Secret: I, the hermit, want to make progress too much

Chapter 183 The Mirror of Social Death, Arrodes

Chapter 183 The Mirror of Social Death, Arrodes

At night, the moonlight is cool and clear.

In Queens, Audrey and Earl Hall were sitting opposite each other on a carriage.

"Father, I noticed that a very tall gentleman came down from the second floor today. Who is he? I don't think I have seen him in Backlund before."

"His name is Egg White, a believer in the Church of Knowledge. He comes from Lundberg, so it's normal that you don't know."

Earl Hall said with a smile.

Believers in the Church of Knowledge?

Audrey couldn't help but marvel.

"Church of Knowledge, if you hadn't told me, I would have thought he was a believer of the Church of God of War. Those Fusac people are always so tall."

"Hahaha, he is indeed a Fusac, but he advocates knowledge, so he joined the Church of Knowledge and has been studying farming knowledge in recent years."

Earl Hall gave a brief introduction and did not mention anything related to the Extraordinary——

Although his daughter may have mastered extraordinary abilities, as a father, he still wants to pretend not to know.

Earl Hall's eyes became gentle.

A trace of curiosity flashed in Audrey's eyes: "Is he a friend of Duke Negan?"

"Not a friend, but he is a young man with great ideas and abilities. He may be able to give us some help."

replied Earl Hall.

"Can you tell me what it is about?"

Audrey was curious.

after all--

My father belonged to the New Party in a sense, and he was close to Duke Negan only because of his noble status.

What trade meeting is related to them?

"It's related to food and land. I can't tell you the details, but if it really succeeds, it should be able to make up for a lot of losses."

Earl Hall smiled.

While food in Feneport is certainly cheaper, they don't need to be shipped from overseas.

As long as a certain output can be achieved, the price after the loss will not be much different from that of the grain merchants in Feneport.

Even if there is a gap...

At least it is possible to be self-sufficient and have a guaranteed income.

of course.

The premise is that Mr. Iger does master the core technology and has the ability to scale.


Hillston District, inside a house.

"Mr. Sherlock, have you been attacked by the Apostle of Desire again?"


Klein nodded. Both he and Essinger were seriously injured, but think about it——

This was left behind by two Sequence 7s when they were attacked by Sequence 5. Such injuries were nothing at all.

Even Soest was surprised.

These two Sequence 7s are both very powerful!

Sost glanced at the two people, and then focused on a trace at the scene.

These are the traces left by the other party.

He walked over and looked at his companion. After a moment, his companion shook his head slightly.

"The other party may have an anti-divination helper who cannot divine his existence."

"Where are the people from the Church of Steam?"

Sost asked in a low voice, "The action against the Desire Apostles was a collaboration between us. Didn't they come?"

Before his companion could answer, a figure hurriedly walked in from outside, it was Leonard.

Klein stood sideways, avoiding looking directly at Leonard.

Leonard walked in quickly.

"Captain, Deacon Ikanser is here."

"Invite him in."

Sost said quickly.

After a while, a man with an afro walked in quickly, holding a box in his hand.

After Ikanser walked in, he quickly looked at Klein.

"Sherlock, you again?"

"Mr. Ikanser."

Klein smiled reluctantly. To be honest, at this moment, he would rather Ikanser not remember him than call him by name directly.

But he couldn't show any abnormality yet.


The secrets in Leonard may reveal his disguise.

Klein regretted it.

He should have thought that this area was under the jurisdiction of the Church of the Night, and Leonard and Dai Li would have a chance to appear.

Shouldn't be here!

"Were you attacked by that guy again?"

"Yes, he wants to kill us, but Detective Essinger believes that his target should not be us."

Klein said.

He needs to divert everyone's attention to Isinger, so that everyone will pay less attention to him.

Facts have proved that his decision-making was successful.

Everyone immediately looked at Essinger.

Essinger froze his movements, then nodded: "Yes, I think his or their target is not us."


Leonard asked first.

Sost didn't mind his overstepping his authority. At this time, details didn't matter.

He was also curious as to why Essinger came to that conclusion.

