The Glory of Noxus

Chapter 59 Avalanche Disaster on Dongshan Mountain Road

Chapter 59 Avalanche Disaster on Dongshan Mountain Road
Iron Thorn Mountains, Winter Thorn Mountain Road.

On the snow-covered mountain road, a shocking and everything-destroying natural disaster is taking place——


On the cliffs on both sides, white ghost-like waves of snow poured down from the high mountains, destroying the trees in the mountains and burying the winding mountain roads.

Countless ice and snow chunks rushed down the hillside at an alarming speed, like crazy white giant beasts, ravaging the earth.

Looking from a distance, huge and solid masses of snow poured down and hit the middle of the Noxian marching column, instantly swallowing up rows of terrified Noxian soldiers.

The rising snow and dust were hazy, as if the end of the world was coming.

I don't know how long ago.

After the avalanche, the Winterthorn Mountain Road became a mess, and the Noxian soldiers who were moving forward disappeared under the white snow.

No matter how strong the armor is, it will be useless when the avalanche hits the opposite side, leaving only an empty and silent valley, reflecting the despair and fear of the survivors.

"Ben, order to go down and dig people quickly!"

Darius looked at the tragic scene on Dongshan Mountain Road that was like hell on earth, his eyes were red and his expression was ferocious.

"Yes, General!"

Captain Farong beside him looked at the aftermath of the avalanche that had not yet completely subsided, gritted his teeth, and quickly passed on the order.

Within a moment, densely packed Noxian soldiers appeared on the avalanche ruins.

They either used their hands and feet or used weapons to search for survivors in the snow-covered ruins.

Although the hope is slim, every Noxian soldier's life is worth saving.

Darius himself joined in with his soldiers.

They must race against time to complete the rescue work in front of them. This avalanche is definitely not a natural occurrence, but is the work of the Winter Claw tribe.

"General, the enemy has been spotted!"

Captain Farong was covered in heavy armor and walked effortlessly on the snow, pointing to the hillside in the distance.

Darius followed the direction pointed by Captain Farong and saw numerous figures on the top of the slope in the distance.

Winter's Claw warriors were picking through the scattered corpses of the Noxians, collecting trophies and executing the survivors.

"Go back to the ice we just crossed and station ourselves there."

Darius surveyed the battered Noxian troops in front of him, his face twisted with suppressed rage.

"Go over now!"

"If you can't walk, crawl over!"

In the dim sky, the pale sun was already low on the horizon.

On the messy snowy mountain road, the clan warriors of the Winter's Claw tribe followed the column of the Noxian Legion to the frozen river, constantly harassing them with barbed arrows.

However, under the command of Darius, the well-trained Noxian warband moved forward and began to prepare on the other side of the river.

The frozen river is wide and flat, and can accommodate several Enuk carriages.

And this distance is enough to make the clan warriors of the Winter's Claw tribe feel wary and not dare to rush over directly.

Darius looked at the Winter's Claw warrior not far away who was still holding cold arrows with a cold expression.

He knew that as long as he kept a close eye on the river bank, the only direction the enemy could attack was from the nearby mountains and forests, which would also be their opportunity.

Then Darius ordered the soldiers to use shields as cover and forcibly dig two parallel trenches in the snow along the river bank.

The tense and bloody atmosphere became more solemn under the icy cold wind.

Or when they saw that the trench was about to be dug, the Winter's Claw warriors following from a distance could no longer bear it. They began to disperse and go around, preparing to find a breakthrough.

Just like Darius guessed.

When the Winter's Claw warriors saw the mountains and forests on both sides of the frozen river, they began to quickly gather their men, preparing to rush into the Noxian array again and kill wantonly.

"Ready to fight!"

Darius's voice sounded like the clash of swords, and his dark eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"Ben, you lead the heavy infantry group to the mountains and forests to the west to prevent their approach."

Captain Farong at his side received the order and immediately walked away. Following him was a heavy infantryman wrapped in heavy armor and holding a ferocious weapon.

"Oluo Shininghorn, lead the tauren warriors to the east. Don't let them cross the defense line."

Behind Darius, a tall figure standing like a mountain came over.

