Explode equipment starting from Devour

Chapter 290 Bai Ye: The Lord of Blood Cloud Palace is a Zerg!

Chapter 290 Bai Ye: The Lord of Blood Cloud Palace is a Zerg! (12)

Zhencheng Valley is located in a valley somewhere on a primitive star.

Tens of thousands of years have passed since the Primordial Star was opened. More than fifty similar treasure places have appeared, of which more than a dozen have actually been opened.

In the previous dozen openings, the human race had only managed to obtain one top soul treasure.

Many of the others didn't even get 'tickets' and were not even qualified to compete.

But this time the town of Changgu was opened, Bai Ye was going to join in the fun.

Not only did he want to join in the fun, Bai Ye also planned to grab the treasure and bring it back.

"But what identity should I use..."

Bai Ye was a little confused.

There are seven human clones of Bai Ye in total.

Dugujian, Chonglou, and the 'Five Elements Clone' of the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

Of course, Bai Ye's internal world has accumulated enough origin to create a new main battle clone.

The two clones of Dugujian and Chonglou definitely cannot be used.

The distance is not a problem. Bai Ye also has extra camouflage aura treasures. It is no problem to copy the aura of Dugu Sword or Chonglou.

But Bai Ye didn't want to reveal that these two clones could be 'resurrected' so casually.

No matter what the outside world speculates, as long as there is no concrete evidence, it can only be suspicion.

Even if you are vigilant, there are limits.

But once Bai Ye takes the initiative to expose these two identities, it will cause the Zerg, Monster, and Machine tribes to target them even more crazily.

Even other forces in the universe may add insult to injury.

Although there are only three main hostile groups of humans, they are also competitive with other superpowers.

When humans are in trouble, even the Star Beast Alliance, which seems to have a good relationship with humans, doesn't mind stepping on them.

Of course, the reverse is also true.

There is never any so-called 'own' among the ethnic groups in the universe.

All alien races can only be divided into three categories: 'important enemies', 'common enemies' and 'potential enemies'.

Based on this, Bai Ye did not plan to choose the two clones of Dugujian and Chonglou to suppress Changgu.

But as for choosing one of the Five Elements clones or changing to a new identity, Bai Ye hesitated for a while.

"Forget it, get a new identity, no longer as a human being."

Bai Ye made a decision: "Let's pretend to be a special life. I was planning to have human clones disguised as special beings, but because of the incident on the original star last time, I can get a few 'special life' clones out this time."

The majestic original energy of the world inside the body poured into Bai Ye's body, and Bai Ye activated the [Infinite Black Light], and a new clone quickly formed.

Ninety thousand kilometers high, it looks like a half-human, half-dragon monster. Its body is covered with dark blue scales, and even its head looks like a dragon from Eastern myths and legends.

Bai Ye is not used to the pure beast-shaped body.

Even if it's not humanoid, it must be at least 'humanoid' in order to maximize Byakuya's combat effectiveness.

"As for treasures, you cannot use treasures that have been exposed, nor can you use abyssal treasures."

Bai Ye thought for a moment, shook his head, and said to himself: "I can only use the top treasure."

The number of suitable pinnacle treasures is limited, and each piece has a corresponding user, so there is no excess inventory at all.

However, at the level of top treasures, Bai Ye still has a few extra items in his hand, which is more than enough to arm a clone.

At the level of fourth- and fifth-level universe masters, there are not many who have peak treasures. Most of them only use top treasures, which are completely sufficient.

When fighting against other universe masters, there won't be any obvious advantage, but it won't be a hindrance either.

This level is enough for Bai Ye.

After making preparations, the half-dragon clone left the human territory and headed for the primitive star.


On the primitive star, on the plain at the bottom of the wide valley, strong men from all races gathered.

Not far away, a strange nine-sided tower stood in the center of the plain, with a huge stone monument in front of the tower.

The eight Lords of the Universe are waiting with a purple crystal pillar each.

The Lord of Banff from the Zerg camp said impatiently: "Who has the last token? Why hasn't he come yet? If he hadn't come, wouldn't the Suppressing Valley be open?!"

"It is in the hands of the 'Lord of Sinking Fire', but the clone of the Lord of Sinking Fire has fallen."

The person who spoke was the Master of the Crystal Clan Universe. His huge crystal-like body made a sharp and piercing voice: "According to the information from Master Shenhuo, his clone died at the hands of the Master of Blood Cloud Palace."

"Master of Bloody Cloud Palace?!"

