Chapter 151 The transaction at the canteen
Han YaYa was taken away, and Li Zhi appeared in the place where she had been avoiding pursuit during this period.

It was an old and shabby little house of more than 30 square meters. It was empty, except for a bed and a table, and there were no household appliances inside.

Han Yaya did not have a mobile phone with her when she was taken away. She was afraid that she would be discovered. She only used cash to buy things. The bodyguards on site checked around and found nothing suspicious.

Li Zhi stood in the middle of the living room and could see the whole room at a glance.

Her people found out that the original owners of this house were an elderly couple who had just passed away a few months ago. The children had long since settled in other places. This house was a love house between their parents, and the old and young people in this location were mixed. If it's not valuable, it's not sold.

Later, for some reason, Hanya moved in.

Coincidentally, several families next to this house have also moved out. She does not go out during the day, the curtains are closed, and no one will see her entering or leaving the house. This is why she has been hiding here for so long.

In such an old and small community, except for some surveillance cameras at the gate of the community, there are no surveillance cameras downstairs.

After many investigations by his subordinates, Han Yaya hardly went out except for going to the canteen near the community to buy some food.

It's not right, it's really not right.

Li Zhi checked the house carefully again, and there were not many things inside.

Perhaps it was because the old man was old and could easily trip over too many things, and there was very little furniture in the house. But according to Hanya's personality, to be able to live here for so long, there must be something that could support her to continue.

There was a small table in the room, and there was nothing in the shopping bag on it. She looked at the name of the canteen printed on the bag, "Have someone check the canteen where Hanya always goes."

After confirming that there was no usable information in the house, Li Zhi led the people and left. Not long after they left, a lame man came down from upstairs and skillfully took out the key and opened the door where Li Zhi left. room.

Two 10 minutes later.

The man took out a black plastic bag from inside. The light in the corridor was not bright and dim, illuminating his face half brightly and half darkly. He carried the bag and walked upstairs again.

With the sound of a door closing upstairs, Li Zhi raised his head from the first floor downstairs and smiled as he looked at the empty stairs.

Sure enough, someone is cooperating.

When Hanya was roaring like crazy just now, in the building not far away, people turned on the lights on almost every floor. Only the floor where Hanya lived and the floor above her didn't have any lights on.

Before coming, Li Zhi's people had already figured out the situation in this area.

The lame man upstairs lives alone. He never goes out during the day and rarely goes out at night. However, people will send him things regularly. Occasionally, he disappears from the community for a period of time. When he comes back, he is covered in Piles of injuries.

Most of these people are desperadoes, and what they have on their hands are basically human lives.

The person who gave him something was none other than the owner of the canteen.

It's raining.

Li Zhi drove a low-key car this time. The rain hit the windows like a small waterfall, and her eyes fell through the rain curtain on the beautiful proprietress in the canteen.

With such an appearance, how could he survive in such an environment if he didn't have any skills?
The business of the canteen is surprisingly good. Not only the residents here come to buy things, but also some men and women driving luxury cars to buy things. They are not only polite to the proprietress, but even respectful in their words.

Just when Li Zhi's car was parked here, more than a dozen cars came in front and behind. The space of the canteen was small, but it was full of things. Behind the canteen was the woman's residence, with a small yard. .

People who come to buy things don't stay much, but everyone buys a box of water here.

Just what Li Zhi saw was without exception.She asked her bodyguard to buy a box of water, but the landlady refused, saying that the water was reserved by regular customers and there was not much left.

If necessary, you can leave your contact information and come back in a few days.

After observing for a while, Li Zhi left.

However, after her car left, the proprietress closed the canteen directly. The lame man from before wore a black raincoat and stood where Li Zhi parked his car.

The proprietress came to him holding a black umbrella and bowed her head respectfully, "She found us."

The man didn't say anything. The cigarette butt in his hand had been soaked by the rain and he couldn't smoke it. But he bit it without caring at all, smiled coldly, ignored what the landlady just said, and walked back to the alley where he came from.

Soon, it disappeared into the rain.

The proprietress also returned to the canteen holding an umbrella. This time she walked to the back door. She placed the umbrella at the door of the living room, closed the door, took off all her clothes, and walked into the bathroom barefoot. It was a dense mass of stab wounds.

When she came out again, her face was no longer the same as before. The current face was so ordinary that people would forget it at a glance, but she stroked her face very lovingly. His face was smiling gently in the mirror.

She looked at herself in the mirror with a smile and laughed silently, "Everything is almost over."

Go back to the room and fall asleep.

In the direction where her bed needle was pointing, there was a poster of Li Zhi, which was densely covered with wounds from darts. It looked very scary in the dark, but it was indeed the source of a woman's sense of security.

Two days later.

Li Zhi got the identity information of the female canteen owner.

She had lived there since she was a child, and the canteen was inherited from her parents. His parents died due to a house collapse when she was a teenager, and she completed college with the support of relevant organizations.

After graduation, I went home and opened a canteen.

Perhaps because of her outstanding appearance, her canteen business has been very good.

But with beauty comes more negative consequences.

The security here is not very good to begin with. Her beauty brings her more customers, but also more harassment.

Once, a drunk man wanted to take the opportunity to do something inappropriate to her, but the lame man drove him away. From then on, the lame man would appear in the canteen from time to time.

From then on, everyone around knew that the female owner of the canteen was covered by a man with a sloping foot.

The reason why everyone is afraid of this man is because he chopped up a group of people by himself. In the end, no one dared to call the police because the man's eyes were so scary, as if he was being stared at by a poisonous snake.

Humans are bullying.

From that day on, the sound of the canteen became better and better, and people often drove over from the city to buy things.

Li Zhi read the woman's information and opened another one.

It belongs to the lame man.

(End of this chapter)

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