A 30,000-ton destroyer, you say it’s a fishing boat?

Chapter 245 Dark Clouds Overcome the City!

Chapter 245 Dark Clouds Overcome the City!


Clara City!

After finishing his day's work, Pi Yigou walked out of the office building and got into his beloved car.

The driver pressed the CD player switch on the center console, and the soothing music carefully prepared for the boss sounded.

Le Yi Gou, who was in the back seat, closed his eyes, leaned his whole body into the chair, adjusted his sitting posture, and slowly fell asleep.

The vehicle started smoothly and slowly drove out of the underground garage.

Where the garage merged into the main road, a sports car roared past, and the people in the car even raised friendly gestures to the slow driver.

The driver didn't listen to what was going on outside the window and only wanted to drive a good car!

He has been driving for many years and has never had a traffic accident. He relies on his steady hand!

However, he didn't know that at this moment, all their actions were under the surveillance of others!
"The target has appeared! Truck No. 1 is ready!"

"Truck 1 understands!"

At the entrance of a supermarket warehouse on the roadside, a truck with a cartoon cow head painted on its body slowly drove out of the warehouse.

Drive slowly onto the main road.

Then he slowly followed Leather Gou's car, keeping a safe distance!

The truck flashed its lights a few times and the car slowly switched to the center road.

Let the truck go first.

Soon, two vehicles arrived at an intersection one after another, with the truck on the far left, waiting to turn left.

The car is in the middle, waiting to go straight.

Behind it is an ordinary express truck.

The red light began to flash, and the driver guarding each line gently pressed his feet to give the engine a signal.

On the opposite lane, a truck filled with gravel drove up the empty lane.

Because the red lights had started flashing and there was no one in the crosswalk.

So this truck is not slowing down!
But the driver was pretty nice and kept his right hand on the horn!
But, just as he was about to pass the intersection, he was on the cross passage.

A convertible sports car suddenly appeared from his right with the speed of lightning, ringing the bells!
The truck was suddenly attacked, and the driver's avoidance instinct kicked in.

Subconsciously turn the steering wheel to the left.

At the same time, the body stood up directly and pressed the brake hard.

However, the fact that physics can exist shows that it has its merits!

The vehicle did not stop immediately, but under the action of inertia, the truck was forced to deflect!

In this regard, the truck driver can only use more force to blow the horn.

I hope the horn can help me slow down the car!

It's a pity that it is of no use!
The truck didn't stop!
Instead, it crashed into the opposite lane!
All this happened between lightning and flint!
Accident fast!The car driver was faster, grabbed the steering wheel with both hands, swung the plate to the right, and pumped the gas with his feet!

Rush to the right cross lane!

Just rush out 10 meters and you'll be safe!

The performance of the car is very good. Under the control of the driver, it only took two seconds to rush to the next lane.

It only takes half a second and it's safe——

A convertible sports car that failed to take off came from behind, and the sports car crashed into the side of the car.

The low body directly smashes the car into pieces!
The two cars together turned into parts roaring on the road!
After the collision, the truck in the opposite lane perfectly hit the milk truck.

Then he hit the courier truck behind him.

Fortunately, it hit sideways and did not roll over.

In addition, everyone is a king, so the damage was not serious, only the front of the car was damaged.

Then, everyone looked confused and looked at the pile of parts on the ground.

MD, it’s okay for the big brothers here to collide with each other. How come you two noobs collided and broke up?

The local police quickly arrived at the scene, called in surveillance cameras, and carefully compared the traces.

It took them two days to confirm that it was an ordinary traffic accident.

There is no problem with the way several drivers handle it!
The problem lies in that convertible sports car that suddenly appears!
It's a moron!

However, since marijuana was legalized in America.

Ma Liuzi is no longer a criminal suspect, and there are no regulations that prohibit Ma Liuzi from driving on the street after having fun!

Ma Liuzi is fully responsible. If you should report to insurance, please report to insurance. If you should follow the law, follow the law!
Then, you can write a line on the tombstone here.

If you die in a traffic accident, the other party is fully responsible!

After explaining to the families of both parties, the police published the causes and consequences of the accident, as well as the information about the victims, on the official website.

Used to warn future generations.

Then, this information was captured by the media who have been paying attention to the American police all year round!

Especially the identity of the deceased!

Leather dog!The godfather in the field of artificial intelligence!
At this juncture, he suddenly died!
It’s hard not to have your thoughts wandering!
Different from other people's random thoughts, when the game players in Dragon Kingdom heard the news, they wanted to open the champagne on the spot!

Site D is full of discussion videos.

"It's time to carry it! It's time to suffer!"

"I heard the car was in a heap!"

"I've seen the photos that have been circulated. An intersection of several hundred square meters is covered with car parts!"

"Got to use a vacuum cleaner!"

“Lao Pi’s sword skills are so good, I didn’t expect that the sword skills of this car falling from the sky would be even better!”

"However, now that Lao Pi is dead, will there be any problems with the Green Factory next?"

"If something goes wrong, it has nothing to do with us!"

"The graphics card in your hand is no longer used? What if the heir to Green Factory doesn't update the driver?"

"The driver is still there! What are you afraid of? No matter how hard we fight for power internally, we have to serve our customers well, right?"

"What's more, when big brother's equipment comes out next year, can't we just replace the equipment?"

"I can't exchange it. The prices of all kinds of things have increased these days! Cabbage costs four yuan!"

"Damn it! I just sold cabbage from three acres of land yesterday for 4 cents! I think I made a profit!"

"Damn it, after hearing what you said, should I go buy something and stock up?"

"Are you thinking of going now? It's too late! Brother! Are you sticking your head out of the window now to see what's going on outside?"

"Outside... damn, there are always people carrying rice bags. No, I have to get two bags of rice and go home first!"

"I am coming too!"

"By the way, I heard that the grain depot in Kyoto, Sakura Country, was burned down!"

"I'm lost! I have to get my sister in Yingguo back quickly!"

"Hurry up! Don't see your sister in the Asian area then, it will be a big problem!"

The Dragon Kingdom is to the east, separated by a sea.

Sakura Country, Kyoto.

Tomoko Yasuhara pushed the trolley and rushed into the third supermarket. There were few people in this supermarket.

There should be some food left!
However, when she arrived at the living supplies area, she found it empty.

The cabinets that used to be filled with vegetables, rice and noodles were now empty, and even the partitions of the wooden cabinets had been removed.

Some blood stains can also be seen on the ground.

Next to him, a gray-haired male clerk was cleaning the supermarket.

Hearing the movement behind him, he slowly straightened up and turned around.

There was a sign on his chest saying he was the store manager.

Looking at the cart being pushed by Tomoko Yasuhara, she smiled slightly and asked softly: "Are you here to buy rice?"

"It's late! It was sold out just now!"

"Then when will the goods be available?" Taking courage, Tomoko Yasuhara asked the question in her mind.

I still have some stock at home, so if I save a little, I might be able to get enough for the next food replenishment.

"No more!" The store manager shook his head and turned towards the port with regretful eyes.

"The food ship for supermarket replenishment should have arrived last week, but it didn't arrive!"

As soon as these words came out, Yasuhara Tomoko took a deep breath, turned around and prepared to try her luck at the next house.

The store manager's call came from behind her again, "Madam, you don't want your family to go hungry!"

(End of this chapter)

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