Explode equipment starting from Devour

Chapter 131 [Vega’s Dark Evil Power]

Chapter 131 [Vega’s Dark Evil Power] (15)

He shook his head and didn't think much about it.

Bai Ye focused on the price of the equipment.

The attributes of the equipment in the mall cannot be seen, only the name, type, and grade can be seen.

Bai Ye still has more than 8 gold coins left in his hand. He can buy at most one piece of orange quality equipment, or multiple pieces of equipment below orange quality.

Bai Ye spent a long time choosing. I felt a little disdainful of the low-grade ones, but I couldn't afford the high-grade ones.

Considering that for a long time to come, there would be no chance to kill the Immortal and obtain gold coins, Bai Ye decided to exchange the gold coins for talent or strength as soon as possible.

Spend it first and then talk about it.

After all, I really can't beat a living, conscious immortal now.

You can't ask your teacher to kidnap a group of alien immortals and kill them for your own fun, right?

Whether it is an extraterrestrial battlefield or a secret realm in the universe, it is very dangerous, and the stronger the strength, the more dangerous it is. Bai Ye does not want his teacher to take risks for himself.

When he has the ability to hunt immortals, it will be too late to slowly accumulate gold coins.

Unfortunately, I can only see the name, grade, and price of the equipment, but not its specific attributes. Otherwise, there would be no need to hesitate so much.

After browsing through the dazzling array of equipment in the mall for a long time, Bai Ye bought a piece of equipment called [Vega's Dark Evil Energy] with the mentality of 'taking a gamble'.

Veigar, a yordle mage in the LoL world, possesses dark magic that is said to be enough to 'destroy the planet'.

In the game, his characteristics are somewhat similar to those of Thresh in the LOL world and Butcher in the Dota world. They both belong to the "infinite growth hero".

But the attribute of infinite growth is 'spell power'.

Bai Ye also didn't know whether this piece of equipment would inherit Veigar's 'infinite growth' feature, and if so, it would convert the 'spell power' into an existing form.

This is what Bai Ye calls 'a gamble'.

If you can really have a good unlimited growth, you will make a lot of money.

If not, then at most you will get an ordinary orange quality equipment.

Select Confirm and the system prompt will appear.

[81655 gold coins have been deducted. 】

[You obtain equipment: Veigar’s Dark Evil Energy]

[Number of remaining gold coins: 3. 】

There are only three gold coins left.

This was all Bai Ye had made by selling the [Silver Scale Breastplate] he had obtained a long time ago and exchanging it for 5 gold coins.

——Until now, Bai Ye really understands that the most valuable attribute of the [Silver Scale Breastplate] is that it can be consumed in exchange for 5 gold coins.

Even though 5 gold coins is not much, this is a number that can only be obtained by killing two or three immortals whose strength is at the bottom.

A piece of useless blue-quality equipment can be exchanged for 5 gold coins, which is a huge profit.

Of course, if it was useful blue equipment, Bai Ye would definitely not choose to 'sell' it.

After all, buying a piece of blue equipment in the system mall will cost dozens or even hundreds of gold coins.

Regardless of his heartache, Bai Ye immediately checked the attributes of the new equipment.


Name: Veigar's Dark Fel
Grade: orange

Category: Consumables
After use, consume this prop and permanently gain the following abilities:
1. Significantly improve the 'dark' attribute qualifications.

2. Obtain the passive talent [Supernatural Evil Power]

Extraordinary evil power: After killing the enemy, the 'dark' attribute qualification will be permanently improved. The degree of improvement is related to the level and attribute of the enemy killed.


Just choose to use it.

The 'dark' attribute qualification is directly upgraded from the third level to the fourth level.

At the same time, there is also an additional 'talent' column on the personal attributes interface, which displays a single ability of [Extraordinary Evil Power].

Although it is a little worse than expected, and only adds "dark attribute qualifications", it is still a good "infinite growth ability", and it does not have so many fancy requirements, and it can take effect by killing the enemy.

Overall, Bai Ye was quite satisfied.

'Dark' and 'Dark Element' are not the same system of laws, at least they are separate in the personal attribute interface.

Bai Ye's current 'dark element' qualification is at level five, but 'darkness' is currently only at level four.

However, with this passive ability of infinite growth, it is only a matter of time before the 'dark' qualifications surpass the 'dark element'.

Bai Ye is not sure what the specific difference between the two is, but improving qualifications is definitely a good thing.

Before arriving at the headquarters of the Virtual Universe Company, Bai Ye opened his personal panel to check his attributes after his substantial growth.


