Chapter 17
There are mountains and mountains, the sun is shining brightly, and the chickens are flying and the dogs are dancing.

The bright sunshine comes from the east. Wherever it reaches, the villagers speed up their harvesting operations. When the sun heats up, they have to end today's harvest, pack up their tools, pick up the threshed rice and go back to dry it.

In this way, the sun gradually drove back half of the villagers.

Mr. Su's land is in the far west, and he can still work on it for a while.

The villagers who finished their work intentionally or unintentionally looked at Su Changhuai who was threshing rice in the field.

In the past, he was the eldest son of a landlord and never went to the fields.After the separation, he worked in a restaurant in the town instead of working in the fields.I actually asked for leave to go to the field today, which is very strange.

It can be seen from his actions that he really doesn't know how to do farm work.

The tall figure lifted the rice with great effort and threw it hard into the rice barrel.

Well, it looks very hard and very weak.

When Su Changhuai appeared in Aunt Niu's field to the east, he was covered in sunshine and shining brightly.

He borrowed the square rice bucket from Aunt Niu's house and wanted to carry it back to his own field to thresh rice.He was too thin and weak, and his slender waist might be crushed by the rice barrel.

So many people helped him carry the rice bucket.

They thought he was just responsible for borrowing, and Shen Biyu came to thresh the rice. Unexpectedly, he started threshing rice clumsily and hard, and the threshing continued until now.

Even if Shen Biyu comes, he is still fighting, sweating profusely, but even more charming.

"Boss Su is very diligent!"

The old elm trees provide shade and greenery, and old people and children who cannot work are waiting and playing under the trees.

Shen Biyu laid down two taro leaves on the ground, put down Su Suisui, and went to the fields. "Jiaojiao, help grandma look after my sister for a while!"

"Ahhhhhh!" Su Suisui was lying on the taro leaves, drooling as he looked at his father and mother in the field, who were beating rice with their arms.

She originally only clung to her grandma when she was hungry, but after the bug feast in the morning, she became even more clingy to her grandma.

Grandma is here, food is there, peace of mind is there.

Aniang was her whole world. She babbling to scare away the snakes, insects, rats, and ants around her, while babbling while watching Aniang stretch her fists and stretch her legs.

Several babies in the same village who were older than her could crawl. They had runny noses in summer and crawled in front of her. They didn't mind the dirt on the ground and pointed their bare buttocks at her.

Babies communicate with each other using natural baby language, making them giggle with joy.

A few old people were sitting under the tree chatting happily, glancing at their baby from time to time and stuffing the baby with dirty things to eat.

"Yaozu, let's play with Suisui!" Su Jiaojiao's best friend Axiang called her one-year-old brother.

After listening to his sister's words, Yaozu crawled towards Su Suisui.

"My brother is playing with your sister, so feel free to play with me."

Su Jiaojiao, who was turning over the flower rope, took a moment to take a look. "Uh-huh!"

A very sturdy baby boy wearing crotchless pants crawled over, holding half an earthworm in his hand, with black nails under his fingernails.

"Yeah yay yay!"

Σ(っ°Д°;)っDon’t come over here!
Su Suisui was extremely frightened.

Axiang giggled: "Look, your sister and my brother play really well!"

What's so good!

Your Yaozu is holding half an earthworm in his hand, half an earthworm!Where is the other half?

Su Suisui kicked his legs and arms even more angrily.

"Sister can crawl!" Su Jiaojiao exclaimed, stopped climbing on the flower rope, squatted on the ground, clapped her hands to encourage: "Sister, crawl again, come to sister!"

With the second sister in front and Yaozu behind, Su Suisui chose to crawl towards the second sister.

But she was too young and couldn't crawl any more. The crawl she just made was as unreal as a dream.

Then she was pinched around the waist and separated from the large taro leaves.

The little feet kicked and kicked, and they stepped on the coarse linen clothes that had been washed white, and Aunt Niu picked her up.

"The youngest is just kidding. She will crawl in the future." Aunt Niu hugged her and rubbed her back.

Su Suisui smelled the smell of cows, sweaty and smelly, and the milk he drank before surged up and got stuck in his throat.

She tried her best to hold back the uncomfortable feeling and forced out a smile.