Essinger said: "We have no such value. The most important thing is, how could a cold-blooded person get angry at us detectives because of the death of a pet?"


This is the name of one of the sequences in the criminal pathway.

After experiencing it, extraordinary people will be affected and become cold-blooded and ruthless, without human emotions and emotions.

Everyone knows Essinger's identity to some extent.

A believer in the Church of Knowledge, and his identity is not very ordinary.

Sost and Ikanser looked at each other.

Immediately, Ikanser took out the box and said, "I brought a sealed item. Maybe we can ask about it."

This is a magic mirror.

Within the Church of Steam and Mechanics, the code name of this silver mirror is "2-111".

"Is it just a 'Level 2' sealed object?" Sost asked slightly surprised.

Ikanser nodded:

"Yes, it's not very harmful."

After speaking, his tone suddenly sounded a bit grittier.

"In other words, all other aspects have reached the standard of a '1' sealed object?" Sost asked thoughtfully.

Ikanser glanced at him warily:

"Just some aspects."

As he spoke, he reached for the magic mirror.

"Dear Arrods, my question is, where is Patrick Jason Beria's current position now?"

The surrounding light suddenly became distorted, like the lights after the rain, and a scene quickly emerged in the silver mirror.

It was a place by the water, and the dim kerosene street lamps illuminated the surroundings, making the water surface sparkling.

Jason Beria, whose hair was neatly combed back, held up his peaked cap, raised the collar of his coat, and hurriedly handed over a ticket in a discreet manner.

"He went to the dock area?"

A member of the Machine Heart suddenly realized.

Sost frowned slightly.

Is this too simple?

Their dream divination just now had no effect at all, and they even encountered very strict counter-divination.

"No wonder the 'Singer of God' seemed to be heading towards the dock area just now."

Ikanser didn't pay attention to this. All his attention was on the surface of the silver mirror, and his whole body was tense.

This time, the only option is to answer the question. Mistakes or lies will face terrible punishment...

Soon, words as bright as blood were outlined on the mirror:

"If the man you like was covered in pimples, or his skin fell off, leaving only flesh and blood, or he turned into a monster but could communicate, would you still like him?"

What a shameful question...

Wait, man? ! !

Klein almost turned his head to look at Ikanser, but soon thought that Leonard was also present, and immediately stopped turning his head.


The next second, he started to worry again——

Wouldn't it look too deliberate if you don't turn around?

after all.

This kind of thing is too explosive!

Ikanser slowly exhaled and said:

"Yes, but I will kill him with my own hands."

"Very honest."

A new combination of words appeared on the surface of the silver mirror as an answer.     This is simply a public execution!

Klein tightly controlled his expression.

Mr. Ikanser, why don't you use this item secretly?

Klein's face was a little tense, but someone quickly asked the question for him.

"Mr. Deacon, uh, why do you..."

Leonard hesitated and did not finish the question, but everyone understood what he wanted to say.


Sost had already understood it——

The expressions of the two members of the Heart of Machinery who were accompanying him showed no emotion, and it could be seen that they were used to it.

"Could this be one of the negative effects?"


Ikanser nodded heavily, then looked at them, "Yes, I have to use it in front of everyone, otherwise it won't respond."

Essinger frowned.

Klein calmly stepped back to him and exchanged glances with him. Essinger understood.

He coughed lightly and said, "Is it going too smoothly?"

"But that's how it turned out."

"You mean, change the vocabulary? Indeed, Deacon Ikanser, in divination, sometimes it is necessary to constantly change some descriptive words to achieve accurate divination."

Leonard spoke.

Ikanser's face was slightly ugly, and his lips were trembling slightly. This meant that he wanted to try using various words?

He was silent for a few seconds, and finally reached out to the magic mirror.

Now that things have come to this, I have nothing to be afraid of!

Ikanser thought so.

"Dear Arrods, my question is, where is the 'Apostle of Desire' who just attacked Isengard Stanton and Sherlock Moritia?"

The light in the room suddenly dimmed.

Then, the light on the surface of the silver mirror circulated, and a picture emerged——

A figure stood in the forest. From his perspective, it was a gorgeously decorated villa.

