The Glory of Noxus

Chapter 199 Spider Web Meal The Judge Disappears

Chapter 199 Spider Web Meal The Judge Disappears

Silent outside Fenglian Town.

The night gradually faded away, and the light of dawn fell on the dark forest on both sides of the avenue.

The biting cold wind blew through the layers of leaves, making a rustling sound.

Deep in the dark forest.

Sometimes there was a low growl, and sometimes there seemed to be a slight cry.

It sounds frightening.

Near the edge of the forest, there was a collapsed forest clearing. The chaotic ground was covered with broken old trees and withered branches and leaves.

The air seemed to be filled with an indescribable fishy smell.

Looking carefully, in the center of this open space, there is a pool of smelly blood slowly seeping into the ground.

The pool of blood seemed to have just appeared and was soaking through the rotting leaves.

As time went by, this pool of blood gradually turned dark red, as if it had been eroded by magic, and a fishy smell filled the air.

Da da! Da da!

Light footsteps sounded.

A slim figure wearing a blood-red cloak and red night-vision goggles appeared in the clearing.

She looked around, looking around at the broken old trees.


The slim figure looked around the dark forest environment, squatted down, and looked at the smelly blood remaining on the ground.

These were the traces left by the once-human beast she hunted last night.

"No! That's not right."

The slender figure clenched her hand on the crossbow. As a Demacia monster hunter, she knew very well that these transformed beasts would not leave the range of their masters.

"I smell your scent."

The Demacian monster hunter used red night vision goggles and noticed a shadow shaking behind a pile of broken branches in the pitch-black environment.


The Demacian monster hunter chuckled.

She deliberately followed the beast to this empty, open clearing.

After all, where's the fun in killing if it's a slap in the face?

The Demacian monster hunter strolled towards the place where the monster was hiding, seemingly not afraid of being completely exposed to the monster.

The green tree crown swayed slightly, and a huge black spider monster quietly appeared.

If you don't look carefully, you won't notice the monster blending into the night environment at all.

I saw the Demacia monster hunter coming over.

The green eyes of the black spider were filled with fear, but it had no way out. There were three crossbow arrows piercing its body on its back as hard as stone.


Demacia's monster hunters have just reached the edge of their hideout.

The black spider could no longer hold back the killing intent in its heart, its fangs exposed and shining with a cold luster.

The next moment.

The long and sharp steps fell, easily cutting through the surrounding trees, like black spears, stabbing at the Demacian monster hunter.

"I found you, cutie."

The Demacian monster hunter who heard the noise looked up and saw the falling black spider.

"No fun trick!"


The crossbow string sounded, and a crossbow arrow glowing with cold light shot out, piercing deeply into the black spider's abdomen.


The black spider screamed and opened its jaws, revealing rows of hacksaw-like teeth.

It thought that even if it couldn't kill the target with its bite, the rancid breath coming out of its mouth would be enough to kill a mortal.

at the same time.

The Demacian monster hunter rolled sideways, avoiding the black spider's footsteps.

The black spider was so big that she could avoid its feet, but she couldn't avoid the spider's bite.

Maybe she could try to get out of the way, but that would be a stopgap measure at best.

She could also kick the black spider under its teeth, and then try to shoot the last crossbow bolt on its high protruding forehead.

But she was not sure whether her crossbow arrow could directly kill the black spider.

Or, she could choose something fast, violent, or even a little stupid.

Demacia Monster Hunter chose the latter.

She saw the rancid breath that was about to be emitted from the black spider's mouth, and saw the crazy murderous intent in the green eyes.


The Demacian monster hunter avoided the steps, swung his arms, and pushed the crossbow directly into the mucus-filled mouth of the black spider.

Then he shot the last silver crossbow arrow, piercing the spider's upper jaw.

The Demacian monster hunter flicked his wrist, and the silver crossbow bolt burst and suppressed it, piercing the spider's skull and piercing its head.

The scream of the black spider stopped abruptly.

Just like when it first attacked, the Dark Forest returned to calm.


The black spider's body collapsed and hit the grass, making a dull sound.

The Demacian monster hunter climbed to his feet and tried to free his arm from the beast's skull while avoiding further cuts.

But she found that her fist was stuck in the beast's head.

"Why do they deform and their body structures become harder?" the Demacian monster hunter muttered softly.

She could try to pull her hand out of the black spider's mouth, but she would also lose a finger or two.

