The howling wind sounded overhead, and the rescuers who came to the rescue were shocked when they saw the scene below, even though they had been mentally prepared.

The ground was full of potholes and minced meat, and corpses were scattered randomly. Those who were still conscious waved to them, and then pointed to Shen Yucao's corpse in front of them.

Seeing Shen Yucao's body, they came back to their senses. This time, their plan was finally successful, and there would be no more Final Chapter Church in the future.

Those small organizations are not as good as the Final Chapter Church, and they can't achieve much success. The destruction of the Final Chapter Church is enough to deter them, so now they can completely rest assured.

When Ning Yu woke up, she found that she was in the hospital. Her whole body ached. When she opened her eyes, she saw Tao Anya and Sun Siqi with red eyes.

In this daze, I thought I was back in a dream, but it felt different. She must be back, right?

Tao Anya saw that she was awake and hurriedly stopped her: "Don't move, just lie down. Several bones in your body are broken, so you kid doesn't mind the pain."

Ning Yu swallowed hard and asked in a hoarse voice: "Am I back already?"

Tao Anya was stunned for a moment, then said: "Of course I'm back, don't worry."

Ning Yu was relieved when he heard this.

Tao Anya wiped her tears and went to the Final Chapter Church. Ning Yu didn't tell her. No wonder she was on vacation suddenly. It turned out that she wanted to see him for the last time.

Now that everyone is publicizing this happy event, Tao Anya knows that her daughter has become a hero praised by everyone. She is lucky to survive in such a dangerous place.

The worries in her heart dissipated a little when she saw Ning Yu wake up. Sun Siqi was talking nonchalantly, and Ning Yu was listening quietly.

The day I went to Final Chapter Church felt like a year had passed. It was so difficult.

The pain on his body was very obvious, and Ning Yu asked with some anxiety: "Am I paralyzed?"

In fact, the dream left a particularly deep impression on her, and Tao Anya gave her a helpless look.

"No, you can take care of yourself in peace, don't worry about other things, your teammates..."

Tao Anya pursed her lips and thought of the little girl named Qiao.

"The other four people were more or less injured, but their lives were not in danger."

Tao Anya told everyone else's situation in order not to worry Ning Yu.

After Ning Yu heard this, he suddenly said, "Are Qiao Yanxue's parents coming soon?"

Tao Anya nodded. After receiving the news, Qiao Yanxue's parents rushed to Jinghai City, and people were sent to pick them up.

Ning Yuxin said that was the case. Qiao Yanxue's parents were so kind to her, so she would definitely come.

Ning Yu closed his eyes tiredly, thinking about what happened in the final chapter church.

"Ayu, don't think about it, it's all over."

Tao Anya could more or less guess what Ning Yu was thinking now. No matter what Ning Yu said, he was still in his twenties. Tao Anya felt frightened just by hearing this, not to mention that she also knew how many people had died this time. people.

The crying over there was shaking, and it was not like she didn't hear it. She was very satisfied that Ning Yu could come back.

"Ayu, what you have to do now is to have a good rest and do what the doctor said. If you don't take good care of yourself, you don't know what the sequelae will be."

Ning Yu hummed, of course she knew the priorities.

"I will take good care of myself."

When I was in the Abyss of Wandu, I didn't stay there properly. It was difficult to even walk back there. Of course, I can't be like that now.

It's just that she is a little worried about Qiao Yanxue's parents, so she should wait until she can get up.

Ning Yu lay in the hospital bed for a few days and was finally able to move around for a while. On the day she could walk around, Fang Yuanhui came over.

Fang Yuanhui smiled at her, with a relaxed look on his face. He was wearing a hospital gown and sitting in a wheelchair.

"You look a lot better."

Ning Yu's eyes fell on Fang Yuanhui's empty left hand, where there had been no arm all day long.

Fang Yuanhui tugged on his sleeve with his right hand, "It's okay. I'm very satisfied with being able to save my life. I recovered relatively quickly. I heard that you can walk around now, so I came to see you."

Ning Yu sat on the chair. She didn't know what the last impact was.

"Mr. Fang, what's wrong with your leg?"

Fang Yuanhui took a breath and said, "My legs are fine, but I really don't have the strength to walk."

Ning Yu looked at Fang Yuanhui's pale face. Fang Yuanhui's injuries were much more serious than hers.