Every strong man frowned.

In the universe, most powerful people want to save face.

But occasionally there are a few 'mavericks'.

The master of Xueyun Palace is one of them. He doesn't care about face at all and can do anything.

But his life-preserving ability is extremely strong, and no force or ethnic group can catch him. Instead, he always provokes crazy revenge from the master of Blood Cloud Palace.

In human terms, this 'Lord of the Bloody Cloud Palace' is a mad dog that will bite anyone he sees.

But I couldn't beat him to death, it was so disgusting.

"If the last token of Changgu Suppression really falls into the hands of the Master of Bloody Cloud Palace, it will indeed be troublesome."

A three-headed alien beast universe master, one of the heads said: "Now that there are so many forces and powerful people in the original star, the master of the Blood Cloud Palace may not dare to come."

"According to past experience, as long as all the tokens are born, even if the tokens are not collected, it will be opened within ten thousand years at most. Just wait." The person who spoke was the Lord of the Universe of the 'Iceberg Beast' clan, a starry sky beast. One of the twelve peak bloodlines, belonging to the same level as Luo Feng's golden-horned beast.

Although the masters of the universe are competitors to each other, some are even considered mortal enemies.

But the treasure house hasn't been opened yet, so there won't be a fight on the spot.

If you want to fight, wait until the treasure house is opened before taking action.

Just when the eight masters of the universe were talking to each other, and occasionally their words were tit-for-tat.

Suddenly, a powerful aura erupted, and a huge 'monster' that looked half human and half dragon fell from the sky and landed in the open space in front of Zhencheng Valley.

"Huh?! The Master of the Universe with a strange aura?!"

As soon as Bai Ye's half-dragon clone appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of others.

The Lord of the Universe of the Jing Clan saw the Changgu Suppressing Token in Bai Ye's hand and immediately asked: "Who are you? What is your relationship with the Lord of the Blood Cloud Palace?!"

"Master of Bloody Cloud Palace? Humph, you should ask the Zerg!"

Bai Ye would not admit that he was related to the 'Lord of the Bloody Cloud Palace', and would even deliberately throw dirty water on the Zerg.

"What does it have to do with our Zerg Alliance? Don't slander anyone!" The Lord of Banff said angrily: "This token of the town of Changgu was clearly obtained from the Lord of Bloody Cloud Palace! I have never heard of you in the universe. Could it be that this Lord of the Universe, the Lord of Bloody Cloud Palace, is you?!"

"You can eat randomly, but you can't talk nonsense!" Bai Ye glanced at the Lord of Banff, and continued to throw dirty water on the Zerg: "I bought this token from your Zerg Queen, and it cost me one High-grade treasure!"

With that said, Bai Ye raised his hand and fired a blast of divine power, showing a scene of 'transaction'.This picture is naturally a forgery, but the appearance and aura of the 'Insect Mother Queen' simulated by Bai Ye are based on Sarah before she was transformed into the 'Insect Swarm Master'. The only change is that the aura level is not immortal, but the cosmic master. or level.


The other masters of the universe looked at the master of Banff and asked: "What's going on? Is your Zerg really involved in something with the master of Blood Cloud Palace?!"

"Hmph! How can this divine power simulation picture have any credibility?! I think this guy is deliberately setting it up!"

The Lord of Banff looked too lazy to explain, but the divine clone who stayed in the tribe immediately contacted the Zerg to inquire about 'Sarah'.

The image simulated by Bai Ye, based on Banff's Lord's familiarity with the Zerg, immediately recognized that it was definitely the Zerg Mother Queen.

However, the Lord of Banff did not recognize the 'Cosmic Lord' Zerg Queen simulated by Bai Ye, and urgently needed to confirm whether such a strong person existed in the Zerg clan.

If there really is...

The fun would be great.

"All right!"

The Lord of the Iceberg Behemoth Universe said impatiently: "I don't care what conflicts there are between you! Now that you have all the tokens of Zhencheng Valley, let's open the treasure house first! If there are any conflicts, enter Zhencheng Valley and decide whether to live or die! "

"Right on my mind."

Bai Ye looked at the Lord of Banff with evil intentions.

The Lord of Banff does not have a clone. If the Lord of Banff can be killed in Zhencheng Valley, it will definitely be a major blow to the Zerg Alliance.


The Lord of Banff snorted coldly and ignored Bai Ye.

"Open the Zhencheng Valley first, and you can do whatever else you want after you open it!"

The Lord of the Universe of the Jing Clan took out the token of Suppression of Changgu.

