Chapter 268: Massacre!Kill him cruelly!

Which one is more powerful, the hero or the human being?
Professional players can tell at a glance that this wave of sword demons that are simply reworked are too outrageous.

Maple obviously didn't have an accurate estimate of the sword demon's damage, otherwise it would be impossible not to flash in the first place to save life, and he still wanted to save a flash.

Again, professional players may not necessarily know the new version very well. Many professional players will not read the updated content of the version at all. They simply rely on their extraordinary talent to kill everyone in the rank.

Version change?

who care?

To be honest, they would only marvel at how Li Feifan could practice hero training so fast...

We both came from nine-year compulsory education, so why are you special?

Are you cooperating with your kid to secretly attend extracurricular tutoring classes behind your brothers’ backs?

The middle and upper lanes blossomed at the same time, which is absolutely acceptable to Jingdong. Sword Demon got first blood, Jace got a head and a red buff, and even the Nightmare who needed to reach level 6 quickly could get the Twin River Crab. to speed up your level.

There couldn't be a more perfect start than this!

The three upper, middle and wild brothers are the core three brothers of JD's face-rushing system. As long as these three brothers develop, team battles will be particularly easy to fight.

Especially Jianmu Gong, who got the red buff, continued to suppress like a crushing force after returning to the top lane.

Various small moves to twist Mundo's flying knife, QE crooked cannon, and smooth A after turning on W, directly refreshed the audience's understanding of him!
Also let the audience know.

Pressure-resistant top laners are also different.

Some people simply lack ability, so they can only boast about being able to withstand pressure. Some people can resist pressure, not because of lack of ability, but because they know how to sacrifice and are willing to act as a green leaf for the team's victory.

"Wow... I believe that after watching this game,'s audience will be very happy. Rather than winning the game, it is more about's transformation and tactical adjustments! It is obviously a tribute to the top laner. Brother has more say!" Miller boasted.

"Yes, it's the same sentence. The top laner can withstand pressure, but you can't let the top laner only resist pressure. If he doesn't fight back after being beaten all the time, won't he be mad at you?"

After getting first blood, Li Feifan went home and took out two long swords to support his attack power. The next QE hit triggered the effect of [Arcane Comet] + [Scorch], which can really consume Syndra at once. Nearly one-third of the blood volume.

This makes Maple very uncomfortable. Syndra is a hero who wants to suppress, but now she has to put herself out to resist pressure. The meaning of selecting this hero itself has been greatly reduced.

He wasn't the only one who felt uncomfortable.

The same goes for the bot lane.

Lucian, the hero, was originally regarded as a solo hero after S7, wreaking havoc in the middle lane for more than half a year. However, when the S7 global finals came, his fist was chopped off, which greatly weakened the CD time of Lucian's displacement skill. , which greatly reduces Lucian's mobility and blood exchange ability.

During the World Championships, a young boy named Lucian almost sent EDG away during the group stage.

This hero later became a key game point for both sides' top laners in the semi-finals and finals of IG's Dragon Ball and BBQ Stall, but that was the end of it.

It wasn't until the recent 8.11 version that due to changes in armor, the initial armor of all heroes dropped. This gave a shooter like Lucian, who was explosive in the early stage, room to reappear.

The Flash Wolves obviously want to gain a little laning advantage in the bottom lane. Lucian + Bullhead. As long as Bullhead gets WQ first, Lucian will decisively fight with E and the crispy shooter will die or be disabled.

But Jingdong just backhanded a bomber.

Bomberman is a hero whose skill is to push the lane without thinking. After pushing the lane, I will leave. This makes it difficult for Flash Wolf's bottom lane to find opportunities.

Jingdong's current situation is that all three lanes are excellent, and the jungler Gao Tianliang is even more nourishing.

The troll, who originally had an advantage in the jungle, didn't dare to enter his jungle to harass him. Even the third river crab spawned in the upper river, and the troll didn't even dare to come and grab it, because there were none in the middle and upper lanes. Line power, once he is dragged by the nightmare, he will not be able to leave at all.

