Stepping on the solid ground at the door, the unsteady feeling in Li Daoxuan's heart completely dissipated.

He glanced behind him and saw that the heavy wooden door had been closed by the dancer, as if it had blocked out all the uneasiness and unknown.

He looked at the two-story building that looked like a skull, and without any hesitation, he went straight to the affairs office.

That building looked even weirder in the morning light. The black stone walls were covered with ravines and scars, as if there were still traces of time, mottled and heavy.

The dancer who was following him seemed a little uneasy. She asked softly: "Shall we go directly without waiting for him?"

Her voice seemed a bit ethereal in the wind, as if it would be blown away at any time.

"No wait." Li Daoxuan's voice was low.

Since Qin Cun decided to act alone, he was naturally fully prepared.

Everyone has their own choices and no one needs to be taken care of.

The two walked on the hard black stone ground, their footsteps echoing in the silent street.

They looked at the houses on the left and right, and saw that most of them had their doors closed and their windows tightly closed, as if the people here were deliberately avoiding contact with the outside world.

There was only a faint ray of light coming from a few cracks in the door.

Li Daoxuan also found a pair of scarlet eyes through the gap. They just looked at each other, and the other party quickly closed the door.

He felt a chill in his heart, feeling that these residents seemed to be afraid of seeing strangers.

All the way to the door of the affairs office, they didn't meet anyone else.

Li Daoxuan stopped here and looked up at the structure of the entire house. He saw that the building made of black stone looked even heavier and more depressing in the sunlight.

There are two obvious large windows on the second floor, as hollow and deep as the two eye sockets of a skeleton.

Coupled with the unique door on the first floor, when viewed from a distance, it gives others the illusion that they are looking at a skull.

This design makes people think of death and terror, as if the whole building exudes an ominous atmosphere.

"People have died here, many people have died."

The dancer who had been following Li Daoxuan said softly, her voice trembling a little, as if she was afraid of something.

"Huh?" Li Daoxuan looked back at her and frowned slightly.

He could naturally feel that this building was unusual, but what he wanted to know more was what had happened here.

"Yeah!" The dancer nodded vigorously, "I can feel that this place is filled with the breath of death."

When Li Daoxuan turned around, he saw a man wrapped in black robes walking out of the office.

He lowered his head and walked in a hurry, as if he was deliberately avoiding something.

When he bumped into the two of them, he seemed to be very panicked, his eyes flickering.

"Today... today they have a rest, there is no one inside."

He still had that lame accent. After saying this, he wrapped his black robe tightly and left the place, for fear of having any interaction with the two of them again.

Li Daoxuan lowered his head slightly and thought for a moment, then raised his head to look at the closed door and already made a decision in his heart.

"It's all here."

After he said this, he no longer hesitated and walked directly into the affairs hall in two big steps.

The interior of the Office is more spacious and sinister than it looks from the outside.

The walls are covered with various unknown totems and symbols, which makes people feel an inexplicable sense of depression.

Facing the main entrance, there is a long square table, also made of stone.

There was no one behind him, but what stood out was the fishing boat-shaped ornament on the table, because it was made of human bones.

Li Daoxuan looked around and found that there was no one here, but he could feel a strong sense of uneasiness filling the air.

It seemed like something was secretly observing their every move.

The dancer's nose wrinkled slightly, and she sniffed the scent in the air gently, her brows furrowed slightly, as if she was trying to distinguish some indescribable smell.

Suddenly, she said: "Qin Cun was here last night."

"He's been here?!"

Li Daoxuan was shocked when he heard this. He didn't expect that the dancer could have such means and could determine Qin Cun's whereabouts through the sense of smell.

"Are you still here?" he asked immediately.

The dancer shook her head and expressed uncertainty, "But the weirdo who came to our door last night didn't come here. Qin Cun came here following someone else."

Li Daoxuan's heart moved after hearing this, and he instantly understood what the dancer meant.

Qin Cun did not come here following that weirdo, but for another reason.

He turned his head and looked at the only door behind him. Generally speaking, only the store owner could enter such a place, so only the personnel on duty in the affairs hall could enter.

However, Li Daoxuan had no such scruples.

Just as the panel has always described, he has always been reckless and has no inhibitions. At this time, he walked across the door without hesitation and went directly to the back room with the butcher's knife.

