Chapter 108 One against a million (15)

After thinking for a while, Hargrave said: "Really do it. Since His Highness said it was a test, then play the role of 'whetstone' well. Even if something goes wrong, with His Highness's I made a promise in public that I would not care about my identity, and I would not turn my back on the person afterwards.”

What's more, if you can really kill even one of them, you can immediately obtain all the treasures in the world.

Hargrave is still very greedy for this.

Maybe with the help of this resource, I can break through the last step and become a high-ranking immortal god.

At that time, even if you still can't afford to offend the disciples of Lord Gan Wu, there is no need to be afraid of him as long as you don't take the initiative to provoke him.

"Yes, grandpa." Brolin responded respectfully: "Then let's get ready."


Boundary in the boundary.

Brolin isn't the fastest.

The first one to take action was the force of the 'Baihu Tower'. Tens of thousands of stellar ninth-level troops had entered the 'ring' and were fighting with Luo Feng and the others.

There were streams of different colors of force with different attributes, and telepathy weapons flying all over the sky. Although they were only a group of stars, when the number reached [-], the overall momentum they erupted was astonishing.

However, the three Luo Feng people on the other side, although they were small in number, the power they unleashed was even more frightening.

Gold, black, blue and white, three fields with different attributes spread out, covering a small half of the arena.

Both Hong and Lei Shen were pure warriors. They turned into a stream of light and rushed into the crowd. They used the cover of the crowd to avoid large-scale telepathic weapon attacks. They kept taking action with the spears and knives in their hands. With one move, they Can kill dozens of enemies.

Luo Feng even pushed the Sky Escape Shuttle to the extreme. A huge swordfish formation swam rapidly among the crowd. Ordinary stars could not resist it and would die if it touched it.

It may seem that the number of people killed in one shot is not that many, but the average speed of a star-level attack can reach more than ten full-strength attacks in one second.

Luo Feng and the others were faster. After dozens or hundreds of attacks, more than half of the tens of thousands of stellar ninth-level troops were killed or injured.

"The ninth level of the domain has even comprehended the law! There are no such monsters among the stellar geniuses in the two holy places of our Black Dragon Mountain Empire?! Where did these three come out of nowhere?!" Baihu Tower is in the world The core genius with the highest status in the world was shocked and quickly ordered: "Withdraw! Let the remaining people withdraw immediately!"

But his order came too late.

In the arena, Baihulou's army had already been defeated, suffering heavy casualties.

The remaining few thousand people saw that the situation was not good and immediately escaped from the ring desperately.

At this point, only a small number of people managed to escape, and the rest died at the hands of Luo Feng and the others.

Hong and Lei Shen were better off. As long as the other party didn't resist, they didn't bother to pursue them.

But Luo Feng seemed to be red-eyed. When he saw an enemy, he would chase him to the end. Unless the opponent left the range of the ring, he would not stop fighting.

The cruelty and bloodthirsty nature of the golden-horned beast had a profound impact on Luo Feng's character.

He doesn't show it on weekdays, but when he encounters stimulation, he will explode immediately.

"Tsk tsk."

High in the sky, Bai Ye looked at the scene below and couldn't help but sigh: "Luo Feng's current will can't suppress the instinct of the golden-horned giant beast. However, this may be because the golden-horned giant beast has grown too fast and has been following the best... The strengthening plan has devoured metal, and in a few years it has eaten thousands of Hunyuan units, almost becoming a Territory Lord. Luo Feng has only had a short time to grow, so it is not surprising that he cannot suppress it."

He stretched out his hand and fired out a blast of force, blocking Luo Feng from continuing to pursue the others.

Bai Ye looked around and said in a deep voice: "But which force wants to continue?! There are still 1 people."

A moment of silence.

Brolin stepped forward and said: "The Holy Land of Black Dragon Mountain invites you to fight."

The Holy Land of Black Dragon Mountain sent ten batches of stellar troops to the stage.

They were still beaten to death by Luo Feng and the others.

After this round, Hong's Force power was exhausted and he exited the ring.

Luo Feng and Lei Shen still chose to continue fighting, with two against ten thousand.

Seeing that one person was missing, other forces thought they had an opportunity and sent out large armies to fight one after another. However, they were still wiped out by the strong attacks of Luo Feng and Lei Shen.

After two more rounds, the Thunder God's domain suddenly broke through in the battle and entered the threshold of the 'Thunder and Lightning Law'.

