Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 771 Situation in the North Pacific

Chapter 771 Situation in the North Pacific

In October 1878, the Ottoman Empire agreed to establish a representative government in Crete and appointed an Orthodox Christian as governor. In 10, peace talks on the Greek border began.

At present, Greece is at a time when the Pan-Slavic movement is spreading towards the Balkan Peninsula. Many people in Greece have proposed taking advantage of the power of Tsarist Russia to put pressure on the Ottomans, asking the latter to agree to give Ioannina and Olympus to Greece. However, the Ottomans were rejected. Imperial opposition.

Cantur: "Your Majesty, the current Greek Prime Minister Trikoupis put aside his mistake and ordered war mobilization to threaten the Ottoman Empire. The opposition party Kumunduros fanned the flames and stated that the opposition party would not accept the transfer of Thessaly by the Ottoman Empire and would not It is not possible to return Epirus to Greece, even if Epirus cedes Arta and returns it to Greece. This puts the Greek ruling party into a passive position,"

William IV sneered: "Yes, I shouldn't. This Trikupis actually wants to burn the flames on the royal family again. Do they think my father William III is easy to bully? Greece has been peaceful for too long, let their The political world doesn’t even know who is the boss anymore.”

On May 1875, 5, Trikupis, who had published anonymous comments against William III in newspapers, became prime minister. He borrowed the method of the three-party coalition in the Netherlands to coerce William III to recognize the constitutional principle, that is, the king has an obligation Trusting the leader of the Assembly to form the government if the latter could lead a majority of the Assembly, he formed the Neohellenic Party, the first political party in modern Greece.

On October 10 of the same year, Kumunduros's National Party united with other political parties to oppose him in the general election, causing him to step down. However, the principle of the party holding the majority in parliament to form a government was determined.
However, both of them were ambitious people. In the next five years, they quickly used the power of their respective political parties to basically turn the Greek political arena into a debate between Trikoupis and Kumundoulos and their successor Trigiannis. Taking turns as Prime Minister of Greece.

William IV remembered that in his previous life, it seemed that these three guys had just arrived at the beginning of the 20th century before stepping down and being replaced.

If his father had not become king in Greece, he would not have any feelings towards the three of them. However, William III was his father who he pushed to become king in Greece and now may be ignored. William IV naturally had no favorable impressions.

William IV: "I remember that the Principality of Albania is still ruled by the Ottoman Empire?"

Kantur: "Yes, the Ottoman Empire began its military invasion of the Principality of Albania in 1385. It was invaded a second time in 1415 and the country was destroyed. It has been ruled by the Ottoman Turks for 465 years."

William IV: "How is the strength distributed there now?"

Linden's eyes shone brightly. Every time William IV asked this question, it meant that there was a place where he could start. Macrud next to him also thought the same, so the two of them looked at Cantur expectantly.

Cantur: “Currently, the Albanian settlements are mainly concentrated into two ethnic groups and have formed different written languages. Karen, who lives in the south of the Shkunbini River, is mainly engaged in agriculture and has no competition with geographical and transportation conditions. Good, so the economy and culture are relatively developed, mainly close to Greece and the Principality of Macedonia in the east, and it is relatively peaceful. The north of the river is relatively poor, close to Croatia and Serbia, and there is a mixed bag of fish and dragons."

Seeing that William IV remained silent, Cantur continued: "Since the beginning of the 50s, the Albanians have held many uprisings, but they were all suppressed by the rulers of the Ottoman Empire."

William IV: "Can we win over Albania to allow us to garrison troops?"

Hearing this, Mark Luder showed excitement on his face, and Linden showed a look that was indeed the case.

Kantur paused for a moment, and then said with an expression of embarrassment: "The north of the Shkunbini River is chaotic and poor, the south is peaceful and prosperous, the north seems to be influenced by the Pan-Slavic movement, and the south is yearning for life in Greece. If it is true If we want to win over each other, the north may bring us into contact with the Tsarist Empire and Serbian targets, and even there is close to Montenegro. I am afraid that the war will eventually burn to us."

William IV glanced at Cantur and said, "What do you mean, if we want to attack, we can only attack south of the Shikunbini River?"

Cantur nodded, but still smiled bitterly: "The south is also difficult."

Macrud said impatiently: "Mr. Cantur, you are having difficulties in both the north and the south. What do you mean?"

Kantur: "Tsarist Russia and Austria-Hungary are there in the north, but in the south, the Ottoman Empire and the United Kingdom are there. The United Kingdom is very fond of the geographical location there." Linden: "You mean, the United Kingdom is preparing to establish a navy there. Base, so you’re staring there?”

"That's right," Cantur said: "This is also the reason why there is prosperity but chaos is caused by arrests. Both parties in Greece know where the British are looking, and so does the Ottoman Empire."

Mark Rudd said unhappily: "Why should Britain withdraw if it likes us? The Netherlands lacks a piece of its own territory in the Mediterranean. If Southern Albania falls into our hands, then the influence of the Netherlands will be unprecedented. We will no longer be completely dependent on the convenience provided by Greece as we are now, and we will not be destabilized by the internal situation in Greece."

Cantur smiled bitterly and said: "This is true, but the British have been operating there for hundreds of years, and even the Ottoman Empire has to give in. It would be too difficult for us to intervene, let alone"

William IV: "What more?"

Cantur said: "The Kingdom of Italy is also staring there in the west. The Salentina Peninsula is only over a hundred seas away from Albania across the Strait of Tranto. Italy does not mind increasing its influence in Albania."

When Linden and Mark Lude heard this, they were a little frustrated.

It has to be said that with Britain, Italy and the Ottoman Empire, plus a troubled and chaotic interior of Greece, it is really difficult for the Netherlands to intervene in Albania's internal affairs.

So both of them felt that giving up was really the best choice.

William IV said: "I think nothing is absolute. Take a look, I have Albanian internal information here."

Several people couldn't help but feel moved when they heard this. Seeing William IV's serious expression, they couldn't help but look down quickly after taking it.

I saw this information marked with top secret information, and the content was: In March 1880, a national uprising broke out in the Dechichi Mountains of Albania. Because the feudal lords who led the uprising were in agreement with the rulers of the Ottoman Empire, Seek compromise and fail.

The Ottoman Empire agreed to divide Albania into a principality with full autonomy.

William IV: "We have people lurking in Tirana, the capital of the Principality of Albania, for a long time. It's time to take action."

"And Prime Minister Lyndon, if I remember correctly, Britain has been active in the northwest Pacific recently. We have always said that the Pacific belongs to the Netherlands. Be careful that the backup is occupied," William IV said dissatisfied.

Lin Deng frowned when he heard this and asked cautiously: "I wonder what your Majesty is referring to?"

William IV: "The situation on the Korean peninsula and Japan has been unstable recently, especially the latter. After the Meiji Restoration began, it touched the inherent interests of their domestic forces and caused internal turmoil. Britain, France and the United States are all in Look, I will focus my energy there recently, so on the Albanian side, your cabinet government will proceed according to the idea just now."

William IV made a shocking statement: ""The situation in the North Pacific will determine whether the Netherlands' dominance in the Pacific is really strong."

(End of this chapter)

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