Chapter 177 Could it be that... the champion?

"Welcome everyone to watch the 2017 League of Legends Global Finals. The two sides are SKT and IG. The score is 0-2. IG has three match points. SKT on the blue side chose Lucian as soon as they came up. Ban."

IG didn't rush to ban Kalista with a backhand.

And when the second ban position of the barbecue stall was given to Yanque, IG backhandedly banned Jess.

Since the top laners of both sides will play Lucian, the BP idea is very simple. If you ban one, then I will ban one. As long as the blue side bans either Jayce or Lucian in advance, the red side must ban them together, because they You can grab first, but you can only grab later.

A very simple logic.

In the third ban position, the barbecue stall was given to Luo, while IG chose to ban Pig Girl.

"Both Feng Nu and Karma have been released, let's see how SKT will make a decision?" Wang remembered that he keenly captured the information about the two key heroes.

After careful consideration, SKT decided to lock in Kalma!
"Could it be that??" Miller was stunned at first, but quickly responded, "Could it be that SKT will also use the system developed by IG? The mid laner Kalma will be the incense burner monster, and the bottom lane will be a hard support?"

IG immediately locked in Galio + Feng Nu.

Kick the ball to SKT and see what they want to do.


The BBQ stall directly targeted Xiaopao + Japanese girl in the subsequent two selections. Obviously, they wanted to copy IG's tactical system.

"It's interesting." Li Feifan smiled.

IG locked the policewoman with a backhand!

"Choose a female police officer? I'm afraid it won't be good, right?" Miller frowned slightly.

The version has reached this stage, and the priority of the bottom lane has actually been understood. Xiaopao is the top substitute for the female police officer in this version.

The reason is also very simple.

Because the small cannon can demolish towers faster than the policewoman, it will not lack the damage in the mid-term like the policewoman, and its requirements for the rhythm of tower removal are not as perverted as the policewoman.

The policewoman must have an advantage in the lane, and must drive the rhythm of tower pushing, so that she can snowball and quickly equip herself, thus avoiding the shortcoming of weak output in the mid-term.

The cannon doesn't matter.

As long as the hero Xiaopao can develop peacefully, he can still be played even without the tower pushing rhythm, let alone the late stage. Xiaopao has a farther range than the policewoman and can crush the policewoman in all directions.

As a result, IG chose a female police officer in front of the other party?

Even with the policewoman’s best partner, Feng Nu, it’s not enough, right?
Dun Ma also had the same doubts, but no one gave him an answer at this time. With such doubts, the two sides entered the second round of BP.

As soon as IG came up, they banned the wine barrel and Zach, and the barbecue stall also banned the prince and the excavator.

A total of 5 jungle heroes were banned by both sides, and IG could still choose first, but... IG was not in a hurry, but helped theshy lock Gnar first!

After much hesitation, the barbecue stall chose offensive junglers such as Nightmare, Excavator and Lee Sin. Xiao Hei's performance was average. If he wanted to choose these two heroes, why not just send Peanut? ?
Choosing Nightmare can very well limit Galio's protection of back-row heroes, and at the same time, it can cooperate with Japanese girls to attack.

When it came to choosing the upper unit, the barbecue stall tended to be more conservative. Instead of choosing Kenan vs. Gang, they chose Shen.

Judging from the entire lineup of the barbecue stall, they are a pure lineup.

"If SKT is trying to get in the way, why didn't Feng Nu or Galio get banned..." Wang remembered raising doubts again.

This is indeed very confusing. Galio and Feng Nu can be said to be the two heroes with the most restrained face attack system in the current version, but I can understand it after thinking about it.

It's very simple that there are not enough ban seats.

Lucian must occupy a ban position, right?

Luo must also occupy one, right?

