Versatile Mage: Poison Milk God

Chapter 195 Desperate escape, ruthless Nan Jue!

Chapter 195 Desperate escape, ruthless Nan Jue!

"Are you kidding, huh? Are you serious?" Mo Fan subconsciously smiled contemptuously, but then he realized that Zhao Manyan's face didn't look like he was lying.

Originally, Mo Fan was going to put his hand on Zhao Manyan's forehead to take his temperature. He thought that Zhao Manyan had suffered internal injuries from the roaring mud wave, but when he took a closer look, he realized that something was wrong with Zhao Manyan.

Zhao Manyan was seen pointing excitedly at the sky several meters high above the Shawang River. His whole arm was trembling. Mo Fan actually saw the shock on Zhao Manyan's face!

Mo Fan turned around sharply and looked in the direction Zhao Manyan pointed. It was okay not to look, but he was shocked when he saw it!

In the sky, there are countless monsters bigger than the White Sand Demon Soldiers flying across the clouds. Their figures are chaotic, but it is obvious that they are falling rapidly in the direction of Mo Fan and others!

"Everyone, be careful, this is the White Sand Giant! A being much stronger than the White Sand Demon Soldier!!!" Lingling is quite knowledgeable. As soon as she saw the White Sand Giant, she locked the information about this demon in her little head, and she was very excited at the moment. I am anxious to tell everyone.

But everyone didn't have time to care where the white sand giant came from. The giant falling from the sky was like a meteor hitting them.

Zhao Manyan swallowed in desperation, took a few steps forward, and used the magic necklace that had previously blocked the huge waves of white sand to launch again.

Everyone shrank timidly under the protection deployed by Zhao Manyan, and some even dared not look at the mud waves in the sky that had covered the sky and the sun.

But who knows the next moment, the darkness covering the light shield instantly fades away and is replaced by a bright dawn.

"What is this?!" Zhao Chenying looked in panic as another surprising picture appeared in the sky.

The sand that was flying towards them was blown away by several huge plant vines, and several white sand giants turned into ashes and fell to the ground!

"It's Ye De! He's still alive!" Mo Fan shouted immediately when he saw the very familiar vine.

Zhao Manyan was also quite excited. Both he and Mo Fan had seen the power of Ye De's plant system during their training, and only his plant system was so defiant that it could be used as a destructive magic.

And the strange vines that appeared in front of me, who else could it be if it wasn't Ye De who released them?

Zhao Manyan quickly removed the defensive magic equipment and ran forward. After penetrating through the layers of fog that was obscured by white sand and dust, Zhao Manyan actually saw a figure staggering towards their direction.

"Ye De, it's really you!"

Zhao Manyan used light magic to illuminate a clear path, and after removing the darkness safely, he really saw that familiar figure.

"What, do you think I'm going to die?" Ye De said somewhat aggressively, but his face still had that calm expression.

Ye De really spent a lot of energy this time and managed to escape under the watch of the White Sand Giant. Even if he was as strong as Ye De, he would still have scars all over his body, but Ye De's healing magic also came in handy at this time. .

The powerful healing power healed almost all the injuries caused by the white sand giant on his body, but the price was that his healing magic energy was almost exhausted.

Plant and Shadow types also consumed most of their energy during the escape, and they almost bottomed out.

You know, Mo Fan and others were riding the summoned beast Qinghan Feather, which was extremely fast and could cross the Shawang River in just three minutes. However, Ye De relied on his own strength alone and encountered many crises before he was safe. arrival.

The crisis in the Shawang River was not limited to that of the White Sand Giant. During this period, he even encountered several warrior-level monsters. If he hadn't decided to leave early, he might have really gotten away with it today. Ye De thought about it now. It was all a matter of fear.

"Ye De, you are indeed fine. I knew people like you wouldn't die so easily, hahaha!"

While the two were chatting, they heard a loud laugh. Ye De looked around and realized that it was Mo Fan and others walking towards him with happy faces.

"What expression are you looking at?" Ye De looked at him for a moment, why did he look like he was surviving a disaster?

"Ye De, thanks to you this time." Mo Fan expressed his sincere thanks. Without Ye De, it's hard to say what kind of accident would have happened on the Shawang River.

After all, everything was for Mo Fan to come to Zhuoyuan. How could Mo Fan not be grateful?

"Which one of us is following which one? As long as everyone is fine."

Under this situation, Ye De couldn't bear it. He walked up and took Mo Fan's arm, and said to everyone with a smile.

"Well, after all, this is still near the Shawang River and it's not safe. Let's go a little further first." Lingling responded, and turned to look around before saying to everyone.

Ye De and Mo Fan looked at each other and nodded.

In a remote cave in a maple forest, several human voices were echoing.

"Sir, it's so dangerous to cross the Shawang River. Do we want to continue to the Fire Cloud Forest, which is rumored to be even more dangerous?"

That was a question posed by a guard corporal to her commander.

The woman with shoulder-length yellow hair leaning against the cave paused for a moment before replying: "Come in, the Fire Tribulation Fruit is our mission. The mission hasn't been completed yet. How can we go back the way we came?" .”

The woman's voice is very heroic, not girlish at all, and her voice is more like that of a man, even though her figure is extremely straight, and she has a pair of extremely proud and enviable breasts on her chest.

"Who!" the woman suddenly shouted, looking at a shadow not far away.

The black figure stood still for two seconds without moving at all, but the guard woman's gaze did not move at all, and she kept staring at it.

As if he couldn't bear the stinging sight, a man gradually walked out of the black shadow, looking at Nan Jue with a silly smile on his face.

"Did you hear everything?" Looking at the mage who used shadow magic to hide around them, Nan Jue took the lead.

"No, no, no, I didn't eavesdrop. I was just on my way using shadow magic. Who knew there was someone here? I just wanted to leave, but you noticed it keenly." Mo Fan spread his hands and thought. I want to explain it, but it feels like it’s getting darker and darker.

"Do you think I will believe it?" Nan Jue said with a cold expression.

If her music magic hadn't detected different melodies, I don't know how much information would have been stolen by this person.

Nan Jue stared at Mo Fan, now convinced that Mo Fan should also be a mage hunter who came here for the Fire Tribulation Fruit!

Seeing this, Nan Jue was also the kind of person who didn't talk much, so he directly started to connect the magic star track with his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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