A retired reincarnation of a certain American film.

Chapter 162: I like villains more than decent ones

Chapter 162: I like villains more than decent ones (first update, please subscribe!)

This is the truth.

Even when he was in the mission world of the Lord God, Luke liked to participate in the plots of the villain camp more than the plots of the decent camp.

Without him.

Because in so many reincarnation worlds, Lu Ke realized a truth.

That is……

If you are not the protagonist, don't just go up and participate in the plot of the decent camp. When the time comes, you won't get any benefits, and you may even lose your life.

The same is true for the Marvel Universe.

In fact, the behavior of the heroes in the Marvel Universe in some aspects is even worse than that of the so-called villains.

For example, keeping promises.

In the Marvel universe, there are some protagonists, and their commitment is not necessarily as high as that of the villains.

Do not believe?

iron Man.

Tony Stark must be a positive character, but in the end, this guy agreed to have a good chat with the doctor who created the terminal virus after the cocktail party, but in the blink of an eye, he left the doctor hanging on the balcony. He was made to wait hard all night, and even had a cold wind blowing all night long, which turned a doctor who had a bright future into a villain.

And Spider-Man.

The relationship between this guy and the little Green Goblin Harry is very good. What is the result?
last second.

Little Spider and Little Green Goblin clapped their chests and promised: "Harry, you are my brother. You have helped me a lot. As long as you have needs, no matter what, I will definitely help."

The little Green Goblin said that he didn't want anything else but a tube of Little Spider's blood, and he didn't do it for anything else, just because Little Spider's blood might help him solve the genetic disease in his family.

But what about the little spider?
He talks like he's farting, and doesn't admit it in the blink of an eye. Just like Iron Man, he abruptly turns a promising second-generation rich man into another villain.

And Doctor Strange.

The last second he promised Gu Yi that he would never play with time, but when Gu Yi died, my dear, he was so skillful at playing with time.

Luke could go on.

But he has made it very clear.

and so……

In summary.

Luke actually doesn't have a good impression of the heroes of the Marvel Universe, which is why he is too lazy to go to New York City to participate in the plot.

At least in terms of credibility, Marvel's superheroes are really not as good as those villains.

At least those villains are far higher than these superheroes in terms of credibility.

But this is also as it should be.

After all, you are a villain. If you don't even have the most basic credibility, no one will be willing to follow you.

Such as Hydra.

Hydra is bad, but if you find a way to deal with them, they are actually very easy to deal with.

Luke is one of them.

In his experience in the main god space, he has dealt with almost all types of villains and has quite a lot of experience in this regard.

Luke was straightforward on the phone, without any convoluted expressions. He killed Louis. It's your turn to finish things off.

Alexander Pierce listened to Luke's request without any hesitation.

"Did anyone see you?"


"But everyone who saw me died."

Alexander Pierce closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

after awhile.

Alexander opened his eyes again.

"Can you get Lindy out of there without being discovered?"


"Okay, take Lindy out of there. I'm almost at St. Paul's Square."

Alexander Pierce looked out the car window, the 32-story Federal Building already in sight, and said into the phone: "After I take care of the things here, I will send someone to pick up Lindy, no problem."

Luke smiled and didn't hesitate.

"of course not."

"Thank you."

"Need not!"

Luke then took the phone from his ear and handed it to Lindsay in front of him.

Lindsay took the phone again and spoke a few words with a very gentle tone to Alexander Pierce, who also had a very gentle tone on the other end of the phone. Then she hung up the phone and returned it to Luke.

Luke didn't pick it up, but took a step forward, grabbed it with his right hand, and stopped Lindsay's waist that was not small, but could be said to be plump.

Lindsay instantly stiffened.

"What are you doing..."

"call out!"

The wrinkles in the space instantly appeared. In an instant, accompanied by the breeze rising from the ground, with a bang, Luke hugged Lindsay and disappeared directly into the non-existent interrogation room.

Luke landed firmly.

Lindsay, who came out directly with Luke, suddenly changed her expression, pushed Luke away, ran to the corner, held on to the wall, and retched with nausea.

after awhile.

Luke took Lindsay directly out of the alley, crossed the road, and came to the black Audi A8 car waiting on the other side of the road. After opening the door, he and Lindsay got into the back seat.

"dog Dog Dog!"

Luke patted Pan Ning, who moved from the passenger seat to the driver's seat after he left: "Drive quickly."

Pan Ning, who had just turned to look at the extra person, heard what Luke said, and subconsciously released the handbrake, stepped on the accelerator, and directly drove the Audi A8 underneath him to leave St. Paul Square in a hurry.

