Chapter 256 The Nanman is actually myself

At that time, Baiyue was also called Baiyue, and Yue is now Guangdong.

Baiyue is a very big place.

The distribution of Baiyue is "seven or eight thousand miles from Jiaozhi to Kuaiji, and there are many Baiyue places, each with its own caste."

Including Wuyue, Yangyue, Dongou, Minyue, Nanyue, Xiou, Luoyue and many other Yue branches.

Now you may not have any idea about this.

The Nanyue Kingdom ruled by Zhao Tuo at that time included Guangdong and Guangxi and even directly went to Southern Yunnan Province.

It can be said that the territory is vast.

Everyone is curious that this is actually related to "The Classic of Mountains and Seas".

Nowadays, many people think that "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" is a novel about strange stories.

But now it seems that this "Shan Hai Jing" is definitely not that simple.

I only saw Ye Zhen saying: "Actually, this feather man was not only unearthed by Zhao Wei, the king of South Vietnam."

"But there are similar things in the entire Baiyue Land."

Are they available throughout Baiyue?

In fact, some viewers think so.

"Could this Yuren be a coincidence?"

"Maybe it's just more similar."

"I don't believe there are any feathered people in this world."

Obviously, Yumen are a creature that everyone cannot accept.

But so did the previous giants.

Everyone thinks that prehistoric giants did not exist, but no matter what some archaeological records are now.

According to records in ancient books, giants once really existed.

Now something like this has been unearthed from the tomb of Zhao Wei, King of South Vietnam.

A bronze drum is engraved with the pattern of a feathered man rowing a boat.

"Here I have to mention the ancient Dian Kingdom recorded in ancient books." Ye Zhen changed the topic and actually mentioned the ancient Dian Kingdom.

Ancient Dian Kingdom?
Many people have never heard of this name.

But some people know that the abbreviation of Southern Yunnan Province is Dian.

Where did Dian come from? It was the ancient Dian country.

Until now, this ancient Dian Kingdom has only appeared in history books.

Nothing substantial was ever unearthed back then.

At that time, many archaeological experts believed that this place might be fictional.

There is no such place as the ancient Dian Kingdom.

Just like the previous Shang Dynasty, when the oracle bone inscriptions were not excavated.

Everyone also thinks this is a fictional dynasty.

Until the Oracle appeared and was excavated.

Only then did everyone know that the Shang Dynasty really existed.

The same is true for the Xia Dynasty. There is still not enough evidence to prove the existence of the Xia Dynasty.

I don’t even know if this dynasty is really called the Xia Dynasty.

Maybe this is just a title added by later generations.

Just like our country, there are many differences in the names in foreign countries.

Some people call you Khitan, some people call you Qin, etc.

Ye Zhen said: “According to documentary records and archaeological discoveries, the Dian Kingdom existed in Yunnan history for approximately 170 years, appearing in the late Warring States Period and disappearing during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

In 109 BC, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent troops to conquer southern Yunnan Province. The King of Dian surrendered to the Han, and Emperor Wu granted the King of Dian a golden seal.

Historically, there is no doubt that the ancient Dian Kingdom really existed.

But where is the specific place?But no one recorded and knew it in detail.

There is a question here. Where did the ancient Dian Kingdom originate?
Where did these people come from?
Where was the city of ancient Dian Kingdom?What they believe in.

After the ancient Dian Kingdom was wiped out, where did their descendants go?
Why did it disappear? "

Some viewers started to feel dizzy.

"Weren't you just talking about the tomb of the King of Nanyue? Why did you transfer it to the ancient Dian Kingdom?"

"Don't you understand this? The ancient Dian Kingdom was also part of the Baiyue culture."

"Zhao Tuo followed the local customs back then. If you want to understand the civilization of Baiyue, you still have to start from the local area."

"I think there must be a connection."

Now that everyone has watched Ye Zhen's program many times, they have gradually become accustomed to his unrestrained thinking.

I can start to keep up with Ye Zhen’s imagination.

In fact, the ancient Dian Kingdom was part of Baiyue, and it was a relatively powerful part.


Because Zhao Tuo was a general who came from the Central Plains and was personally dispatched by Qin Shihuang.

After Zhao Tuo came to Baiyue, he just wanted to take the entire Baiyue into his pocket.

But the whole place of Baiyue is too big, and almost all the places along the southern coast belong to Baiyue.

The "hundred" in Baiyue means a lot.

Even Zhao Tuo, of course, only conquered South Vietnam.

So he claimed to be the King of South Vietnam.

The ancient Dian Kingdom was able to survive under Zhao Tuo and was not conquered.

It was not until Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty took action that they were exterminated.

It can be imagined that the ancient Dian Kingdom was also a very powerful country at that time.

Professor Yan Xin and the researchers in his group watched Ye Zhen's program together.

"Could this feathered man be related to the immortal?" Professor Yan Xin immediately thought of the word "evolving into immortality".

This is the same as the spiritual ascension he pursues.

Could it be said that these feathered people are all immortals?
But this is obviously impossible.

Professor Yan Xin saw the rise and opened a bottle of canned beer with one hand.

The can made a popping sound after being opened, and foam rose from the mouth of the bottle.

The researchers on the seats had never dared to drink before.

After all, Professor Yan Xin is usually very strict in the laboratory.

"Drink, don't you like beer?" Professor Yan Xin asked, holding up a can of beer.

"I'm just here to watch the show today, just relax." Professor Yan Xin took a sip of beer and threw a peanut in his mouth.

The remaining researchers looked at each other and started to open beers.

Soon after two or three sips of beer, the atmosphere became familiar.