Moreover, because he was killed at the beginning and lost the Twin River Crab, his level lagged behind Nightmare, and he was not even qualified to compete with Nightmare for punishment.

The trolls on the disadvantaged side can only look for opportunities to attack.

Bottom lane? ?
There was no chance, the Bomber and the Japanese woman were positioned very far back.

On the road?

This is Jace who already has the [Sawtooth Dagger] in his hand. I'm afraid he won't have to kill one of them directly in a 1V2. There is no instant burst from Troll + Mundo that can make Jace die quickly. Both of them deal continuous damage.

Then it can only be the middle road.

Although Syndra was single-killed once, Syndra managed to break out. The most important thing was that the Sword Demon pushed the troops forward, which also gave the Troll a chance to gank behind.

On the map, Flash Wolf began to frequently send signals to the middle lane and both sides of the middle lane, as if it was warning in advance that it was going to attack the middle lane.

"Huh?" Miller's sense of smell is quite sensitive, "Isn't it? They still want to attack the middle?"

"Don't tell me, this wave actually has a chance, right?" Wawa frowned and said, "The main middle lane is a wave of pushback lines..."

Because Syndra was single-killed, even if she teleported to replenish the line immediately, her level fell behind. However, because it was a pushback line, Syndra, who was originally behind in experience, is now the party with the leading experience, taking the lead. Reach level 6 in one step.

"Up, up, up, I can take the lead!" Maple shouted excitedly in the voice.

He had played against Li Feifan at MSI, so he was very careful and did not choose to use his most explosive combo, which was to grab a ball with W, and then create another ball with Q skill, combined with the three spells that surround him all year round. Ball, the ultimate move can deal five balls of damage at the same time.

Before the effects of early CD and passive skills take shape, five balls is already the limit.


Maple chose to directly use Q to receive the big move, hitting the sword demon with four balls, and then used E [The Weak Retreat] to unleash a wave of scattered flowers, sacrificing some damage in exchange for 100% stable control!

Syndra's Heavenly Lady's Scattered Flowers have a very wide range, and it's impossible to avoid them with displacement skills.

The sword demon was immediately pushed to the spot.

The troll directly picked up the stick and opened W to speed up himself and rushed over! !
"It's broken! How should Mortal escape now?"

Everyone's attention was focused on Li Feifan.

I saw that the sword demon was not in a hurry, and directly QE forward. The outer ring of Q1 hit Syndra, and also hit the minion next to him. Gaining the experience of the minion, the golden light flashed above the sword demon's head, and he rose to the level in an instant. Level 6!
"Hey, I've upgraded! I can fight back!"

The sword demon immediately activated his ultimate move [Great Destruction], spread the wings on his back, and flew directly into the air, receiving a huge attack power bonus!

"Gan, kill him, kill him!!"

Syndra walked directly forward, trying to hide within the inner circle of Sword Demon Q2, but when Sword Demon handed over Q2, he directly handed E back, a retreat slash, and simultaneously hit the troll and Syndra again. fly!
The outer damage of Sword Demon's Q skill is getting higher and higher!

Syndra's blood volume is already a bit unbearable!

Maple quickly wanted to run away, and the troll also handed over pillars to block the sword demon's movement.


The sword demon handed over Q3 on the spot, turned 360 degrees in the air, and then slammed the giant sword in his hand violently, with a buzzing sound! !

The sword demon turned into a golden light and disappeared from the place!
Syndra's blood volume dropped sharply, and she was caught and ignited by the Sword Demon again. Before Syndra landed, the Sword Demon slashed out with a [Lethal Sword Aura], causing another huge percentage damage! !

Syndra's blood volume suddenly bottomed out! !
"Wow! What the hell is this sword demon? It doesn't do any damage at all, but the damage is inexplicably high!"


The new version of Sword Demon is like that. You see him just Qing three times and then drawing A on the spot. It seems to only cause four pieces of damage in total, but just these four pieces of damage are enough to be fatal! !
Syndra was beaten to a bloody pulp again, and was still unable to distance herself.

