Technological power starts with upgrading lenses.

Chapter 5: Was this taken with a toy lens?

Chapter 5: Was this taken with a toy lens?

Daqin Optics’ first-generation 50mm product is priced at 35 yuan, and the second-generation product is temporarily priced at 85 yuan due to the increased cost of lens materials and processing time.

If you have purchased a first-generation product, no matter how new or old the old lens is, even if it is damaged, you can deduct the original price of RMB 35 when replacing and upgrading to a second-generation product!
And the store promises that this event will be valid for a long time. If a newer generation of lenses is released in the future, the old products can also be replaced at the original price!
As soon as this event came out, it immediately received a strong response from the old user group!
For new messages on the store, most people will habitually regard them as spam messages and don’t even bother to read them.

However, Daqin Optics’ so-called “original price replacement” activity has successfully aroused the curiosity of many people.

These people clicked on this so-called second-generation lens with suspicion and curiosity.

From the appearance, this lens is basically the same as the first generation lens, but the price has more than doubled!

Although 85 yuan is still very cheap compared to a "valuable item" like a lens,
But users who have bought Daqin lenses know that what this store sells is just a plastic toy. Why would they dare to sell it for 85 yuan?

Seeing this, most new users closed the page directly and decided to wait until the first-generation lens is available to play with it.

However, some old users stayed because they saw the activity under this product saying that as long as they send back the first-generation lens, they can directly deduct 35 yuan when buying the second-generation lens!
This means that they only need to pay 50 yuan to trade in the old one for a new one and get an upgraded second-generation lens.

But is this necessary?

These old users generally have a mediocre impression of the first-generation lenses. Even if there was a trade-in activity a few days ago, there were only a few responders.

The toys that have been played with are no longer fresh. It is not a matter of old or new at all.

This caused Kangchi's plan to gain universal experience by recycling old lenses to come to nothing, and then came up with the original price exchange activity.

He believes that after seeing the improvement in the performance of the second-generation lens, a large number of people will definitely be interested in this replacement event!

Sure enough, when these old users continued to scroll down and saw the comparison picture of the samples taken by the first and second generations on the details page, they were immediately shocked.

"Holy shit, this was filmed with a toy lens?"

The sample photo was taken of a Gundam mecha model. It can be clearly seen that at the large aperture of F1.4, the picture taken by the first-generation lens is blurry, as if there is a layer of fog blocking the front.

But in the sample of the second-generation lens, this layer of fog miraculously disappeared. The center of the picture was so sharp that even the scratches on the plastic shell of the mecha were clearly visible!

Seeing this kind of picture quality, the first reaction of most users is that they can't believe it.

But as they continue to look down, more and more samples and comparisons of color and sharpness test cards continue to prove the qualitative leap in shooting effects of the second-generation lens!
So soon some people couldn't help but place orders directly.

Some of them choose to exchange at the original price, which saves about 25 yuan after deducting postage.

Some people think that it is too troublesome to send it back and forth, and there is no need to go through such trouble for more than 20 yuan, so they purchase it in full with great pride.

It’s only 85 yuan, no installment and no pressure!

The large number of orders made Kang Chi happy, but at the same time he felt overwhelmed.

Even if he simply closes the shop and concentrates on polishing lenses, he can produce up to 30 first-generation lenses in a day, and the second-generation lenses are even less efficient, with a maximum of 20 lenses. More than 100 first-generation and more than 30 second-generation, this must be at least 5 days in a row, right?
Fortunately, you can gain proficiency points by rubbing lenses, and you can gain general experience by recycling lenses. Coupled with the money earned from selling lenses, Kangchi can win three times in a row this time!
The hard work is all worth it!
In the next few days, Kang Chi was like an emotional production machine, working in the store from morning to night, polishing lenses. If the repair business was more complicated, he would directly reject it.

As express delivery was sent out from the Kangchi store one after another, the first batch of regular users who placed orders also received the goods one after another.

Lin'an Academy of Fine Arts.

After receiving the express delivery, Li Chen first took an unboxing video, and then ran to the campus with this lens to try shooting.

In the evening, when the school's studio became vacant, he said hello to his instructor, got the key from the administrator, and shot the evaluation video in the studio.

Yes, he is the user who used Daqin Optics' first-generation lenses in battlefield quality and applied for a trade-in from Kangchi.

Although he is only a freshman in the photography department, Li Chen has already found the path he wants to take next.

He wants to be an equipment reviewer!
There is no other reason, just interest + minerals at home!
His wealthy family allowed him to purchase a large amount of equipment since he was in high school, and he has some experience in using mainstream cameras and lenses.

His original intention of taking up photography was to take pictures of girls.
Later I found out that I had to retouch the photos of girls, which was so troublesome. Instead of holding all kinds of spears and cannons, it was more fun to go to the park and shock a wave of old mages!
As his collection of equipment increased, he became more and more familiar with various types of equipment, and gradually became interested in equipment evaluation.

As for why you still need to save 35 yuan to trade in Daqin Optics when you have a mine at home?
Of course, you need to experience the manufacturer’s after-sales service in person!
In his opinion, product quality is very important, but after-sales service cannot be ignored either.

The broken Mercedes that his family bought for him to celebrate him going to college made him deeply feel the importance of after-sales service.

This is not even a problem that money can solve, but a disadvantage that is engraved in the bones of a brand!
Anyway, that Mercedes-Benz is still being repaired, and it makes me cry if I talk about it too much.

After it was repaired, the first thing he had to do was smash the car in front of the 4S store!

Let you act respectful and respectful on the outside, saying that you are a distinguished Mercedes owner, but secretly you are doing Tai Chi and doing nothing!

I'm just rich, not stupid!

Compared with Mouben, this small domestic lens workshop that just popped up recently is much better!

Li Chen took the new first-generation lens and the second-generation lens he received in the afternoon, coughed slightly, said hello to the camera with a smile, and started recording the video...

At the same time, more and more old users who were originally skeptical were surprised and exclaimed that they were awesome after receiving the second-generation lenses.

Although they all look the same on the outside, the effects they produce are naturally different!

If the previous ones were just toy lenses, this second-generation lens can almost be said to be a real camera lens.

And its price is only 85 yuan!

It's outrageous!
So soon, Xiaopo stood on the "35 yuan lens, the picture quality is impressive, it is indeed Daqin Optics!" 》In the video comment area, a completely different voice appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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