Chapter 132 0129: Thor, God of Thunder, Mind Scepter

After Hydra was eliminated within S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury did not stop suppressing Hydra. After handling the affairs within the agency, he put most of his focus on Hydra.

Hydra is one of the oldest organizations in the world. Even though they experienced a disastrous defeat during World War II, they are still deeply entrenched. Killing Alexander Pierce alone obviously cannot stop Hydra from threatening the world, let alone What's more, the Mind Scepter is still in their hands. Loki used this scepter to control a large number of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. There is no doubt that the power contained in the scepter is what Hydra covets. They want to use the properties of the scepter to change the minds of the creatures in this world and enslave everyone.

Fortunately, at noon today, Tony Stark got the information from SHIELD, which was related to the Mind Scepter, and he contacted the ranch immediately. At that time, Rojo and Logan were staying in the secret room of the Nightmare Apostle, and the communication equipment lost signal, which made Tony unable to contact them.

"Are you sure that the information this time was not given by Hydra?"

When Logan Howlett heard the news, he couldn't help but question. After all, there were previous SHIELD missions, all of which involved Hydra.

"I'm not sure, but I think Nick Fury would stop screwing up if he didn't want to be laughed at."

As Tony Stark was talking, he noticed that the boy next to the two of them was staring at him intently.

The corners of his mouth raised in an unruly arc, showing his signature smile, "You want my autograph?"

"Sir, my name is Peter Parker"

Seeing that he was talking to him, Peter nervously opened his mouth from ear to ear and uttered a sentence for a long time: "Of course, sir, if you are willing."

"It's really interesting where you found him."

Tony signed the business card with a red pen and handed it to the boy.

"It's a long story. I'll explain it when I get back."

Seeing that Peter got his wish, Rojo had no intention of wasting any more time. If SHIELD's intelligence was correct, he couldn't wait to see if the Mind Scepter could recreate the power of the Mind Stone.

In addition, he also thought of a person who might appear with the Mind Stone, or maybe because of the differences in the universe, that person does not exist, but no matter what, the Mind Scepter undoubtedly has an inexplicable attraction.

Farewell to Peter, the three of them took the Stark Industries chairman's car and headed to the Avengers base.

On the way, Rojo told Peter Parker's identity. Surprisingly, Tony found files about "Spider-Man" in SHIELD's database, which contained detailed records about Spider-Man. Everything about the hero also has Peter Parker's name written on it, Peter's hobbies, family, friends and teachers.

It turns out that the SHIELD agents knew Spider-Man's identity for a long time, but they did not intervene. Perhaps Spider-Man was not a threat. Even if his vigilante behavior broke the rules, the agents chose to turn a blind eye. Close one eye.

No matter what, Spider-Man is only a high school student after all. No matter how well he hides, he can't escape SHIELD's eyes. As long as there is anything unknown, SHIELD will do everything possible to figure it out. , and file it. Of course, while they are filing, they will also work out a set of preset plans behind their backs to prevent the filing personnel from losing control, thereby ensuring that everything proceeds in an orderly manner.

Night falls.

The three Rojos also arrived at the Avengers base to gather, along with Marcus and Lorna.

As for Magneto Eric, because Lorna had to perform a mission, he chose to return to the Middle East early to prepare to bring back other mutant members. However, there is a high probability that not everyone is willing to come to New York. After all, living in the United States is a good idea for them. A high-risk life.

In the Avengers conference hall, everyone took their seats one after another. Steve Rogers projected all the mission information on the big screen. The content was the location of the Hydra laboratory, which is in the northern forest area of ​​Germany, Europe.

This location is very consistent with the characteristics of Hydra. During World War II in the last century, most of Hydra's bases and main forces were gathered in Germany. Later, after the defeat, they had to disperse all over the world. However, there are still many Hydras in Europe, especially Germany.

