Love is like sugar and marriage is like water

Chapter 1 Meeting with Netizens

Chapter 1 Meeting with Netizens
"Li Shi, have you seen enough?" Suddenly, behind Zhao Ji, a strong, deep, and magnetic baritone sounded.

"I want to see it again, please wait for me for a while, okay?" a woman replied slowly.

The woman's voice was like the call of an oriole, gentle, sweet, melodious, and intoxicating.

Zhao Ji turned around quickly to see who they were.

A handsome young man, wearing loose, comfortable, high-quality light yellow clothes, holding a slim girl on his right hand.

This girl is wearing a purple braided fashionable straw hat. The brim of the hat covers the upper part of her face, but the straight bridge of her nose can be clearly seen from the side.

Zhao Ji concluded that she was a young and beautiful woman.

"Are you a storm chasing boy?"

That young and handsome man, Zhao Ji had seen his photo in the circle of friends. It seemed that he was the netizen he was looking for, but he was not sure, so he couldn't help blurting out and asked happily.

"Yes, I am the young man chasing the wind. Are you a handsome uncle?"

Chasing the Wind Boy is the young man’s online name, and Uncle Dashing is Zhao Ji’s online name.

"I am Uncle Xiaosha." Zhao Ji replied.

"But you are not very old, why did you choose such an online name?"

"Haha, just playing!"

The young man was speechless...

Zhao Ji smiled and said, "I haven't been able to get through your phone calls, and you haven't replied to my messages. I didn't expect... to meet you at this place."

"This is a mountainous area, and the signal is very poor. Sometimes we just can't make calls. We thought you couldn't find us, but unexpectedly we met you." The young man interrupted Zhao Ji.

After a pause, he added: "What does it matter? Isn't this better? I think chance encounter is the best. This kind of fate that allows us to meet is the best gift from God to us. Let me introduce myself. My name is Li Heng."

Li Heng then pointed at the beautiful woman next to him and introduced: "This is mine..." He hesitated for a moment, thought for a while, and then said: "This is my sister. Her name is Li Shi, what about you?"

"My name is Zhao Ji."

The two men shook each other's hands and gradually began to talk freely.

Zhao Ji inquired and found out that Li Heng, like him, traveled to relax.

It turned out that a week ago, Li Heng and Li Shi drove to this ethnic minority tribe.Seeing the beautiful scenery and pleasant climate, I stayed here, found a B&B, and stayed.


Zhao Ji is 26 years old and has just divorced his ex-wife.Because they had no children and each had half the property, they divorced at the earliest opportunity.Such a sudden departure made all my friends feel suddenly.

Because I was free from the constraints of marriage and had free time and money, I wanted to travel.

He did not travel to increase his knowledge as we usually say, but he just wanted to relax and relieve his boredom.

Zhao Ji is in his prime, young and vigorous, with endless energy and money. He doesn't need to worry about anything. He is carefree and can do whatever he wants.

All in all, except for the marriage, everything is going well.

At that time, Zhao Ji thought that life was not difficult, but comfortable.

Zhao Ji went on a trip without any plan or purpose, but he felt that he was too alone and lonely, so he wanted to find a partner to go with him.

So, in the hiking group on the social platform, a message was posted: "Looking for self-driving travel companions."

Unexpectedly, Li Heng in the group replied: "I am traveling in Tongzhou now. There is a minority tribe here in Tongzhou, and the scenery is so beautiful. I have lived here for several days. If you want to come If so, I can wait for you here."

Li Heng also sent the location.

The two then added each other as friends.

Zhao Ji happily went there and sent a message saying, "Okay, wait for me!"

So Zhao Ji drove.When he arrived at the designated place, he saw that the scenery here was really good and it was a place he liked. Zhao Ji wanted to stay and play.

In addition to enjoying the scenery, Zhao Ji also wants to make friends.

When Zhao Ji went out to play, he hated looking at the messy historical sites and man-made tourist attractions.

He doesn't like to travel in group tours. Whenever he sees those eloquent and sly male or female tour guides, they always try to persuade them with sweet words when looking at the tired tourists of different ages in the car.

Zhao Ji felt resentful and disgusted when the tour guide squeezed tourists' money.

He likes to travel by car, but he doesn't want to be alone.