"Minister Fang, please go back quickly. I'll be fine here."

Fang Yuanhui said hello and had someone push him back.

Ning Yu left the ward and met Qin Simian and Xiao Mo in the corridor.

The five of them stood together in silence. Shen Jiayan's leg was still limping a little, but you couldn't tell without looking closely.

"Qiao Yanxue..." Xiao Mo opened his mouth, then paused, "Have you met her parents?"

Several people shook their heads.

Xiao Mo was silent for a moment, "They are still in Jinghai City. Let's go and have a look sometime. We have to go there."

Zhang Chang let out a breath, yes, when Qiao Yanxue used her skills, he saw it, so he felt it more than anyone else.

Xiao Mo leaned against the wall and said sadly: "I finally understand why Qiao Yanxue was so cold before, but now I feel sad just thinking about it."

Ning Yu lowered his head, remembering the time when he went to Qiao Yanxue's house to play. Now everything seems precious.

However, none of the five people expected that before they had time to go to Qiao Yanxue's parents, they would come to the hospital to see them.

Qiao Fangyi and Meng Qing came to the hospital, and the five of them hurriedly came out.

Just in the past few days, Qiao Fangyi and Meng Qing looked much older.

The moment they saw these two people, Ning Yu and the others finally couldn't help crying softly.

Qiao Fangyi and Meng Qing patted their shoulders.

"Good boy, good boy, don't cry." Meng Qing comforted her, but she couldn't help but cry too.

Qiao Fangyi also exclaimed: "Okay, okay, we didn't come here to cry. We will go back tomorrow, so we thought of coming to see you. After all, Xueer often talks about you at home."

Meng Qing took the five people to sit down on the bench, and Qiao Fangyi endured her grief and talked to them.

"We are here this time to take Xue'er home. She is also a good child and a hero to everyone. Her mother and I are both proud of her."

Qiao Fangyi choked up, "If she hadn't awakened that pet beast, she would still be a happy child now. Things in the world are causing trouble. We don't blame anyone. We would have expected it."

During the last sudden vacation, Qiao Fangyi and Meng Qing felt something was wrong, but they didn't expect everything to happen so fast and so unprepared.

Ning Yu also said yes. If Qiao Yanxue hadn't decisively used her skills at that time, Shen Yucao might have run away. But it is useless to say these words now. It does not alleviate the sadness of Qiao Fangyi and Meng Qing.

"Xue'er was a warm-hearted person when she was young and had many friends around her. After she awakened her pet beast at the age of fifteen, she locked herself up for a day and her personality changed after she came out. Friends around her said she had changed. In fact, we are parents You know, she hasn’t changed anything.”

Qiao Yanxue is a stubborn person. She was fifteen years old when she awakened a high-level extraordinary pet beast. She didn't want to be a coward, she wanted to take on this responsibility and join the team in the future.

But joining the team means that her life may come to an end at any time, and it is impossible to say that she is not afraid.

Qiao Yanxue thought for a day and decided to be indifferent to her interpersonal relationships, so that she would not hesitate because of these emotions when using skills.

But she still overestimated her own temperament. When each light source approached her, she couldn't help but move closer to them.

Before coming to the special team, some people said she was indifferent, said she thought she was aloof, and some said she was pitiful, but she pretended not to hear them.

But after coming to the special teams, everything seemed to change.

She followed the previous method at first, but she couldn't hold back her curiosity because there was a person in the team who owned several pet beasts.

While curious, Qiao Yanxue was also a little envious. If she had several pet beasts, it wouldn't be as difficult as it is now.

It was because of this curiosity that the subsequent situation changed.

As soon as people come into contact, they want to continue to get to know each other. The more they get to know each other, the harder it is to let them go. Moreover, these are very sincere people.

In mission after mission, the connection between them became deeper and deeper. Only then did Qiao Yanxue understand that this was what the team was like.

None of the five of them thought she was a burden. After all, she had no power to fight back when faced with the skills of a pet beast.

In the previous team, she was more or less dismissed by some people as useless, and she occupied a position, which resulted in their team being less powerful than others.

In the belly of the giant beast, Ning Yu also comforted her, don't think about using your own skills, there will always be a way.

Just like this subtle relationship, Qiao Yanxue became less entangled. She invited Ning Yu to come to her home to play. The problems that she had been worrying about before seemed to disappear in this kind of life.

