In the end, 80 troops were dispatched to interrogate the Poles for three months. In the end, more than [-] Poles died for the matter.

As these incidents were exposed one by one, Tsarist Russia was somewhat dissatisfied with Germany's practice of hiding behind Tsarist Russia to reap benefits.

The Austro-Hungarian Empire did not give in too much. In the southern part of Poland they controlled, taking advantage of the fact that Tsarist Russia was at the forefront and its reputation spread far and wide, the Austro-Hungarian Empire was also tightening its control over the Polish region.

Faced with the actions of the three countries, although Britain wanted to intervene, it had to face the pressure of the three countries. In the end, it could only continue to firmly accuse the Tsarist Empire.


"In this uprising of the Polish and Lithuanian people, although Germany and Austria-Hungary used Tsarist Russia to control the Polish areas in the country, the Dutch were the biggest winners this time.

8 Poles and Lithuanians immigrated to the Netherlands, which allowed the Dutch German Empire to contain the loopholes in Dutch population migration that continued to expand.

According to statistics, more than 3 Poles in Germany arrived in the European territories of the Netherlands in just 3 months, while more than 5 Poles in Tsarist Russia and more than 8 Poles in Austria-Hungary arrived.

Perhaps the German Empire should strengthen law enforcement, otherwise the country's population will continue to be hollowed out by the Netherlands. "

(End of this chapter)

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