At the beginning of Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, I can transfer experience

Chapter 7 A martial arts secret book fell from the sky

Chapter 7 A martial arts secret book fell from the sky

"Senior Brother Jieshuai, do you know that two major events happened in our temple last night?"

Early in the morning, Jiezhi ran to the Sutra Pavilion to find Chen Shuai, and asked mysteriously as soon as he arrived.

At this time, Chen Shuai had no time to think about it, because most of the scriptures in the Sutra Pavilion were burned. Although they were all handwritten copies, Chen Shuai needed to complete these scriptures.

"What two major events?" Chen Shuai asked without squinting.

"The first thing is the pagoda incident last night. You should have heard of this. There were demons who invaded the pagoda and wanted to free the demons imprisoned inside."

"Yeah." Chen Shuai replied.

"But Senior Brother Jishuai, you must not know that this is just a way for the demons to attack the east and west. It turns out that their real goal is the relics of the Relic Temple."


Hearing this, Chen Shuai's pen froze. Unexpectedly, his guess last night was true.

He looked up at Jie Zhi and asked, "What are they going to do by stealing the relics?"

"I don't know about that, but in the end they all failed." Jiezhi was a little happy to see Chen Shuai looking at him, but was stopped by his question and couldn't help scratching his head.

"What about the other thing? Is it related to the Sutra Pavilion?" Chen Shuai continued to copy books.

"Of course not." Jie Zhi retorted loudly after hearing this.

As a result, the monks who were reading scriptures around him turned to look at him. Seeing this, he smiled awkwardly, then lowered his voice and said:
"Another thing is that there is a traitor among us monks!"

"Say the point!"

Chen Shuai stared at the mysterious Jie Zhi and smiled.

"The key point is that last night, a handyman monk took advantage of the dancing demons to kill several senior brothers from the Discipline Academy. Later, he was discovered by the disciples of the Discipline Academy. After losing a fight with the leader of the Discipline Academy, the other monk ran down the mountain, and he ran away. "

Jie Zhi finished speaking in one breath, then looked at Chen Shuai's expression and saw the surprise in his eyes, and finally smiled.

"Also, I'm afraid you don't know, Senior Brother Jishuai. I heard from other senior brothers that the guy who set fire to the Sutra Pavilion last night was Duan Li. If it weren't for him setting the fire, I'm afraid the head of the Discipline Hall wouldn't have been able to find him. , why do you think he ran to the Sutra Pavilion and set fire to it when he was fine?"


As Jie Zhi was talking, he found that the pen barrel held by Chen Shuai suddenly broke, and his voice stopped suddenly. He stared at Chen Shuai non-stop: "Are you okay?"

Chen Shuai shook his head and said, "It's okay. I guess he's full and has nothing to do."


Jie Zhi simply came to share the story. After sharing, he left the Sutra Pavilion.

Chen Shuai was left copying books silently in the Sutra Pavilion, but his eyes were on the book, but he didn't know where he had drifted to.

"Duan Li!"

In the days that followed, Chen Shuai spent much less time sweeping the floor. Whenever he had free time, he would copy scriptures. Although he lost time sweeping the floor, he gained nothing.

At least his handwriting has become much prettier, he has indirectly read many scriptures, and his understanding of Buddhism has become much deeper.

The days passed in this peaceful and repetitive time day after day.

Although he was copying books, Chen Shuai didn't know much about the outside world.

Since Duan Li defected from the mountain last time, the regulations of Futu Temple for monks to practice martial arts have become stricter.

Once it is discovered that anyone secretly learns martial arts, not only will all their martial arts skills be destroyed, but they will also be expelled from the mountain.

From Jie Zhi's mouth, I learned that Duan Li used to be a handyman. Because of his hot temper, he was often punished by the Discipline Academy, so he held a grudge.

After secretly learning a skill of Flame Palm, he practiced secretly and reached the ninth level of Zhenqi in silence, enduring the humiliation and burden.

It wasn't until the night of the Buddhist debate that he broke out completely. First, he killed the disciples who often bullied him in the Discipline Hall, and then ran to the Sutra Pavilion to steal martial arts secrets. What happened next was similar to what Jie Zhi said before.

Chen Shuai, who learned about the cause and consequences of the incident at that time, called him the "Huo Gong Tutuo template". This experience was not very similar to that of Huo Gong Tutuo.

Because of this incident, Chen Shuai became more reclusive, fearing that the fact that he could practice martial arts would be discovered. But then he thought about it, and he didn't learn martial arts secretly. He practiced martial arts since he was a child, so it doesn't count as secretly learning martial arts.Having said that, Chen Shuai became more and more careful and became more disciplined when sweeping the floor. Of course, to others, Chen Shuai was no different from usual.


Chen Shuai was copying the scriptures as usual, and suddenly he was stunned. His eyes were staring at the content inside, and there was a gleam in his eyes.

"This scripture does not look like an ordinary scripture, but looks like a martial arts secret book!"

He copied hundreds if not thousands of scriptures, and he noticed something unusual about this scripture at a glance.

There seemed to be a few words on each page that were a little darker in font color. When these fonts were combined, the prototype of a skill immediately emerged in my mind.

more importantly--

"Ding, I found a new martial arts, do you want to transfer it?"

The system's beep sounded, confirming Chen Shuai's judgment.

At the same time, an additional martial art appeared on the panel.

[Martial arts: Luohan Fist (Superb 3000/30000) Breath Condensation Kung Fu (First glimpse of the door 1/1000)]


Chen Shuai replied immediately.

"Please describe the day-to-day activities performed by the transfer."

"Read a book."

Chen Shuai thought for a moment and then said, and the system immediately replied: "Ding, the transfer was successful."

So Chen Shuai lowered his head and looked at the scriptures.

"Breathing Condensation Skill +1"


Chen Shuai nodded with satisfaction, then glanced at the panel.

[Name: Jieshuai]

[Calamity: 300]

[Boundary: Second Grade]

[Daily activities: sweeping the floor, reading books]

[Experience transfer objects: Arhat Fist, breath gathering skill]

[Martial arts: Luohan Fist (Superb 3000/30000) Breath Condensation Kung Fu (First glimpse of the door 2/1000)]

Two hundred less tribulation qi seemed to have been consumed, but he did not regret it at all and felt that it was worth the money.

After calming down, Chen Shuai read and copied the book at the same time. His spirit was unprecedentedly high and his speed was unprecedentedly fast.

"Ding, breath gathering skill +1."

Sure enough, once people have a goal of hard work, they will become extra diligent. Even if they endure hardship, they will also enjoy it.

However, Chen Shuai's intense copying made his arms sore, but it didn't matter. He didn't only do copying, he also swept the floor.

So when Chen Shuai got tired, he stood up and swept the floor. While sweeping the floor, he would pick up a scripture he had never read and savor it carefully.

The more he read, the more he understood the meaning of the sentence "There is beauty in the book, and there is a house of gold in the book."

Of course, if he could read the basic martial arts secrets again, he would understand more clearly.

Jiezhi, who often comes to the Sutra Pavilion, saw Chen Shuai sweeping the floor and reading a book with admiration on his face: "Senior Brother Jieshuai worked so hard. He didn't forget to read while sweeping the floor. He is really a role model for our generation. Compared with him, I myself I’m so ashamed!”

So, he turned around and went back. This time he only did three things when he went back, practice martial arts, practice martial arts, or really practice martial arts!
(End of this chapter)

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