The back room is very spacious, and there is a room on the side. The door is closed, and it is a bit mysterious.

Li Daoxuan did not rush in, but stood in the aisle and observed the environment here.

He found that although the place was simple, it had an unusual atmosphere.

The dancer also entered the room shortly after and began to search every corner carefully.

Li Daoxuan came to the backyard. The ground was finally no longer cold black stone, but had a trace of soil, which made him feel a little warm.

He walked through the courtyard and came to the kitchen. There was no trace of firewood here, only a few black stones with red spots placed at the mouth of the stove.

Li Daoxuan reached out and touched it curiously. The black stone was extremely cold.

The butcher's knife in his hand suddenly swung out and struck the black stone hard.

In an instant, sparks flew everywhere, and the stone was instantly ignited, creating a blazing flame.

Li Daoxuan was startled by this sudden change, but he soon discovered that the flame had no heat, but instead had a deep chill.

He secretly thought "weird" and then began to look around.

There was no food in the pot, just a lump of pitch-black meat in a stone bowl on the closet. Li Daoxuan took it out, and before he put it to his nose and smelled it, he already knew what kind of meat it was - two-legged sheep!

There was a feeling of nausea in his heart, and he suppressed the discomfort and threw the piece of meat into the fire.

The flames instantly surged, wrapping the mass of flesh inside and quickly burning it to ashes.

Li Daoxuan did not stay here longer, he turned around and left.

The dancer had also come out of the room and was waiting for him at the door.

"Did you find anything?"

As soon as Li Daoxuan finished asking, the dancer handed over a token.

The token was also made of black stone, with the image of a ghost ship engraved on the front and a strange palm pattern engraved on the back.

Li Daoxuan's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw this thing. He took the token and looked through it carefully.

"I saw this thing on the captain's waist on that ghost ship."

"Is this the captain's token?" the dancer asked curiously.

Li Daoxuan nodded, "Most likely."

He returned the token to the dancer and looked into the room.

"They should have been here before but now they don't know where they are."

The dancer took the token and put it away carefully.

She turned and looked at the room behind her, "This room is clean, and someone has slept here."

Li Daoxuan also walked into the room and observed carefully.

He found that although this room was equally shabby, it was well-organized. It was obvious that someone had lived here.

"What about you, did you find anything?" the dancer asked.

Li Daoxuan pondered for a moment, then slowly said: "They are eating people here."

The dancer was not surprised by this situation. There was no emotion on her face, as if she had seen it all before.

The secular world has already entered its second round of tides, and cannibalism and the like can be considered normal in the secular world.

Both of them looked up at the stairs to the side, and their target was already very obvious.

The first floor has been inspected, so it’s time to go to the second floor.

"Boom -" a soft sound echoed in the empty corridor. This time the dancer walked in front, followed closely by Li Daoxuan.

She wore a pair of exquisite red dancing shoes, which made a crisp sound every time she stepped on the stairs.

Li Daoxuan glanced down inadvertently and was attracted by the sight in front of him.

Between the dancer's red skirt and red shoes, a flawless white ankle is exposed, as small and exquisite as a carefully carved jade. Further up, the edge of the skirt flutters gently, revealing a layer of red gauze, looming and fascinating.

After seeing it, Li Daoxuan even had an impulse to take off her shoes with his own hands to find out.

However, this absence only lasted for a brief moment.

Li Daoxuan immediately realized that the vulgar skills... were the charm skills practiced by the dancers.

If he was so distracted at the critical moment, I'm afraid the dancer would have taken the opportunity to take his life.

He frowned, this feeling that his fate might collapse at any time made him very unhappy.

The dancer seemed to notice something strange about Li Daoxuan, and she said apologetically: "I'm sorry, but once I successfully practiced my charm technique, I couldn't control it..."

Li Daoxuan smiled lightly and expressed his understanding: "It's not your fault. Everyone has their own instincts and habits."

"Do not blame you."

Li Daoxuan said casually.

The dancer's face softened slightly, but she heard Li Daoxuan add: "Just don't blame me, I can't control it."

"Let's go up and have a look."

As he spoke, he gently patted the dancer's peach. This move made the dancer's face instantly become extremely charming.

But she didn't say anything, Dance Girl Dance Girl... the name said it all.

