Love is like sugar and marriage is like water

Chapter 100 The pain of love and separation

More than ten days later, they returned from the beach house.

One day, Yu Chisheng saw Murong Lian and Cao Pu talking quietly in the living room. He walked over and wanted to say hello, but as soon as he approached them, they stopped talking. The expressions of Cao Pu and his wife seemed to be afraid that he would hear them.

"What are they talking about? It's so mysterious!" Yu Chisheng couldn't help but become suspicious.

He was thinking wildly, and his thoughts were like wild horses, galloping in the endless imagination space. Yuchi Sheng vaguely and vaguely heard that in their mysterious conversation, they mentioned a piece of land located in the most prosperous area of ​​​​the city.

Yuchi Sheng couldn't help but think a little: "What do they want to do?"

He checked on the Internet and found that the land that Cao Pu and his wife were talking about mysteriously had just been announced for auction. Strong curiosity drove Yu Chisheng to carefully examine the contents above.

The auction will be held at three o'clock in the afternoon the next day at the Municipal Land Trading Center. Yu Chisheng further inquired and found out that the date of signing was half a month ago, but the time of release was today, which made him extremely ridiculous.

It is obvious that someone has tampered with it - the later the release time, the fewer people will know the news and the fewer merchants will participate in the auction. The most advantageous is to get a successful transaction, which is most likely to be done at a low price.

Yu Chisheng is not responsible for land auctions in the group, but he understands the secrets involved. He immediately came to the Municipal Land Trading Center and sneaked in while the security guards were not paying attention.

I just happened to hear someone telling the inside story: "Huh, just taking off your pants and farting - unnecessary! I heard someone said that Cao Pu could easily buy this land for 2300 million yuan... No one dared to compete with him. "

In the afternoon of the next day, Yu Chisheng came to the auction on time. He sat in an inconspicuous corner. I saw many businessmen gathered in the hall, all wanting to compete for this land. Not long after, the auctioneer shouted: "The starting price for this piece of land is 1000 million yuan!"

Afterwards, different people shouted out the price one after another. When the people from Cheng Gong's business group paid 2000 million yuan... the auctioneer asked: "Is there anyone else bidding again?..." He looked around for a moment and was about to call: "One, two..."

At this time, the two businessmen next to Yu Chisheng began to mutter.

"2000 million yuan, is this too cheap? This land is worth at least 3500 million yuan. I want to pay a higher price." One of the businessmen said.

"You are trying to draw water from a bamboo basket in vain, and a blind man lighting a lamp is in vain. You may even offend big businessmen such as Cao Pu and Cheng Gong... If you go against these big businessmen, what do you think will happen?" Another businessman advised.

"2200 million!" Someone shouted.

"Ah... the Cao Group paid this price..." Someone pointed at Yu Chisheng and said, "Look, the people from the Cao Group are still here!" Yu Chisheng was about to refute, but found that the two people were no longer looking. He had no choice but to give up.

When the auctioneer saw that there were no more bids, he announced in a long voice: "This land was officially sold to the Cao Group for 2200 million yuan."

"How shameless!" said a fat man on the left of Yu Chisheng, "even if it costs 3000 million yuan, it is not expensive."

"Huh!" A businessman answered, "Who dares to compete with Cheng Gong except Cao Pu."

"I really didn't expect the inside story of the land auction to be so dark...Cao Pu must have taken the money and colluded with the auctioneer." Another businessman said, "Although Cao Pu is a businessman, he is no different from a thief who embezzles money at a low price. State-owned resources.”

"That's it..." Another person took over, "Cao Pu is the real master. All the profits have been pocketed by him... Look, his driver is still here, let's go."

Within two days, Yu Chisheng saw a scandal about his affair with Murong Lian posted on the Internet. He smelled that everyone was laughing at him - no matter where he went, people were pointing fingers at him. Everyone was talking about Murong Lian and his scandals.

For this reason, Cao Pu felt extremely depressed.

It turns out that the initiator of this incident was Cheng Gong. That day, Cao Pu robbed him of the piece of land he was interested in at the auction. He felt extremely uncomfortable and decided to take revenge. He spread these scandals and wanted to bring down the Cao Group.

Sun Zhuan knew that Yu Chisheng was facing such rosy news, so he called Yu Chisheng with concern.

