Devouring the Starry Sky begins with the battle of geniuses

Chapter 106 Camp 212 of the Western Theater Command, the first expedition

Chapter 106 Camp 212 of the Western Theater Command, the first expedition
A huge feather ship that can be called a ship is divided into hundreds of areas. In one of the areas, thousands of people are dressed in silver fleshy biological armor, ready to go.

Hunzhen looked at the thousands-man team in front of her, and swept through it with her mind, recording every face in her mind. She even paused a little longer on the faces of the squad leaders and squadron leaders.

In addition to myself, Nuo Da's thousand-man brigade also has three squadron leaders who have reached the domain lord level.When we first arrived, this team was already extremely strong.

After inserting the push pin plug-in into his watch, he can use it as an interface to directly identify soldiers and officers with positions lower than his own, and he can also directly identify those who belong to his own unit.

And I'm afraid, there is the same device in the army of the black demons on the opposite side.

I'm afraid this is how everyone's military merit is judged.

The thumbtack is connected to the watch, and the watch is connected to the wearer's vital signs. Through these connections, the killer's watch can directly record military achievements.

It has to be said that this technology is very complete and can be used perfectly in war.

But on the other hand, Hunzhen also felt deeply that this was more of a game than a war.

A war game organized by two major royal families, with all the rules designed.

Hunzhen met everyone's eager eyes and said calmly: "There are still two years until we arrive at the camp. During this period, your military ranks will not remain unchanged. Every week, the team will practice within the group, and the strongest will be qualified. Challenge the squad leader, and the one who wins the battle will replace the opponent; within the squadron, team drills are conducted as a unit, and the strongest person is qualified to challenge the squadron leader. Each side selects five squads for group drills, and the one who wins the battle will replace them. The status of the opponent. At the same time, the best team members in each squadron can receive additional military merit rewards."

For a moment, the main hall of the spacecraft was as quiet as chatting, and even the sound of armor swaying and colliding disappeared.

It was not because of the fierce competition system, but because I was in an extremely excited mood. In order not to violate military regulations, I suppressed myself and kept silent.

The military job change, in addition to greater authority, also means different levels of biological armor.

The higher the armor level, the stronger the defense and the greater the chance of survival.

In addition, the reason why the army needs to be organized is because of the special linkage between armors.

Through this special connection, one can directly borrow the power of the abyss to increase combat power. The squad leader level biological armor can make the ordinary universe level barely comparable to the domain lord level after forming a battle formation, and the squadron leader level can even do so. Confront weaker domain lords head-on.

The Captain-level armor allows Territory Lords with lower life levels to compete with the peak of ordinary Territory Lords.

No wonder they are so jealous.

Hun Zhen's cold eyes swept over everyone again: "Do you have any questions?"


The speaker was one of the three Territory Lords, a hairy human man.

At this moment, he glared at Hunzhen, making no secret of his passionate ambition.

"Second Lieutenant Qi Hu, say it." Hunzhen let the other party speak.

Qi Hu's eyes didn't give in at all, he showed a ferocious smile, and said: "We brothers are participating in this competition, so will the Major withdraw from it?"

Its meaning is self-evident.

The plan was to make Hunzhen condescend to participate in this military competition, pull him down, and wear the high hat of colonel himself.

Even if it's not feasible, it can greatly reduce Hun Zhen's power and give him more opportunities!

Qi Hu has always held the view that opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared!
A group of top soldiers below also looked at Hunzhen, looking forward to the officer's reply.

"With my authority, I can only change the military positions of squad leader and squadron leader."

As soon as these words came out, although they were reasonable, many people still expressed disappointment.

I always feel that my commander is a bit confused.

Two of the three domain masters even showed disdain.

Naturally, Hunzhen did not let go of the changes in their expressions, and changed the subject——

"However, it is unnecessary for me to participate in this competition."

"Because I can kill you all by myself."

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was in an uproar.

No one would object to the fact that Hunzhen could be directly selected into the team and was the strongest in the field, except for the three domain masters who might have different ideas.

But if he says that he alone is worth a thousand people...

You must know that here, with one against a thousand, Hun Zhen cannot borrow the power of his subordinates, but the squad leader and squadron leader are just the opposite.

One is ebbing and the other is ebbing, one is strengthened ten times, and the other is weakened ten times, which is a hundred times the difference from the original situation.

Even though Hunzhen's tone was calm, everyone still felt the strong contempt.