The two continued to move forward, their footsteps falling on the stairs, making a crisp and rhythmic sound.

The stairs seemed to be in disrepair and might collapse at any time, which reminded Li Daoxuan of his experience in the Ghost Inn.

The stairs are similar to this one.

But the stairs in the Ghost Inn are old, and the reason why the stairs here make such a sound is because they are too thin.

However, when they had just finished walking up a flight of stairs, they all suddenly stopped.

Because they all felt a strange atmosphere. It was clear that only two people's footsteps fell on the stairs, but what followed was the sound of four people's footsteps.

The dancer looked back, but didn't notice anything strange. Although she was confused, she didn't show it.

Li Daoxuan frowned. He felt that the strangeness seemed to be related to the stairs at his feet, but he couldn't tell the specific reason.

"Let's go up first." Li Daoxuan said in a deep voice.

The two continued to move forward and soon arrived at the second floor. The corridor here is clean and tidy, with a closed door on each side.

"One for each person."

Li Daoxuan said, walked to one of the doors and tried to push the door open and enter.

However, the wooden door remained motionless, as if something had locked it from the inside.

The dancer also walked to the other door and tried to push it, but there was no response either.

She looked back at Li Daoxuan, only to find that he had already passed through the wooden door with his right hand and reached into the room.

Then, there was a "click" and the door was opened.

"Your vulgar skills are really decent." The dancer said something sinister.

As she spoke, she walked to the door that had been opened, pushed it gently, and the door opened with a sound.

The two walked into the room one after another. The furnishings in the room were extremely simple, with only a black wooden canopy bed covered with yellow bedding.

Although the bedding is old, judging from the marks on it, it seems that someone slept here not long ago.

Li Daoxuan glanced at the bed sharply, with white clouds in his eyes, but found nothing unusual.

In addition, there is a mahogany wardrobe near the window in the house.

The surface of the wardrobe is carved with exquisite patterns of birds, wood, insects and fish, revealing an ancient and mysterious atmosphere.

On this death island, which is entirely made of dark materials, this mahogany wardrobe is extremely conspicuous, as if it is a burning flame... but more like a pool of solidified blood.

The dancer stood in front of Li Daoxuan. Her hair was clearly visible, soft as silk, and shining with a faint luster.

She exuded a faint floral fragrance, which was in sharp contrast to the smell of corpses around her.

Li Dao

Viewed from behind, the dancer's figure is graceful and graceful.

An inexplicable impulse surged in Li Daoxuan's heart.

"There happens to be a bed here. Can you take a rest?"

Li Daoxuan was not ambiguous, the grain eater's words were so direct, and he also knew what kind of person this dancer was.

That would be even more unnecessary.

The dancer turned back and gave him a charming look, "This bed is too dirty. I don't dare to rest here."

There was a hint of teasing in her voice.

Neither of them are good people, and they can easily figure out each other's thoughts.

"I didn't say you have to use a bed to rest...I mean, if you are really sleepy, you can rest on the ground."

As Li Daoxuan spoke, his hands were already moving.

He seemed to be hinting at something, but didn't say it clearly.

This ambiguous attitude made the dancer feel a little embarrassed, but at the same time it also made her feel a little excited.

The dancer gently patted his hand away and looked at the mahogany wardrobe, "Let's finish the business first."

Li Daoxuan nodded and returned.

He walked to the mahogany wardrobe and carefully observed every detail of the wardrobe.

He felt that the strange aura was already very strong, but what became even stronger was the stench of death.

Li Daoxuan also had this smell, but it was not nearly as strong.

I had just smelled it again, and the dancer's smell was fragrant, so the source of the corpse odor was very clear.

"There is a dead man pretending to be here." the dancer said with certainty.

As she spoke, she reached out to open the mahogany wardrobe.

However, at this moment, a line of text appeared on Li Daoxuan's panel.

[The exchange wardrobe created by the carpenter after his death: Every time you open the wardrobe, you can get something you urgently need, but then you need to complete the conditions for the wardrobe, otherwise, your life will be lost to the wardrobe.

After all...who told you that you are seeking revenge from ghosts?

The moment you open the closet, you have signed a treaty with the ghost. 】


After Li Daoxuan read the text clearly, he reached out and took the dancer's right hand.

"Huh? Didn't you say you'll do it after you're done?"