As the sword demon raised and lowered his sword, he killed Syndra again!

However, the sword demon's own blood volume has also dropped, and the troll is chasing after him, biting and swinging his stick.

The sword demon could only fight and retreat. Soon the sword demon's blood volume was cleared, but it did not turn into a corpse. Instead, the whole body was still suspended in the air and could move slowly.

The only change is.

There is an additional energy slot under the Sword Demon's health bar similar to the Barbarian King's rage bar. It is still blood red, but the blood red energy slot is being emptied little by little. On the contrary, the Sword Demon's health bar is increasing rapidly! !

This is another effect of Sword Demon's ultimate move [Great Destruction]. During the period when the ultimate move is activated, all damage caused by Sword Demon will be converted into its own energy tank according to a certain proportion. After being killed, Sword Demon will not He died immediately, but was resurrected again, and the amount of blood he resurrected depends on how much energy was put in the energy tank! !
The troll just chased after him, but when the sword demon resumed free movement again, the troll was completely dumbfounded.

This damn blood volume is over 6%, even more than him! !
"Xiba??" Flash Wolves' Korean jungler was stunned for a moment, turned around and ran away! !
Li Feifan will not let him go! !

The troll turned around and walked back, and just happened to take the initiative to walk within the range of Sword Demon Q1. After knocking it away, Sword Demon immediately connected with W, and connected Q2 with E, completing the second knock-up and the outer circle hit of Q2, and then Using the second stage of W to pull the troll back in front of him, the Sword Demon once again played Q3, knocking the troll into the air, and slashed out the [Deathly Sword Qi] again.

It is worth mentioning that……

The current version of Sword Demon's passive skill [Lethal Sword Aura], in addition to causing percentage damage and restoring a certain amount of its own blood, will also attach a 'serious injury' buff to the enemy. The troll wants to punish the artillery soldiers to trigger his passive skill quickly. It can't even restore blood.

Moreover, the hit power of both A and skill shortened the CD of [Lethal Sword Qi]. The Sword Demon forced a 1V2 in the middle. This time, instead of killing one person alone, he killed two people alone! !
The entire Dalian Sports Center was completely boiling!
This wave of 1V2 counterattack directly ignited the fire in the chest of the audience! !
The sound generated by nearly 2 people cheering at the same time can even make the players wearing high-tech sound-isolating headphones with white noise in them and double isolation hear some noise.

Gao Tianliang was shocked. This was the first time he had encountered such a situation.

【Ghost!Is this the charm of the new version of Sword Demon?Co-authoring is not heroic trash, it’s because we don’t know how to play? 】

[Smart people have started to use Sword Demon to secretly gain points, but stupid people are still posting barrages! 】

【No!No!It’s true that every reworked hero is a father. What on earth are the designers doing? 】

【Okay, okay!Two of them fought and one of them was killed. Do you know how to play the game? ! 】"Is this the strength of Mortal! I can only say that the hero Sword Demon will definitely become the focus hero of this intercontinental competition, just like Sword Girl during the MSI period. The hero is amazing! The people are also amazing! If it were someone else, I really don’t believe that this effect can be achieved, only mortal! I can get started with the new version of Sword Demon so quickly!” Miller praised crazily!

at the same time!

Fighting also started on the top road. Mundo had actually been resisting the pressure under the tower. Jess suddenly attacked and QE blasted past him. Then he switched forms and immediately hit Mundo in the face, lowering Mundo's health, but there was no Will Mondo instantly.

But just when Jace took the initiative to evacuate the defense tower.

There was a whisper in everyone's ears. All members of the Flash Wolves were deprived of their vision, and the nightmare was like a sharp sword thrust straight into Mundo who was on the road! !
The advantage of controlling multiple groups of river crabs is reflected here. Nightmare almost reaches level 6 at the same time as both sides' middle lane. Originally, Gao Tianliang was ready to support the middle lane immediately, but Li Feifan did not let him come.