He hopes to see new faces and make some new friends.For example, all kinds of characters can interest Zhao Ji in vain.

In the past, when Zhao Ji visited those famous landscapes and saw those strange attractions, other tourists would scream like crazy, but he did not do that, but took it indifferently.

For example, a basin of landscape in the Li River lasts for thousands of years.Crystal clear, turquoise green color.At night, the lights are bright on the river.

For example, the landscape of Jiuzhaigou Valley has green mountains and water, water running through the mountains, and trees beside the water bank.Various alpine lakes are like gems embedded among the mountains...

Of course, it's not that these gifts from nature have no impact on Zhao Ji, but that he doesn't care.

Zhao Ji doesn't like the so-called beautiful scenery of nature, he doesn't like those amazing mountains, hanging rocks and waterfalls, he doesn't like the nature that is forced on him, and he doesn't like the travel life of "getting on the car to sleep and getting off the car to take pictures".

However, when Zhao Ji goes out to play, he likes to see people and see the faces of different people.

Those words, those actions, those laughter - these are what Zhao Ji is interested in and what he cares about anytime and anywhere.

Zhao Ji always feels particularly relaxed and happy when he is among strangers.

Zhao Ji is happy to go where others want to go; when others chatter endlessly, Zhao Ji happily chatters endlessly, and he also likes to observe how others chatter endlessly.

Zhao Ji likes to observe others carefully, which makes Zhao Ji get...unexpected gains. Although he is not a writer or a painter...he does not need this kind of inspiration to create.

But Zhao Ji always has the slightest curiosity, and he is not even observing strangers - he is studying them with a joyful and never-satisfied curiosity.

look!This takes the topic too far and deviates from the subject.


Zhao Ji thought of his short marriage.

He had a flash marriage with his ex-wife.

Living in that leisurely and slow-living town, let’s blow the river breeze together, bask in the sun together, walk along the paths by the lake, enjoy snacks together, and visit the shops together. I hope we can be with my ex-wife together. Growing old together.

However, it backfired.Love is as sweet as sugar, I never felt it.However, one year after marriage, the sweet period of love has passed. It is oil, salt, firewood, rice, sauce, vinegar and tea. In these ordinary days, married life is as ordinary as boiled water, bland and tasteless.

How could my beautiful ex-wife endure such lonely and dull days?Her cheating hurt Zhao Ji's heart.

My ex-wife is tall, has bright eyes, is extremely beautiful, and is very smart and capable.Working in a foreign-funded company, she flirted with everyone.

At first, his ex-wife was wary of Zhao Ji, but later she became more and more outrageous.The mistress who openly became the owner of the company ruthlessly divorced Zhao Ji, cruelly killing Zhao Ji's feelings.

To be honest, Zhao Ji had already been mentally prepared, so the trauma in his heart was not very deep.

Despite this, despite being well prepared, I was still immersed in endless sadness and loneliness for a while.However, in Zhao Ji's view, this is nothing. What can young people not do to relieve their worries?
So Zhao Ji decided to travel.

I drove several hundred kilometers to this ethnic minority tribe.

It's actually a pretty town.

Zhao Ji likes this pleasant town located at the foot of a mountain between two towering mountains.

I like its dilapidated walls, battered towers and criss-crossing root trees.

I like the arched bridge on the clear river flowing into the river.

And most importantly, I like its delicious mash.

In the small town, there are beautiful and innocent girls in national costumes, group by group, hanging out with their friends, walking leisurely on the narrow streets.

Of course, there are also those who take photos, film, and live broadcast...

When they meet strangers, they greet them with pleasant voices.

Even when the moon rose from behind the spiers of the ancient houses and the gravel on the road stood out clearly in the quiet moonlight, some of them had not yet left.

Zhao Jiai walked aimlessly in this quiet town.

The moon seems to be gazing affectionately at this small town from the deep sky.

The town also felt this affectionate gaze, standing sensitively and quietly, bathed in the moonlight, bathed in this quiet and at the same time quietly exciting people's hearts.

On the towering bell tower, the round clock shines with pale gold.When the point is reached, just keep knocking on the spot.The same pale golden light shone on the dark river.In the small windows under the roofs of different shapes, the lights are either bright or dark, some shimmering miserably, and some shining generously.

Some vines intertwined with plants mysteriously poked their tendrils out of the gaps in the irregular stone walls.