And then, Hunzhen said something.

"Why are you still watching? You don't even have the courage to take action, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qi Hu took the lead to attack.

With the strength of a squadron of hundreds of people, the flesh and blood on his body suddenly swelled, turning from a strong man into an explosive muscular man who could only appear in comics.

Qi Hu's original life level was similar to some of the strength revealed by Hunzhen, reaching the fourth level of domain master level.

At this moment, with the squadron leader-level biological armor, his aura surged, which was equivalent to ascending two levels of life.

Such an improvement is no less powerful than the blood warrior's Xue Luo.

Immediately afterwards, other squadron leaders, squad leaders, and ordinary sergeant-level soldiers also took action.

Even the aura of the big-headed soldier wearing the weakest level of biological armor improved greatly in the battle formation, which surprised Hun Zhen.

Blessed by the abyssal power brought by the biological armor, these soldiers form a whole, and the power they erupt is comparable to that of ordinary domain masters.

Hunzhen's understanding of the law previously revealed was at the peak level of the ordinary domain lord, but his life level was only the fifth level of the domain lord, so the power gap was more than ten times.

But Hun Zhen was not in a hurry.

With a flash of his body, thousands of phantoms took action at the same time.

Each and every big-headed soldier had his armor smashed and flew backwards, and the power of the battle formation was instantly reduced by half.

"Laws of space!" Qi Hu's pupils shrank and he exclaimed.

And that's not the end.

As Hunzhen continued to attack, one by one the soldiers were injured and fell to the ground.

With his current level of movement, these soldiers had no strength, but they couldn't even touch the corners of his clothes.

He has already seen that this battle formation and biological armor are indeed very strong.

But it's not without weaknesses.

The biggest weakness is that these soldiers have not received unified training, and their tacit understanding with each other is extremely poor. Faced with innocent group attacks, they cannot support and protect each other at all. They seem to be a whole, but in fact they are scattered.

In the blink of an eye, they were broken apart by Hunzhen and completely defeated.Thus establishing his supreme power.

Being deliberately left behind, Qi Hu, who was standing at the end, raised his head tremblingly. Looking at Hun Zhen's indifferent expression, an idea suddenly came to his mind.

"Is this all part of his plan? Am I being completely regarded as the monkey who kills the chicken to scare other monkeys?"

Qi Hu's face turned blue, white, and red, and he lowered his head as he felt more and more innocent and terrifying.

After doing all this, Hunzhen left without leaving any words, returned to her single room, and began to practice.

Time flies, and soon one year has passed.

Although this giant feather ship is huge, its material is obviously not as good as the previous silver feather ship, but it is much better than the lowest level gray and white feather ship. Only then can it withstand the deep diving pressure of the ninth to tenth levels of the abyss. , reaching the tenth level.

This is a bright red world, both the sky and the earth are dyed red.

In this bright red world, there are no city walls and buildings. The whole place is wild, and monsters with huge sizes and unique shapes can be seen everywhere.

When the feather ship fell from the sky through the abyss passage, a huge black-scaled giant snake, nearly one kilometer long, with black wings and an appearance similar to a salamander, spit out fishy smell and crashed straight towards the feather ship.

The black-scaled giant snake opened its bloody mouth, and the terrifying suction force came over. Every white feather on the feather boat trembled and cracked.

At this moment, the two pairs of huge wings on the feather boat suddenly grew wildly, flapped, and the entire feather boat rushed directly into the belly of the giant snake.

The giant feather ship disappeared entirely.

But the giant snake fell straight down, with cracks and bloody marks appearing on its body.


Tentacles penetrated the black scales and stabbed out of the body.

Black blood fell like a river.

The smell of blood attracted many other abyssal beasts.

However, because the black giant snake swallowed the feather ship, it was unable to move for a while and was eaten by countless abyssal beasts that were weaker than it.

During this process, the feather boat finally came out of its body, completed its detachment operation, and flew towards the ground below.

Looking closely, the originally cracked and damaged parts have repaired themselves as before.

This world is a paradise for countless abyssal beasts.

From time to time, you will be attacked by giant beasts on the way down.

The giant ship has strong defensive capabilities, but has almost no active attack capabilities. It can only escape from the abyssal beasts through defensive counterattacks.

In addition, blood rain would fall from time to time in the sky, and biting winds would blow.

The feather ship was swaying in mid-air, like a small boat in the storm, but it was not destroyed.

