Chapter 215

The beginning of a horror story?
Hearing this, Mo Yu lowered his head and took out all the photos from the file in his hand.

The people who were executed had some mutations in their bodies.

Some people have grown third hands, and some people have scales covering their faces!

And more of them have extraordinarily big heads!

Starting from the forehead, it's like having an extra-large butt on it.

A horror story indeed!
With a sigh, Mo Yu raised his head and looked straight ahead, folded the photos neatly with both hands, and asked with a hint of sadness:
"Is this thing radioactive?"

"Yes!" Peter nodded and responded seriously, and then immediately added: "But not much!"

"They became like this for other reasons!"

Raising his hand to touch the tempered glass in front of him, Peter slowly told the story.

"In 1927, after Leonid brought this thing back, the situation at that time was very chaotic!"

"It's easy for something like this to go wrong in Moscow, so I asked someone else to bring it here!"

"The first batch of laboratories have been established!"

"As a person in this field, you should know very well what the quality of researchers was back then!"

"After learning that Leonid carried this thing with him and could keep his physical strength strong, they turned to this thing as their main research direction!"

"The focus was on how to make people last longer! Because Europe at that time was very lacking in this thing!"

"They burned them with fire, shocked them with electricity, and soaked them with water!"

"It's no use!"

"Then they thought of using a grinder to grind some powder down! Eat it!"

"As for why such a strange landscape happened at the Tunguska site, they don't know! And they don't want to know!"

Beside him, Mo Yu scratched his head in embarrassment.

He could understand this situation.

After all, after Madame Curie discovered radium, she would not have thought that others would use radium to make decorations.

Use radiants as decorations!

Radium element glass bottle!

Radium element tableware!
Radium element necklace!
People at that time wished that their whole bodies were made of radium!
It’s not that you can’t afford other jewelry!
But radium element jewelry is more cost-effective!
In this regard, five-star reviewers said: These people are really brave!Much braver than the gang of dish pens under me!

"So? They started to mutate?"

"No, that's still later!" After correcting Mo Yu, Peter asked Mo Yu to walk out of the room.

Walk through the newly renovated corridor.

Went into another room.

There are some filing cabinets standing in the room. Go to the filing cabinet labeled No. 1.

Peter reached into the filing cabinet and pulled out several thick notebooks.

He handed it to Mo Yu and at the same time reached out to take the file back.

Carefully put it into a brown paper file bag, tie it carefully with a rope, turn it around and put it in the filing cabinet.

After taking the notebook, Mo Yu opened it and looked at it for a while and found some research manuscripts.

Calculation manuscript for the explosion site.

Judging from the descriptions interspersed in the manuscript, the time should be around 29 years old.

After placing the files, Peter reached out to click on the files and took out a photo at the same time.

The photo shows a bearded middle-aged man.

Sitting on a chair, looking directly at the camera, his smile was stiff and he looked a little restrained.

Based on this photo, Mo Yu quickly found the corresponding person in his mind.


He has three arms and a big head!

"Among these researchers, there are also some very stubborn researchers. Their ideal is to build an ideal country!"

"Just like Paul Korchagin in the novel!" "Leave a note and this Tarich is one of them!"

"While everyone else is busy studying the effects of that stuff on human endurance!"

"He is self-taught in chemistry."

"Based on my experience in serving in the artillery force, I took a few people to visit the Tunguska region!"

"Measured two places where the big explosion occurred!"

"reached a conclusion!"

"It's because of water! The second meteorite didn't cause a big explosion, it just formed a lake at the impact point!"

"That's Lake Checo!"

"As for the land! This strange substance causes an explosion at the point of impact!"

"In a fraction of a second, the shock wave carried an indescribable high temperature!"

"It swept across a circular area of ​​thirty kilometers around in an instant!"

"In this area, oxygen is consumed extremely quickly, forming a space similar to a charcoal kiln!"

"The high temperature will evaporate the water in all living things in the area! Vaporize! A small number of them remain because of luck!"

"That's why there is such a terrifying picture of hell!"

"After drawing the reasoning results, Taric wrote a report as quickly as possible!"

"A detailed description of a super weapon!"

"This weapon can explode in an instant! It can affect the surrounding area for dozens of kilometers!"

"Let the entire land turn into scorched earth! Thus, completely changing the nature of war between countries!"

"This report reached the hands of the newly appointed leader at that time."

"He looked at it and thought this guy was talking nonsense. However, this research direction is good and he can give him some funding."

"At the same time, the leader also ordered an investigation into the research expenditures of this base."

"So, Tariqi became the person in charge of this base, and at the same time shifted the research direction to explosives research!"

"They grind this stuff down, eat part of it, and mix it with various explosives!"

"For testing!"

Mo Yu, who was flipping through the manuscript, smiled at this senior's idea.

He said there was nothing he could do.

This is human!
The mouth says no, but the body is very honest.

The manuscript in hand has also reached the research stage.

They added this so-called strange substance to TNT, black powder, ammonium nitrate and other explosives.

However, according to the test results.

This thing does not increase the power of explosives. On the contrary, if it is added in excess.

It may even cause some explosives to become passivated and unable to explode!
My fingers continued to turn back, and the originally interesting research manuscript completely turned into a running list.

In fact, the time span of subsequent manuscripts began to increase!
There will be one in a month or two!
After turning over and over, Mo Yu's hand stopped!
He suddenly remembered something!

According to Leonid Kulik's correspondence, an officer found this ghost thing underwater and brought it up!
It shows that this thing is not big!
However, in this experimental manuscript, according to the amount of this stuff added.

Already over a ton!
Will its volume not be reduced?

Or is this thing very dense?

But how could the officer fish something with high density from the bottom of the lake?

Closing the manuscript, Mo Yu looked at Peter, "Peter, I need you to answer me a question!"

Noticing the solemn look on Mo Yu's face, Peter nodded his head gently, "Please speak!"

"The size of this thing! How big was it when it was fished out?"

The next second, Peter said something that made Mo Yu break out in cold sweat.

"It seems! This thing has always been this big!"

(End of this chapter)

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