Chapter 168 Actions are faster than brains

The treatment of Huazhang's retainers made many ministers feel unbalanced.

But he didn't dare to say anything in front of His Majesty.

Before breakfast, they were refuted by His Highness Hua Zhang to doubt their life. Now that they had just enjoyed the delicious breakfast at Huazhang Palace, they were too embarrassed to embarrass him in person.

It took a full two hours to get from Xianyang Palace to the 'underground palace' prepared for the alchemists outside the city.

We arrived at our destination at three quarters past noon.

When the carriage stopped and Wang Li opened the curtain, Ying Zheng picked up Xu Man and got out of the carriage.

At the same time, he told the other two girls: "Zhenman, take care of your little sister and get out of the car more slowly."

"Father, Zhen'er knows this."

Zhenman looked at Jiuhuangmei who was held in her father's arms, hid the envy in her eyes, stretched out her hand to hold Yinman's little hand, "Little sister, we are also getting off the car."

"Oh oh oh."

Yinman looked away from Sister Ninth Sister's happy little face, pursed her lips and whispered, "Sister Eight, are you envious?"

"What are you envious of? That's what Ninth Sister deserves."

Zhenman can see clearly that in the past, when Ninth Sister was not favored, she would not be able to see her father for months or even a year or two.

Since Ninth Sister was favored, he had benefited from it and could see and talk to his father almost every day.

This was a blessing she had never dreamed of before.

Can't argue with Jiu Mei.

What's more, Ninth Sister's favor today was entirely earned by herself, and she really has no right to fight for it.

Unless I can become as good as my ninth sister.

But how is that possible?
"Hehe, I'm not envious either."

Yin Man giggled, "I'm already so old, I don't need my father to hold me."


Zhenman knew that she was feeling sad, but she didn't reveal it. He just poked her forehead lightly and said with a smile, "How about Sister Eight carry you down?"

"No, I'm too heavy for you to carry."

Yinman broke away from her hand and ran out of the chariot as if running away.Meng Yi, Li Si and Wang Ben, who were listening to the sisters' conversation behind them, smiled at each other and protected the two highnesses from landing safely.

Then he easily jumped out of the car.

"Father, did you arrange for those alchemists to stay here?"

Xu Man looked at a downward passage in front of him. A thick door at the end of the passage was tightly closed, and there was a sergeant guarding the door.

Obviously, Zulong has regarded those alchemists as criminals.

Seeing their arrival, the soldiers hurriedly saluted and said in unison: "All the officers and men of the Twelfth Armor of the Third Thousand Guards of the Black Dragon Guard pay homage to Your Majesty and pay homage to His Highness Hua Zhang."

Xu Man was hugged by his father and was stunned by the momentum. Then he sighed in his heart: "Wow, you are worthy of being a personal guard by your father's side. This momentum is extraordinary." 】

Ying Zheng: "..." That's not the case.

"Get up and open the door."

Zulong's voice was not loud, but it was as powerful as a mountain.


The soldiers agreed and then took action. Two of them ran to both sides of the gate, while the other two stepped on the stone piers on one side of the gate.

There were two other people standing in the middle of the gate, and then six people pressed a button under their control at the same time and gave a deep shout.

Only after hearing a click, the heavy door slowly opened to both sides.

Seeing this scene, Xu Man was dumbfounded: "Wow, what an amazing Yazi."

Ying Zheng was amused by the cute look of Jiu Daughter, and said softly: "This is the trick of public losers. If Xu'er is interested, I will let them teach you."

"Okay, okay."

Xuman's eyes lit up, "Father is the best, mua~~~"

She couldn't help but kiss her father on the face.

Xuman was stunned for a moment by this action that was faster than his brain.

Zu Long was also stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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