Or she could dig her arm deeper, pierce the beast's skull, and tear open its jaws like a wishing bone.

As before, Demacia Monster Hunter chose the latter.

But just as she was about to take action, there was a faint sound coming from behind.

Another larger black spider appeared. Its green eyes were staring at her, and its sharp feet moved over little by little.

"damn it."

The Demacia monster hunter's expression changed and he immediately sped up his movements.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

In the dark forest, the black spider made piercing chirping sounds, its mouth was bared, and its smelly saliva was dripping.

Eight black footsteps quickly stepped across the open grass, and each time they fell, the ground shook slightly.

As the black spider moves, a disgusting fishy smell fills the air.

At the critical moment.

Demacian monster hunters display amazing reflexes and combat skills.

With terrifying power, she directly broke the jaws of the spider in front of her.

Then a lazy donkey rolled around, deftly avoiding the black spider that pounced from behind.

The moment it rolled across the grass.

She stretched out her right hand, brushed the shin guard on her leg, and held the three silver crossbow arrows inserted diagonally on it in her hand.

Without any hesitation, he pulled the string and nocked the arrow.

All in one go.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The sound of the crossbow string sounded again.

Three silver crossbow arrows cut through the dark environment, almost in no particular order, piercing the body of the black spider.

The severely injured black spider shook its body like an out-of-control truck, and its whine continued to sound.

Finally in front of the Demacia Monster Hunter.

This huge monster fell to the ground with a crash, and after a few twitches, it stopped moving.

"New shapeshifting monster?"

The Demacian monster hunter stood up and walked over. He looked at the second black spider in front of him, frowning, and felt a sense of danger in his heart.

"Can't wait? Or are you ready to enjoy the cobweb meal?"

She recalled the killings in the forest during this period. Counting the two black spiders she had just killed, there were already six.

After pondering for a while, the Demacian monster hunter followed the direction the black spider came from, searching it carefully step by step.

The rays of dawn soaked through the layers of leaves and fell in the sleepy forest.

A Demacia monster hunter found a broken brocade garment and a familiar emblem in a dark place.

The bronze winged emblem of Demacia's magistrates!

"Have you already started attacking nobles and officials?"

The Demacian monster hunter carefully observed the emblem in his hand, his eyes slightly cold.

She turned and looked into the distance, Fenglian Town, which was very close to the forest. It is also where her client is.

But now, what Demacia monster hunters have to consider is how to bring back the transformed black spider.

The day after the Demon Slayer Celebration.

Fenglian Town is still bustling with activity.

There was an endless stream of Demacian people coming and going, mostly from nearby villagers, who came here specifically to buy some daily necessities.

In normal times, transportation between villages and towns is very inconvenient.

Usually only when going to the market or when there are some activities, there will be such a lively scene.

It also tells the internal trade environment of the Kingdom of Demacia from the side.

Huo Jixing walked on the street with Bobby.

The surging crowds and bustling atmosphere were indistinguishable from yesterday.

The Piltover caravan has not left yet.

They planned to stay one more day and leave early tomorrow morning.

This is also an opportunity for caravan leaders to make extra money.

Normally, the Piltover Chamber of Commerce only needs you to deliver the goods to the capital of Demacia on time and complete the transaction.

When returning, bring some designated local products.

As for the affairs along the way, they are all handled by the caravan leader.

Huo Jixing joined the caravan midway, which was also one of the extra income for the caravan leader.

Items transported by caravans will not attract the attention of extraordinary beings.

The robbers and robbers encountered on the road were like weak children in front of Hextech firearms, without any threat.

Therefore, they are not afraid of any strongman attacks.

At noon, the bustle gradually dispersed.

The Demacians who rushed to Fenglian Town should also take some time to return to their own villages and towns.

The road was difficult to walk at night, so they needed to leave before dusk.

The Piltover caravan has concluded its trade for this event and is sorting out its goods in the backyard of the hotel, preparing to leave tomorrow for the capital of Demacia.

In the evening, let the busy caravan members relax for a while.

Huo Jixing returned to the hotel, and after treating Bobby to lunch, he took a few more glances at the numb man.

What he discovered last night made him feel a little pity for this honest man.

"I'm leaving." Bobby said to Huo Jixing before returning to the room.

"I need to find the Demon Slayer and give this holy hammer to her."

Poppy gently touched the handle of the hammer, his expression full of memories.