If you want to grab Karma, if you don't ban Luo, wouldn't it be equivalent to giving the Xia Luo combination to IG. Is the bottom lane still aligned?
Moreover, the reason why Rakan can be regarded as a T0.5 hero when taken alone is because Rakan is very strong in both offense and backhand. It is naturally impossible for SKT to release Rakan to the opponent.

As for the remaining ban position, choose between Galio and Rock Bird.

In fact, there is a reason. The current barbecue stall is a bit similar to RNG in the semifinals. They know that Galio is a difficult hero to deal with, but Galio is not perfect.

Galio is actually a bit like a tank hero on the road. When facing a lane, he can mix in the early stage, but he can only mix and cannot suppress anyone. In the middle, he is the father.

After the semifinals, RNG didn't answer why they released Galio five times.

The answer given is that the players unanimously feel that Galio can handle it. Judging from the results, didn't RNG also win two games?
But this is all superficial. Li Feifan guessed that there is another meaning that RNG has not stated clearly, that is, if Li Sang Hyuk plays Galio in the middle, Xiaohu will be able to reduce a lot of pressure on the line and be able to develop without pressure.

Lee Sang Hyuk naturally does not consider stress-free development. He is just a tool man, Karma. What development does he want?

Simply because Karma couldn't stand Yanque, he didn't want to give Song Yijin too many opportunities to roam up and down the lane, because the barbecue stall already had a hard support in the bottom lane, so he had to attack in the early stage!
If the bottom lane has to be wary of wandering rock birds, the offensive efficiency will definitely be greatly reduced.

It's better to give up Galio to the opponent in exchange for your early advantage.

It is precisely based on these two points that the barbecue stall does not know that Galio and Feng Nu restrain their faces, but there are no extra ban positions in the first three hands, which is a helpless move.


On the final selection of people.

IG brought a little surprise to everyone!


"Huh?? Ivern!" Miller's eyes widened, "Did IG steal Team Rabbit?"

Ivern's only two appearances in this World Championship were during the group stage, when G2's jungler was selected, and the other was when the Rabbitohs' jungler was selected in the quarterfinals.

And the Rabbitohs were using Ivern as their system at the time.

IG's Kalma system has the Censer Monster move to the middle and provide hard support in the bottom lane, while the Rabbit Team moves the Censer Monster to the wild area and play hard support in the bottom lane. The two ideas are exactly the same.

Essentially, the duties of the incense burner monster are swayed in various positions.

If so...

The lineups of the two sides have also been officially determined.

The barbecue stall is on the blue side and IG is on the red side.

Top road: Shen VS Gnar.

Jungler: Nightmare VS Ivern.

Mid lane: Karma VS Galio.

Bottom lane: Xiao Pao + Japanese Girl VS Policewoman + Feng Girl.

"SKT has a standard face-attacking system. All members are born to face-attack. IG has a standard reverse-opening system with extremely strong protection capabilities. Feng Nu, Galio, and Ivern can all provide protection. Moreover... Gnar is a hero who can also counter attack with one hand."

If Gnar is chasing the enemy and wants to use Tathagata Palm, it may be a bit difficult and requires the opponent's cooperation.

But everyone was rushing towards my face, so it was easy for Nal to succeed by slapping the Tathagata Palm.

"It can be said that the two sides exchanged offense and defense. According to our common sense, SKT should be the defensive side, and IG is the offensive side. As a result... the roles of the two sides reversed in the last game."

SKT has been playing defensive counterattack in the past few years. From the beginning of the team's establishment to now, the IG team has highlighted the word "reckless". It must attack and compete with you for operations!

As a result, in the last game of the finals, both sides chose a game method that they were not good at.

"SKT has come up with something new in the life-and-death game. This is undoubtedly a test for IG. With three match points in hand, we will have to wait and see whether the suspense of the game will be ended or the suspense will continue!"

Even though he knew that the team members in the soundproof room could not hear the cheers.

But the audience at the scene worked harder than before. The cheers, applause and the muffled sound of the cheering sticks were the last ripple they could give to the players on the field.

