Explode equipment starting from Devour

Chapter 219 Abyss Transformation

Chapter 219 Abyss Transformation (35)

The abyss world inside the body.

The 'sacrifice ceremony' has come to an end.

Countless ancient abyssal texts condensed into a large piece of chaotic and incomprehensible content in mid-air, either integrated into the initial abyss itself, or integrated into Bai Ye's body.

Suddenly, there was a slight vibration that spread throughout the abyss world.

A book with a black cover suddenly flew out of Bai Ye's body and quickly grew in size.

In the blink of an eye, the book swelled to thousands of kilometers high and hundreds of kilometers wide.

The black cover seems to be made of the skin of some kind of creature, and there are lines that look like small blood vessels.

On the book cover, the extremely ancient abyssal characters formed a line of dark red font: "Endless Abyss".

"Endless Abyss" suddenly opened automatically and spread all over the initial abyss. The words condensed from the breath of the abyss seemed to be attracted by something and quickly converged towards "Endless Abyss".

A new black and red page gradually condensed and took shape, becoming the last page at the end of "The Endless Abyss".

"Endless Abyss" shook slightly, and countless ancient abyssal characters flew out, nested and combined with each other, forming a huge character in mid-air.

This peculiar character has many similarities with the abyss writing, but it also has a vaguely different feeling.

Any living being will understand the meaning of this character at the first glance.


It means the son of the abyss, but also represents the abyss itself.


He is the 'Lord of the Abyss'.

The same name contains multiple meanings in different dimensions, and there are even essential contradictions between some of the meanings.

However, from the perspective of higher dimensions, these 'contradictions' are just misunderstandings caused by the inability to understand higher levels when lower beings try to analyze the existence of higher levels.

"Endless Abyss" closed again, emitting a strange wave of fluctuations.

The huge characters in the sky suddenly split into two, turning into two smaller but identical runes.

One rune flew towards the depths of the Initial Abyss, while the other rune fell downwards and merged into Bai Ye's body.

Deep in Bai Ye's bloodline, the long 'Devil's True Name' composed of countless abyssal characters is combined with the 'Abyss' character.

The runes and 'Abyss' characters that made up the true name of the bloodline were quickly broken into countless small runes and merged into the depths of Bai Ye's bloodline.

The disappearance of the true name means that Bai Ye is no longer bound by the 'abyss'.

A fatal weakness was lost, and at the same time, driven by this inexplicable force, the life form jumped to a new level.

There seems to be no obvious change, but in fact it is completely different.

After the changes in the body were completed, the "Endless Abyss" turned into a black light and returned to the depths of Bai Ye's consciousness, as if it had never moved.

In the depths of the abyss, another 'Abyss' rune merged with the initial abyss.

There was a sudden vibration, as if the whole world inside the body was about to collapse.

But nothing seemed to happen.

Only by observing from a higher dimension can we find that the initial abyss world in the body has changed from a kind of 'prototype' to a real 'existence'.

At the moment when the transformation of the abyss was completed, the entire universe, and even the entire cosmic sea, seemed to be affected.

All powerful beings felt something in their hearts at the same time. It seemed that some unknown changes had occurred in this world.

But when they wanted to explore further, they found nothing. They couldn't find anything.

Only in the dimension that is imperceptible to all beings, all negative energy, emotions, and breaths from the entire cosmic sea are attracted and converge towards the 'bottom of the world'.

This efficiency is not very fast, so it does not attract any attention.

But in the abyss world within the body, a collection of all the negative concepts gathered from the entire cosmic sea gathered here and merged into the initial abyss, strengthening and growing the abyss itself bit by bit.

As the abyss becomes more powerful, many rules, laws, and even 'concepts' related to the abyss are also improving at a slow but extremely stable pace.

Bai Ye opened his eyes.

A long list of system prompts appeared in front of me.

【You have completed the 'Abyss Sacrifice Ritual'. 】

[The initial abyss has been born. 】

[Due to the influence of the initial abyss, your life level has been greatly improved. 】

[You gain authority: the abyss. 】

[During the next life transition, you will be promoted to 'Super Life: Lord of the Endless Abyss'. 】

This time's 'advancement', both in the abyss world and in Baiye itself, has undergone a lot of changes, and a lot of big changes.

