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Chapter 101 The Nature of Space Laws

Chapter 101 The Nature of Space Laws (55)

Bai Ye was going to participate in the genius battle, so naturally he would not refuse the request of 'Thirteen'.

After waiting for less than half a month, the clone of 'Chonglou' received permission and entered a main hall in the mainland of Qianwu Lord under the leadership of 'Thirteen'.

At the entrance of the main hall, an old man sat cross-legged on the ground, looking like an ordinary person who had never practiced cultivation.

Thirteen stepped forward, saluted respectfully and said: "Your Majesty King Yeyu, this batch of enlightened practitioners has been delivered."

'King of Night Feathers'?
Bai Ye's heart moved.

I don't know if he is the king of the "Three Hundred Princes" in Ganwu Universe, or is he a powerful immortal who truly has the power to become a king?

If it's the latter, then the importance of this place may be much higher than Bai Ye imagined.

'King Ye Yu' glanced at everyone, nodded slightly, and with a wave of his hand, the door of the hall opened: "Everyone, go in, no noise, no interference with others' enlightenment. The enlightenment time is one month, and when the time is up, you must come out immediately !”

Bai Ye followed the other immortals and world lords into the hall.

As soon as he entered the hall, Bai Ye discovered something different.

The space inside the hall is countless times larger than it looks from the outside.

On one wall, there is a huge 'mural' carved on it.

With a sweep of Bai Ye's mind, he came up with a set of data: nine thousand kilometers high and ten thousand and nine kilometers wide.

This is one of the greatest treasures in the Mainland of Gan Wu Lord, the "Time and Space Star Map".

It is said that the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom personally engraved his understanding of laws here, which contains the complete laws of space and most of the laws of time.

A cosmic venerable who died several times, lost all his treasures, and owed a large debt still had the strength of a 'higher cosmic venerable', relying on his powerful understanding of the law.

In terms of understanding of laws alone, the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom is considered relatively high among the large number of Universe Lords in the human race, and is inferior to those few 'Universe Overlords' who are only one step away from the Lord of the Universe.

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind. Bai Ye quickly suppressed the distracting thoughts, sat cross-legged on the ground, and looked up at the huge mural.

In the mural, there is an extremely vast star map, which seems to include the entire universe.

Countless stars, the void continent, and the natural secret realm are all integrated into this picture, with incomparable harmony and perfection.

It seems like this is how this universe should be.

As Bai Ye concentrated his consciousness on the star map, traces of extremely mysterious aura emitted, causing Bai Ye to enter a certain mysterious and mysterious realm.

It was as if he could directly 'see' the manifestation of the complete spatial laws.

"It's too complicated!" Bai Ye only glanced at it and immediately realized that the complete law of space was too 'high-end' for him now. He immediately withdrew his gaze and focused entirely on a small area in the corner of the star map. middle.

Here, a sun-like star is engraved, surrounded by nine planets.

After studying the secret method of "Drifting Blood" for more than half a year, Bai Ye has not yet learned about the "essence of space laws", but has already had long-term contact with it.

This small galaxy gives Bai Ye a feeling that is very consistent with the secret book of "Blood".

Immediately, Bai Ye's attention was completely immersed in the mystery contained in this galaxy.

Countless light-years away on the earth, the clones who were studying other inheritances or practicing swordsmanship and knife skills stopped what they were doing and tried their best to understand what this corner of the "Time and Space Star Map" contained. the mystery.

The consciousnesses between the puppet clones and Bai Ye's true body are all connected.

If one clone sees it, it means that all the clones have seen it and can naturally comprehend it together.

Even the clone of Dugujian, who was slaughtering a tribe of demonic beasts in a trial continent in the "Qianwu Secret Realm", stopped killing and found a safe place to start enlightenment.

Just one month of opportunity for enlightenment cost a full three hundred units of Hunyuan.

Bai Ye was not willing to waste any time and was determined to maximize the effect of this enlightenment.

"So it is."

"These are the nine most basic essences of space laws..."

As a cosmic venerable who has understood the complete laws of space, Lord Ganwu has naturally mastered the [-] most basic essences of space laws long ago and engraved them on this "Space-Time Star Map".

Not long after Bai Ye studied the secret book of "Blood Flowing", he only came into contact with the nine most basic ones. Naturally, he was the first to feel the essence of these nine space laws and was attracted to this small galaxy.