"Mengqing! Xiao Li will definitely win, right?" Liu Mengmeng asked with a smile.

"Definitely...definitely can win it!" Su Mengqing answered decisively!

The game scene was presented in front of the audience. When the heroes of both sides rushed out of the spring, the audience once again burst into fierce cheers!

"It seems that neither side has the idea of ​​​​invading the other side's jungle area." Miller's voice was loud, "Also... at the most critical time, both sides chose a conservative start."

"The main reason is that the combat effectiveness of the first-level regiments is not obviously strong or weak." Wang remembers explained.

In this version, unless the first-level team's combat effectiveness obviously suppresses the opponent, they will choose to enter the jungle. Otherwise, most teams will not take such risks.

The jungler positions of both sides are completely different.

When Nightmare comes to the upper half, it seems that he wants to activate the blue buff and brush from top to bottom. This intention is also obvious. After getting the double buff, the wave with the strongest combat effectiveness in the early stage will just make him appear in the bottom lane.

The route of brushing from top to bottom is itself a method of temporarily giving up on the road in the early stage.

The time in the jungle is precious, and the duration of the double buffs is also limited. It is impossible for anything to happen. After I get the double buffs from top to bottom, I go home and go to the top lane for ganking.

The day lily will be cold in this way.

"Most likely, it's because I know that the IG bottom lane duo will definitely push the lane, so I thought about going to the bottom lane to cause trouble." PDD gave his own opinion.

off the road.

Both parties were online immediately.

Nightmare does not need the help of teammates because it is opened in the upper half, while Ivern does not need the help of teammates because of its passive skills.

Ivern, the hero, is one of the most special among the jungle heroes in League of Legends. Because of the existence of passive skills, he cannot directly attack the wild monsters in the wild area. The monsters are kept in captivity. After keeping them in captivity for a period of time, Ivern can directly take away the wild monsters.

And that's exactly what it is...

If the hero Ivern has punishment, it only takes 3 seconds to counter the jungle.

Another reason why Nightmare chooses to open in the upper half is because he is afraid that Ivern will come against his wild monsters.

After the director quickly cut to close-ups of various positions, he finally focused the camera on the bottom lane.

After the minion comes online.

The IG duo pushed forward immediately and forced their opponents to face off.

When Feng Nu fights Japanese girl, she has to press hard at level 1, and Baolan is very detailed. He puts the shield on himself to level A and consume Japanese girl's blood. In this way, he will attract the hatred of the minions, but It doesn't matter if the minion's damage hits his shield.

And this time...

The female policeman follows up and flattens A to consume the small cannon, so that the small soldiers will not focus fire and lose health.

The level 1 policewoman has a 650-yard range, while the small cannon only has a 550-yard range. This 100-yard range is enough to make Li Feifan choke and breathless!
The SKT duo had absolutely nothing to do.

"There's no way... A hero like Japan needs level 2 to be able to exert power. The current version of support cannot directly go online at level [-]." Miller seemed a little gloating.

If this were in the S6 version, the two-man lane could still go online after eating a group of wild monsters. If the ADC gave up experience to the support, the support would go online at level 2. However, in the S7 version, this trick has long been infeasible.

Level 1 Japanese girls either have Q but no E and cannot get close to others, or they have E but no Q and cannot keep people around, which is a pure stupidity ratio.

After the shield disappeared, Feng Nu immediately got into the grass on the line to get rid of the enemy's hatred. The policewoman was not in a hurry to push the line. She just followed Feng Nu forward and directly crossed the opponent's line of soldiers, completely killing the Japanese girl and Xiao Pao. of expulsion from the experience zone. "This is Mortal! He can withstand pressure, but when it's time to be aggressive, he won't be polite to you at all. This is why many people used to think that Mortal has the shadow of Peak Bang, but I think this evaluation is not objective enough." PDD laughed. Then he said, "I personally think mortal should be a combination of a puppy and a bang!"

