Chapter 20 Conscience
After the rain, the sky is overcast, and the autumn wind rises.

A little cool.

A little stuffy.

Autumn in Xiaochong Village seems to have just begun with this rain.

Shen Biyu finished her wild vegetable porridge, hugged Su Suisui and looked at the sky.

One look revealed the evening.

In the past, when the sun was out and I looked up at the sky, I would feel dazzled.I looked up all afternoon today and felt nothing.

The sun doesn't want to come out.

I look forward to this harvest all year long when I am farming.

You have to pay taxes, land rent, head tax at the end of the year, sacrifices, and food for yourself and your family also comes from the ground.

People cannot be lazy when farming. If people are lazy, the harvest will be less.People are not lazy, and the harvest may not be satisfactory, because farming depends on God, and God relies on God for food.

She was afraid that this was God's will.

Fortunately, I have taken good care of my health this year, and I have endless strength to dry the rice before the heavy rain, otherwise...
Shen Biyu handed Su Suisui to Su Jiuxi's arms, picked up the rake and rice bowl that the villagers had forgotten, and went out.

"Jiaojiao, Jiaojiao, look at Sui Sui, I'll return the things."

Su Jiaojiao was confused: "Why are you carrying a basket of meat on your back?"

The wet village road was full of potholes and mud.

The people in the village were not kind to her family, and even vented their grievances against her mother-in-law and second brother on her and her husband.

No matter how old Jiaojiao is, her family has been ridiculed for many years.

Over the years, no matter how difficult the family has been, they have never reached out to my mother-in-law and the villagers. My mother said she was soft on others, but if she really extended her hand, she would have to bend her back and be laughed at, and the family would never be able to hold their heads up.

It's one thing to be soft-handed and short-tongued, but more importantly, she wants people in the village to see that her family is different from her mother-in-law's family.

Moreover, I only ate a little bit of the bacon and sausage made by the little wild boar before. This time I hunted many rabbits, crucian carp, pheasants, and many birds. I had to eat every meal to finish the meat before it spoiled.

It's okay to take this big wild boar out in half.

"Sister Wu, Brother Wu forgot his rake, I'll bring it to you!"

"Sister-in-law Chen, sit down, you forgot your bowl, I'll bring it to you!"

"Zhao Di'er, where is your mother? She forgot her rake in the yard, I brought it to her!"

Meat was sent to every household. Those who had lost all their rice and had suffered heavy losses were given large strips of meat, while those who had suffered little loss were given small strips of meat.

Every household held her hand and talked with red eyes for a while, and she walked home under the moonlight with an empty basket on her back.

Then I saw my husband vomiting while cleaning the yard. Xu Xu took a bucket and flushed the ground he had brushed. The smell of pigs in the yard was much lighter.

"Auntie is back!" Su Jiaojiao ran over with Su Suisui in her arms.

Grandma can have dinner when she comes back!

Dad fried four bowls of pig's blood, braised hare, and roasted four birds.

So happy!
"Ayu." Su Changhuai, who was brushing the floor, raised his face to look at her, his peach blossom eyes full of emotion.

Su Changhuai: Ayu is becoming more and more capable, will he think that I am useless?
Shen Biyu: Huh?My husband-in-law is becoming more and more evil-looking, and he looks less and less suitable for my husband-in-law!

Shen Biyu quickly wiped it carefully and changed into clean clothes.

It doesn't smell like pigs or sweat, which is great.

My husband painted the yard very clean, which is great.

The food cooked by my husband is very fragrant and delicious.

The baby is so cute, so nice.

very nice.

Su's house was empty, and the light from a small oil lamp was too small.

Mrs. Su turned off the lights early and went to bed.

Su Changbai and his wife sat on the threshold, swatting mosquitoes and looking at the end of the village.

The light at the end of the village also went out.

"How does eldest brother do things? Every household has meat, but not mine!" "Yes, our rice is also wet. We and eldest brother are still one family!"

"Jia Fu, Jia Lu, and Jia Shou followed us all the way, but the woman didn't seem to notice and just refused to give it to her!"

"Brother really doesn't know how to behave!"

The cicadas are still chirping late at night, "squeak-squeak-squeak-"

The chicken is sleeping and the dog is dozing.

People burned the fire all night to dry the wet rice.

Drying the rainwater without roasting or scorching it is a skill mastered by the elders in the village.

They have cultivated the land all their lives and know best how to remediate it.

Young people watch and learn, and they all want to reduce some losses.

It was dawn and the sun came out.

But the sun was far less intense than the day before. It took them a whole morning to dry the ground before they could spread the rice to dry.

After being exposed to the sun all afternoon, I pinched a handful of rice and my palms were still moist.

Not reconciled.

So I dried the rice during the day and roasted it over the fire at night, saving whatever I could.

However, on the day when the public grain was handed over, a lot of rice was still moldy.

The villagers came to Suzhai carrying rice.

Su's house is a house with three entrances and three openings. As soon as the village chief Hou entered the large courtyard, he held a book and began to call the names.

I am sure that every household has picked rice, but the rice does not look dry, and the people standing behind the rice burdens are all dejected and unhappy.

He missed the past years when everyone would gather here, chatting, joking, and scolding the landlords without being able to stop them.

Shen Biyu held Su Suisui while standing behind her rice burden, and others cast envious glances.

The auspicious words about good harvests in previous years could no longer be uttered. The village chief handed the booklet to Su Changhuai: "Boss Su, you know how to settle accounts. I'm sorry to bother you."

The second they entered the door, Chen Cuiping got up from her nap to prepare snacks for Jia Lu and Jia Shou, and found Su Changbai slumped on the recliner, humming a tune leisurely.

"The folks are here, why don't you go and calculate the land tax and rent?"

Su Changbai was too lazy to raise his eyebrows, "Since they ate the meat from the eldest brother's house, they even worked with the eldest brother to torment me. I also tormented them and told them to wait until grandpa and I wake up!"

Listening to the commotion outside, Chen Cuiping also smiled and said: "Yes, let them know what will happen if they offend us, and also know how to speak and act in the future!"

Chen Cuiping leisurely went to the kitchen to make snacks for her son, and then finished eating with her son leisurely. When she came out, she saw that Su Changbai was drooling from sleep.

"Second brother, I see there isn't much noise outside, why don't you go take a look?" Chen Cuiping shook Su Changbai awake.

Su Changbai stretched out and directed Jia Lu and Jia Shou to explore the situation first.

"No hurry, no hurry, the village chief can't even count ten, so he can only wait without me."

Su Jialu and Su Jiashou came back, "Mom and dad, everyone outside is about to leave."


"Uncle is still here, and the village chief is crying to worship him!"

what! ! !
Su Changbai hurriedly ran to the outer courtyard with his shoes. He ran too fast and one of them flew out and hit the village chief on the head.

Su Changhuai picked up the shoes and said, "Second brother."

Su Changbai's eyes were filled with rice picks left behind, much less than in previous years. "No, no! I paid too little!"

"It's you, what did you do again!" Su Changbai grabbed the skirt of Su Changhuai's clothes.

Su Changhuai frowned slightly, her peach blossom eyes filled with autumn water, and looked at him calmly.

"Second brother, I am very disappointed in you."

Su Changbai felt that he was confused, so he slapped him upside down and pretended to be innocent and disappointed.

Seeing this, the village chief hit Su Changbai's foot with a cane and said angrily: "It's not that we paid less, it's that we paid too much in previous years!"

"Second son of the Su family, do you still have a conscience?"

(End of this chapter)

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