Global martial arts masters: an ordinary duo

Chapter 302 Exploding the Giant Willow City

Unable to accurately capture Chen Fan's whereabouts, these powerful men adopted a more cautious strategy. Like a carpet search, they conducted a floor-to-ceiling investigation of the entire royal city, even if this would consume a lot of energy, they would not hesitate.

The underground of the royal city was dark and depressing. There was a dull atmosphere in the air, as if foreshadowing the coming storm. The stone fragments on the stone wall fell one after another in the aftermath of the mental power, as if they were a trembling alarm bell in the underground world.

Chen Fan clung to the wall, his heartbeat seemed to become cautious. He knew that the spiritual power of a seventh-grade expert had limited coverage, but the royal city was vast, and he still had to be careful to avoid becoming the target of spiritual exploration.

However, at this moment, his heart was not occupied by these seventh-grade powerhouses. From time to time, his eyes cast their gaze on the crystal clear roots beside him. They seemed to have lost their lives and stretched out quietly in the darkness.

Chen Fan has already felt that these roots are gradually reviving, and an invisible force is surging within them. He understood that over in the hall, the mental solidification barrier was about to be repaired.

Chen Fan was filled with unknown fear for the upcoming ninth-grade expert. He didn't know how powerful this ninth-grade man was, nor what the power of these roots was. But one thing he knew very well was that the strength of this ninth-grade man was definitely beyond his imagination.

Especially when facing such a willow tree demon that he didn't understand at all, Chen Fan's uneasiness became more intense. He didn't know if these roots would be able to detect his whereabouts when the Willow Tree Demon revived. Even if his breath cannot be detected, the vibrations generated when he digs the tunnel cannot escape the induction of these roots.

These roots are as sensitive as the willow tree's hair, and any movement near them may cause vibrations. Once noticed, Chen Fan will immediately reveal his position even if there is no aura.

Time passed by minute by second, and the sense of urgency made Chen Fan's heart beat faster. He knew that he had to escape from the underground city before the demon tree fully recovered. Otherwise, once the dryad's power is fully awakened, he will have nowhere to escape.

In the underground passage, the air seemed to have solidified, and it was so dull that it made people breathless. Chen Fan's every breath was accompanied by the smell of dust, and the sound of breaking stones echoed in his ears. He knew that this was a spiritual exploration carried out by high-level experts, and they were searching for his traces with all their strength.

At this moment, Chen Fan had no way out. He decided to continue digging tunnels deep underground to avoid the mental exploration of those high-level experts. He understood that the deeper he dug underground, the greater the pressure would be, and he might even be crushed to death deep underground. At the same time, it is extremely difficult to move deep underground. Once intercepted, it will be difficult for him to escape.

However, Chen Fan could no longer care about this at this time. He must find a chance to escape before the dryad revives. He doesn't want to be active on the surface anymore, it's too dangerous. Once discovered, he has nowhere to escape.

When the nearby mental power exploration temporarily disappeared, Chen Fan immediately picked up the Ping Luan Dao and dug deep underground without hesitation. Every swing of his sword was full of strength and determination, as if he wanted to turn the entire earth upside down.

However, after he dug for a while, the rocks above suddenly shattered, and a series of mental pressure came down instantly. Chen Fan did not stop, he continued digging with all his strength. He penetrated veins, rock formations, and even dug to water sources.

When he dug dozens of meters deep, he suddenly discovered an unexpected situation. Deep underground, there is actually a well-developed urban drainage system! This discovery surprised Chen Fan. He continued digging along these drainage pipes, hoping they would give him a chance to escape.

Deep underground in Juliu City, there is an intricate drainage channel hidden. These passages are not set up on the surface, but buried deep underground, like the hidden veins of a city.

Perhaps because they were worried that the surface layer would be too shallow, making it easy for people to sneak into it and steal precious energy stones, or to avoid the roots of the Willow Tree Demon that spread all over the surface, the designers of the royal city carefully arranged the drainage system deep underground. . For the strong men in the cave, this design will not cause much trouble. They have the ability to open passages deep underground.