"The effect of enlightenment is good, but compared with the "Elemental Rule Book" inherited by Tal Rasha, it is still far behind."

The "Elemental Rule Book" inherited by Tal Rasha is of great help in understanding the rules.

For example, Bai Ye's ice law, which he majored in, if he practiced without the help of rule books, Bai Ye's ice law would not even have crossed the threshold of the law. It would be good if he could reach the fifth or sixth level of the field now.

But with the help of the rule book, Bai Ye had already crossed the threshold of ice law two years ago, and now he has come a long way.

Bai Ye estimated that the 'Chaos Monument', which was the foundation of the human race, might not be as helpful as his own "Elemental Rule Book" in aiding the understanding of laws.

"The auxiliary comprehension effect of the "Time and Space Star Chart" is about one-tenth of that of the "Elemental Rule Book", but it is already very rare."

"It's impossible to understand all nine essences in one month. I'd better concentrate and do it one by one."

Bai Ye shifted his attention again, focusing on one of the planets, concentrating on understanding this most basic 'essence of space laws'.

With the blessing of a large amount of equipment exploded by the 'Dugu Sword' clone, Bai Ye's 'Space Law' qualification has been upgraded to the third level, and it is not the kind that has just crossed the third level threshold.

Among the stellar geniuses in the universe, they are all pretty good.

Coupled with the fact that more than 30 clones have realized together, one month is equivalent to nearly three years of cultivation for an average genius.

There is still a glimmer of hope in understanding the 'essence of space laws'.

Of course, it's just a glimmer of hope.

In terms of talent in space alone, the current Bai Ye is much worse than Bolan, and not as good as Luo Feng's gestating demon-killing clone.

However, as long as you can gain something and understand half, or even a small part, of the first 'Essence of Space Law', the gain will be great.

Subsequently, he combined it with the "Blood" secret book to develop the first set of swordsmanship. Before the genius battle began, Bai Ye was sure to fully grasp the first 'essence' of the laws of space.

Completely immersed in cultivation, Bai Ye completely lost his perception of the outside world, and only the 'planet' that represented the most basic essence of the laws of space remained in his eyes.

In the main hall, the other cultivators are also immersed in their own cultivation, either staring at a certain star area, or carefully comprehending a certain void continent, racing against time to understand, trying to improve their understanding of the laws even a little bit. .


Immersed in practice, the flow of time seems to speed up a lot.

Bai Ye felt as if not long had passed and the one-month deadline had already arrived.

The door of the hall opened, and a majestic and mighty voice sounded in everyone's mind: "Come out, everyone!"

"Come out, everyone!" "Come out, everyone!" "Come out, everyone!"

The sound keeps reverberating, and each time it reverberates, it becomes louder and more harsh, forcing people to wake up from their engrossed meditation, and even force themselves to enter the state of meditation again.Even though Bai Ye was deeply reluctant to give up, he did not dare to violate the rules, immediately got up and left the hall quickly.

"It's a pity. If you give me some more time, I can fully grasp the essence of the first space law."

Bai Ye secretly thought it was a pity.

The effect of this enlightenment was unparalleled, but Bai Ye didn't have the money to do the next enlightenment.

If he could stay here and meditate on the "Time and Space Star Map" all the time, and practice in seclusion for three or four years, Bai Ye would even be absolutely sure that he would fully grasp the nine most basic essences of space laws before the genius battle begins.

Unfortunately, that's simply not possible.

Of course, if it were possible to achieve infinite enlightenment, Bai Ye would not let all the clones put aside everything else and focus all their attention on the laws of space like this time.

In Bai Ye's plan, the laws of time and space, the laws of fusion, etc. in the world of "Swallowing Starry Sky" will only become part of his own cultivation system, not all of it.

There's a good chance it won't even be the most important part.

But this cannot deny the power of the law of time and space.

Perhaps the upper limit of the laws of space and time in the original universe is not too high, but this is a limitation of the original universe, not a limitation of the laws of space and time.

Among countless worlds, the path to reach the highest level based on the two laws of time and space is a very common direction.

After walking out of the main hall, God General 'Thirteen' was waiting outside.

One by one, the immortals and realm masters stepped forward to salute, and then dispersed.

Bai Ye deliberately fell in last, stepped forward and saluted 'Thirteen' and said, "I have met Mr. Thirteen."

"You have just finished meditating, and you should still have a lot of insights that you have not digested. You can continue to meditate in my world ring first, and then talk about it after you have fully digested the insights."

