Li Zhileng looked at the people outside. She glanced at the number of people and the barrage in the mobile live broadcast room, then looked at the time, and concluded that the people outside, except for children, were more or less They all had some wounds, and the scolding voices became increasingly unpleasant.

The director quietly came over and asked, "Mr. Li, is it really possible to still broadcast live? My future career will not stop here, right?"

To put it bluntly, he was still worried.

Li Zhi glanced at him and said, "Look for Tang Zhu when you get back."

"Come on, I'm relieved with your boss' words!"

The director smiled and directed the other staff to continue the live broadcast. Cheng Mumian, who was watching on the sidelines, felt angry.

She was just about to apply for a photo when she was stopped by the director, who said earnestly, "Sister Kapok, please don't embarrass me. This matter is related to the future careers of our brothers."

"Director, I can do the commentary." She still wanted to fight for it, but she didn't get the director's approval and could only watch from the sidelines.

Shan Qianqian has been doing ideological work for these women who were also abducted in the past few days. Fortunately, they did not change their original intention to escape because of these children, and everyone was on the same front.

"I was deceived by you! Although this child is the flesh that fell from my body, it is also the source of all these misfortunes I encountered. If I had a choice, I would rather not have had these children!"

"This is not my child! I am only twenty-two years old. I should be enjoying my life in the university of my dreams. It is because of you bastards that you took away my happiness and hope!"

"The real ones who deserve to die are you scum of society! What's wrong with us? Just because I'm kind! I kindly bought food for you, an old woman, but what about you?! You abducted me into this mountain to give birth to a child. You are the only one who is guilty. Your genes shouldn’t have offspring! You don’t deserve it! You are the real damn bastards!”

"I would rather die! There is no way I could go back to that cellar and live a life worse than a pig or a dog! I could have a happy life. I have parents who love me deeply, a husband, and children! Instead of being so ugly like you Old man! You look like the scene of a car accident and you have the nerve to ask for a wife. You deserve to be unable to have a child! Because you are not worthy at all!"

"You scumbags don't deserve to have children! And you, an old immortal, still want me to give birth to children for your three rotten sons. Just dream, look at your three sons who are as stupid as pigs. Only a stupid mother like you could give birth to such a useless son!"

"Ahhhhh! I just want to kill you! I wish I could chop you into pieces and feed them to the dogs! Your whole village deserves to die! Everyone deserves to die! There is no one in the whole village who is over 1.7 meters tall. Men, you still want a child, the child belongs to your grandmother! Get lost!"

The people inside repaid all the vicious words of these people. After being oppressed for so many years, if they had not been tied up at home and in the cellar, they would have died with these scum long ago.

Seeing that the women couldn't make sense, people outside began to try to force their way in. The bodyguards came into play at this time.

crucial moment!

Li Zhi contacted the police in advance and drove to the racecourse. The villagers who were making trouble outside also began to panic. They fled in all directions and were quickly arrested by the police. Because of the live broadcast, they were also followed one after another by the director team. Netizens of the new account witnessed it simultaneously.

Many netizens recorded their screens as evidence and commented on major official accounts, gradually attracting the attention of those at the top.

Everyone in Xueshan Village, including the children, was arrested and taken back. The poor women also contacted their families and were taken back. All of them were unwilling to accept the children who were forced to give birth. The only solution is for the police to send the child to an orphanage.

The women who were still hiding in the mountain caves were also discovered. One of them was a member of the fraud gang that the police had been investigating, and she was involved in another abduction case. Link after link, justice was finally given to these women who were deceived into coming to Snow Mountain Village. As the parties involved, after the incident was over, they also began to narrate their experiences of being deceived on the Internet, giving more information to the society. A warning to young people.

The Snow Mountain Village became an empty village.

What is most unacceptable to everyone is that the children of these abducted women were taken away by their grandparents, who used the kindness of women to trick them into coming to the snow mountain village.

This is also confirmed.

Snow Mountain Village is a truly evil village.

Everyone here is born with sins. Those children who have been exposed to evil people need to undergo correct three-dimensional guidance. They are still bullying other children in the orphanage. There is no way but to treat them. They sent them to other management offices.

Shan Qianqian went back to pay homage to her parents. Although she had other relatives, after what happened, she still did not choose the help of her relatives and chose to live alone.

And now she has no way to continue her studies. The only thing she can do is to take care of her body.

Because their experiences were so pitiful, several hospitals were willing to treat them free of charge, and many women still had the chance to stand up again. Together, they established a women's mutual help organization to help those women who encountered misfortune as much as possible. , each heals the other.

Li Zhi privately gave them a consolation money, which could at least ensure that they would have enough food and clothing in the future. These were not exposed and were her last thoughts.

Shan Qianqian is capable. It took her a year to accept that she would never be able to stand up in her life, but after recovery, she was no longer as skinny as before.

Dundun was also sent to an orphanage under the name of the Li Group, where there were dedicated teachers to guide these children. He slowly began to recognize words and was able to accurately express some of his thoughts.

Zheng Rongsheng cashed out all his companies, and all the money was transferred to Huo Mingsui's account. He himself went to Beijing and successfully recognized his ancestors through Li Zhi's matchmaking.

And he also changed his name.

With the help of Xiao Huaishi, he started from scratch and received training as a newcomer. Everything in the future was full of unknowns, but he was willing to do his best for Huo Mingsui.

Huo Mingde also promised him that he would discuss with the elders in the family and would not marry Huo Mingsui for at least three years. As for what happens after three years, it depends on what achievements Zheng Rongsheng can achieve in the past three years.

Tan Jiuzhou accompanied Li Zhi back to the capital.

He wanted to accompany her to see a psychiatrist, wanting to know why she had such severe nightmare syndrome.

But what he didn't expect was that Lu Xubai and Li Zhi had the same nightmare. The two of them hadn't slept together for a long time, and something always bothered them in their dreams.

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