No wonder when others discuss business or whatever, they always do so at the wine table.

After a few glasses of wine, the relationship became closer.

Professor Yan Xin asked these graduate students, "Do you think this man is an immortal?"

There was a graduate student who was obviously not very good at drinking. He blushed and replied, "Professor, I don't think this Yuman is some kind of immortal."

"How rare are immortals? And if they are immortals, how could they go boating?" "I think this should be a special human race similar to giants."

After hearing this, Professor Yan Xin didn’t say much, he just smiled and said, “Come and have a drink!”

Usually when Professor Yan Xin watches the show, he just drinks alone.

Now that there are so many people drinking together, the atmosphere is completely different.

The graduate students in the seats did not expect that Professor Yan Xin actually had such a side in private.

Feeling tired of winning, Professor Zhou looked at the question raised by Ye Zhen.

"The ancient Dian Kingdom is indeed very mysterious, and we know very little about it so far."

"It was only mentioned accidentally in ancient books."

"Old Wu, do you know this ancient Dian country?"

Lao Wu replied: "This is not a category I am familiar with. I don't understand."

Back to Ye Zhen, Ye Zhen started to speak.

"Since Liu Bang founded the Han Dynasty, all the way to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty Liu Che.

The development of the Han Dynasty reached a peak.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was very ambitious and wanted to open up trade routes abroad.

He inquired that in ancient times, there was a passage leading directly to Tianzhu on the southwest border.

So in order to find this passage, he directly sent his soldiers to search for it on the southwest border.

Back then, this place in the southwest border was known as the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

This has always been a wild and sparsely populated place.

Otherwise, the Central Plains back then would not have said that this was a southern barbarian.

Because there really wasn't much development here back then.

The distribution frontier back then was the place called Baiyue.

Many famous ancient people were also demoted to these places.

The most famous one is Su Shi. Su Shi was demoted to Yangcheng.

He also left poems.

He eats three hundred lychees a day and composes a complete poem by Lingnan people without hesitation.

There were also Han Yu, Liu Yuxi, etc., who were all sent to Lingnan back then. "

For those imperial officials back then.

Lingnan is a barren land, a barbaric place.

This was the most serious demotion at the time.

Some viewers in the South are only now aware.

"So this is the frontier?"

"The Nanman turned out to be myself, so funny."

"Did it turn out that the environment here was so bad back then?"

But times have changed now.

I only heard Ye Zhen continue to say: "These soldiers of the Han Dynasty have begun to search at the southwest border.

However, this is the border area where people were assigned, and the environment is very harsh.

Many soldiers died in order to find that ancient road.

Until one day, these soldiers of the Han Dynasty came to the area near Dian Lake.

They were arrested by some people wearing strange clothes.

These people were the soldiers of the ancient Dian Kingdom. The soldiers of the ancient Dian Kingdom at that time were well-equipped.

He directly captured these unfamiliar Han soldiers.

But both parties were very sensible, and they began to communicate.

Finally, the Han Dynasty soldiers were sent back.

This matter was immediately reported to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty through the post station.

I have to mention an idiom here, Yelang is arrogant. "

Is Yelang arrogant?
The meaning of this idiom is to ridicule those who sit back and watch the sky and do not know their own abilities.

But this Yelang is not a person named Yelang.

Yelang is a country that was also part of Baiyue back then.

“After Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty discovered the ancient Dian Kingdom, he wanted to attack the ancient Dian Kingdom.

I want to find the legendary ancient road that can lead to Tianzhu.

But at that time, the largest country in the southwest was Yelang Kingdom.

If you want to go to the ancient Dian Kingdom, you must pass through the Yelang Kingdom.

So the Han Dynasty's army asked Yelang for help.

At that time, the envoys of the Han Dynasty met with the king of Yelang Kingdom.

The king of Yelang Kingdom has never left his own country.

He believes that his country is the largest country in the world.

After seeing the envoys of the Han Dynasty, I learned that there was a place called the Han Dynasty in the distance.

The king of Yelang Kingdom received the envoys of the Han Dynasty.

At the banquet, the king of Yelang Kingdom touched his belly and asked.

Han Dynasty?What kind of tiny place is that? Is there such a thing as Yelang State?
After hearing the words of the king of Yelang Kingdom, the envoy was shocked at first, and then smiled slightly.

Because the Yelang Kingdom back then was only the size of a county to the Han Dynasty.

Finally, the king of Yelang Kingdom agreed to use the road to allow the Han Dynasty army to attack the ancient Dian Kingdom.

The ancient Dian Kingdom was wiped out in this way.

Then when the Han Dynasty army returned, they saw this arrogant Yelang Kingdom.

Conveniently, the Yelang Kingdom was also wiped out.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty wiped out the Nanyue Kingdom founded by Zhao Tuo.

Not to mention this small Yelang Kingdom. "

After hearing Ye Zhen's explanation, everyone laughed.

"The people from Yelang Kingdom are so funny."

"How dare you compare yourself with the Han Dynasty and think you are greater."

At that time, the Han Dynasty took the entire Baiyue into its hands.

But the ancient Dian Kingdom was wiped out in this way.

It disappeared like dust in history.

From then on, the ancient Dian Kingdom became a legend.

Everyone has only seen the ancient Dian Kingdom recorded in ancient books.

But no one really knows where the ancient Dian Kingdom was.

"Then the process is the same as when some ancient tombs were excavated before."

"One day a businessman took a piece of bronze to a local cultural relic expert."

"I want to know what this is." A bronze item appeared behind Ye Zhen.

(End of this chapter)

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