So he set his sights on hitting the road! !
5-0! !
The game lasts just over 6 minutes. If you deduct the first minute, has truly achieved one kill per minute!
This efficiency is amazing! !
After getting two heads, Sword Demon returned home. Since he was taking the middle lane, Li Feifan did not choose the regular first piece of black cut, but gave priority to [Youmu's Spirit], and the line rights in the middle lane were completely blocked. He got it! !

The most terrifying time for Flash Wolf has come.

On the bottom lane, after Bomberman added [Chapter of Ritual], there was no restriction on mana, and he could frequently use skills to clear lanes. In this way, the lane rights of the bottom lane were also in JD's hands.

And Li Feifan started with Gao Tianliang! !
As long as Sword Demon has a little bit of equipment, he can use his Q skill to clear troops very quickly, but Syndra doesn't dare to stand too far forward, so Sword Demon can only watch from behind while he clears troops.


After Sword Demon clears his troops, he can immediately lead the jungler to the bottom lane.

8 minutes!

After the ultimate move was refreshed, Li Feifan immediately followed Gao Tianliang to the bottom lane.

His own bottom lane has already pushed his troops forward.

The process of climbing over the tower is very easy.

Without any cooperation, the sword demon rushed directly into the defense tower, took the lead in attracting the defense tower's hatred, and activated his ultimate move at the same time. The sword demon who resisted the tower did not need to care about his health bar at all, and he would endure the whole process!
After the defense tower emptied the sword demon's health bar, the sword demon once again turned into a 'floating corpse' and moved slowly under the tower, and the attack target of the defense tower was also automatically transferred.

And at this time?
Lucian had already been killed in battle, and only one bullhead was still fighting.

Seeing this scene, Hongmi in the background finally smiled, and did not forget to tell the coaches and players of the other three LPL teams around him, "This is the greatest value of Sword Demon! It provides a huge fault tolerance rate for tower jumps, even if Extraordinary did not gain such a huge advantage in the early stage, and there is no risk in this wave of tower jumping."

Steak, Nofe, Heart and others looked at the uncontrollable smile on Hongmi's face and admitted that they were sour.

Is this what makes a hero?

Is this just because Li Feifan is so strong?
If it were another hero, Li Feifan wouldn't be able to have such a big advantage?

The field has been completely reduced to garbage time, and the Flash Wolves have collapsed!

All three routes and the jungle area were at a huge disadvantage.

Even if you play this kind of game at a barbecue stall, everyone will definitely be sweating profusely.

But the next progress of the game shocked everyone! !

At 11 minutes, easily took down the Canyon Pioneer. They originally planned to demolish the tower in the middle, and also pushed the line of soldiers through. The double poke of Jace and Bomberman formed an absolute deterrent.


The line of soldiers under the first tower in the middle road decreased, and all members of the Lightning Wolf moved forward, hoping to push back the JD people who were demolishing the tower.


No one expected that Li Feifan would actually do something outrageous! !
He directly QE the second company and rushed forward, knocking away Lucian and Syndra in the crowd at the same time. The two people didn't know when they walked together.

Maybe he didn't expect Li Feifan to dare to fight back.

after all……

In a normal game, the advancing side, when all the minions under the tower are exhausted, will retreat and distance themselves to avoid being seized by the opponent to counterattack.

They never dreamed that Li Feifan would fight back! !

"Ah? What is Mortal doing? Did you press the wrong skill?" Looking at the reactions of Miller and Wawa, it was clear that everyone was surprised by Li Feifan's sudden attack!
But Jingdong’s teammates would not be like this. They communicated in advance so that they were already prepared!

The zenith blade in the hand of the Japanese girl pointed towards the sky! !

The dazzling sunlight shone down, locking Lucian and Syndra in place. Sword Demon immediately connected with Q2. Niutou reacted quickly and pushed Sword Demon away with a W.

But Rinu had already rushed into the crowd.

