A 30,000-ton destroyer, you say it’s a fishing boat?

Chapter 277 International Space Station! Danger!

Chapter 277 International Space Station! Danger!
From the perspective of the American astronauts, a second ago, they were anxiously waiting for the inspection results on the ground.

The next second, the cargo compartment outside exploded!
Seeing an explosion up close is a very strange feeling!
The cargo compartment suddenly fell apart, and in the dark universe, a different kind of light lit up!


But everyone who saw this light subconsciously grabbed the things around them!

Every hair on your body stands on end!

Cold sweat broke out from the vest all of a sudden!
In Mo Yu's live broadcast room, those who were jokingly saying that they wanted to see Starship 3 explode shut their mouths at this moment.

Humans are very strange creatures!

I like to see my opponent make a fool of himself, but if my opponent really accomplishes an unprecedented feat, no matter how unhappy I feel, I will give this feat a thumbs up!

Of course, except Sakura Country!
At this moment, most people’s psychology is in this state!
The spaceship has already taken to the sky and all the goods have been delivered!
Then it’s someone else’s turn to perform!

Why did it explode?
Isn't this TND transporting supplies? Why did it explode?
After a brief silence, there was an even crazier barrage!
——"Holy shit, what's going on?"

——"My hen! I was preparing to have a steak dinner just now, but now it explodes!"

——"Damn it, brother! Quickly ask what's going on!"

——"Big brother is no longer here!"

——"Tnd, please make it clear, my eldest brother is no longer in front of the camera, it doesn't mean he is gone!"

——"I hope big brother can bring us first-hand information!"

——"I hope America's astronauts are okay and everyone else is okay!"

——"Bring Kanada and Yingguo with you!"

——“I hope something happens to them!”… # candle # Put your hands together
After leaving the camera, Mo Yu immediately called Qian Yun.

This kind of thing has a huge impact!

Maybe, tnd is the trigger!

The person who answered the phone was not Qian Yun, but the secretary who had been following him!
The secretary just walked into the conference room and hung up the phone.

As a last resort, Mo Yu could only find Peter's number and dial it directly.

No one answered, they must be busy!
Putting down his phone, he sat back in front of the camera again, spreading his hands: "Sorry, I don't know what's going on! Just wait for the announcement!"


Rocket launch center!

The sudden explosion stunned everyone in the control center!
The people who were hugging each other just now were like clowns, with their mouths wide open and looking at the picture on the monitor with no confidence!
Finally, a researcher asked the question to himself.

"Instead of blowing up the rocket this time, did you blow up the cargo compartment?"

"Blow up the cargo compartment! This is a terrorist attack!"

The person who yelled this directly rang the alarm bell in the control center.

Sharp bells rang in the narrow space, one after another!
Shocking and distraught!
After a brief period of confusion, the control center and the space station finally established contact again!
"This is the space station! If the control center hears it, please answer! Control center!"

The call sounded, and the people in the control center quickly moved to the communicator and started calling loudly.

"This is the control center! Space station, please report your current status! Are there any casualties? What is the operating status of the space station!"

"There are no casualties! But the space station is severely damaged! Our cabin has been damaged and we are now evacuating to the Kana cabin!"

The people in the control center breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as people are fine, everything else is fine!
Anyway, the life of that broken space station is almost over. If it explodes this time, it can be replaced with a better one next time!

However, before they could be happy for too long, the communication from the space station rang again. "This is the space station! We borrow Kana's equipment to send out a distress signal!"

"Because of the explosion just now, the entire space station was damaged in many places!"

"Almost all compartments have air leaks! There is no fire yet!"

"We need rescue! We need rescue! Rescue as quickly as possible!"

"Oh, damn! There's a fire in the middle compartment! Help!"

Communication is interrupted!

The people in the control center looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

Finally, one of them came to Xiao Ma and patted him hard on the shoulder.

Only then did he come back to his senses, turned his head, and started looking for the technical director!
Because he was responsible for all the work during this period. If there was a problem in the cargo compartment, he would definitely know it!

However, before he could search, Lariel walked over first, with an indescribable expression on his face.

After walking over, he didn't speak, he just patted Brother Ma on the shoulder.

The originally fair face looked very dim.

The red lips are now chapped!

It took a long time before he said a word.

"Hurry up and mobilize the second rocket for rescue! We'll talk about anything later!"

"Ah? Okay!" Xiaomao woke up as if from a dream, and he knew that it was Lariel who was saving him!

As a company boss, there are many people below me, especially for such a project!
It can’t be done by just a few people!
There must be a lot of people involved in it!

No matter how strong they are, they can't completely erase the traces!

We must be able to catch the clues they left behind!
However, when Xiao Ma called the company, the technical department told him a very unfortunate news!
Even if we want to replicate the successful experience this time, we still have to wait a week!
However, many skilled workers left their jobs!

It can’t be done within a week!
Even if it is forcibly launched into the sky, it may explode halfway!

Then everyone exploded together!
When this news fell on Brother Ma's ears, it was no less than a bolt from the blue!
He stumbled back two steps and looked up at the big screen.

On the big screen, the scene of the final explosion was still stuck.

The International Space Station is gone!
I just hope that the final blame will not fall on me!
Just as the saying goes, whatever you fear comes, the door of the control center was suddenly pushed open, and several heavily armed personnel walked in.

Among them, there was also a stretcher!
Lying on the stretcher was the technical director!
In his hand, he was still clutching a letter!

There are only a few words on it.

"Boss! I'm sorry! You asked me to do these things, and my conscience can't bear it! I can only commit suicide and apologize!"

The man holding the long gun and short cannon showed the letter, and without saying much, he directly surrounded Brother Ma.

Seeing this, Lariel didn't know what to say. He just walked aside, picked up the phone, and called Fisher.

"Mr. President! According to the communication just now! The space station is very dangerous now!"

"The people inside are in urgent need of rescue!"

"However, it will take at least a week for company x's rocket to be launched again!"

"So now we can only ask for help from others!"

With that, Lariel moved the phone away from his ear.

He had no hope of success with this suggestion!
Because this kind of cooperation conflicts with the interests of those bureaucrats!
(End of this chapter)

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