Chapter 776 General Manager Yamen

On March 1880, 3, Dutch Deputy Prime Minister Jules Danetang was about to meet with Li Hongzhang, the leader of the ancient Far East ocean affairs.

Afterwards, Jules Danetang publicly stated that he would support the other country and asked other countries to take care of the interests of this large country in the Far East.

Li Hongzhang responded naturally to this, expressing his recognition of the Netherlands' dominant position in the Pacific.

The support of the Netherlands surprised Empress Dowager Cixi and Emperor Guangxu, who had been emperor for six years.

Li Hongzhang was transferred to the post of Governor of Zhili in the ninth year of Emperor Tongzhi's reign (1870), and later served as Minister of Commerce of Beiyang.

In the tenth year of Tongzhi (1871), Li Daguan, together with Zeng Guo Pan Huizou and Chen Lanbin, selected bright students to go to the Netherlands for the first time, mainly in universities in Dutch Australia and Jakarta, Indonesia) and the Pacific. Study abroad in the United States.

In the same month, Representative Li had another meeting with Japan
The "Qing-Japanese Repair Regulations" was signed, which was a treaty of equality and mutual benefit between both parties.However, from the attitude of the Fuso people during the signing process, Mr. Li saw Japan's "future hidden dangers that will inevitably cause trouble in the future." Sure enough, three years later in 3,
Fu-Sang State sent troops to -tai-island in an attempt to invade -tai-
Mr. Li, who had been on guard against it for a long time, actively supported the Qing-government and sent Shen Baozhen as the imperial envoy to lead the fleet to Tai-Island. He also mobilized 6500 Tang Dingkui troops from the Huai-Army garrisoned in Xu-zhou to go to Tai-Island in batches. , this matter finally made Fu-Sang country retreat and did not dare to bully Qing-country, so Japan had to sign the "Treaty of Hokuto Kyo" to calm down.

But what worries Li Zhongzhang is that he recently received news that Japan has been harassing the Ryukyu Islands in the south of Kyushu Island since last year (the fifth year of Guangxu, 5), which is a subsidiary of Qing Dynasty. China, like Korea, guards Tai-Island. If Japan really takes the opportunity to occupy the Ryukyu Islands, Tai-Island will be in danger.

"Sir, Master Zuo Guo Songtao and Master Zeng Jize are here."

Just when Li Hongzhang was filled with worries, the butler's voice sounded.

He suppressed his worries, straightened his expression, and said, "Let them come in."

"Yes, sir"

Not long after, a white-haired old man about 60 years old appeared, but like the middle-aged man next to him, his eyes were so calm that it was scary.

Li Hongzhang thought to himself: He is indeed the first and second leader in diplomacy. His calmness is so elusive.

"Master Li"

I saw two people performing Qing Dynasty rituals and worshiping.

"You two don't need to be polite." Mr. Li asked Guo Songtao: "I heard that Mr. Guo has been feeling unwell recently?"

Guo Songtao smiled and said: "It's just a minor problem, it doesn't bother me."

Li Hongzhang shook his head and said: "It seems like a small problem, but it can actually cause a big disaster."

The two people who had just arrived couldn't help but feel a sinking look in his words. Guo Songtao was once the Qing minister to Britain and France.

Zeng and Jize were the second sons of Zeng Guopan, the leader of the Hunan Army who had passed away (the eldest son died young). He did not inherit his father's business, but his fourth uncle Zeng Guoquan inherited the position of leader of the Hunan Army. .

He entered the diplomatic world and alternated the positions of ministers in France and Britain with Guo Songtao. The two were leaders in Qing's diplomatic circles, and both came from Hunan Province. They were known as the Second General Guo Zeng in the diplomatic circles.

Li Hongzhang naturally won't look for trouble when he invites the two of them this time. Their diplomatic qualifications gave him hope of alleviating his worries.So as soon as the two of them sat down, he started to make false propositions.

In 1861, Emperor Xianfeng approved the proposal to establish a new diplomatic agency, and the Zongli Yamen announced the completion of its reorganization.

The Qing Dynasty was forced to set up yamen in addition to the six ministries to oversee the affairs of various countries to be responsible for specific affairs. Next, the British, Dutch, French, Tsarist Russia, the United States, Japan, the five coastal defense groups, and other envoys abroad were established according to the degree of importance.

From then on, the Qing Premier's Yamen was in charge of foreign affairs, stationed diplomatic envoys, and also supervised customs, trade, post and telecommunications, military factories, roads, mines, coastal defense, Tongwen Museum and dispatched overseas students, etc., taking over the former Lifan Yuan and the Ministry of Rites. Related affairs, and expanded to some extent, was the highest agency in charge of foreign affairs in the Qing Dynasty in 1880.

The current organizational structure of this yamen is all modeled on the Military Aircraft Department. There are three to more than a dozen general ministers, led by the prince. Others are called ministers, ministers on the road, ministers on the study, etc. There are also other establishments. General office Zhang Jing, assistant office Zhang Jing, and several other people.

Among them, officials are currently divided into two levels: Prime Minister and Zhang Jing.The ministers are led by the prince, who is the chief minister. The chief minister is Prince Gong, who has been in office for 1861 years from 20 to now.

Now Li Hongzhang is the second minister to the Prime Minister. In fact, Gong Qin and Wang Yi are often left to Mr. Li to operate. Therefore, Li Hongzhang has great power, and Guo Songtao, the minister, is the third in power. The No. [-] figure, and the minister Zeng Jize, learned to walk on the road, and the No. [-] figure became Li Hongzhang's effective assistant.

I saw Zeng Ji Ze now: "Master Li is afraid of the provocative actions of Britain and France in the south?"

In 1877, Zeng Jize inherited his father Zeng Guo-Pan's hereditary Marquis. At the end of the year, he served as Qing's minister (ambassador) to Britain, France and the Netherlands. During his time as ambassador, he had an in-depth understanding of the history and national conditions of various countries, studied international public law, and inspected the industry and commerce of Western countries. That is, the social situation was shocking to the economies of Britain, France and the Netherlands.

In 1879 (the fifth year of Guangxu reign), he concurrently served as ambassador to Russia.Negotiated with Tsarist Russia on the recovery of Iraq-Li, and signed the "Qing-Russia Revision Treaty" in early January 5, recovering the land and some rights in the Iraq-Litq-Saas River. This is considered to be a relatively successful diplomacy of Qing in recent years. action.

Because of this, Zeng Jize, who was born in 1839, was able to sit in the fourth position of the Premier Yamen.Many people even speculate that he may be Li Hongzhang's successor in the future.

And his identity as the second son of Zeng Guopan who passed away made his career growth even more powerful.

Li Hongzhang said without denying: "Although Britain and France are just practicing there now, no one knows whether they are posturing or preparing for war."

Li Zhongzhang smiled bitterly and said: "It's okay if Britain and France intervene, but Japan's intervention is the most difficult thing."

Guo Songtao said curiously: "Now Britain is obviously helping Japan. Why is Britain doing this? It seems that Britain may gain more than it loses. If it had known that it would help Japan become stronger, Britain's position in East Asia might be better in the future. decline"

He was born as a Jinshi in the 27th year of Daoguang Dynasty (1847), and assisted Zeng Guopan in the fourth year of Xianfeng Dynasty (1854)-sixth year (1856) and was his staff.

In the first year of Tongzhi (1862), he was appointed
He was the salt transport envoy to Huaihe and Huaihe Rivers, and was appointed governor of Guangdong in the second year of Tongzhi.

But later, his relationship with Zeng Guopan broke out, and he was driven to the edge of the Hunan Army.

In the first year of Guangxu's reign (1875), he secretly approached Wen Xiang, the Minister of Economic Affairs and Military Aircraft Department, and was recommended to the Prime Minister's Yamen. Soon after, he became the Minister to the United Kingdom. Ambassador to France, in 1878, at the age of 1879, he was called back to China to serve as the Prime Minister's Yamen Minister to study and walk. The next year, he became the minister to study and walk. Zeng Jize, 61, took over his position as the minister to study and walk.

Therefore, the relationship between Zeng Jize and Guo Song Tao was not good.

The fights caused by the different diplomatic lines between the two often gave Li Hong headaches.

(End of this chapter)

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