The initial abyss changes from 'prototype' to 'real existence'.

It also has various functions of the real abyss to a certain extent.

For example, absorbing all the 'negative concepts' of the world where you live.

Whether it is energy, emotion, breath, or anything else, as long as it is 'negative', it will be attracted by the abyss, fall towards the abyss, and eventually be swallowed and fused by the abyss, turning into the 'origin' of the abyss.

In addition, the abyss of Baiye also has the ability to 'give birth to abyss demons'.

However, in order to truly give birth to an abyss demon, enough original energy is needed.

No life or matter is born out of thin air.

In addition, at least one layer of 'ordinary abyss' is required to breed a demon.

The initial abyss does not have the ability to breed life.

——If it is the initial abyss that is born naturally, it will only give birth to a unique 'special life', the 'original demon' named 'Abyss'.

But now, this spot has been occupied by Bai Ye itself.

In this world, it is impossible for an 'Abyss Demon' to be born. Bai Ye is the only 'Original Demon'.

Similarly, the special abyss transformed by Bai Ye using the laws and rules of the 'non-abyss system' does not have the ability to breed life, such as the 'permanently frozen abyss'.

Let’s not talk about whether the ‘Abyss Demon’ group will be bred in the future.

Even in the Abyss, which is best at fighting and evolving, the development of a civilization takes an extremely long time.

Perhaps in the distant future, Bai Ye will need such a force to help him grow the abyss world, but at least for now, there is no such urgent need.

Sarah's insect swarm is enough to replace the devil.

Without Bai Ye's 'permission', even if there was an ordinary abyss, the group of abyssal demons would not be born.

It is still necessary to erode and transform a plane, drag it into the abyss, and transform it into an ordinary abyss.Not to mention anything else, this step cannot be skipped because it is just a necessary condition for Bai Ye's 'perfect promotion'.

What's more, the more planes and worlds are integrated into the abyss, the stronger the abyss will be, and the stronger Bai Ye himself will be.

Even for his own strength, Bai Ye is destined to embark on a path of becoming enemies of almost all races.

"Sure enough, he is becoming more and more like the Great Demon King of Destruction."

Bai Ye smiled to himself.

When accepting the inheritance of the abyss, Bai Ye knew that sooner or later he would embark on this 'road of world destruction'.

But Bai Ye didn't care.

As a complete 'racist', Bai Ye doesn't care how much killing and destruction his growth will bring.

As long as the people and lives Bai Ye cares about don't die, Bai Ye doesn't care even if the entire universe is wiped out.

Continuing to perceive, Bai Ye discovered that the biggest change in the initial abyss was actually at the 'conceptual' level.

The current initial abyss, although on the 'space' level, is Bai Ye's inner world.

But at the 'conceptual' level, the 'location' of the initial abyss is at the 'bottom of the world'.

This sense of confusion is more complicated to understand. To simply describe it, it means that the same thing, observed through different dimensions, displays different 'performances'.

In the current initial abyss, the speed and efficiency of absorbing and transforming 'negative concepts' are not strong enough.

But in terms of 'person', it is already naturally equivalent to the 'universe'.

It is not the original universe, but the 'cosmic sea' that contains the original universe and countless small universes.

Of course, personhood does not equal power.

The nascent initial abyss is too weak compared to the real cosmic sea.

Not to mention the entire universe sea, if any top universe lord comes, Bai Ye will not be able to stop him, and the entire initial abyss will be destroyed.

The Ancestral God Sect's message to major forces to look for the so-called 'evil' has aroused Bai Ye's vigilance.

The growth of Abyss cannot be hidden forever, and the improvement of one's own strength is equally important.

But after going full circle, the problem returns to the abyss itself.

Although Bai Ye practiced many different training directions at the same time, the most important one was the system of Abyss.

If the abyss system wants to grow, in addition to spending a long time slowly absorbing 'negative concepts' and strengthening the origin of the initial abyss, the fastest way is to continuously invade one plane after another and plunder the world, and even annihilate the entire world. Drag into the abyss and become part of the abyss.

