Thriller copy beating workers

Chapter 237 So that’s it

When the girl got home, she discovered that the dressing mirror she had been carrying close to her body for more than ten years was missing. She must have dropped it when she was entangled with the other party.

She also found that there was a small cut on the back of her hand at some point, and she always felt that her thoughts seemed to be pulled by something.

But if I look closely, I can't sense anything specifically. Later, this feeling became weaker and weaker, and I gradually let it go.

The dressing mirror was something she missed her parents and wanted to get back.

But when she thought about what the boy had done to her, she was afraid that if she went any further, she would be like a sheep in a tiger's mouth, so she didn't go again.

Later, the boy got engaged to the rich girl as scheduled, and the girl's parents came to take her back to the city.

She thought everything had been wiped out and gone, but she didn't expect the boy to come back several times.

Every time, he spoke of his lovesickness with great affection, and how he was suffering with a woman he didn't love.

He said that he still wanted to renew his relationship with the girl, and swore that he would make the girl happy.

The girl's attitude was very resolute. At this time, her parents' jobs and residence had been stable, and they sent her to the best school.

She looks forward to beautiful love, but she is not someone willing to wait for love. So when she found out that the boy didn't match her own views, she decided to withdraw.

However, the boy didn't know why, but he was stalking her, and he wouldn't stop until he got it.

This made the girl angry and confused at the same time.

Although she returned to her parents at that time and her family situation was many times better than in the countryside, the boy married a rich girl and inherited all the property from his in-laws' family, making him a real rich man.

Besides, the girl from the rich family is also good-looking and has a good personality. She has been married for three years and has two children.

Whether in the eyes of outsiders or those who live next to the boy, it can be seen that he is living a very happy life.

This is what the girl can't understand.

But fortunately, although the other party behaves paranoid, it seems that as long as she resists resolutely, the other party can't do anything to her.

Then she finished college ahead of schedule and went abroad to study. On the other hand, she also wanted to avoid this person.

When she returned three years later, she had made a new acquaintance with a man who was knowledgeable, talented and good-looking.

Both families were very satisfied and decided to get engaged after returning to China.

Unexpectedly, when the girl came back, she found that the guy was even crazier than before and got worse.

The girl learned from the side that in the few years since she left, the boy's family had undergone earth-shaking changes.

First, my parents suddenly became seriously ill and died.

Immediately afterwards, his wife and son went on an outing and were killed by a sudden collapse of a rock. The parents of the in-laws also passed away soon after.

He sold all the houses and shops in his hometown, moved to the city, and then guarded the girl.

She also said that all this was because of her...

This scared the girl quite a bit.

In addition, the boy deliberately spread rumors to cause trouble, disrupting the girl's originally planned engagement ceremony.

For the next six months, the boy kept causing trouble and the girl did not dare to go out. It stands to reason that given the identity and energy of a girl's parents, the police and some people in society should be able to solve the problem.

But the boy seemed to have some unexplainable ability. He existed like a black hole in the eyes of ordinary people.

Things have been dragging on until now.

When Shu Xin was just transported to this world, the bus bombing she encountered was caused by that boy, Qi Junshan.

The truth is that that day, the girl Su Xiaoqing and her boyfriend discussed secretly preparing for the engagement and trying on dresses.

The place where the bus exploded was outside the shop where they were trying on dresses.

Qi Junshan did it for Su Xiaoqing, just to scare her and prevent her from getting engaged to someone else.

... Shuxin frowned even more deeply after watching the entire time capsule playback.

There is one most critical issue that is not clear:

It is obvious that Na Qi Junshan is very powerful and has an advanced system of golden fingers.

It stands to reason that if he wants to take down an ordinary person, even if he uses force, he can do it easily, right?


Shu Xin looked at Su Xiaoqing through the gradually dissipating time playback screen, and then asked her question.

Su Xiaoqing shook the dressing mirror towards Shu Xin, "I didn't understand it before. Ever since I officially broke off with him eight years ago, I have faintly noticed that he seems to be different from before. It's just... how to put it? It seems that there is a deeper and deeper separation from the world, and he gradually feels that he is above everything. All people and things are easily handled in front of him. Anyone who hinders him or has bullied him, even if it is a small child passing by, If it doesn’t look pleasing to the eye, then those people will have accidents or simply disappear from the world.”

"But at the same time, people seem to inexplicably ignore the existence of such a person. For example, one moment he beats someone up, and the next moment he stands in front of that person, the other person may not recognize him."

"I have the same question as you just now. He has such extraordinary strength. Why can't he use those killing methods on me as long as I say no? He said before that he loved me deeply and had to be me... Haha , now I understand, it’s because of this.”

Su Xiaoqing raised the dressing mirror in her hand, and then looked down at the shallow scar on the back of her hand.

He continued: "The source of all his extraordinary means and strength lies in this."

Shu Xin couldn't help but widen her eyes and blurted out: "This? But..."

In her hand it was obviously just an ordinary dressing mirror.

A wry smile appeared on Su Xiaoqing's face: "No wonder when I got home after we broke up with him completely, I felt that my consciousness seemed to be fettered by something. The feeling was vague, and he hid it very well, so I I haven’t been able to figure out what it is.”

"It turns out that when I was torn with him, the back of my hand was cut, and I accidentally activated and concluded a contract with something. But because the dressing mirror was controlled by him, so..."

Shu Xin said: "That high-level system originally signed a contract with you?"

But it seems that the way she signed the contract with Susu is different.

Susu Sound Transmission added: [It should be a system that wandered into this time and space due to some unexpected event. It must contract with the host before the energy is exhausted, otherwise it will completely dissipate. Moreover, it no longer has enough energy to enter the host's sea of ​​consciousness, so it can only conclude a contract through the most primitive blood contract. In this case, the system cannot be unbound unless the host lets go. 】

Shu Xin probably understood.

I heard Su Xiaoqing gently groping for the dressing mirror with her fingertips, and said leisurely: "...It turns out that he picked up the dressing mirror as a proof of the contract between me and that thing, so he was able to establish contact with it through this. Unfortunately, he Although I can use it, I can't completely make it my own. Either let me cancel the blood contract myself, or..."

Shu Xin: “Either what?”

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