Although it is just a trace of law, its power is extremely amazing.

A sudden explosion instantly killed thousands of stars around him.

After this battle, Thor also exited the ring with satisfaction.

If you can understand a little bit of the law, each battle will be a big profit for Thor!
Only Luo Feng was left to continue fighting.

But even if he fought alone, Luo Feng still didn't give the enemy any chance.

Bloodthirsty, violent, but extremely calm.

Two different emotional extremes, there was a perfect unity in Luo Feng.

The application of the Law of Gold and the Law of Space gradually became more perfect in the crazy killing.

"Sure enough, he is treated like a protagonist." Bai Ye couldn't help complaining as he looked at Luo Feng's visible changes.

Although these battles did not help Luo Feng's improvement in law, he made great progress in using it!
You must know that the law cannot be exerted just by understanding it.

How to integrate into the battle and maximize combat effectiveness is the most critical thing.

Hong is outstanding in this aspect. Although his level of law is not high, he can defeat geniuses who are stronger than himself.

Now Luo Feng also has this trend.

This completely unreasonable promotion is worthy of being the protagonist of this world.

Another round of fighting ended, and no one came forward.

After dozens of battles, nearly one-tenth of the more than 200 million coalition troops were killed by Luo Feng and the others.

Although hundreds of thousands of stars died, it was nothing to these forces.

But not seeing any hope of winning is the most despairing thing.

Luo Feng's current performance, let alone 1 people, I am afraid that even if 10 or [-] people are besieging him, it will not be of much use.

"Since no one takes action again, let's treat it as admitting defeat." Bai Ye looked down and his voice came from far away: "In 5 minutes, you can contact the top of your force to decide whether to admit defeat."

Although this test is a 'life and death test' for Luo Feng, Hong, and Lei Shen, it is also a bet between Bai Ye and all forces in the Black Dragon Mountain Empire.

The bet is the more than 60 kinds of treasures left by the master of 'Kabu' within this realm, totaling more than 300 treasures.

If most of them were put to the outside world, even the Realm Lord would be jealous.

Brolin and other leaders of various forces connected to the virtual universe and reported to their superiors for instructions.

A moment later, Brolin was the first to receive the order. He came forward holding a space ring and said: "I, Black Dragon Mountain Holy Land, surrender. These are the treasures that I, Black Dragon Mountain Holy Land, obtained before. There are 14 pieces in total. In addition, there is Thunder that can be exchanged for treasures." There are more than 800 million stones left..."

"I, Sanaxe Mountain, also admit defeat. The treasures and thunder stones we obtained before..." Each of the power leaders received orders from their superiors to hand over the treasures obtained in the realm within the realm to Bai Ye.

"Yes, there are 231 treasures in total, plus the 81 that have not yet been exchanged. All the treasures in the realm within the realm are here."

Bai Ye took the space rings one by one, and with a sweep of his mind, he immediately got the precise number.

Then, Bai Ye looked at Luo Feng and the others and said with a smile, "Do you think you are very strong?"

"Our strength should be considered strong among stars, right?" Thor was quite proud.

After breaking through in the battle and understanding a hint of the law, he felt like 'I am invincible'.

Of course, Thor is still very conscious and doesn't think he can beat Luo Feng and Bai Ye.

Even Hong, he would most likely not be able to defeat him.

However, Thor believes that compared with other star-level monsters, he should be considered an absolute top monster.

Although Luo Feng and Hong didn't speak, they had similar thoughts.

"Then let me show you how far you are from the real strong ones."

Bai Ye casually threw the space ring containing the treasure to the three of them, flew above the coalition forces, and said loudly: "I will give you another chance, all of you come together and besiege me alone! If someone can kill me, I promise , my teacher will not only not hold you accountable, but will also give you huge rewards! Worth at least tens of thousands of Hunyuan units!"


Brolin and other leaders of the forces in the crowd were shocked, "Is His Highness crazy? He wants to fight one against a million?!"

Of course they didn't dare to make the decision and quickly contacted their superiors.

outside world.

Hargrave and others received Brolin's report and did not dare to neglect it.

After exchanging a few glances with each other, Hargrave cautiously came to 'Thirteen' and said respectfully: "Master Thirteen, that Highness declared in the boundary within the boundary that he wanted the nearly 200 million troops inside to join forces to besiege him alone. …”

Hargrave did not hide anything, nor did he add his own subjective emotions. He repeated Bai Ye's words exactly as they were.

