"You too, call me if you need anything."

Tan Jiuzhou ruffled her hair and reminded Li Zhi of something else, "Xiao Huaizhi's identity is too sensitive. Although he is the best collaborator at the moment, he is undoubtedly seeking the skin of a tiger, so be careful in everything."

"Also, don't get too close to him. He is an unmarried man after all." He was not afraid of Li Zhi laughing at him, so he confessed, "I would be jealous."

Li Zhi smiled and said, "I understand."

So far, everyone who has seen the true face of "Charles" has gone to another country. This man's identity is too sensitive and mysterious. Even in the information Xiao Huaizhi gave Li Zhi, there is no photo of that man. At most, A blurry silhouette.

After returning to Beijing.

Li Zhi sent someone to go to Lao Po Xiao on the outskirts of the city.

Fu Ying disappeared, and the canteen at the entrance of the community had not been open for business for half a month. She asked people to ask the residents in the community, and they all said that the proprietress Ning Wei was basically absent at this time of the year.

The question is, I went on a trip, but no one knows where I went.Speaking of Fu Ying, everyone has even less impression. They only know that he rarely goes out and does not interact with the surrounding neighbors.

This place is originally a suburb of Beijing, and is full of poor people living here. Everyone can't handle their own affairs well. How can they be in the mood to pay attention to whether their neighbors are at home or what they have done.

Fu Ying's departure should have something to do with "Charles".

But it is not clear what role Ning Wei, the proprietress of the canteen, plays in this. We only know that she is an orphan now.

"Mr. Li, everyone in our team found out that Ning Wei appeared at the port a month ago."

Feng Mi handed the surveillance footage to Li Zhi. Ning Wei showed up in the surveillance footage carrying a small luggage bag and hurriedly appeared at the port. She was very vigilant and had avoided 99% of the road surveillance as much as possible. .

But the port she went to happened to have a ship belonging to the Li Group parked there, and the surveillance on the ship happened to capture Ning Wei. It was already three o'clock in the middle of the night. She waited in the cold wind for a few minutes, and a speedboat appeared at the port, carrying Ning Wei. Then she disappeared into the night.

She was alone throughout the whole process and did not see Fu Ying's shadow.

Li Zhi asked Feng Mi to continue arranging people to investigate, while she took people to a canteen on the outskirts of the city.

Her eyes fell on the surveillance cameras outside the canteen. For a computer expert like Ning Wei, it was not difficult to destroy the archives in these surveillance images, and the same was true for those at the port.

If it weren't for the fact that Li Group's monitoring system was a separate system and someone was hired to reinforce it, Ning Wei might have cleaned it up. Just the few minutes of monitoring footage, Feng Mi also sent someone to investigate. It took a long time to find it.

This Ning Wei is more powerful than Li Zhi expected.

The items in the canteen have been cleaned up, and Li Zhi knew it without even sending someone over to investigate.

This time she came here to confirm whether there were surveillance cameras around where she parked her car before, and whether it could be seen from the canteen. It turned out that there were no surveillance cameras around, but it could be seen from the small window on the second floor of the canteen. this tree.

She also discovered that the surveillance here covered almost every road. If Ning Wei could really enter these surveillance systems, it meant that she could clearly know the identities of the passing vehicles. When she brought people to arrest Han Yaya, she should You can also know in advance.

However, neither Ning Wei nor Fu Ying informed Hanya in advance, which shows that the latter is not even a bait in their eyes.

In this case, what was their purpose in taking Hanya out of the mental hospital?Simply to let her out to disgust her, or to divert her attention?
Li Zhi, who didn't get the answer, planned to go to the mental hospital himself.

Only when I arrived did I realize that Hanya seemed to be really crazy.

The ward she was in was not a single room because her mental condition was considered good and mild. The hospital arranged a double room for her, but it happened that another person was not only violent but also liked to bully girls.On weekdays, that person's hands and feet are tied by the nurse, for fear that she will suddenly go crazy and harm other patients.

But one night, in order to create difficulties, Han Yaya escaped from the mental hospital, untied the rope that bound the patient's hands and feet, and wanted to leave in the chaos, but she forgot the danger factor of the mental patient.

Because of her illness, her family has almost lost everything, and now even her family has given up on her.

Although she was sick, that person also knew that she had no place to go. Not only did she not escape, she also set her sights on Han Yaya. She was so strong that she knocked out the hiding Han Yaya and tied her to her on the bed.

At night, the nurse came back to check the ward once.

When she came to check the ward, she saw Hanya sleeping peacefully on her bed, and she hid in Hanya's bed, covered with a quilt and was very obedient, and left after seeing that there was no problem.

In the following time, the woman stuffed a towel in Hanya's mouth and bullied her a series of times.

When the nurse found her the next day, Hanya's body was covered in scars.

What's even more terrifying is that the female patient hanged herself in front of her hospital bed after her crime was successful.

After experiencing inhuman torture and seeing someone hanging in front of her overnight, Han Yaya's spirit completely collapsed from that day on. Li Zhi saw Han Yaya who was now living in a single ward outside the ward, and knew that he could not ask Something happened about Fu Ying.

When she left the mental hospital, she didn't notice a black vandalized car parked on the side of the road and followed her.

In order to provide patients with a good recovery environment, mental hospitals choose remote locations.

As soon as Li Zhi's car left the mental hospital, the driver noticed the car following behind him. After reminding Li Zhi, he realized that she had already noticed it, "Keep driving, pay more attention."

She came out this time just to fish.

She can't always be in the open and those people are hiding in the dark and treating her like a fish, right?
The car didn't drive on the bridge they used to drive on, but chose a quieter winding mountain road. The car behind seemed to know that she had discovered him, and just as he was about to turn around, he was blocked by the "oriole" behind him.

It was impossible for him to abandon the car and escape. The mountains here were very high, and there were cliffs going down.

The chances of surviving the jump are really low.

Li Zhi was sitting in the car on the top of the mountain. Soon the bodyguard brought him in front of him, and he was detained outside the car.

The car window rolled down little by little.

Li Zhi's memory was pretty good and he recognized this man as one of the men who had bought "water" at the canteen before.

She understood that this person was just a "probe" at best and could not know much important information.

She asked the bodyguard to take the person down and "take care of" him.

Changed the car.

Li Zhi went down the mountain from the other side. This time there was no one else following her.

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