Huo Jixing's company made her think of Oren and the beautiful memories of the past.

Unfortunately, in order to fulfill her oath, she must find Demacia's ultimate hero.

Huo Jixing lowered his head and looked at Bobby, his heart moved.

Although Poppy is extremely perseverant at this stage, she lacks self-confidence and self-esteem.

At the same time, he did not realize that the so-called demon slayer and his many heroic deeds.

She left it behind accidentally.

Huo Jixing couldn't help but touch Bobby's twin tails, wanting to say something.

But when he saw the confusion in Poppy's amethyst-like eyes, he decided not to tell her.

Maybe let Poppy realize it herself.

She might be the peerless hero Oren described, and she would be the best fate.

It doesn't matter if they become rivals.

Poppy's character and the environment of the Kingdom of Demacia destined her not to become an obstacle to the Noxus Empire.

"I also want to leave and go to the capital of Demacia tomorrow." Huo Jixing said softly.

The capital of Demacia, the capital of the Kingdom of Demacia.

Nearly all the nobles of Demacia also live in the capital, which is the political and trade center of the Kingdom of Demacia.

"Ah, do you want to go to Xiongdu?" Poppy thought for a while and said in a solemn voice.

"There has been some chaos in Xiongdu recently. I heard something big happened."

"And we are not very welcome there, especially the Demon Seeker Legion, so be careful."

"Really?" Huo Jixing laughed.

"We don't leave until tomorrow. We still have half a day to go see the circus show in the afternoon."

"Squeak! Squeak!"

The snow-white Poro in Bobby's arms also made a sound at the right time, as if he wanted to watch the wonderful performance of the circus again.

Maybe the celebrations are over, maybe there are fewer people watching.

The afternoon performance of the circus was reduced to some extent, but still elicited the happy sounds of children.

After the performance, all members of the circus came out to salute.

Huo Jixing looked over and felt that something was missing, but he couldn't remember it.

Just as he and Bobby left, heading back to the hotel.

He suddenly saw a group of soldiers from the Kingdom of Demacia arriving at the location of the circus, rummaging through boxes and cabinets, seemingly looking for something.

A trace of doubt arose in Huo Jixing's heart.

On the way back, he also met many soldiers from the Kingdom of Demacia in the market square and streets.

The bright armor and sharp blades told the seriousness of the matter.

"What happened?"

Huo Jixing and Bobby returned to the hotel safely.

Before he could return to the room, a familiar caravan guard came to him and told him a shocking news.

The judge of Fenglian Town is missing.

It seems that he disappeared last night, and Levi, the shield captain in charge of the town's security, is arranging his troops from the Kingdom of Demacia to search for him.

"By the way, the beggar in the hotel seems to have become a target of suspicion." The caravan guard said unintentionally before leaving.

"He has been taken away by the soldiers of the Kingdom of Demacia. Finally, he no longer has to smell his stink."

Huo Jixing was shocked when he heard this. He stretched out his spirit and found that he did not see the figure of the numb man in the shadow corner.

As if thinking of something, he looked towards the room of the proprietress Aina.

She also disappeared.

"Where is Eina?"

Huo Jixing looked confused, thinking about what happened last night, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

"what happened?"

Poppy noticed Huo Jixing's change in mood, looked away from the snow-white Poro, and asked.

"Nothing." Huo Jixing shook his head and suppressed his inner thoughts.

"We'll probably have to find a tavern nearby for dinner."

"Oh, just eat whatever you want."

Poppy nodded and walked out with Huo Jixing, not minding what to eat at night.

The streets at dusk were a little quiet.

As soon as Huo Jixing and Bobby walked out of the hotel, they met a slim figure walking towards them.

Red night vision goggles, a silver hand crossbow, and a blood-red cloak rising behind his back.

She was wearing silver mail and a navy blue leather jacket. On the left and right shin guards of her legs, three silver crossbow arrows with a cold light were inserted diagonally on each side.

What caught Huo Jixing's attention most was that she was carrying a golden heavy crossbow that was half a person's height.

When the two passed by each other.

Huo Jixing noticed that the slim figure's eyes fell on Bobby, stayed for a while, and then moved away alone.

"is her!"

It wasn't until the slim figure entered the hotel that Bobby finally spoke, with a slightly surprised tone.

"The Legend of the Demacia Monster Hunter."

"Night Hunter Shaunaveen!"

(End of this chapter)

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