[Shouldn’t it be a combination of imp and bang? ? 】

[Can the Crownless Shockwave not touch the champion ADC? ? 】

[Even if my brother Feifan doesn't have the S championship, he still has the league championship. Can Shockwave, who doesn't even have a championship, stop trying to sneak in? 】

[It’s really amazing. When it comes to honors, there is nothing. When it comes to strength, he is the world’s No. [-] ADC, the world’s No. [-] untitled ADC, right? 】

[If you don’t understand, just ask, why can’t the world’s number one ADC win a championship? Is it because he doesn’t want it? 】

IG uses a slow push line in the bottom lane, because it has completely driven the small guns and Japanese girls out of the experience zone, so that the barbecue stall can lose the experience and economy of the line in the bottom lane to the greatest extent.

Let the soldiers on the red side be killed by the soldiers on the blue side.

Bang is very uncomfortable, but there is nothing to do about it. The disadvantages of range and hero mechanism make them just like this at level 1. No one can change this status quo.

The only person who can help them relieve the pressure on the lane is their own jungler.

They only have the option of waiting for their own jungler to come to the bottom lane.

When the female policeman completed two waves of minions, the minion's last hit count was still zero, which shows how much pressure the BBQ stall has on the bottom lane and how uncomfortable it is to play.

The good news is...

Sooner or later, the army line will enter the tower, and when the time comes, the tower repairs will be a little more careful.

The bad news is...

Bang plays a small cannon. Because he has learned E [Explosive Spark], the tower touch-up will be extremely painful, and the policewoman and Fengnu will not just watch you do the touch-up.

On the bottom lane, the third wave of soldiers came to the line. Li Feifan, who had been stuck in the line, could no longer get stuck. Only then did he push the line completely into the defense tower.

After the troops entered the tower, he blocked the maximum attack range of the defense tower and began to use flat A to consume it. At the same time, Feng Nu did not forget to set a shield for the policewoman to increase the attack power of the policewoman, and charged Q on the spot. Skill.


A roaring huge hurricane flew towards the small cannon under the tower. In order to avoid being knocked away, the small cannon had no choice but to give up the A-level action and watched helplessly as the magic light wave of the defense tower took away the artillery soldiers.

"Xi Ba..." Even Bang couldn't help but curse angrily to vent his depressed mood in this situation.

He was already under tremendous pressure when he fell behind 0-2, but in the end he was still under so much pressure on the line in the last game. The combination of the two pressures made him breathless.

"Don't worry, don't worry." His good partner Wolf quickly spoke to comfort him.

And at this time... Xiao Hei finally came to the bottom lane, "Brother Junzhi, Brother Zaiwan, is there a ward on the bottom lane from the other side?"

"No, you can just go around. They haven't left the line." Wolf replied.

"Okay." Xiao Hei nodded.

He thought about it and chose to go directly from the triangular grass to the river, and then walked towards the river grass. In this way, he could complete the detour directly.

But if the people at the barbecue stall could see the reaction of the audience outside the venue, they would definitely not be happy.

The audience was not panicked at all and even wanted to laugh a little.

It's simple...

Because Ivern was standing in the grass on the line.

King Ning's jungle clearing route was very simple. He first trapped three wild monsters in the lower half of the area, then walked directly to the upper half of the area. He used Passive + Punishment to get his red buff in three seconds, and then continued all the way. Walk down and run back to the lower half to collect the vegetables.

And Ivern can pass through the wall with the help of his Q skill. This makes it obvious that Ivern went from bottom to top and then back to the bottom lane. It seems that he has gone a long way, but in fact, he and Nightmare got the double buffs and came to the bottom lane. The journey time is about the same.

Because he has lane rights in his bottom lane, Ivern can directly enter the lane grass from the front of the lane against the wall.

If it is normal.