Aunt Niu is a good person. The rice bucket that my father and mother are using now is borrowed from Aunt Niu’s family. Aunt Niu also gave my father half a bucket of fresh cow dung to paste on the wall.There are many holes in the walls at home, and the paste has not been finished. There are still mouse holes under the bed that need to be blocked, and cow dung is also needed.Her family didn’t have a cow, so she had to ask her aunt for one.

So she had to behave better and try to get Auntie Cow to give her more fresh cow dung for her cute face next time.

grass!Her family is so poor!
Children of poor people who laugh at shit at a young age are indeed the masters of their own business!

Aunt Niu rolled her eyes and said with a smile, "This doll is interesting!"

Both of her sons were bachelors, and they almost went bald thinking about holding a grandson. She hugged every little baby in the village and cried when she hugged her. Only this baby looked at her and smiled.

So good, so good.

I really want to give this lovely doll something, but she has nothing to offer.

Some time ago, her father came to ask for some cow dung, but he wasn't sure if it would be enough.
In the evening, it was still very hot.

There is a sunset in the sky, very red.

When Su Suisui woke up, she was put into a washed baby basket. Aniang changed the cloth underneath for her, which was very clean and comfortable.

Shen Biyu hummed a song and turned over the rice that was drying in the courtyard, wanting to dry it again in the light of the setting sun.

This year's harvest is good. For the same field, five dan were picked last year, but eight dan this year.

Su Changhuai was cooking in the kitchen and picked a few green onions in the open space.

The buds of the coriander are starting to turn green, and the coriander still needs to grow long before it can be boiled hot. Houttuynia cordata has become stronger and stronger after several rains. Su Changhuai pinched a small bowl of cold salad.

The moon and stars are sparse, and the frogs are croaking.

It was time for the Su family to talk at night again.

"It's true that my sister can crawl! Ah Xiang, Aunt Niu and I all saw it!" Su Jiaojiao excitedly shared Su Suisui's progress.

As a result, Su Suisui received a lot of praise, and was thrown up high by his father, caught again, thrown up again, and caught again, making his mouth water with laughter.

It's great to be a baby, and such a small thing can be praised to heaven.

Su Xueying took out the handkerchief folded into squares and opened it carefully. Inside were three pieces of sweet-scented osmanthus cake.

"I did a good job today, and Madam rewarded me with a few pieces of cake!" Su Yuxing shared a piece each.

Su Jiaojiao looked at the sweet-scented osmanthus cake with eyes brighter than the stars in the sky. She held it, smelled it, stretched out her teeth and bit off a little bit, carefully feeling the sweetness and fragrance flowing between her lips, teeth and mouth.

"It really tastes like osmanthus!"

Su Jiaojiao looked at Su Jiaojiao smiling quietly, feeling a little sad and a little guilty.

She is two years older than Jiaojiao. Before Jiaojiao was born and the family was separated, she lived a good life for two years, unlike Jiaojiao and Suisui, who never lived a good day after they were born.

If she had been a boy, the eldest brother of Jiaojiao and Suisui, then her father would not have been separated, and the current life would not be so sad.


She looked at her father and mother, and saw that her father was still holding the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, and her mother only pinched a little and put it into Suisui's mouth, and neither of them ate.

"Did you eat it yourself?" A Niang asked.

Su Xueying nodded.

In fact, she didn't eat it. There were four pieces of cake on the plate. The lady ate one piece and got tired of it. She asked her to take the rest and pour it out. She secretly took it back and gave it to her family.

Su Changhuai's heart ached, remembering that when Ayu was pregnant again at that home, her mother found a Taoist woman to do the same thing as Ayu to scare away the female fetus that came to Ayu's belly.

Now that Xueying is older, she may not remember the things that happened when she was one or two years old, but the damage done to her has not ended to this day.

Su Changhuai sighed: "Come to Daddy."

Su Changhuai fed Xu Xu some sweet-scented osmanthus cake, and Xu Xu burst into tears.



"Do you like it?"

Su Jingyi was silent.

"We haven't talked about Daddy's affairs yet. Daddy has raised his monthly salary. From now on, Xueying doesn't have to work as a maid in other people's homes."

"From now on, daddy will buy you cakes every month."

(End of this chapter)

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