In a triangular open space in the square, in the shadows near an old dry well, something, perhaps an unknown bird, flew past.

Suddenly, the listless shouts of the patrolling night watchmen were heard.There was a docile dog in the distance, barking softly in the night.

The breeze touches the cheeks so kindly, and the sweet-scented osmanthus exudes such pleasant fragrance, making one's chest unable to help but breathe deeper and deeper.

Zhao Ji walked to watch the small river that passed through the town, and sat on the stone bench under the lone big yellow jujube tree for several hours, thinking of his ex-wife nervously.

Through the open-air searchlight, there is a white statue next to it, like an elegant dancer, dancing with an invisible melody.The eyes of the statue were very similar to those of his ex-wife, and they seemed to be looking at him.

This made Zhao Ji very uncomfortable.

He sat on the white stone bench, looking at the river, the sky, and the distance.

In front of him, several naughty young children were taking turns climbing up and down on a small kayak that had been pulled to the shore by a fisherman but had been turned over and coated with smooth resin, sitting on the Haloxylon ammodendron board. play.

There were several small rowing boats, swayed by the boatmen, with their sails slightly inflated, driving slowly on the river.Two rows of green waves rolled from both sides of the boat, undulating and making a gurgling sound.

Suddenly, the sound of beautiful music floated in Zhao Ji's ears.

Zhao Ji listened carefully.

Passionate music is being played there - the sound of violins is intermittent; the wind instruments are smooth and faintly audible; the percussion instruments are exciting and lively, the drums are bursting, and the passion is surging.

"What are you doing over there?" Zhao Ji asked.

There happened to be an old man sitting next to him, probably in his 60s, smoking a leaf cigarette.He was wearing a white cotton sportswear and a pair of white sneakers. He looked like he was a retired cadre.

"That's it!" The veteran cadre slowly blew out a smoke ring and replied to Zhao Ji: "That's the art festival there!"

"I would like to go see this art festival." Zhao Ji thought, "I just want to experience the charm of the art festival in this foreign place, and maybe I can find the promised netizen."

Zhao Ji did not drive because he was not familiar with the road conditions and could not find the place.But taxi drivers are know-it-alls, so they must have known, so they took a taxi and went.

Maybe not everyone knows what the festival is about.

This is a special kind of grand banquet.

The people who come to the party are all artists from the same place or group, and of course there are many spectators.

Almost everyone who attended the festival, whether they were actors or spectators, was wearing festive attire that they would be reluctant to wear on ordinary days.

Those slim women wear tight-fitting robes with golden patterns, covering their thin and charming figures, fully showing their feminine beauty.

Those tough and powerful men wore robes covering their chests, and their navy blue clothes were engraved with eye-catching and complex geometric grids.

This kind of grand gathering of artists usually sets up a large lighted stage with a stage background with the name of the festival, the organizer and the organizer printed on it.

Hosted by a handsome guy and a beautiful girl, they took turns performing on the stage.After the performance, the audience is free to perform on stage.In this way, the audience and the artists were unwilling to leave, and even stayed up all night to have fun. They drank as much as they wanted, sang as much as they wanted, played the piano as much as they wanted, and danced to the music...

It is this popular folk art festival that is held in this square garden facing the street.

Colorful flags were flying over the stage. Under a few pruned banyan trees, the artists who were not on stage but waiting were sitting at small long tables.

Under a table lay a fierce dog.That dog has a big mouth, broad chest, and short legs.

In a pavilion surrounded by ivy next to the stage, the musicians were sitting and playing music very hard, and from time to time they drank domestic and foreign branded or unbranded beer to refresh themselves.

A considerable number of people gathered on the street in front of the low garden wall.They were some tourists from out of town who came here to watch the excitement, or some local people who were looking strangely.They don’t want to pass up the rare opportunity to see those artists perform.

Zhao Ji blended into the crowd of spectators and happily admired the unfamiliar yet familiar faces of the artists.

I saw them on stage concentrating on their performances, including those who sang, performed acrobatics, told cross talk, performed sketches, and recited poems... After they came off the stage, they hugged and called at will.Almost all of them are young people, with their innocent and coquettish postures, their warm and burning eyes, and their energetic laughter for no reason.

It's the most beautiful laugh in the world.