But when she was alone, Qiao Yanxue still thought that the problem had not disappeared. When news of the Final Chapter Church came again and again, she knew that things were not peaceful now.

When she knew that she was going to launch a general attack on the Final Chapter Church, Qiao Yanxue became even more worried. At the same time, she also did a lot of psychological construction for herself. She even went to see Tang Ze.

Tang Ze's attitude was much more calm than hers. After going to Tang Ze's place, Qiao Yanxue was also prepared.

Before leaving, Tang Ze comforted her: "It's okay, I'll be there to support you."

Qiao Yanxue gave an unattractive smile. From the moment she gave the order, her future seemed to be determined, just like when she awakened the Thorn Birds at the age of fifteen.

It's been a long time since I've felt this way.

After leaving Tang Ze's side, Qiao Yanxue spent some time getting ready, and then went to say goodbye to her parents.

When meeting Qiao Fangyi and Meng Qing, Qiao Yanxue did not mention that she was going to the Final Chapter Church.

But before leaving, she felt that her parents seemed to have guessed something. Before leaving, Qiao Yanxue saw them secretly wiping away tears.

When she arrived at the Abyss of Wandu and saw Shen Yucao about to escape, she had no other thoughts in her mind except to stop him.

After using the skill, other emotions came to her mind, but she was thankful that she acted quickly, otherwise the results of their busy work for most of the day would have been in vain.

The last moment she closed her eyes, she seemed to see many people coming towards her.

It's such a pity that I couldn't say goodbye to my parents properly.

Qiao Fangyi finished speaking slowly, and several people listening felt a little guilty.

"Okay, it's time for us to leave. We've been delayed here for several days."

Qiao Fangyi stood up and helped Meng Qing up.

Meng Qing sighed and touched Ning Yu's face.

"Fortunately, Xueer met you people in the end. She lived a happy life in her last days, I can see that."

After the Qiao family and his wife left, Ning Yu's heart became even more blocked.

Back in the ward, Ning Jiu came to see her and brought a lunch box.

Ning Jiu's injury was relatively minor and he recovered within a few days. He took the initiative to take on the responsibility of delivering meals.

Ning Yu stopped eating after a few bites and was held down by Ning Jiu.

"Eat more to get better quickly. We finally won, why are you still grimacing?"

Ning Yu sighed: "But many people died, including people around us."

Ning Jiu remembered that Qiao Yanxue was also silent for a while, and then said after a long time: "She is a very brave person."

Ning Yu held her chopsticks, and Ning Jiu persuaded her to eat more. In the past few days, Ning Yu had lost a lot of weight.

After being worn down by Ning Jiu, Ning Yu ate a little more.

More than half a month passed before Ning Yu returned home from the hospital. After returning home, she was not idle and visited the cemetery where Qiao Yanxue was placed at the base.

The people who died this time were buried in the cemetery, and their ashes were taken away by Qiao Fangyi and Meng Qing. There is a tomb here.

Ning Yu bought a bouquet of flowers and placed them in front of Qiao Yanxue's grave. He whispered a few words and stood there for a long time before leaving.

The sunshine today was particularly dazzling, Ning Yu stood in the shade of the tree and watched.

For more than half a month, many people no longer mentioned the battle in the Abyss of Wandu, and everyone's lives were on the right track, smoother than before.

Opposite Ning Yu is a children's paradise, where there is constant laughter and laughter. After stopping for a long time, Ning Yu also has a smile on his face.

When she was Fu Wen, didn't she also want such an ending? Now it has finally come true. The Church of the Final Chapter will never exist again.

Ning Yu saw a mother leading her child out.

"Mom, who are those people?" the child asked, pointing to the faces on the scrolling screen in the mall.

Mother looked up and replied gently: "Those are the great heroes who gave us a peaceful life."

When the young children heard the word hero, their eyes suddenly lit up: "Is it the superhero in the cartoon?"

"Yes, and it's even more powerful than a superhero." The mother touched the child's head.

The child clenched his fists: "Then I will also become a great hero! I will protect the world from now on!"

The mother smiled: "Being a hero is not that simple. You have to work hard from now on. You must eat carefully and don't be picky. You must eat vegetables..."

Listening to what the two chattered, Ning Yu also smiled.


(End of this chapter)

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