He is a tauren wearing golden armor, and the tops of his horns are also inlaid with ferocious golden steel points.

"Follow your will, General Darius."

Following Oluo Shininghorn was also a well-formed Noxian soldier, but compared to other war groups, he led mostly tauren warriors.In the mountain forest with complex terrain.

The Winter's Claw warriors ignored the gravel and trees on the ground and quickly crossed the complex terrain with sharp blades in hand.

For them, no matter how rugged the mountains and forests are, they have climbed over them.

After drinking tea, they saw crimson flags fluttering in the wind.

It is the double-edged ax flag of the Noxus Empire!
However, just as they were walking through the mountains and forests, they saw the heavy infantry who had already been prepared.

Dark gray solid armor covers the body, holding a sharp blade with a cold light. At the front is Captain Farong wearing silver gray armor, with a ferocious chain hammer wrapped around his hands.


With a dull roar, the heavy infantry charged.

They surged like a dark gray wave, gradually submerging every inch of the forest until they rushed in front of the enemy.

The Winter's Claw warriors on the other side were also not to be outdone.

The chase just now had already aroused the desire to kill in their hearts. Now facing these surging heavy infantry, they rushed forward fearlessly.

In an instant, a battle broke out.

The clash of metal, the clash of weapons, and the shouts of soldiers intertwined together to play a death song.

Hot blood sprayed out, dyeing the mountains, rocks and trees red.

There are no more words between the two warring parties. Their communication is the most direct life and death struggle.

In this battle, both the Winter's Claw warriors and the Noxian heavy infantry defended their glory with their lives and blood.

Captain Farong rushed into the center of the Winter's Claw warriors with a strong posture, and the thick armor he wore protected him from attacks from all around.

Then he swung the chain hammer in his hand, instantly destroying all the Winter's Claw warriors in front of him.

Broken bones and flesh and blood scattered all over the pale snow, and countless wailing sounds echoed through the mountains and forests.

Captain Farong was bathed in blood and continued to move forward, impacting the formation of the Winter's Claw warriors, forming a terrifying death storm.

The battle was fierce and long, and every charge was filled with determination and courage.

The angry Noxian hoplites had no choice but to move forward in this battle.

They used their blades and lives to weave bravery and tenacity to fight for Noxus.

On another mountain battlefield, a fierce battle was also taking place.

Shining Horn Oluo led his battle group and fought in the forest with the Winter's Claw warriors all over the mountains and plains.

The blood and flames of war seemed to drive away the cold wind of winter, making the originally quiet forest become extremely noisy.

If you listen carefully, you can hear the life and death roars of countless soldiers.

The Winter's Claw warriors were armed with bone weapons and moved quickly. They moved left and right in the familiar terrain environment, causing waves of bloodshed.

Oluo Shining Horn and the Noxan soldiers under his command were experienced, and their offensive was sharp and fierce. With the outstanding talents of the tauren warriors, they once suppressed the Winter's Claw warriors.

"Meet your enemies, the bastards of Winter's Claw!"

Shining Horn Oluo holds a golden horn on his head, swinging a ferocious heavy hammer, tearing apart the clan warriors who are blocking him in front of him.

The strong smell of blood stimulated the nerves of Oluo Shining Horn, as well as the tauren warriors under his command.

They seemed to be going crazy, breaking through the formation of Winter's Claw and trampling the corpses under their feet.

Wait until dusk.

Many clan warriors attacked by the Claws of Winter had been defeated and began to scramble to escape from the mountains and forests, leaving behind broken corpses covering the snow.


Shining Horn Oluo crushed the head on the ground, spat out a mouthful of blood, looked at the departing Winter's Claw warriors, and waved for everyone to stop the pursuit.

He never underestimates his enemies. These warriors in front of him are just the bastards of Winter's Claw.

When Oluo Shuangjiao returned to the frozen river, they were greeted by bursts of cheers.

"Haha!" Shuojiao Oluo laughed loudly, and at the same time he saw Captain Farong returning from the bloodshed.

The two looked at each other and walked towards the center of the formation.

Darius is waiting for them.

 Please recommend, collect, and follow up!


(End of this chapter)

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