This group of young artists is vibrant, young and full of energy, performing all these joyful passions.

This kind of spiritual power that inspires you to move forward - no matter where you are willing to run, you just keep moving forward without thinking about retreating.

This kind of carefreeness full of warmth and goodwill moved Zhao Ji's interest.

"Where is that netizen? Why didn't you see him?"

Suddenly, Zhao Ji discovered netizen Li Heng in the crowd.

They got to know each other, and the scene at the beginning of the article occurred.


To be honest, Zhao Ji doesn't like to meet netizens.

Because it is difficult for netizens to confirm their true identity.The personal information provided by the other party may not be consistent with the real one, or even be a false identity.

This may result in the inability to confirm the other party’s true intentions and purposes, increasing the risk of being deceived.

Therefore, when meeting netizens, you may encounter some security issues, such as encountering scams, robberies, etc.

Despite this, Zhao Ji has met several netizens in the past.

From the way the netizens walk, the style of their clothes, and mainly from the expressions on their faces, Zhao Ji can recognize those netizens even from a distance.

Whether it is a male netizen or a female netizen.

Some netizens look complacent and look down upon others, often with a commanding demeanor.This expression suddenly changed into one of caution and timidity...

Some netizens suddenly became fully alert and looked around uneasily...

"Oh my God! I didn't say anything wrong. Are they laughing at me?"

This urgent look seems to say...

After a while, the arrogant facial expression returned again, occasionally alternating with a dull and panicked expression.

Yes, Zhao Ji always avoids all kinds of netizens with ulterior motives.But he had a different attitude towards netizen Li Heng, and Zhao Ji immediately fell in love with him.

Zhao Ji realized that there are some faces that are surprising and unforgettable: anyone, regardless of age or sex, is willing to see them, as if those faces can bring you warmth, comfort or a loving touch.

Li Heng has such an affectionate, warm and lovable face, a pair of big, soft eyes that are warm when looking directly at you, and a head of soft curly hair like a teddy bear.

When he speaks, you don't even have to pay all your attention to his big, charming face. Simply from the soft and magnetic baritone in which he talks to you, you can feel him from the bottom of your heart. He purses his lips and smiles at you.

The girl who was called Li Heng's sister, Zhao Ji thought she was cute at first sight, and he felt a warm impulse in his heart.

Her dark, round and delicate girlish cheeks, her small and delicate nose, her eyebrows that almost look like a naughty child, and her pair of big, sparkling, bright black eyes, there is something very different from other women. extraordinary temperament.

Zhao Ji guessed that the girl named Li Shi might be still young, maybe not even 20 years old, because although her figure was beautiful, she seemed not to be fully mature yet.

Of course, it can be seen that Li Shi's appearance and behavior are nothing like her brother Li Heng. The difference is extremely different. She may not be Li Heng's sister.

"Would you like to sit with us for a while?" Li Heng said to Zhao Ji, "It seems that we have seen enough artists' performances. Li Shi, what do you think, let's go back?"

Li Shi nodded affirmatively.

"We live in this B&B." Li Heng continued, "The terrain there is slightly higher and it is a separate courtyard. The environment there is quite good, please go and have a look. The beautiful proprietress has promised to make hot and sour food for us. Noodle."

Of course Zhao Ji is willing.

So, he followed Li Heng and Li Shi.

The town is surrounded by ancient walls made of cobblestones, and even the concave blastholes on the walls have not yet collapsed.

The three of them passed through the short city gate, walked a long way, and then walked along a stone wall for about 100 meters, and stopped in front of a narrow wall door.

Li Heng opened the door and led up a steep path up the mountain.

There are several small banyan trees growing on the hillside steps on both sides.

A bright moon rose.The round moon, bright and bright, hung in the sky like a night light, bringing a ray of light to this small town at night.

The moonlight shines on the green banyan tree vines and tall wooden stakes, on the dry land covered with large and small flat stones, and on the white walls of the huts.

In the elegant mist-like moonlight, a big tree in the sky was rustling.The small snow-white flowers blooming in the bushes reflect the soft light.

From a distance, they saw the B&B hut where Li Heng lived. It was covered with black beams and had four small bright windows. It stood on the top of the mountain they were climbing.

 I hope you enjoy my new book.

(End of this chapter)

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