Previously, Chen Fan had been active at the surface level and had never explored the underground world in depth. He also thought that the city in the underground cave would never consider setting up such a complete drainage system. However, at this moment, he unexpectedly discovered the secret hidden deep underground.

"So, how could a city that accommodates millions of people with an elegant and comfortable environment ignore these infrastructures?" Chen Fan thought to himself.

Although he was surprised, Chen Fan was quickly overwhelmed with great joy. He realized that this was a miracle that was unstoppable! The drainage channels extending in all directions seemed to indicate a way for him to escape. At this moment, how could those guys who were chasing him find him?

"Even God is helping me!" Chen Fan exclaimed ecstatically. He ignored the disgusting stench inside the passage and instantly found a fork in the passage and rushed in. At this moment, escaping from danger is the most important thing.

He had just left this area not long ago. At this time, several powerful leaders rushed down from the upper passage. Their arrival filled the originally quiet underground passage with a tense atmosphere.

The passage was dark and depressing, and a pungent stench filled the air, making people frown unconsciously. Although these high-level experts possess great strength, their sense of smell is no different from ordinary people, and the stench makes them feel a little uncomfortable.

One of the powerful leaders said in a low voice: "We have entered the underground passage!" At this moment, the situation they faced became a bit tricky.

These passages extend in all directions, leading to every corner of the royal city and even extending outside the city. When the city was first built, people never thought that someone would invade from underground because the roots of Willow God were all over the underground surface.

What's more, Liu Shen is still alive.

Although Willow God has been injured, it is still the master of this land. If Liu Shen falls, then this city may not be able to be defended. But the problem now is that the invaders did not enter the city through underground pipes, but penetrated the underground from inside the city and escaped through these passages.

This made several powerful leaders feel unprecedented pressure. They must find the intruder as soon as possible, otherwise once he escapes from the city, the consequences will be disastrous.

In the underground passage of Juliu City, several powerful leaders looked at each other with a trace of powerlessness in their eyes. They understood that if it were a head-on confrontation, the cunning little thief would be vulnerable to a blow, and could even be killed with a slap.

However, the reality is that the other party is like a cunning mining rat and does not show up at all. This kind of hide-and-seek game makes these strong men feel unprecedented frustration. No matter how powerful you are, if you can't find anyone, it won't help.

One of the more fiery-tempered commanders finally couldn't hold himself back any longer and struck the wall of the passage on one side with his palm. With a rumbling sound, the passage instantly collapsed and shattered. He said angrily: "Then destroy all the passages. Let's start from the periphery and destroy these passages one by one! We must bury the thief underground!"

This suggestion seemed a bit crazy, and none of the other powerful leaders responded. They knew in their hearts that once they started destroying these passages, most of the royal city would be destroyed. The royal city is not only their home, but also a symbol of King Liu and God Liu. The pros and cons of destroying the royal city in order to capture a thief are too obvious.

"Continue searching!" After a moment of silence, the leader finally said. Although this decision is simple, it represents the attitude of others. They rejected their previous crazy proposal and decided to continue the search.

The fiery-tempered commander also understood that destroying the royal city was not a wise move. He was just talking, venting his anger. If the royal city is really destroyed, I am afraid that when King Liu comes back, even if he is not killed, he will not have a good life.

In helplessness and frustration, several powerful leaders restarted the search operation. They each explored in depth along different passage directions, and their hearts were full of bitterness and frustration. This search operation was even more difficult than yesterday's head-on confrontation with the strong men in the Resurrection Land.

Yesterday's fierce battle with the resurrected warriors was full of dangers and the results were even more tragic. However, for the strong, head-on confrontation and life-and-death battles were the norm they accepted.

However, today's situation is very different from usual. They were being played by a seemingly weak warrior, just like a cunning mine rat playing with strong men like them. This sense of humiliation made them resentful.

"Come out and fight us if you can!" several strong men roared in their hearts. They would rather have a hearty battle with each other, even if they die on the battlefield, than suffer such unspeakable pain in their hearts. Qu.

However, the cunning enemy never showed up, as if mocking their incompetence. There was a cold atmosphere in the passage, with only their footsteps and breathing echoing, adding to the sense of depression.