"Old classmate, I have seen these things about you from the Internet... I advise you to leave as soon as possible. You can either come to me or go elsewhere..."

Sun Zhuan said anxiously.

Yu Chisheng did not speak, because at this time he was still thinking: "Did Sun Zhuan's concern for me hurt my dignity? Apart from being my classmate, he is not a relative of mine after all?"

Seeing that he didn't speak, Sun Zhuan couldn't help but give him a few words of advice and hung up the phone.

Yuchi Sheng immediately went to see Murong Lian and found that she was in deep pain.

Because Cao Pu had just had a frank conversation with her and was convinced that she was innocent. Although this deep belief hid a desire for a legacy, she was still touched. The feeling of guilt forced her to make a painful decision: "Let Yu Chisheng leave as soon as possible."

However, she then thought: "After Yu Chisheng leaves, he will forget me. Maybe other women will fall in love with him. He is handsome, cute, and so charming... It is not enough for a woman to fall in love with him." Surprising."

"Sigh... I'm really stupid to the extreme. If I had used money to buy Tao Ting, I wouldn't have endured the pain of separation now. It's too late, it's too late for everything... It's too late to say anything."

She closed her eyes in pain and burst into tears.

Immediately, she took out a silk handkerchief, put it in Yu Chisheng's hand, and said with great reluctance:

"My dear, we are about to say goodbye. Please cherish it! This silk handkerchief I gave you is something personal to me... If you can, please promise me that if I die, please help take care of it. my son……"

Yu Chisheng didn't expect that he would be moved by these simple and sincere words, so he said hoarsely: "No, I don't accept such a farewell, it's too cruel! I must come back to see you often."

An unusual smile suddenly appeared on Murong Lian's face, and she kept muttering in her heart: "It seems that he loves me..."

From then on, she no longer regarded separation as a kind of pain, but as a kind of happy waiting.

Later, Cao Pu came back in a panic.

He angrily said to his wife: "Tell everyone that this is all caused by that guy Cheng Gong. I want to find someone to beat him to death..."

"Oh my God, if you beat Cheng Gong to death, wouldn't you be sentenced to death? I would become a widow! Yuchi Sheng and I wouldn't have to separate."

Murong Lian couldn't help but get excited, but then she thought: "No, I have to stop him, otherwise, I will be a shrew that everyone hates for murdering her husband."

She had never realized before that she was so good at enlightening others, especially her husband Cao Pu. In less than two hours of talking with Cao Pu, she made her husband realize:

"It is meaningless to beat Cheng Gong to death. The most important thing is to arrange for Yu Chisheng to leave as soon as possible. If he is allowed to stay, it will definitely not work... It is better to ask him to study in a business school for a while, and then come back after the news has passed. .”

After thinking about it, Cao Pu felt that this plan was feasible.

However, how can Yu Chisheng make up his mind to leave? What does he live on?

Cao Pu followed his wife's suggestions and opinions and first gave Yuchi Sheng a small sum of money. For Cao Pu, who loves money as much as his life, this is tantamount to cutting a piece of flesh from his body.

Now that the husband has stabilized his position, what should he say to Yu Chisheng? Murong Lian couldn't help but frown. Finally, she bit the bullet and said frankly to Yu Chisheng:

"For the sake of my husband's dignity, I hope you will agree...not to go to Cheng Gong's place. Didn't you say you want to further your education? You go to the business school and get your undergraduate diploma first, and you can take the civil service exam in the future! Don't you want to be an official? Well, this isn’t exactly what you want!”

"That's great, I completely agree with your idea! Don't worry! My dear!" Yu Chisheng said, "I have no intention or thought of going to Cheng Gong's place from the beginning to the end."

Murong Lian did not expect Yuchi Sheng to agree so readily.

As for the issue of money, although Yu Chisheng's self-esteem did not allow him to accept it, he had no other way to deal with his own expenses.

Therefore, Yu Chisheng could only accept the money in the form of a loan and wrote an IOU, which would be repaid in one lump sum with interest three years later.

This method of borrowing money made Cao Pu so excited that tears filled his eyes, and he frequently praised Yuchi Sheng.

Just like that, Yu Chisheng left.

As soon as he walked out of the city that brought him love, he daydreamed endlessly about the happiness of going to business school.

As for Murong Lian, she was in the torment of longing, counting every minute and every second of being separated from Yuchi Sheng.

However, a month later, