Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 791 The anger of the two parties in the United States

Chapter 791 The anger of the two parties in the United States

On June 1880, 6, when Thomas, the Secretary of State of the United States Federal State, left Melbourne, the Netherlands and was sailing to Tokyo, Japan, a visiting delegation from the Netherlands set out from Melbourne at the same time.

The visiting delegation is jointly led by Zimmermann, director of the Defense Committee of the Dutch Parliament (deputy leader of the Christian Party) and Vogts, deputy leader of the Socialist Party. It will visit Mexico City, the capital of Mexico, from June 6st to June 21th. The members of the visiting delegation include Director of the Democratic Committee of the Dutch Parliament Alt (Christian Party), Diplomatic Spokesperson of the Socialist Group Reissit and others, among whom the Director of the National Defense Committee and the Director of the Democratic Committee are visiting Mexico for the first time. They are highly regarded. symbolic meaning.

As this news spread, the world couldn't help but turn its attention from the Far East to Mexico in the eastern Pacific. Many people knew that the relationship between the Netherlands and the United States had deteriorated. But now, the Netherlands' retaliation against the United States and the United Kingdom has not This is a direct slap in the face of the United States. Now, there will be something good to watch.

Afterwards, Mexico's statement seemed to add fuel to the fire.

On June 1880, 6, the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the members of the upcoming delegation look forward to having an in-depth understanding of Mexico's development and security conditions through on-site inspections, and to strengthen exchanges and cooperation between the two parties on related issues, so as to enhance the shared value between Mexico and the Netherlands. and friendly partnership.

The Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs is pleased to see that the Netherlands is actively participating in the affairs of the eastern Pacific and is committed to maintaining peace in the Caribbean. It also hopes to work with partners with similar ideas such as the Netherlands to jointly enhance security, economic peace, stability and prosperity in the Caribbean and the eastern Pacific. .

The Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, "This is the first Dutch Congressional delegation since 1880, and also the third Dutch Congressional delegation within 1879 months after the visit of the Dutch Congressional Friendship Group with Mexico and the Democratic Committee in August 8. The Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed its sincere visit to the delegation’s visit to Mexico.”

The delegation will land in the southwestern coastal port city of Acapulco de Juarez in Mexico on June 6, and then start heading north along the land channel, and is expected to arrive in Mexico City on June 20.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands stated that during its visit to Mexico, the visiting delegation will meet with Mexican President Porfirio Díaz, deliver a friendship speech between the two countries at the Mexican Congress, and accept a grand dinner hosted by the Mexican Congress. The visiting delegation will also visit local officials. There are good teams and scholars in the Netherlands, and we will participate in the evening of local enterprises established by Dutch capital.

The spokesperson of the Mexican Presidential Office pointed out that since the current Mexican President Porfirio Díaz came to power, the Netherlands has begun to incorporate its policies towards Mexico into its campaign politics, advocating cooperation with American partners and other countries that are close allies of the Netherlands, especially Dutch allies in the Americas. Together, we will build a good American alliance and protect American countries. Mexico very much recognizes the Dutch approach. Therefore, President Porfirio Díaz will coordinate with the Dutch diplomatic concept to ensure that various affairs in the Americas are handled through diplomatic channels. strategic architecture.

The spokesman also pointed out that during the negotiations to jointly form a cabinet between the Dutch Christian Party and the Socialist Party government, there were rumors that the Netherlands was friendly to Mexico. This is a very fortunate thing for Mexico. Therefore, the further development of relations between the two countries is inevitable. choices and trends.

It is reported that the Netherlands is formulating a new strategy to adopt a more calm attitude towards relations with Mexico, aiming to reduce its dependence on the United States in the North American situation.The Dutch media have also followed up with reports. Kent, the Dutch ambassador to Mexico, said that the new strategy adopted by the Stephen Douglas government of the United States towards the Netherlands is ideologically-led, reflecting the United States' thinking that seems to be burning bridges by crossing rivers, and will affect the future of the Netherlands and the United States. cooperation between.

Kent added that if the U.S. government's anti-Dutch behavior continues like this, it will set up obstacles for future cooperation between the two countries. "At least according to the first draft of the report, the Netherlands will coordinate more closely with allies with similar aspirations, such as Mexico, on U.S. policy in the future." This means that the Dutch government will abandon its practice of closely supporting U.S. independent development. In terms of North American policies, the Netherlands will In addition, looking for other ways to move forward, obviously, the Netherlands will let the United States know what pain is.

On June 1880, 6, newspapers with world-class influence such as Luxembourg's "European Times", Australia's "Australia Times", Britain's "Financial Times" and "The Times", the United States' "New York Times", etc., all They have all seen a preliminary draft of the future Dutch government’s policy on the United States. In this “Internal Guidelines for the United States” report, the planned measures against the United States include requiring Dutch companies that have contact with the United States to share business details with the government, and Regularly accept the stress test of cutting off commercial ties with the United States.

At the same time, the Dutch government's guidance also requires an internal review of the political contacts between the United States and its allies in the Netherlands to determine how much influence it will have on the United States through two models: hard or soft.

Many people have speculated that "the Dutch government's actions are ultimately contradictory. They always emphasize that they are not interested in confronting different camps and are unwilling to fall out with the United States directly. However, for many people, they can smell Reports that are suspected of directly deteriorating relations between the Netherlands and the United States.”

Many senior officials in Washington expressed dissatisfaction anonymously. The Democratic Party chairman of the U.S. Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, Freelinghuysen, is a political ally of U.S. President Stephen Douglas.In an interview with the Washington Post, he said, “I feel very disturbed by the relevant reports I saw in the media and what people in the delegation learned about the situation in the Netherlands. This report (on the new U.S. strategy ) gives the impression that it is dominated by the ideology of confrontation with the United States, and many of them are based on the common interests of the Netherlands and the United States."

The head of the U.S. Senate Foreign Affairs Committee said: "As far as I know, this report exaggerates the competition and confrontation between the two countries, and it is more like it is completely inconsistent. I have also heard that certain values ​​and democracy will become the two countries." As a prerequisite for future cooperation, it is said that the Netherlands will establish an American Human Rights Commission in Sydney to monitor whether the personal rights of ethnic minorities and black people in the United States have been harmed. Obviously, the Netherlands is prepared to directly and brutally intervene in the United States. It’s an internal matter.”

However, Senate Whip Harbeck, one of the top Republicans, said that the Netherlands’ approach was slightly gentler than the United States’ intervention in the Pacific West. “I know that the United States under Stephen’s administration sometimes speaks harsher words, but this It is not our overall way in the United States, so there is no problem in trading with the Netherlands in areas where there are no problems, but in areas where there are problems, we must be more cautious than before. After all, the Netherlands is competing for hegemony between the two world powers, Britain and France. , and at the same time, we are taking unfriendly actions with Ben-ben, the market that the United States has developed early in the Pacific. We also agree with the Democratic Party’s self-protection approach.”

Habage laughed and said: "Seriously, I am not optimistic about the Netherlands choosing Mexico to fight the United States."

(End of this chapter)

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