Thriller copy beating workers

Chapter 179 The evil spirit in the mountain village 1

"The Evil Spirit in the Mountain Village"

[Copy background introduction: Qingshui Village is a small mountain village with a beautiful environment and peace of mind. The folk customs are simple and the people live and work in peace and contentment. But I don’t know why weird things always happen in the village. Some people go crazy for no reason, and then say that they are ghosts. Some people beat people for no reason, claiming that they were instigated by others. Now the situation is becoming more and more serious. A small quarrel between two families escalated to the point of stabbing each other. Even though both parties were bloody and bloody, they refused to stop. A family member hanged himself two days ago...

There were rumors that the village was haunted, so the clan elders invited a master to exterminate the evil spirits. It stopped for a while and then started again. Later, some mages were invited to come. They were either liars or had little real ability. Instead of killing the ghosts, they caused the ghosts to intensify and harm the villagers. 】

[Character background introduction: Your name is Yizhen. You are the last disciple of a fallen Taoist sect. You were invited by Qingshui Village. 】

Shu Xin briefly read the introduction and had a general understanding of this copy and her own identity.

But this information doesn't seem to be very accurate.

For example, the character introduction said that she was invited by Qingshui Village, but it did not say who was invited. He didn't say what he was going to do specifically.

However, based on the theme of this dungeon and the world background introduction above, it is natural to understand that he came to Qingshui Village to find out why the villagers went crazy and hurt each other and to exorcise ghosts.

If this is the case, why not point this out directly as the supreme rule.

Shu Xin wanted to ask Su Su for confirmation. In the sea of ​​consciousness, she sent several thoughts to the small ball floating next to her spiritual consciousness, but received no response.

It seems that either Susu is retrieving and deducing information, or she doesn't want to or is not ready to answer her question.

Shu Xin temporarily put aside her doubts. No matter what, she still needs her own direction to judge things.

Then, she started to check her condition and was stunned for a moment.

Because, she found that her body was now wrapped in a layer of mist, making her appearance completely invisible.

But she herself was able to sense her own existence, but she just didn't show it.

On the other side, Susu was surprised at what she had just dug out from the information about the [Dungeon World Background].

Just when she was about to send a message to Shu Xin, the Supreme Rules gave her an instruction: [Leave the right of choice to employees, no prompts]

Can't prompt? this……

Is it...

Susu calculated more things again. Based on how she got along with the little host during this period, she was still a little confident, but...

So, when Shu Xin was wondering about her physical condition, a prompt sounded in the sea of ​​​​consciousness: [Ask employees to choose their own image]

Following the prompt, two outfits appeared in front of her.

One set is what her dimensional body looks like: she still has ear-length short hair, a white cream top and an ink long skirt. Except for the white ghost mask on her face, the other items include a black glove on her right hand and a small bag tied to her left forearm. All are there.

A few small reminders next to it: body decoration

And the other outfit was a little...

It's a bit like a skirt from beginning to end, especially the hem of the skirt is very narrow, just like the costume of a certain country in her body world. When walking, she can't open her thighs and can only walk with her calves alternately in small steps. She will fall if she walks fast. kind.

There is a blouse outside the skirt, a thick cloth is wrapped around the head, and even the face is covered by a veil. That's not all. What shocked Shu Xin even more was that the shoes part of this outfit turned out to be a pair of tiny feet that looked like two pointed pillars stuck there.

There are also a few small words next to this outfit: Qingshui Village women’s regular outfit


Regardless of everything else, Shu Xin only had one question: How could she do her job dressed like this? Also, can you run away if you are chased by a dog or a bad guy?

Shu Xin didn't have to think about it at all. Of course it was the decoration of her own dimensional body.

Although in a sense, it is easier to blend in with the completely local dress, but this time Shuxin decided to follow her own heart - she felt that if she dressed like a woman from Qingshui Village, she would have to stretch her hands. She can kill all evil spirits in an instant. Whenever she needs to fight, she can only stand there and act as a target for the opponent - because she can't run away at all.

Besides, although the decoration of my own dimensional body is completely different from the local one, it is also recognized by the supreme rules and does not conflict with the rules of this world.

Otherwise, the Supreme Rules would not have given her two outfits to choose from, but would have simply let her look like a local woman.

Without any hesitation, Shu Xin reached out and clicked on the first outfit.

In an instant, she felt that her appearance was finally revealed.

Shu Xin looked at her own outfit and felt that it was quite decent, simple and classic.

I moved around again and felt very comfortable.

Then with a thought, he took out a transparent bracelet from his small bag and put it directly on his right wrist.

The bracelet was given to her by Yu Ran during the last team mission. Although this time and space does not have satellite positioning and map retrieval functions, and it cannot emit lasers due to rules, there are hooks and ropes inside, and the ropes can be emitted in emergencies. Save your life.

In addition to food and water, there are also some small items in the small bag, some of which can be used in this dungeon world, and some of which cannot.

If it cannot be used, the supreme rules will directly block it.

Probably because her dimensional body had experienced a time travel just now, which consumed a lot of mental power and energy, Shu Xin felt a little hungry at this time.

Although everything here seems to be very peaceful now, and the sky is clear and the wind is light, no one knows what will happen next or what will happen. Adhering to the concept of keeping oneself in the best condition at all times, Shu Xin walked to the side Si Shi sat down, took out dry food from his small bag and started eating.

Shu Xin observed the surrounding environment while eating:

She was now on a deserted slope, connecting three roads.

One leads deep into the ravine, one connects to a barren mountain, and the other leads through the woods and into the hills.

According to the introduction in the dungeon just now, the haunted village should take the road leading to the ravine.

In order to keep herself in the best condition at all times, she was ready to replenish her energy before moving forward. Unexpectedly, just after sitting down for a while, a few people came from the mountainside on the other side and walked straight this way. They seemed to be going to Qingshui Village. of.

Shu Xin didn't know whether these people were from the original village or outsiders like her, because it was impossible to tell from their clothes.

He sat still and watched the changes.

He just ate the food in his hands in a few bites, put the food packaging bag back into his small bag, and patted the fallen dregs on his body.

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