But such a move would inevitably cause a huge shock, and would be almost impossible to accomplish silently.

The more attention it receives, the more likely it is that Baiye will be exposed.

This seems to be a dead end.

But no matter what, Bai Ye won't give up on becoming stronger just because of some risks.

At most, it can only be said that we should act more cautiously and minimize risks.

The path of cultivation has never been smooth sailing; it has always been fought through countless dangers.

What's more, the road to the abyss that Bai Ye takes is a road where everyone in the world has enemies, making it even more dangerous and difficult.

But once you achieve something, it will be even more terrifying.

"There are still only two levels of the abyss now. I don't understand the rules enough for the soul abyss and the chaos abyss. However, some of the other laws are enough to form a new abyss."

A thought flashed through Bai Ye's mind: "After I complete my promotion, I have to build other abyss. The more complete and larger the abyss is, the stronger I will be."

The current abyss, apart from the 'Initial Abyss', there is only an 'Eternal Frozen Abyss' that incorporates the laws of ice.

Integrating the new abyss requires 'a complete law or rule'.

Currently, there are several laws that Bai Ye has mastered that meet the conditions.

However, integrating the laws and establishing a new abyss requires a lot of original energy, as well as a lot of time and energy.

Doing it later won't affect Bai Ye's 'perfect promotion', so there's no need to rush it.

After studying the changes in the abyss, Bai Ye turned his attention back to himself.

The disappearance of the 'devil's true name' does not mean that Bai Ye has lost the 'authority' blessed by various 'abyss rules'.

In fact, Bai Ye has never really mastered these rules, he only uses them by relying on the 'authority' attached to the 'devil's true name'.

In fact, the real name does not really disappear, but merges with Bai Ye's 'life mark'.

What disappeared was just the shackles imposed by the abyss on Bai Ye.

Instead, after fusing the 'Abyss' rune, Bai Ye's many abyssal authorities merged into one, and gained the highest authority to control the abyss: the abyss.

Complete authority over the abyss means Bai Ye's highest 'authority' in the abyss.

In fact, Bai Ye can directly transform a life into an abyss life, and then 'pardon' it, making it a great lord of the abyss.

Of course, in the 'initial abyss', there will be no 'big lord' appearing.

In other words, Bai Ye himself is the great lord of the 'Initial Abyss'.

The only person Bai Ye can 'pardon' now is the great lord of the 'Eternal Frozen Abyss'.

After being pardoned, the opponent will immediately master the laws and rules of the Forever Frozen Abyss, and be able to use the power of the entire Forever Frozen Abyss to fight against the enemy.

The current abyss is not strong enough, and the power that can bless the great lord is not too strong. It is roughly equivalent to the power of an ordinary universe overlord.

But if the law mastered by this life itself is strong enough, with the superposition of the power of the abyss, it can completely reach the top universe overlord, or even a higher level.

After all, what is blessed by the power of the abyss is pure 'power'. The same power, in different realms, will naturally exert different powers.

And as the abyss continues to grow, even the weakest abyss will continue to grow as the entire abyss grows.

When the abyss grows to an extremely powerful level, the power blessing it provides to the great lord is extremely astonishing.

"Would you like to make some arrangements for your parents and little sister?"

An idea flashed through Bai Ye's mind, but after a second thought, he immediately gave up the idea: "Forget it, the abyss system is too dangerous and violent, and it also has a great impact on their character. It's better not to let them go this way."

There is no need to question the power of the abyss system, but the dangers of the road itself are equally astonishing.

Bai Ye doesn't want his family to take such a dangerous path.

From Bai Ye's point of view, as long as his family can live forever, it doesn't matter how strong they are. What's important is that they stay safe and don't come into contact with anything too dangerous.

"Both Sibowa and Sarah can arrange a position as a great lord. However, the Permafrost Abyss does not seem to be suitable for them..."

Bai Ye thought for a while, but did not make an immediate decision: "Let's take it slow first. Don't be too anxious now. Complete the promotion first, and then create and transform the laws that have been mastered such as flame, thunder and lightning into the corresponding special abyss, and then Consider the arrangement of the great lord."

(End of this chapter)

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