When the policewoman + Feng Nu came up, they pushed the line and didn't ward the river. Wolf would definitely have doubts, but in the situation of falling behind 0-2, he could no longer think about this doubt calmly. Everyone at the barbecue stall All I can think about is how to gain an advantage quickly!
"If the policewoman is purified, kill Feng Nu. I will flash to take the lead." Wolf quickly communicated with his teammates.

"Nightmare came out of the grass, let's see how IG responds? Japanese girl chooses...E flash! Wow, Fengnu didn't react at all! He was controlled in place!"

Japanese girl's beautiful E flashed first, and the Zenith Blade kept Feng Nu in place, and quickly moved to Feng Nu's side. At the same time, Ping A followed by Q, knocking Feng Nu out in place.

Xiao Pao immediately W [Rocket Jump] and then E [Explosion Spark] to hang a bomb on Feng Nu's head, but the small cannon in mid-air heard a 'pop' sound. It turned out that the policewoman had predicted Xiao Pao's W jump in advance. The track places the clip in advance.

But this does not affect the output of the small cannon to Feng Nu, it just takes a solid wave of policewoman [Peace Messenger] + headshot damage.


Nightmare has also followed. He uses his Q skill from a distance on the immobile Feng Nu. A dark path suddenly appears on the ground. Standing on it, Nightmare can increase his movement speed and attack power, allowing him to pull quickly. Close range!

When Feng Nu regained her freedom of movement, she used a weak backhand on Xiao Pao.

At this point in time, the bottom lane of both sides is only level 2, so Xiaopao has learned W and E and has no Q skill to increase his attack speed. He cannot detonate the bomb quickly, so he is weak.

The burst damage of Xiaopao's E skill has been greatly weakened!

In terms of carrying the summoner's skills, this IG double lane is purely for laning considerations. The conventional method of carrying [Shield] + [Healing] is abandoned, but [Purify] + [Weakness].

The reason why this version of support needs to bring healing is mainly to make it easier to buff teammates with the incense burner in team battles.

But Feng Nu doesn't need to consider this. Feng Nu's ultimate move is to increase the blood of the group. One ultimate move can allow everyone to enjoy the buff of [Blazing Incense Burner], and it doesn't matter whether it has treatment or not.

Then Feng Nu immediately used E-shield for herself, and the bomb above her head exploded. Under the influence of weakness, even Feng Nu's shield couldn't be blown up.

At this time...

The nightmare finally came to Feng Nu's face. He fired a flat A and used E directly at Feng Nu to try to scare the opponent, but Xiao Hei found that the white shield on Feng Nu's health bar was still there!
Um? ?

next second!
Ivern's figure appeared in the grass next to the line, startling everyone at the barbecue stall.

"Xiba, why did Ivern suddenly appear here?" Bang was shocked!


Ivern's Q skill flew straight towards him. Without any defense, he was immediately stopped in place. Ivern immediately used the effect of his Q skill to get to Xiao Pao's face, and used W at the feet of the policewoman. Place a ball of grass!
The policewoman also took advantage of Xiao Pao being immobilized by Ivern Q and placed a clamp under his feet again.

With a 'pop' sound, the clamp took effect, and another 'headshot' was fired.

It's not over yet...

Fengnu fired Q in seconds, but because the cannon was right on Fengnu's face, she didn't react and was shot away again. The policewoman also took advantage of the situation and added a third clip.

Three consecutive 'clips'! !

It's also the third 'headshot'!
Xiaopao was forced to activate [Healing Technique] to offset the damage, but he was unable to stop his blood volume from continuing to decline.


There was grass planted by Ivern under the policewoman's feet. The effect of the policewoman's passive skills would be doubled in the grass, so the policewoman quickly used another 'headshot' of her own! !

Xiaopao didn't even bother to turn W, and flashed back. However, because the policewoman took a few steps forward when walking to A, Xiaopao couldn't move out of the attack range of the policewoman even if he flashed. go out.