Name: Bai Ye

Race: Earth Human

Occupation: Warrior/Psychic Master/Mage/Wizard/Abyss/Warrior
Level: First level of the universe (warrior/psychic master)/Great magician (mage/wizard)/Little devil (abyss)/Extraordinary third level (warrior)
Genes: 1000
Physical strength: 300
Body energy capacity: 300
Soul: 1000
Skill: slightly

Equipment: slightly

(Level [-] and below omitted)
Level [-]: Sword Way, Sword Way, Body Refining, Mental Power, Arcana, Ice, Water, Fire, Wind, Thunder, Light, Darkness, Death, Space, Time

Level [-]: Abyss


Extraordinary evil power: After killing the enemy, the 'dark' attribute qualification will be passively improved. The degree of improvement is related to the level and attribute of the enemy killed.


"Everyone come to the lobby!"

"Everyone come to the lobby!"

The voice of the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom sounded deep in his consciousness.

Bai Ye, Luo Feng, Rong Jun and others who were staying in various rest cabins of the spaceship immediately interrupted their training and gathered in the spaceship lobby.

At some point, the spaceship left the dark universe.

Even if it is an F-class spacecraft, there will be obvious movement when traveling in and out of the dark universe.

But the extremely special spaceship of the King of Ganwu Kingdom makes people feel nothing at all, and its speed is astonishingly fast.


"My lord."

The crowd saluted.

"Ahead is the headquarters of Virtual Universe Company." Lord Ganwu pointed to the scene of the exterior simulation.

In front of the spacecraft is a vast supercontinent.

The main continent of Bigan Wu Universe Kingdom is countless times larger.

Even the largest continent in the Ganwu Secret Realm is only equivalent to a corner of the super continent in front.

It can be felt from the surrounding gravity that this kind of continent is not naturally formed, but has extremely obvious artificial traces.

If such a huge continent were formed naturally, a G-class spacecraft that was fused with metallic life would not be able to resist its gravity, let alone maintain the stability of the gravity within the spacecraft.

Looking at this vast continent, everyone felt very shocked. "This continent is billions of light-years in diameter, which is considered extremely large in the universe."

The leader of the Ganwu Kingdom said something, and then added: "It will take more than ten hours to actually arrive at the headquarters. We are the last batch to arrive. It is estimated that after arriving, you will not have time to rest, and you will be sent directly to the initial universe."

With that said, the leader of the Ganwu Kingdom turned around, looked at everyone, and said: "You are all the geniuses of our Ganwu Universe Kingdom. Let me remind you that after joining the Virtual Universe Company, all other resources are secondary, and the most important thing is It’s the ‘initial universe enlightenment quota’.”

"And in the 'Initial Universe', the most important and critical thing is the 'Chaos Monument'."

"There are 52 Chaos Monuments in our human race, which are the most important heritage of our human race. Each Chaos Monument contains a path to the sky."

"Whether it's geniuses like you or powerful people who have obtained the 'initial universe enlightenment quota' through other channels, they can only choose a Chaos Monument to understand."

"The choice of the Chaos Monument is closely related to the direction of your future cultivation!"

"The most important thing is that unless there are extremely special circumstances and a real big shot in our human race speaks out, no changes will be allowed after selection!"

"For example, if you choose a certain Chaos Monument, and after studying it, you find that it is not suitable for you, and you want to change it, that is absolutely not possible!"

“So when making a choice, be sure to consider it carefully and don’t make the wrong choice and regret it later!”

"You yourself know best how to choose and the path of your cultivation, so I won't give you any advice."

After saying that, the leader of Ganwu Kingdom turned around and said no more.

Luo Feng, Rong Jun and others were all thinking about the words of Lord Ganwu.

Although they don't know what the 'Chaos Monument' is, they also know that this is an extremely important decision for them.

Bai Ye didn't speak either.

Luo Feng is suitable for "Nine Yus Chaos Monument", Rong Jun is suitable for "Giant Ax Chaos Monument", Bai Ye knows this.

But Bai Ye really doesn't know what Hong and Lei Shen are suitable for.

As the leader of the Ganwu Kingdom said, only you know which Chaos Monument is best for you.

It's best to let them choose. There's no need to ask.

Anyway, even if nothing is said, Luo Feng and Rong Jun's choices will most likely not change.

The most important thing the Lord Ganwu said was to make them realize the importance of choosing the Chaos Monument.

The spacecraft flew at a speed infinitely close to the speed of light for more than ten hours, and finally slowed down and stopped at an entrance passage.