Several figures can be seen faintly in the villa.

There seemed to be two people stopping to communicate at the door.

Klein recognized it at a glance——

The tall figure at the door is exactly the shape of the little giant he saw when he pulled Roy in the gray mist.

In other words.

Is this Duke Negan’s home?

"His target is Duke Negan."

Leonard said.

Sost breathed out.

"How cunning! He used murder and another identity to mislead us, making us mistakenly think that he was leaving. In fact, he was still in Backlund, and..."

"He also used another identity to lure away the 'Singer of God' and create conditions for him to assassinate Duke Negan."

This is a very cunning "apostle of desire" who takes many things into consideration.


Now, the other party has started to take action.

"Act now!"

Sost said loudly.

Ikanser's focus was still not on the incident they were discussing, but on the content on the screen.

"What color underwear does your crush like to wear?"

Ikanser's mind went blank.

After a few seconds, he said bitterly: "I choose punishment."


At night, the moonlight is deep.

Duke Negan on the second floor raised his lips slightly, and sitting in front of him was a gorgeous and gorgeous young woman.

"Mrs. Teresa, I didn't expect you to stay today."

"Is what you promised before true?"

The eyes of this beautiful young woman were sad, but also filled with hope.

The beautiful woman is the wife of a noble in Backlund.

A while ago, that nobleman died.

Duke Negan smiled and said: "Of course, I will keep your family's land, and there happens to be an opportunity now..."

He talked about his recent collaboration.

A smile gradually appeared on the lady's face, her expression became sincere, and she slowly came closer to him.

"Duke Negan, I will try my best to repay you."


"Mr. Moroz, thank you for the introduction."

"It's nothing, everyone gets what they want, and it just so happens that you talked about a topic that interests us."

Moroz smiled and said, "I hope there will be more room for cooperation in the future."

"Me too."

Roy nodded with a smile.

Moroz looked outside: "Let's go, get in the car."

Adhering to the principle of respecting the elderly and caring for the young, Roy protected Moroz and got into the car first, and was about to lift his feet up——


A scream came from upstairs.

The next moment, the moonlight was covered by a layer of darkness, and a black shadow could be faintly seen when looking up.

"No, Duke Negan!"

Moroz's face instantly turned pale, and he quickly grabbed the door and rushed into the house.


Roy was faster. He quietly crushed a feather in his sleeve and then flew up to the second floor.

The next moment, in the second floor area, a black shadow spread its huge wings, revealing the body of the devil.

Jason Belial.

The entire manor was enveloped by a force, isolating the inside and outside so that Jason could not escape.

His eyes locked on the Duke's secretary who rushed in from outside the room.


The dirty words echoed in the attic. The secretary groaned and took two steps back.

Then, Jason raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

The young woman's face was extremely twisted, and she suddenly pulled out a dagger and stabbed Duke Negan lying next to him——

The emotion of hatred controls her!

Duke Negan's pupils shrank and he struggled to back away, but he was attacked by Jason first, and his survival now is all thanks to his Sequence 6 physical fitness.

Think more...

Almost impossible.

Fortunately, at this time, a gust of wind blew by, making the woman almost unable to stand still.

The Wind Blessed One has arrived.


A flame ignited behind Jason Belial and quickly engulfed his whole body.

Jason was startled and quickly dodged the fire magic.

He looked back.

A tall figure floated behind him.

The other party didn't show any malice just now, so he didn't get any advance warning.

What is this guy's background?

There can be no delay.

Jason quickly used dirty words, and blue flames quickly flew towards Roy and the house as his wings flapped.



A sound.

The house collapsed starting from the second floor.

A group of people protected Duke Negan, who was severely injured. A bodyguard opened the door and planned to protect Duke Negan from escaping from the house.

Duke Negan’s secretary’s pupils shrank, realizing something was wrong——

Open the door?

"No! You can't open the door!"



The desire to survive drove the bodyguard to continue opening the door.

The next moment, the confinement disappeared.

Jason instantly jumped into the air, and lava magic rose from the ground, covering the entire villa.

(End of this chapter)

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