Chapter 12 1V1 Battle System

Ning Yu has always wanted to test Jin Bo's current strength. After all, she spent a summer vacation to upgrade all Jin Bo's skills to LV1, and it is almost reaching LV2.

It's a pity that although she can see her experience increasing, she has never been able to practice. She didn't expect that the freshman assessment would give her such an opportunity.

Ning Shu thought that if she said this, Ning Yu would tremble with fear like before, but she didn't expect to see excitement and fighting spirit in Ning Yu's eyes.

She instinctively thought that she had seen it wrong. How could it be possible?Ning Yu had been like that for more than ten years, and now he was thrust into the freshman assessment. Why did he react like this?
Ning Yu felt the change in Ning Shu's expression and calmed down his expression.

"thanks for reminding."

If Ning Shu hadn't come to tell her in advance, she would have been blinded for a while.

Seeing Ning Yu's reaction, Ning Shu suddenly felt bored and returned to Jinghong Beast Control Academy with the dinner plate in hand.

Meng Xiya from Fengyun Beast Control Academy glared in Ning Yu's direction, raised her voice and said, "Since when can even people like this be admitted in the freshman assessment? Put those of us who have been carefully selected to take part in the assessment. where?"

The students of the three colleges all had some complaints in their hearts. When the semester started, everyone was vying for this spot. Unexpectedly, Ning Yu, who had awakened to low-level transcendence, was arranged to come in and divide them into equal parts.

Meng Xiya's voice was very loud, and of course Ning Yu heard it. When they were in Galaxy No. [-] Middle School, Meng Xiya and Ning Yu didn't deal with each other.

Ning Yu left with the dinner plate. What she had eaten was enough to replenish her energy in the morning.

By the time all the freshmen had had breakfast, Fang Yuanhui was already waiting for them at the place where they were just called.

Ning Yu saw Qin Song, who was standing behind Fang Yuanhui with a gloomy face. Because of the scar, he looked scary, and many freshmen present were afraid of him.

"Now that everyone is here, let's start without further delay."

Fang Yuanhui raised his hand and asked them to stand further apart, leaving a playing field in the middle.

It's just a competition between a group of children who haven't had time to get started. There is no need to set up too many additional protective facilities. Fang Yuanhui is enough.

After Fang Yuanhui made the assignments, he looked at Ning Yu. Ning Yu stood there alone, with no expression on his face and was quiet.

This actually made Fang Yuanhui feel a little better about Ning Yu. Anyone would feel comfortable with a child who doesn't make noises or cause trouble.

Ning Lingfeng had a strong tone before and wanted to push Ning Yu in. Fang Yuanhui was the first to object, but unfortunately he couldn't defeat that madman Ning Lingfeng.

"Now, for the first game, Fengyun Beast Controlling Academy Meng Xiya and Fusang Beast Controlling Academy Hu Qian will take the lead!"

The two people whose names were called came out and stood on the empty lawn in the middle.

A gray magic circle rose behind Meng Xiya, and a stream of light from the bracelet flew into the magic circle. A figure of a rhinoceros appeared, and the Iron-horned Rhinoceros walked out of the magic circle.

Behind Hu Qian was a completely different magic circle. The green color almost blended into the lawn beneath her feet, and a huge vine half as tall as a person appeared behind her.

Ning Yu's eyes lit up. This was the first time she saw a battle between beast masters.

During the summer vacation, these people who had awakened to the intermediate level of transcendence had already obtained their own beast master certificates.


Following Fang Yuanhui's sharp shout, both people's pet beasts moved in an instant.

Ning Yu remembered Hu Qian’s pet beast, called the blood-sucking vine.

Meng Xiya pointed his hand, and the Iron-horned Rhinoceros spurted white steam from its nostrils.

"Use skills and charge wildly!"

The iron-horned rhinoceros sharpened its hooves on the spot and rushed out like an arrow from a string.Hu Qian's blood-sucking vine bloomed with purple flowers and exuded a faint fragrance. When she saw the Iron-horned Rhinoceros rushing over, she said calmly: "Use skills, poisonous fragrance."

The vampire vine snakes up like a snake, trying to wrap around the limbs of the rhinoceros and paralyze it with poison.

The rhinoceros was very vigilant, raised its forelimbs and stepped heavily on it, breaking the blood-sucking vines that were close to it. Meng Xiya stared at it carefully, sweating from the tip of her nose, for fear that she would lose and make a big joke.

The blood-sucking vine was trampled down and regenerated quickly.

"Use skills, wrap with thread!" Hu Qian said quickly, and the blood-sucking vine continued to wrap around the Iron-horned Rhinoceros.

From under the purple flowers, many tiny vines branch out, getting closer to the Iron Horned Rhinoceros little by little.

The Iron Horned Rhinoceros was so huge that it was annoyed by these tiny vines. Its skills were constantly interrupted and it was unable to exert its full strength.

Meng Xiya looked pale and said hurriedly: "Use skills, meteorite drop!"

The Iron Horned Rhinoceros roared angrily, its figure surged, and it broke the tiny vines clinging to its body. It was about to jump up and activate its skills, but suddenly fell down softly.

Hu Qian breathed a sigh of relief and recalled her blood-sucking vine. The blood-sucking vine shrunk her body and turned into a bracelet. It stretched out a small vine and rubbed Hu Qian's fingertips.

"Well done." Hu Qian touched the blood-sucking vine with approval.

Meng Xiya's iron-horned rhinoceros turned into a stream of light and flew back to the bracelet, her expression turned ugly.

"Hu Qian wins from Fusang Beast Control Academy!" Fang Yuanhui announced the result.

Both of them went down. Fusang Beast Controlling Academy was cheering, while Fengyun Beast Controlling Academy was silent.

Ning Yu recalled the trick of the Vampire Vine. The purple flower should be the key to the Iron Horned Rhinoceros' defeat, because the Vampire Vine has a skill called Poisonous Fragrance.

Just now, the blood-sucking vine kept getting closer to the Iron-horned Rhinoceros, passing on its scent. The Iron-horned Rhinoceros wanted to activate its skill, but in the end it was affected by the skill of the vampire vine and was directly defeated.

Ning Yu calmed down his excitement and watched the show carefully. He learned a lot, which was more interesting than the knowledge in books.

Several people behind Fang Yuanhui gathered together to talk quietly and nodded approvingly, and soon a second group came up.

This time Ning Shu appeared, and Ning Shu’s opponent was Huang Yingtian from Fusang Beast Control Academy.

Ning Shu took the lead in summoning the two evil tigers, and the roar of the tigers spread to every corner. Standing next to Ning Shu, it was so majestic.

Not to be outdone, Huang Yingtian summoned his pet beast, the black-armored bear.


At the moment of the announcement, everyone took a step back. The fight between these two pet beasts did not look like the same scale as before.

"Use skills, Explosion Wave."

Ning Shu made the first move, and a dazzling round light condensed from the Shuangshahu's mouth, and an egg-sized explosion wave hit the black-armored bear.

Huang Yingtian reacted immediately, "Use skills, black armor possession!"

A layer of armor immediately appeared on the black-armored bear's body. The explosion wave hit the armor, leaving a dark hole, but did not damage the black-armored bear's body.

Ning Shu did not panic and continued to command: "Continue to use the skill Explosion Wave and adjust a few more directions."

The black and white hair of the Shuangsha Tiger kept shaking with its movements, and the explosive waves from its mouth hit the black-armored bear several times in a row.

(End of this chapter)

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