Thirteen raised his hand, and Bai Ye was taken into the One World Ring without any resistance.

In the world ring, Bai Ye looked confused and looked around. This was a vast grassland with nothing around.

"what's the situation?"

"Forget it, if 'Thirteen' wants to harm me, I have no power to resist, and he has no reason to do so. Let me practice, and just practice with peace of mind."

Bai Ye shook his head and sat down cross-legged on the spot, continuing to digest the insights from "Time and Space Star Map".

But this time, all the clones are no longer studying together.

Only the 'Chonglou' clone and the other five clones are continuing to digest and comprehend, or study the set of swordsmanship in the secret book of "Drifting Blood" that corresponds to the essence of the space law that Bai Ye has comprehended.

There are 108 sets of sword techniques in the cheat book "Blood", which correspond to the 108 essences of space laws.

The first nine are the easiest, the middle 27 are much more difficult, and the last 72 are the hardest.

However, within the same level, there is no sequential order.
For example, among the first nine types, it makes no difference which one you start with.

What Bai Ye realized was the 'essence of space law' corresponding to the third set of sword techniques in the "Blood" secret book.

Although there is no assistance from the "Time and Space Star Map", a large number of undigested insights from the previous month's meditation still remain in the memory.

Coupled with the secret book "Blood Floating", although Bai Ye's comprehension speed has dropped significantly, it is still much faster than normal practice.

More than eight months later, the clone of 'Chonglou' opened his eyes and used his body skills to leave a strange arc in the air. The whole person appeared hundreds of meters away like a ghost.

It's not teleportation, it's just an illusion caused by going too fast.

This speed is more than a hundred times faster than Bai Ye's previous movements, and this is not even the limit.

After all, Bai Ye just performed it simply and crudely, and did not use the secrets that were most suitable for the 'Space Law'.

If he were to practice a body technique secret book on the laws of space, Bai Ye's movement skills and speed would still have great room for improvement.

Bai Ye suddenly felt that the world was spinning. He had left the vast grassland and appeared in a room.

Not far in front of him, the god general 'Thirteen' was looking at him.

Bai Ye quickly saluted: "I've met Mr. Thirteen."

"Have you actually understood the essence of the laws of space?" Shisan looked at Bai Ye with confusion, confusion, and disbelief in his eyes.

His strength is not strong among immortals, but after all, he has followed the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom for endless years, and his vision is very sharp.

The average feudal lord Immortal most likely cannot compare to him in terms of vision.

The scene of Bai Ye performing his magic in the World Ring was naturally impossible to hide from the owner of the World Ring.

'Thirteen' could tell at a glance that Bai Ye had completely grasped the most basic essence of space laws.

Although it is only one of the 108 essences, it is also one of the nine simplest ones.

But for a star-level genius to be able to achieve this level is extremely incredible.

You know, 90.00% of Nine Realm Lords don’t dare to take this path.

Only after becoming immortal and having endless lifespan will someone choose to try the path of studying the 'nature of space laws'.

But only a small number of people will choose this.

Taking the path of the 'Essence of Space Law' is difficult in the early stage, but once you fully grasp the essence of Space Law, it will be much easier to break through the Master of the Universe in the future.

However, precisely because it is so difficult to get started, very few people would choose this.

Not many people even know that this road exists.

Although Thirteen himself knew the path of 'researching the nature of space laws', he did not dare to choose this way. Instead, he chose the route of normal understanding of space laws and giving priority to improving his strength.

"It's just luck that I mastered one." Bai Ye seemed humble, but in fact he was extremely proud.

"I originally wanted to invite you to join the Qianwu Secret Realm."

'Thirteen' said something and suddenly closed his mouth.

Based on Bai Ye's performance, what help can the Qianwu Secret Realm do to the other party?
Although there are many top-notch resources in the secret realm, at this stage of stellar level, the goal of training is just to have as many geniuses as possible who can cross the threshold of lower laws.

Occasionally, if you can cultivate a genius who barely crosses the threshold of the upper law, it is considered a stroke of luck.

Bai Ye, a monster like this, not only crossed the threshold of the Space Law, but also understood the essence of the Space Law. The few resources in the Ganwu Secret Realm were of little help to Bai Ye.

However, Thirteen is not ready to give up on winning over Bai Ye.

Ordinary geniuses are treated like ordinary geniuses, and top geniuses are naturally not treated the same as ordinary geniuses.

(End of this chapter)

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