Bai Ye and his party walked out of the spacecraft, and there was a group of men and women in uniform waiting outside.

"Your Highness the Lord."

A young man in a silver shirt stepped forward and first saluted the leader of Ganwu Kingdom.

Then he glanced at Bai Ye and his party, and after confirming the number of people and identities, he said: "Your Highnesses, we are waiting here according to His Majesty's order. Your Highnesses, please come with me."

"Teacher, thank you for your hard work escorting us all the way. We will go there first."

"Thank you, Lord of the Kingdom..."

Bai Ye and others said goodbye to the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom one after another, and then followed the silver-robed young man into the passage.

Not long after walking, the group was taken to a hall.

There are many geniuses gathered in twos and threes inside.

"white night!"


"Sword Demon!"


"Wild man!"

Bai Ye and his party entered the hall and were immediately welcomed by many people.

Three years after the Genius War ended, everyone has often met in the virtual universe and has long been familiar with each other.

Of course, except for a few extremely lonely people.

In fact, most geniuses are lonely, but that's because they don't have opponents of the same level and are too lazy to associate with those mediocre people.

However, those who can enter the top thousand in the universe, even if they are ranked at the bottom, can still prove their strength, and it is normal to make friends with each other.

Among the thousand geniuses in this generation, there are only a few who are truly solitary to the extreme and are too lazy to blend in with the crowd.

Even Bai Ye's clone, Dugu Jian, who maintains a "cold persona", has made more than a dozen friends.

Bolan is similar.

Of course, because of their different levels of strength, although most of the Thousand Geniuses are familiar with each other, they are still divided into small circles.

The relationship between the people in Taichu Secret Realm is obviously better.

The same is true for the secret realm of heaven and earth.

The secret realm of the apocalypse is complicated. There are too many people and it is divided into many small circles.

As for the Primordial Secret Realm, Bai Ye only acted in the ring, but he had no interest in 'making friends' with his clones in life and acting for others to see. Instead, he took the initiative to make friends with some geniuses in the Taichu Secret Realm and became close friends. friend.

Although among these people, except for Luo Feng who could barely catch up with him, the rest were too far behind in Bai Ye's eyes.

Perhaps hundreds of thousands of years have passed and it will no longer exist on the same level at all.

But in life, you always have to have some friends.

People like Rong Jun, Wuka, Qian Shui, and Ai Chen all have good talents and personalities, so Bai Ye naturally doesn't mind making friends with them.

Entering the hall, before he could chat with the other geniuses, suddenly, a powerful immortal appeared.

"Everyone, please follow me."

A strong divine power directly enveloped all the geniuses, and a thousand geniuses were completely unable to resist.

Bai Ye wanted to try it, but considering the consequences, he still didn't do it.

After flying for a few minutes, they arrived on the ground. Parked in front was a huge spaceship, somewhat similar to the spacecraft of Lord Ganwu. It looked like a big fish and was fused with a very special metal life.

The Immortal said directly: "Everyone, please get on the spaceship. Your Majesty is waiting for you on the spaceship."

The Lord of Nine Swords was indeed in the spaceship, but he did not say a word to the geniuses. After confirming that everyone was present, he directly ordered the spacecraft to set off.

He was standing there, but there was an inexplicable sense of illusion, as if he was not really in this space.

This is the manifestation of the 'law of space'.

And when passing through the 'initial universe passage', this feeling is even more obvious.

As soon as he entered the passage, Bai Ye noticed that the two clones he had left in Qianwu Universe Kingdom had disappeared.

Bai Ye didn't care and created two new clones in the world ring at will.

The different time flow rates between the two universes and the time chaos in the entire channel made many geniuses unable to bear it. They lost consciousness one by one and even fell to the ground.

Bai Ye himself has a certain understanding of the 'Law of Time', and his soul and will are far superior to those of geniuses of the same level, but he doesn't have this feeling.

In fact, Bai Ye still had time to carefully sense his surroundings, trying to find any trace of touch.

"In this environment, the efficiency of comprehending the law of time is indeed much higher. It is a pity that we cannot practice in this channel for a long time."

Just a few minutes later, Bai Ye's thoughts were interrupted and he couldn't help but shake his head.

After taking a look around, there were less than a hundred geniuses still standing, and most of them had fallen to the ground.

However, as the spacecraft officially entered the initial universe, the strange environment of time chaos disappeared, and each genius quickly regained consciousness and quickly stood up.

(End of this chapter)

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