The sword demon also flashed from Q3 to E, and with the blessing of two displacement effects, he once again came to the faces of Lucian and Syndra, and the giant sword in his hand struck down again!
What follows is Jace’s QE enhanced cannon and Bomberman’s ultimate move! !

This wave of terrifying AOE.

Just hit Flash Wolf's double C right away! !

Although the subsequent Sword Demon was 'died', with the blessing of the effect of his ultimate move, he quickly regained his strength and stood up again!

In the end, the Flash Wolf was left with Mundo, who could go wherever he wanted, and ran away with his ultimate move, while Nosuke, the troll and the bull head, were forced to stay.


The team battle that suddenly broke out ended with lightning speed!
All members of Jingdong were unscathed and worked together to demolish the first tower in the middle. Then they immediately summoned the Canyon Pioneer. As the Pioneer hit, the others compensated for some damage. Bomberman also demolished the opponent's second tower in the middle with a W. .

When the Rift Herald hit Flash Wolf's mid-highland tower, the fallen talents were resurrected one after another.

When their support comes...

The highland tower in the middle is gone, and the barracks has been knocked off half of its health by the Canyon Pioneer.


Could it be that? ?

An idea appeared in the minds of all members of the Flash Wolves...

Considering the entrance ceremony, the indifferent reaction of the audience towards him, and the unkind looks he received from the LPL team members.

Did want to end the game before 20 minutes? ?
The casters are also mentioning this!
"No, no, no, it's game time! Oh my God!" Miller exclaimed, "If handles it properly, it's really possible... to create a new history for the ship, right?"

After a round of supplies, go home.

Jingdong did not continue to rush forward as a group, but developed for a while.

At 15 minutes, once again gathered together in the middle. They were just waiting for their respective skill CDs! !
When the five members of came to the middle of the high ground as a team, the Flash Wolves were all facing a formidable enemy. Facing the double poke of JD. Jess + Bomberman, they could only retreat and let push their middle barracks flat!

After demolishing the barracks, Jingdong still won’t leave!
Wait until the army line with super soldiers comes over and attack their incisor tower!
"Gah, that's too much! You must hold on!" Maple was very angry.


you can!

After all, they also know that there is a huge gap in strength between themselves and, but losing so humiliatingly is absolutely unacceptable! !

Flash Wolf tried his best to stop it!

But I couldn’t stand it, Jingdong was still so decisive!

With Bomberman and Jace's patient poke, and then with the help of super soldiers, they took the lead in taking down an incisor tower, which had obviously touched the bottom line of Flash Wolf.

Just when the other side was about to rush over forcefully and force back Jingdong's advance with his life.

It was Li Feifan who rushed to the front again!
As soon as the ultimate move is activated, rush into the crowd!
This version of Sword Demon's ultimate move that can resurrect people is really too buggy. Whether it's jumping over a tower or playing in a group, as long as the equipment is in shape, you don't need to worry so much and just charge forward.

Even if no damage is dealt, using the resurrection mechanism to absorb all the opponent's damage and key skills is a positive contribution to the team!

This time!
Lucian and Syndra, who Flash still held in his hands, were not dead.

But the other three were all killed.

Without Uenosuke creating output space for themselves in front, Lucian and Syndra would be unable to stop's advancement!
The two of them rushed out at the last moment, trying to kill Li Feifan and break the embarrassment of zero kills.


Bomberman's treatment allowed Sword Demon to escape successfully!

On the contrary, their base crystal has exploded!
And finally.

The game time is fixed at 16 minutes and 54 seconds!
The shortest game time in the World Championship!
If only that's the case.

Not just the minimum game duration.

The audience.

The Flash Wolf has zero heads, zero defense towers, and zero dragons.

I was beaten into a real 'Linglong Tower'!
Combined with the shortest game duration in the history of the World Championship, they are destined to be nailed to the pillar of shame in history! !
PS: Damn, I’m just being lazy today, I’ll definitely update more tomorrow, thank you all for your understanding, bam!
(End of this chapter)

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