In the dark and damp drainage channel, Chen Fan's figure was swaying, as if he would fall down at any time. His face was pale, and there was still wet blood on the corner of his mouth. It was obvious that he was seriously injured.

Recalling his previous experiences, Chen Fan still felt frightened. In the underground hall, the eighth-grade strong man's mental impact and subsequent ground-slapping attack were almost unbearable for him. At that moment, he seemed to be in a stormy sea, his internal organs were shaken out of place, and his spirit almost collapsed. Later, several seventh-grade experts chased him, which made his injuries worse.

"I almost tortured myself to death." Chen Fan smiled bitterly, took out a life-returning pill from his arms, and swallowed it without hesitation. This is the elixir he specially kept to save his life, but it seems so precious at this moment.

However, after swallowing the pill, Chen Fan's injury showed no signs of improvement. He shook his head helplessly and swallowed two more life-reviving pills. This time, he finally felt that the pain in his internal organs was slightly relieved, and it no longer seemed like it would explode at any moment like before.

At this moment, Chen Fan suddenly remembered that he still had energy essence. This is a more powerful energy source than the previous high-purity energy stones, and it is a piece of cake for healing. There was a burst of joy in his heart, as if he saw the dawn of hope.

However, Chen Fan did not use the energy essence immediately. He knew that the fluctuations of this energy were too strong and could easily be sensed by others once used. Therefore, he endured the discomfort of his injury and stayed where he was to recover a little.

The drainage channel was still dark and damp, and Chen Fan's figure stood quietly in it. His breathing gradually calmed down, and his complexion became much better than before. Although the injury was still serious, he already felt that he was slowly recovering.

Chen Fan made a decision. He would rush forward along the drainage channel and rush out of the boundaries of Juliu City. But before taking action, he planned to leave an unforgettable "surprise" for the city.

There are rich energy mines under Juliu City, which is a treasure that he cannot take away. So, he came up with a plan and decided to use energy bombs to completely blow up these veins.

Thinking of this, he quickly summoned several puppet clones with fifth-level strength and ordered them to flee in all directions. Each puppet clone is holding an energy bomb tightly, as if it holds the fate of Juliu City.

When Chen Fan rushed out along the drainage channel, the leader of Juliu City discovered his puppet clones, and he detonated the energy bombs in the hands of those puppet clones without hesitation.

"Boom!", "Boom!", "Boom!"...

Continuous loud noises tore through the sky and shook the earth. Juliu City was instantly shrouded in thick smoke and dust, becoming a mess. Even with the protection of the Willow Tree Demon, the city was not spared, and half of the buildings were blown to pieces.

The entire scene seemed to have turned into a hell, and the aftermath of the explosion continued to spread, shocking every living thing. In the billowing smoke, people screamed in terror and fled in all directions. The entire Juliu City instantly fell into unprecedented panic and chaos.


At the entrance of the passage, as soon as Zhao Xingwu stepped into the Nanjiang Caves, he encountered King Liu who was guarding the entrance of the passage. A fierce battle broke out instantly, shaking the entire space.

A huge tree shadow appeared above King Liu's head, covering the sky and exuding endless majesty. Countless branches extended out from the shadow of the tree, like violent dragons and snakes, attacking Zhao Xingwu crazily.

Zhao Xingwu had firm eyes, holding a long knife, and faced Liu Wang's attack with a strong body. Every swing of the knife was accompanied by a strong surge of air, as if it was about to tear the entire passage apart.

The branches of the tree shadow above King Liu's head broke one after another, and each break was accompanied by a crisp sound, which seemed to be King Liu's roar. And every time a branch breaks, King Liu's face becomes uglier.

Wu Chuan, the first batch of ninth-level warriors to enter, also had a fierce battle with King Liu. Although Wu Chuan was quite strong, he was still slightly inferior to Zhao Xingwu. Liu Wang could barely match Wu Chuan, but when facing Zhao Xingwu, he was completely at a disadvantage.

The entire entrance of the passage was filled with a fierce fighting atmosphere, and the energy fluctuated continuously, as if it was about to overturn the entire cave. (End of chapter)

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