Explode equipment starting from Devour

Chapter 39 Low gravity room?

Chapter 39 Low gravity room?

The night passed.

As expected, Bai Ye didn't realize anything.

The existing elemental affinities allow Bai Ye to more clearly sense the existence of the three elements of wind, fire, and water in a meditative state, and also have a relatively vague perception of other elements.

But just perception is not enough for Bai Ye to gain anything.

Perhaps after a long period of enlightenment, Bai Ye can use this to step into the door of the 'realm'.

But wanting to make a breakthrough overnight is obviously overthinking.

Those evil geniuses in the universe can clearly sense the existence of one or several elements anytime and anywhere, and can even directly sense the law itself. Only after a long period of time can they realize the realm and law.

White Night is just one night, which is not enough to do this.

A night of meditation only condensed Bai Ye's mental power a little.

Probably between one and two percent. There is no equipment specifically designed to test mental power, and Bai Ye cannot get a more precise number. He can only get a rough number based on perception, and there may be a lot of error.

However, this itself requires continuous accumulation.

It doesn’t matter if you meditate a little to improve yourself. If you stick to it and accumulate it over a long period of time, you will definitely gain a lot of benefits.

"In the future, the time for practicing gene energy and meditation needs to be carefully allocated." An idea came to Bai Ye's mind.

Mental power is related to the perception of elemental attributes, so it is naturally impossible to give up.

Genetic energy is related to Bai Ye's own level improvement, and it is impossible to stop.

After this test, Bai Ye confirmed that he could achieve the best results by meditating and squeezing his mental power to the limit for about seven hours.

After that, you have to rest to allow your mental strength to fully recover before you start the next meditation.

As for genetic energy, it takes about four hours of practice every day.

Adding the two together, it takes up eleven hours a day, accounting for nearly half of the day.

How to allocate the remaining time to practice, study, various daily chores, and even go out to hunt monsters, etc. is very important.

Fortunately, meditation and genetic exercise can completely replace sleep. Otherwise, if you sleep for seven or eight hours a day, you will have no time to do other things.

I opened my laptop and checked my schedule.

Bai Ye had previously applied for one-on-one instruction in the four courses of bodywork, swordsmanship, swordsmanship, and boxing, but the time was scheduled for the last few days at the end of the month.

As for the public courses, it doesn’t matter whether you go or not. The entire video will be recorded and sent to every student.

Find the time to read it all at once for the best effect.

However, there are fixed arrangements in other aspects.

A combat assessment is scheduled for November NO.20.

There is also a training arrangement for the 'Low Gravity Room'. The schedule shows that Bai Ye has two hours of use of the 'Low Gravity Room' this month, from two to four o'clock in the afternoon the day after tomorrow. If you don't go by then, you will automatically void.

"Low gravity room? Don't you need to be ranked in the top [-] to use the gravity room? I just came this month, and I didn't rank at all last month. How can I qualify?"

Bai Ye was confused. He clicked on the schedule to check the details, and then he understood.

There are two types of gravity chambers.

One is the 'Ancient Civilization Gravity Chamber' built from the 'Ancient Civilization Relics', which can adjust gravity from one to a thousand times.This type requires the top [-] students to be eligible to use it.

The other kind is a product imitated by scientists on Earth based on the 'ancient civilization gravity chamber'. The effect is much worse. It can only be adjusted to three times the gravity. All students are eligible to use it.

But even this kind, due to cost and other factors, the quantity is limited, and the time that each person can use is naturally limited.

Those ranked after [-] only have two hours of use time, and it is arranged by the training camp, so you cannot choose the time yourself.

"Three times of gravity, according to the data, can achieve the best effect on those with physical fitness ranging from advanced warriors to junior generals. Any higher, and the effect will be reduced. But it is still much better than normal training."

Bai Ye recalled it, but she really couldn't remember how many times the force of gravity Luo Feng used to exercise in the gravity room in the original work.

Like ten times?Twenty times?Or something else?

It's been so long that my memory is blurred and I can't remember it at all.

However, at that time, Luo Feng's physical fitness was close to that of the God of War, so it was normal to use high-magnification gravity for training.

It is impossible to use two or three times the gravity to exercise like warrior-level warriors and junior generals.

Bai Ye's current physical fitness is close to that of a high-level warrior thanks to the blessing of genes. The effect of three-gravity exercise is probably not optimal for Bai Ye, but it is definitely much stronger than normal exercise. It is still worth it. .

Although the increase in level will narrow Baiye's options for obtaining system equipment, he can hunt more advanced monsters and the probability of breaking out high-quality equipment will also increase.

At least at this stage, there is no need to suppress levels.

Of course, there is no need to go out of your way to improve your level, just let nature take its course.

After carefully writing down the schedule for the second half of the month, Bai Ye opened the 'Course' interface and clicked on the videos of the open classes.

The content of the open classes will not be too advanced, such as swordsmanship and knife skills. Most of them are concentrated on the 'specialized level'. For the 'perfect level', there are only a few demonstrations and no detailed explanations.

It's not that these instructors are hiding anything, it's just that they can't talk about it.

Martial arts on earth have developed in a very short time, and their level is far inferior to the various inheritances in the universe.

When you reach the 'perfect level' level, you often need to 'understand' it yourself, and it is difficult to summarize a formed system for large-scale dissemination.

If it goes to the universe, the so-called 'perfect level' on earth is just the foundation.

Even the inheritance of various laws can be systematically guided. Although it still depends on talent, the difficulty of learning has also been greatly reduced.

Bai Ye's own swordsmanship has reached the 'perfect level', and his body skills have already reached the micro level, which is not far from the 'perfect level'.

After all, among the large number of white-quality system equipment that broke out in Baiye, the equipment that adds talents and levels to 'basic skills' such as swordsmanship and bodywork are the most numerous.

In terms of talent in this area alone, even the protagonist Luo Feng is far inferior to Bai Ye.

It may not be a big deal in the universe, but on Earth today, White Night is definitely at the forefront.

What Bai Ye focused on watching was the course on 'power generation'.

Of course, these free public courses will not include the power-generating methods found in expensive cheats, but they will also teach some tips on how to use them.

For example, how to use body force to increase speed and so on.

Bai Ye has achieved twice the power of "Juque" by practicing, but it can only be used perfectly in two-handed attacks. As for other aspects, it is quite different.

These contents were of great help to Bai Ye.

(End of this chapter)

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