Chapter 265 Chapter 265: Agreeing on a wedding

Mother Lu really liked this daughter-in-law. She became more and more satisfied, and the more she looked at her, the more she liked her.

She was very satisfied with how her daughter-in-law looked so down-to-earth and generous, not delicate or pretentious.

He looks like he has a particularly good temper, and he is also extraordinarily forthright.

It's the same as him, he doesn't like the kind of pushing and pushing, which makes people look particularly ugly. Isn't there not so much that you accept at the beginning?

Such a daughter-in-law is very comfortable to get along with. This bride price,

After discussing it, all that was left was to choose a wedding day. Since the Chinese New Year was coming soon, it would definitely be too late to get married before this year.

If you want to arrange a wedding, there are a lot of things to do. There are only about ten days left, which is not enough at all. You must organize it well.

The seven aunts and eight aunts must be notified in place.

There are also neighbors who need to take care of things properly, so we can only choose a date after the new year.

Mother Lu looked at Mrs. Su and said to her, in fact, this is the right time.

Lao Lu and I have also looked at the dates and feel that there are two good days and they are auspicious days.

One is the 16th day of the first lunar month, and the other is the 26th day of the first lunar month, because our two families are so far apart.

So it was very laborious to drive to pick up the bride. I thought that we would save a lot of trouble by having two people working in one factory.

I don't know what you think. "After hearing what Lu said, Mrs. Su and Mr. Su agreed with both hands.

At the beginning, Mrs. Su was still thinking that if her daughter got married, the Lu family would have to come all the way to pick her up.

It would be so tiring on the road. It would be better for each of the two families to hold one, so you don’t have to worry about this problem.

I am really too tired. If I drive all the way, how much time will be lost on the road? Well, the three swindlers think this idea is good.

Finally, the family decided to hold a wedding for the young couple on the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, first at the Su family's house on the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, and then at the Lu family's house on the twenty-sixth day of the first lunar month.

After a while, all that's left are some details of the wedding that need to be discussed. This marriage is a particularly cumbersome matter.

There are many things that need to be discussed. Let's talk about them one by one. The two families have been talking all morning.

Hanlin sat next to him, and he yawned when he heard it. After listening for a while, he slipped into the yard to play.

As soon as it was noon, Su Hanlin moved some chicken, duck, goose, fish, fresh fruits and vegetables, fish and shrimp out of the space and prepared them all, and placed them on the kitchen counter.

At noon, these three songs didn't even call my mother-in-law. My mother-in-law was chatting with my mother-in-law, so they took the initiative to get up and go to the kitchen to cook. As soon as they entered the kitchen.

As soon as they saw their parents' dish, they knew that Su Hanlin must have brought it out for them.

It just so happens that my mother-in-law and the others come here. They can save the time of going out to buy groceries and can get married directly.

You can let the Lu family's couple sing about their family's dishes, and cook together at noon, making a very sumptuous lunch.

There are mosaic meat sticks, pot soup, braised chicken nuggets, rabbit heads with chopped peppers, etc. A large table of dishes is really dazzling to see.

Chen Wenting sat at the table and smelled the fragrant smell of food on her nose. To be honest, he has never eaten such a delicious meal, not long ago.

Then just cook down half a bowl of rice and go straight away. When you get off the table with your belly full and round, you can't even walk.

Mother Lu saw her daughter looking so shameless, touching her belly.

He was really the kind of person who didn't even notice, with a look of disgust on his face, "Look at you when you come to someone's home as a guest. You don't sit down or stand up like you do, just like a kid." No matter what Chen Wenting's mother said, the food at his uncle's house was so delicious. He had never had such delicious food before.

Adopting that life is not easy, he naturally wanted to let him eat and drink well. After sitting for a while, he got down from the table and went for a walk in the courtyard.

When he was going to Xiaoxiao, he saw Su Hanlin when he went out. He thought Su Hanlin was quite cute, so he wanted to go out for a walk with Su Hanlin.

Some of them were so full that they were so delicious.

See the girl in front of you.

Invite yourself to go out for a walk together. She nodded.

The parents of the Lu family came out of the house and knew that the two of them were going out, so they specifically asked this question.

You must keep an eye on this little girl. You are new to this villa and you are not familiar with it, so you have to take your children out.

Don't lose the child when you look back. This is his precious lifeblood.

When the deer father saw his daughter holding the child's hand and about to go out, he couldn't help but remind her.

Before Chen Wenting could speak, Mrs. Su spoke.

"Don't worry, go out for a walk. As long as you don't leave the courtyard, it'll be fine. Our kids are familiar with the villa area and it's a great idea to go out for a walk.

We were able to get it back ourselves. We were all relieved that he went out alone and he came back soon.

You don't have to worry too much. This child is very smart. Now he can find his own way back. "

Mrs. Su's words stopped the couple from worrying. They saw their daughter taking the children of the Su family out for a walk. After saying hello, Chen Wenting went out.

Seeing how familiar her daughter was, her mother was still a little embarrassed towards Mrs. Su.

I'm really sorry to say that my daughter is really spoiled by me, she acts like a tomboy at home.

Come on, she still doesn't look serious. When Mrs. Su saw what Mother Lu said, I think this little girl is pretty good.

It's good to have some space apart, but my little girl's whole person is very dull.

She is just a bookworm. She doesn't like to go out on weekdays. She just likes to read books at home. You are a girl with a straightforward personality and you can say whatever you want.

She doesn't hold anything back in her heart, she doesn't have any worries, she is carefree. Girls like this are rare. You have raised a good daughter. "

While the parents of the two families were talking about Chen Wenting, Chen Wenting had already led Su Hanlin out of the villa area.

At noon in the villa area, parking is prohibited on all roads that do not allow cars to enter.

Therefore, the villa area is particularly safe, even Su Hanlin, who refuses to move, can still walk around the villa.

At the same time, Chen Junxian just came back from work.

He said he would use his lunch break to go out and buy some pastries on the street to send to his sister's children. The children, it seems, like to eat the snacks sold in this town.

But when he went out, he didn't expect so many people to line up at noon.

(End of this chapter)

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