Instead, it is in the process of crossing W and delaying the take-off.

The policewoman's fatal flat A has been played.

First Blood!

Get blood!

The blood volume of Feng Nu at the back is also in danger. The blow from the previous Q skill was offset by Nightmare's W shield. Nightmare's W [Dark Asylum] passive is to increase the attack speed, and once it can shield to resist the opponent's skills , the attack speed will be doubled!
It stands to reason that Feng Nu should be dying soon.

But... due to Xiao Pao's death, a golden light flashed above Feng Nu's head after gaining the experience of being killed, and she was directly promoted to level 3!
Feng Nu used W to slow down Nightmare with her backhand, and then immediately flashed back to distance herself. Nightmare followed the flash directly and hit a flat A, but Feng Nu still had single-digit health left.

The effect of Nightmare's Q skill has disappeared. After being slowed down by Feng Nu's W, she can't catch up with her opponent. She can only watch Feng Nu's single-digit HP pull away!

The policewoman and Ivern will not let him go.

Ivern and the policewoman stand together in the grass and output wildly. This is also Ivern's skill mechanism. Standing in the grass, Ivern can lengthen his range, and his basic attacks will cause additional magic damage.

The target of the two of them is the nightmare!
"Guigui, there seems to be something about this Ivern + policewoman system. With Ivern here, the policewoman can always ensure that she stands in the grass and can quickly stack her headshots." Wang remembered this I finally understood.

Why does IG dare to choose a female police officer? It turns out that it is because it can form a system with Ivern! !

"That is to say, the hurricane cannot superimpose the passive of the policewoman. If this can be linked... wouldn't the policewoman be able to shoot headshots with a knife..." PDD said with a smile.

This side of the field.

The Japanese girl's second set of skills improved, but Wolf hesitated.

He can go up and help control the policewoman, but do they really have enough damage to kill the policewoman?
"Run." Pei Junzhi, who had already become the commander of the spring water, gave his partner a pertinent suggestion, "You are just going up to give the other side one more head."

Nightmare's position was destined to be inescapable. When Nightmare handed over Flash to pursue Feng Nu, it was destined that he would trade with Feng Nu. In the end, he failed to switch and instead landed himself in a very deep position.

How does this work? ?

Ivern accurately hit Nightmare with his Q skill and stopped him in place, while the policewoman's clip was finally fully charged.

Li Feifan directly put down the clip with AW, and then connected with EQ. One full-damage [Peacemaker] plus two 'headshot' critical hits directly took off the nightmare's head!

Double Kill! !
Double kill!

Fortunately, the Japanese girl retreated in time enough. Although she was stuck by the policewoman with the red buff, she quickly ran back to the defense tower and escaped.


If the Japanese girl had just chosen to accuse the policewoman, she would have gone with Nightmare to buy one, get one free.

"Beautiful! King Ning's counter-crouching was timely, and SKT suffered a heavy blow! They handed in three flashes but failed to get a kill! Loss of blood!" Wang remembers his voice loud and passionate, "IG achieved a major success in the bottom lane! !”

"Duck, SKT has exploded this time, right?" PDD touched his big, fat head, "I said that IG is one step closer to the championship. Isn't that considered poisonous milk??"

The audience could no longer hold back and burst out into cheers!

The barrage has even begun to have a complete carnival! !

【That’s it?Not even a barbecue stall. 】

[Don Shi Xiaoqian, are you worthy of using tactics that are not yours?I'm not telling you, do you understand IG's tactics when playing SKT? 】

[Hehehe, you like to learn, right?You like stealing, right?Would you like to try stealing another one? ? 】

【right!So right!Brother Feifan won this game just like this!I'll give you a thumbs up, win this championship! 】

[Brother Feifan is awesome! (Broken sound) IG is awesome! (Breaking sound)! ! 】

PS: Win the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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