Each of the other universe masters also followed suit, including Bai Ye, who took out their tokens and injected them with divine power.

With the injection of divine power, the nine crystal pillars erupted into a misty lavender light, shrouding a high tower below the valley bottom.

After a moment, at the bottom of the tower, nine gates opened in nine directions.

The Master of the Crystal Clan's Universe was the most eager and was the first to fly towards the tower.

The other masters of the universe followed closely behind, and everyone was in perfect agreement. They each chose a gate and did not enter from the same place.

Bai Ye also randomly picked a door and flew in.

As soon as he entered the tower, Bai Ye immediately felt the subtle changes in time and space.

Inside and outside the tower, time and space are completely isolated. Not to mention teleportation, even induction cannot sense the outside world.

Access is only through the gate.

As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, there was a loud bang behind him, and the door slowly closed, forming a completely enclosed independent space inside the tower.

"The restraints here are stronger than those on the original star."

Bai Ye sensed it for a while, and instead of exploring in a hurry, he first observed the surroundings.

The situations of treasure houses born on primitive stars are all different.

Some contain endless dangers within themselves, while others are just pure treasure troves, and the danger only comes from competitors who enter together.

First of all, we need to determine which category Zhen Chang Valley belongs to, so as to determine the next course of action.

In front of Bai Ye, there is a large hall with a height of more than one million kilometers. Even a huge divine body like Bai Ye, which is [-] kilometers high, looks very open.

There are strange statues scattered around the main hall.

At first, Bai Ye thought it was a mechanism or a puppet, but after careful observation for a long time, he realized that it was just a statue.

Using his divine power to try to take away the statues, Bai Ye immediately discovered that each statue formed an integral whole with the entire tower and could not be taken away at all.


Bai Ye showed a hint of surprise: "The statue itself cannot be taken away, but the decorations on the statue are all treasures, and the worst ones are ordinary heavy treasures..."

There are a total of 1024 statues in the hall. Each statue is either wearing strange clothes, or carrying some kind of special accessories, and even has armor, weapons, etc. These are all valuable and precious treasures.

Although the level is generally very low, it cannot support the large number.

The treasures on these statues alone are worth a lot of money.

Bai Ye was not in a hurry to go deep. He searched carefully first and collected all the treasures in the hall into the world ring. After confirming that nothing was missing, he flew towards the passage at the other end of the hall.

"I don't know if there will be any danger."

Bai Ye didn't dare to be careless and walked through the passage with vigilance, but nothing happened.

At the end of the passage is a new hall, but without the previous statues and treasures.

The only thing left is a huge stone monument.

The moment Bai Ye rushed into the hall, he immediately noticed that at the other two entrances of the hall, the Master of the Universe of the Crystal Clan and another Master of the Universe who looked like a giant octopus also entered the hall almost at the same time as Bai Ye.

"The timing shouldn't be such a coincidence. Could it be that the tower itself is secretly controlling our speed so that we arrive at almost the same time?"

A guess vaguely emerged in the white night.

Ignoring the Master of the Crystal Clan Universe and the Master of the Octopus Universe, Bai Ye immediately confirmed his suspicion when he looked at the huge stone tablet in the center of the hall.

I saw a rule clearly written on the stone tablet:

There is no danger in Zhencheng Valley itself.

There are three layers.

On the first floor, there are nine [level one treasure houses], each of which contains one thousand heavy treasures and 24 ordinary treasures.

There are three [Challenge Halls], and three candidates compete for one spot.

You can voluntarily give up the challenge, which will be regarded as a waiver and leave Zhencheng Valley.

When there is only one candidate left in the [Challenge Hall], the candidate can enter the second level.

On the second floor, there are three [Second Level Treasure Houses], each of which contains 360 ordinary treasures and five high-level treasures.

There is a [Challenge Hall] where three candidates compete for a spot.

No abstaining is allowed and the candidates must fight each other.

When there is only one candidate left in the [Challenge Hall], the candidate can enter the third level.

On the third floor, there is the only [Top Treasure House], which contains [-] high-level treasures and a special treasure, the 'Suppressing Tower', which is the top flying palace treasure and can also be used as the top suppression and banning treasure.

If you want to give up, just go back along the original route, use the Changgu Town token to open the door and leave.


The three of them entered the hall almost at the same time and finished reading the rules on the stone tablet at almost the same time.

After understanding the rules here, the three of them immediately looked at each other warily.

(End of this chapter)

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