But... Pan Ning froze after driving the car 500 meters.

"Where are we driving to?"

"do not know."

Luke shook his head, then looked at Lindsay who was prone to retching due to pregnancy.

Lindsay was slightly startled when she met Luke's gaze.


Lindsay frowned and said subconsciously: "Sasha's private jet is parked at the Sacramento International Airport."

Luke nodded and patted the driver's seat: "Go directly to the airport, just in time. It saves the two of us driving all the way back to Los Santos."

Because in a sense, he and Penning had never been to Sacramento.

After all, if he and Penning came to Sacramento, the only place they could be would be in the wreckage of the plane on Route 34.

After an hour and a half.

The black Audi A8 drove straight into the door of a private hangar at the Sacramento International Airport.

Lu Ke, Pan Ning and Lindsay got out of the car.

A man wearing a black suit, a black tie, black sunglasses, and a bald head walked up to the three of them without a smile, then took the car keys from Pan Ning's hand, entered the vehicle, and drove the black Audi A8. Went to other places for processing.

Lu Ke and Pan Ning were guests. At Lindsay's invitation, they boarded the private jet modified from a Boeing 747 that had just landed and the tires were still warm.

The cabin is spacious.

Luxuriously decorated.

Everything is provided, and there are three bodyguards in black acting as stewards, providing attentive service throughout the entire process.

"Chief Dane."

"Director Panning."

After entering the cabin, Lindsay completely relaxed and said to Luke and Penning: "If you two want something to drink, just tell them that I will go to the bedroom to clean up first."

Lu Ke smiled and said, "Please, Madam."

Lindsay nodded and smiled with Luke again, then turned around and walked towards the decorated bedroom at the back of the cabin.

Luke, on the other hand, was holding on and had a lot to say in the car. After seeing the private jet, Pan Ning, who obviously couldn't hold it in anymore, sat down on the leather sofa in the cabin.

"Bourbon, thunder bourbon, is there any?"


"Get a bottle!"


After receiving Luke's request, a flight attendant who was a bodyguard in black turned and walked towards the bar not far away to prepare the drinks Luke needed.

Pan Ning, who was on the side, watched the black-clothed Master Kong go away, then looked at Luke with a swish sound, opened his mouth slightly, and made a very appropriate expression.


"what happened."

Pan Ning lowered his voice: "Isn't that woman just now Lewis's ex-wife? Why is she still alive? Moreover, in all this, what happened to her...?"

It is clear.

Pan Ning was completely confused.

Luke was not dazed, but after Major Kong Kong brought the Thunder Bourbon and took a sip, he felt that today's experience was quite magical.

At the very least, after Luke chopped off Louis, he never thought that he and Pan Ning could take a downwind flight back to Los Santos.

God can testify.

When he was going to the Federal Building, he specifically asked Penning to put on the tongue-biting cap in the car and run to a nearby gas station to fill up the car with gas. When the matter was done, they could run out of Sacramento directly.

I have to say that the development of things is always wonderful.

Luke took a sip of bourbon, thinking in his mind, and then Pan Ning, who looked almost going crazy, shrugged his shoulders, stopped whetting Pan Ning's appetite, and waved to Pan Ning, gesturing for him to come over.

Pan Ning saw this and listened.

Luke then briefly described what happened in the Federal Building: "I went over, found Louis, chopped him and Rebecca, and then found Lindsay and rescued Lindsay."

Pan Ning was stunned and looked at Lu Ke who picked up his glass to drink again after finishing speaking.



"that's it?"

"if not?"

Luke held the wine glass and looked at Pan Ning curiously: "Let me just say that my plan will work. This is not a movie, so there is no need for such a complicated plan."

The corner of Pan Ning's mouth twitched, and his eyes glanced at the private jet that gave people the first impression that it must be more money than Lewis had embezzled to earn: "Do you think I am a fool?"

Luke raised his eyebrows, as if he had thought of something, and looked at Pan Ning: "Hey, didn't I tell you just now that Lindsay's current boyfriend is Federal Director Louis Pierce?"

Pan Ning was slightly startled.

"That Louis Pierce, the Federal Director of the World Security Council."

"Yes, just him."

Luke looked at Pan Ning curiously: "Didn't I just say that?"

The corners of Pan Ning's mouth twitched even more seriously, and she looked at Luke expressionlessly: "You didn't say anything."

Luke said oh.

"Okay, my bad, but now that I've said it, are there any questions?"


"Hold it, we'll talk about it when we get back."


(End of this chapter)

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