This laboratory in the forest area is hidden in an ancient fortress. It is in a secluded location. Almost no outsiders come close to it. Only during the hunting season will a team of hunters pass by. Even because of the large area of ​​trees, from the satellite image, It is also difficult to see clearly whether there are buildings. Not to mention, Germany is currently in the snow season, and there is a lot of white snow. Fortunately, SHIELD did not ignore this harsh forest area during its investigation.

Due to the harsh location, terrain and climate of the laboratory, Steve Rogers did not intend to operate at night.

He said: "According to intelligence, the night temperature is very low and it often snows heavily, which will not only hinder movement but also block the view, so I want to postpone the plan until tomorrow."

"It doesn't matter, no matter how many come, they can't kill me."

Logan Howlett didn't have any objections. It didn't matter whether it was day or night. It didn't matter to him, he was just rushing in anyway.

Tony Stark looked him over and said, "Logan, your health looks much better recently than before."

“This is the role of the self-healing factor.”

Rogen added: "It keeps me young."

"Operation during the day is actually not a particularly good option. There are many of them, and they are located on high ground and have troops. Our people can easily be attacked from both sides from the bottom up."

Rojo looked at the satellite image in the intelligence content. He always thought it looked familiar before, but now he remembered it. This was the Hydra base that the Avengers initially attacked in Avengers 2.

It looks like Hydra hid the scepter here from the beginning.

"this is a problem."

Steve held his chin in thought, and out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of the silent Bruce Banner, a middle-aged man who looked gentle and gentle, who was writing something with his head down, looking like a scholar.

He said, "Banner, we might need the Hulk."

"Isn't this appropriate?"

Banner hesitated and said: "I haven't let Hulk come out for a long time. I mean, if he doesn't come out, then I will try my best to prevent him from coming out."

"But we need someone strong enough to draw the firepower from the laboratory fortress."

Steve pointed at the satellite image. The laboratory was deep inside the fortress, at the highest point in the entire area. It was also blocked by a high wall. From above, Hydra could take in everything below and would definitely notice it. them.

"A powerful man?"

"Are you calling me?"

The door of the conference room was pushed open by a burly figure. A man with long blond hair and blue eyes, a handsome face that revealed his honesty, strode in carrying a big hammer. He laughed and opened his palms, "Everyone, did you miss me?"


"How did you come!"

In the conference room, the Avengers stood up in surprise.

Thor Odinson put down the hammer with a smile and said: "With the Cosmic Cube, the Rainbow Bridge will be repaired quickly. I missed you and the beer here, so I came here."

"Is this guy the God of Thunder?"

Logan Howlett stood up in surprise.

"He doesn't look very smart."

Lorna always felt that the Thor in front of her was a little different from the one described in the myth.

"The myth is fictional and may even have been written by Thor himself."

Rojo was a little surprised. He didn't expect Thor, who had never appeared before, to come back at this time.

But it makes sense when you think about it, because Thor said that after the New York War, he returned to earth for more than a year and helped solve a lot of troubles. Years later, Thor still talked about his heroic deeds on Earth and chatted with his enemies.

Thor's return is a good thing for the Avengers. Apart from Banner, Thor can be said to be the strongest Avenger at this stage. His existence will undoubtedly make tomorrow's task easier.

After Steve introduced Rojo and his team at the ranch to Thor, he immediately overturned all previous action plans and used a simple and direct plan, which was to confront Hydra directly and let Thor and Logan... Howlett draws fire.

This decision was made to consider the feelings of Banner, a doctor who writes and draws throughout the whole process and avoids getting involved in too much action as much as possible. He is preoccupied with getting rid of the Hulk rather than letting the green monster run out to play.

Thor's return also means that Rojo can touch the power of Thor, but what really attracts him is not just the power of Thor, but the Asgard royal blood flowing in Thor's body, the ancient and pure blood, which gave birth to The power of the God of Thunder will also make Thor continue to grow stronger as time goes by. In layman's terms, as long as Thor does not die, the power in his body will continue to accumulate until he becomes the God King of the Nine Realms.