Finally, after a year, the feather ship landed at an altitude of [-] kilometers above the ground and began to send soldiers to the locations of the camps.

Hunzhen also led a thousand subordinates and fell towards Camp 212.

The process of enlisting in the army was very smooth. It was a completely programmed operation. As long as the rear area was still safe, there were unlikely to be any problems.

A few months have passed in the blink of an eye, and Hunzhen's brigade has not yet made a formal expedition, but it has gradually integrated into the military camp and learned a lot of information.

Camp No. 212 is managed by two battalion commanders, a chief and a deputy, and has [-] brigades under it. Only half of them are still stationed in the camp.

These two are both Domain Lord-level ninth-level figures. Roughly judging, their individual strength should be comparable to the ordinary seventh-level humans of Tongtianqiao. If they add the power of biological armor and the blessing of the military formation, they may be comparable to the powerful ones on the ninth-level of Tongtianqiao. By.

That is, using the body of a Territory Lord to fight against a weaker World Lord.

On top of the battalion commanders, there are also division commanders who manage hundreds of battalions. With the support of the military formation, such figures may be able to rival the high-level existence of the Realm Lord.

The division commander is already the pinnacle of the inferior race, but it is the starting point for the abyss nobles to join the army.

As long as the nobles win a few victories, they can go one step further and become the top powerful person in a war zone, or the commander of a legion with the rank of general.

Even though these abyssal nobles are just newborn calves who have come for training, with the blessing of the most advanced biological armor, each of them can obtain the blessing of top abyss power, comparable to the high-level world lord.

As for the so-called "most advanced biological armor"... it is their natural fleshy armor, not the external armor of lower races.

Perhaps, this biological armor was originally developed from their natural flesh and blood armor.

Absorb the power of the abyss through "Zi Jia", and then serve the "Mother Jia" after completing the power gathering.

Not to mention the two great gods and the powerful members of the royal blood, just from the fact that the most powerful military and technological power is firmly controlled, the lower races will never be able to turn over.

This is not what Hunzhen cares about. In addition to participating in the Great Fighting Festival, his other purpose is to infer the size and level of the two royal families' armed forces through the military strength they displayed in the abyss battlefield.

But now, let alone calculating "real strength", it is just a war game used by the Abyss Royal Family to train their descendants, and it is already a battle at the level of the Realm Lord.

In the western battlefield alone, there are [-] camps, thousands of divisions, and over a thousand high-level forces of realm lords.

If these powers can be fully concentrated, they can already compare with weaker immortal gods.

"The 'two great gods' who stand at the top of the royal family definitely have the power to be a prince or above! Even... I'm afraid some members of the royal blood can become immortal under certain circumstances!?"

Just the glimpse of a scaly claw can't help but shudder.

Even if there is a treasure like the Soul Heart Jade that can prevent the risk of death due to failure in seizing the body, there is no guarantee that he will be able to escape the pursuit and suppression of the Abyss Royal Family after that.

In other words - it is impossible to force the Sim to attempt to seize the body.

It is necessary to create a situation where they will not be surrounded and suppressed in a short period of time.

But no matter how powerful the Abyss Royal Family is, Hunzhen doesn't have to worry about facing them head-on for the time being.

After a year of camp training, the 212th Battalion finally completed the team rotation, and Hunzhen's brigade was about to go on its first official expedition.

The Second Western Division went out with fifty battalions at the same time. The highest commander was the division leader and the abyss noble Nofigales.

After marching for three months, countless recruits learned for the first time that the battlefield was actually near the border of the Great Hollow.

The Black Demon Army and the Silver Ghost Army faced each other across a river that exuded the power of twisted laws. The two armies faced each other. Before the war had fully begun, a large number of new soldiers failed to hold up the biting wind and fell amidst panicked cries for help. The great void into the abyss.

Even though he was wearing biological armor and had extraordinary resistance to the Devouring Wind, he still could not escape this sad and miserable end.

During this process, many strong men turned a blind eye to this. Maybe they could save the lives of many subordinates with just a little hand, but no one did it.

Because they understand the truth that those who cannot adapt to this abyss battlefield will eventually be eliminated, but it is only a matter of sooner or later.

Among the lower races who had been brainwashed by Glory, some finally woke up from this meaningless death after facing the cruel facts.

But it was already too late, and it could only become one of the footnotes in the interpretation of glory for the next generation.

 Sorry, I got the wrong release date

(End of this chapter)

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