The dancer pulled her hand back, pretending to be shy.

She also knew that Li Daoxuan definitely didn't hold her hand for that reason.

It's because this wardrobe is weird and you can't touch it directly with your hands.

Li Daoxuan fell into deep thought. He was looking for a way to open the closet without having to do it himself.

His eyes wandered around the room, seemingly searching for some kind of inspiration.

The dancer also stopped joking. She felt Li Daoxuan's seriousness and knew that this matter was not simple.

"What's wrong with this wardrobe?" the dancer couldn't help but ask.

Li Daoxuan did not answer immediately. He took a deep breath and then slowly told the story of the wardrobe.

After hearing this, the dancer frowned.

She had never encountered such a weird wardrobe before and didn't know how to solve it.

The two fell into silence, the only sound of their breathing echoing in the room.

Just when Li Daoxuan was thinking about whether he should go somewhere else to look, text suddenly appeared on his panel.

[The stupid pig butcher doesn't seem to realize that your "wall-piercing hand" combined with your human skin hand will also work wonders.

If you use Wall Penetration to open the door from the inside, you don't have to sign a contract with the ghost.

And the person who opened the door was a ghost, what does that have to do with you? 】

The text seemed unable to bear his plight and gave the answer directly.

"There is a way." Li Daoxuan's eyes lit up and he said.

He stretched out his right hand and pointed at the mahogany wardrobe.

The dancer looked at his fingers in surprise, and saw a flash of light, and Li Daoxuan's ghost hands appeared on the double doors of the mahogany wardrobe.

This ghost hand seemed to be unimpeded and reached directly into the closet.

There was a soft "click" sound, and the wooden door of the mahogany wardrobe was opened a crack.

Then, there was a "swish" sound, and a large amount of blood flowed from the crack in the door, exuding a disgusting stench.

The two of them took a few steps back to avoid the smelly blood.

As the blood flowed, the closet door was completely opened.

What lay inside was indeed a dead body.

The corpse was highly decomposed and exuded a suffocating stench. Its skin showed an unnatural green color, and its body was curled up together, as if it had experienced great pain before death.

Li Daoxuan recognized the body after just one glance.

This was the captain of the ghost ship. He had seen this man several times before, so he could recognize him at a glance.

"Look, there are words on the ground!" the dancer suddenly exclaimed.

Li Daoxuan looked down and saw that the blood that had just flowed out turned into handwriting on the ground.

These handwritings are crooked, as if they were written with the last of their strength.

[You pushed my belly away, and the agreement came into effect... Damn it, you idiot was the one who opened the door! 】

Seeing this text, Li Daoxuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, it was an evil hand who pushed open the closet, and it had nothing to do with him, Li Daoxuan.

The butcher knife in his hand stretched out and pulled the corpse directly from the closet.

The next moment, the opened wooden door closed instantly, making a "snap" sound.

Li Daoxuan put away the butcher's knife and carefully checked the captain's body for a while.

He checked every pocket and every corner, but found nothing.

This made him a little disappointed.

"Maybe the captain only has this token left on him, and now it's still in my hand." The dancer stretched out her hand, and the dark captain's token appeared in her hand.

Li Daoxuan shook his head slowly, "I'm wondering what he got when he opened this closet."

After all, everyone who opens the closet can get the one thing he needs most.

This captain is certainly no exception.

"It's not on him...maybe it was hidden by him?" the dancer guessed.

She looked around, trying to find some clues.

"I don't know. Let's go to the next room and have a look."

After Li Daoxuan finished speaking, he stood up and left.

The dancer followed closely behind, and they walked out of the room one after the other.

The door to the next door was still locked, as if mocking their incompetence.

Li Daoxuan followed suit and opened the door with ghost hands.

The layout of the house is exactly the same as the room next to it, and there is also a stinky mahogany wardrobe here.

"What's here should be the first mate's body...90% of it!"

The dancer gritted her teeth and said firmly.

"You'll know when you open it and take a look."

After Li Daoxuan finished speaking, he took a step back.

The ghost hand appeared on the door again and pushed it gently.

This time, there was no gush of blood. But as the wooden door was opened, the figure that appeared inside made both of them change their expressions.

But at this moment, a loud shout suddenly came from downstairs:

"They're right here, setting fire!" (End of Chapter)

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