Rojo's first thought when he saw Thor was what would happen if the self-healing factor was fused with Asgard's blood. The former can continuously regenerate human cells and heal itself, which is theoretically impossible. Death, the latter allows people to have a long life and at the same time have extremely strong strength. Obviously, these two things will become the best partners.

After the meeting, because they had to carry out a mission tomorrow morning, Rojo and the others had to temporarily sleep in the dormitory area of ​​the Avengers Base. Although the Avengers Base was remote, there was no shortage of facilities and supplies, and there would be dedicated people scheduled every week. To take care of the base, if no one else lives in the base except Steve, Tony would also like to recruit a few chefs, because every time he comes, he can only eat inferior versions of the sandwiches made by Steve.

Rojo did not report anything about Nightmare to Nick Fury. He does not belong to SHIELD or the Avengers, and he is not obligated to report everything.

And Tony didn't know about the nightmare.

After dinner, Rojo returned to the bedroom, sat on a chair, and quickly wrote a few strings of weird words on the paper with a ballpoint pen.

"This is the nightmare spell."

He looked carefully at the first line of text on the paper. This string of spells was learned from the Nightmare Apostle. Its function is to enter other people's dreams, or to bring out the souls in other people's dreams.

It is somewhat similar to the ancient mage's out-of-body experience, which allows the soul to float out of the body. The difference is that the nightmare's spell makes people feel frightened, and at the same time generates a kind of energy that feeds back into the body of the mage who casts the spell.

The second line of text is the healing spell used by Master Wang when he was injured in the unit building. It can recover the injury to a certain extent in a short time. However, after the spell fails, the wound will continue to worsen, which is a bit useless. , but it still has some effect at critical moments, but it is not of much use to Rojo. The existence of the self-healing factor makes it difficult for him to get injured.

The third and final spell is a natural spell. The spell Rojo learned from the ancient master can control elements in nature after casting, as long as the element still exists. For example, when Gu Yi lit the stove, she actually rekindled the flame that was not completely extinguished in the stove, and she also let water fly from the bucket into the pot.

This was a very simple spell, and its power was also very weak. It seemed that after Gu Yi knew about the incident, he had no intention of showing too powerful a spell in front of Luo Huo. This natural spell can only simply control weak natural elements. To put it bluntly, it is used to boil water and make tea like the ancient one.

However, Rojo also felt the wonder of the spell. He tried to cast the spell to make the water in the fish tank on the table rotate, stir up small waves, and then fall quickly.

"This technique is quite simple."

Rojo raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that the first time he performed it was so smooth. Kama Taj's technique didn't seem to be as difficult to learn as he thought.

Maybe, he should promise Gu Yi that when he learns everything, no one can stop him if he wants to leave.

The idea was discarded as soon as it came up.

Obviously it's impossible. Ancient One won't let that happen. She wants to choose a true heir and won't let outsiders learn everything from the Supreme Mage.

"Forget it, there will be opportunities in the future."

Rojo lay on the bed. Kama Taj was not the only one in the world who could learn magic. In addition to that, there were powerful magicians in many places.

Moreover, tomorrow he might be able to see a woman who has the ability to grow into a powerful wizard. She has energy in her body that any wizard can only dream of, which also determines her future.

"Hopefully there will be a surprise tomorrow."

In the early morning of the next day, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Quinjet landed at the parking lot of Avengers Base. Since this mission involved other countries, S.H.I.E.L.D. naturally needed to handle it.

After preparing all the equipment, Rojo and his team followed the Avengers onto the fastest fighter plane on earth. As a sonic boom resounded through the deep space, a white mark was left on the skyline.

Not long after, the black and gold Quinjet flew over the Arctic Ocean, entered the skies over Europe, and locked onto the mission location.

Steve Rogers glanced at the radar and said, "Get ready, everyone, this mission is a raid."

(End of this chapter)

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