He also released a video that Brolin sent to him as evidence.

"Since it is His Highness's request, I can naturally represent the Lord of the Kingdom." Thirteen said directly: "You decide whether to challenge or not. I can only guarantee that even if His Highness dies in battle, the Lord of the Kingdom will not only not blame you, but will also receive an extremely generous reward. The gift of.”

Others don't know, but Thirteen knows that His Highness is just a clone here, and it doesn't matter if he dies.

Of course he wouldn't worry.

As for whether Bai Ye can represent the leader of Wu Kingdom.

Anyway, as long as the leader of Ganwu Kingdom doesn't stand up to object, then Thirteen will admit it.

When a disciple makes a promise on behalf of the teacher, even if the teacher doesn't like it, he will definitely recognize it.

As for whether Bai Ye will be punished by the leader of Ganwu Kingdom afterwards, that is none of his business.

Hargrave felt a little numb.

This matter is too big and I can't control it myself, so I'd better let Master Thirteen handle it.

He asked cautiously: "I wonder what your Lord thinks of this matter?"

Thirteen originally wanted to say 'you decide for yourself'.

As soon as he thought about it, Thirteen changed his words and said: "Since we are going to besiege, we must have a strong commander to unite the army into a whole. Otherwise, I am afraid that I will not be able to threaten His Highness."

In the future, His Highness will have to go to battlefields outside the territory sooner or later.

It would be a good idea to let him experience the power of the 'Human Sea Tactics' as soon as possible, so as not to underestimate the world and suffer big losses on the battlefield outside the territory in the future.

You know, many races, such as the Zerg, are very good at human sea tactics.

Some special races may be weak individually, but their group power is terrifying, enough to threaten the top experts.


"Don't worry, I'll give you half an hour to prepare."

Bai Ye held a long knife in one hand and stood very casually in the middle of the open space, not caring about the nearly 200 million troops surrounding him: "You can take action at any time when you are ready, or I will take action first in half an hour, whatever you choose .”

A few kilometers away in the sky, Luo Feng looked at this scene with some worry, and couldn't help but said: "Isn't this too much? That's 200 million people! Just using human life to consume it can kill people. What's more, Brother Bai Ye is only a first-level star, and his total force power cannot match us."

Luo Feng didn't know that Bai Ye had a genetic level that was a hundred times equivalent to that of ordinary humans.

However, even a hundred times the number of genes is not enough to even out the huge gap between the first-level stars and the ninth-level stars.

Brolin was elected as the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, and he is racing against time to seize the time to reorganize the army into groups according to various factors such as occupations, Force attributes, weapons, etc., and adjust the formations according to different teams.

As a prince who aspires to compete for the throne of the next generation of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, commanding the army in combat is something that must be learned.

You don’t have to be able to compare with those top players, but you still need to have the most basic understanding.

Ten minutes later, General Brolin completed the formation of his army and shouted respectfully in the direction of Bai Ye: "Your Highness, we are ready, and we will launch an attack next."

"You can take action at any time." Bai Ye still looked very casual, not like he was facing a battle, but like he was on vacation.

Brolin had already received the order from his grandfather, and after fulfilling his duty of reminder, he said no more and returned directly to the rear of the army.

"The first team, mental illusion attack!"

"The second team, control force skills restrict the target's movement!"

"Third to No. 14 Brigade, Force long-range attack!"

"Brigade No. 15 to No. 19, besieged by telekinetic weapons!"

The orders were passed on quickly.


Streams of brilliant and colorful light shot from each square formation of the army towards the white night in the center.

Those present are all 'elite soldiers' trained by major forces, and they are naturally very good at combined attacks.

Although they came from different forces, under Brolin's mobilization and command, they still quickly condensed the ninth-level army of more than 180 million stars into a whole.

One or two star-level attacks, or scattered attacks, are not very powerful.

However, a large number of stellar ninth-level elite soldiers joined forces to launch attacks using the 'Combined Attack Technique'. Countless attacks were combined into one place, and their power increased exponentially.

A combined attack of tens of thousands of stars can easily kill a cosmic level if it hits.

If the Territory Lord stood still and resisted the attack of nearly 200 million stars, he would not be able to withstand it!
What's more, under Brolin's command, various methods such as illusions, control secrets, long-range force attacks, and telepathic weapon sieges all cooperated with each other to seal off almost all evasive spaces. A slight oversight would lead to tragic death on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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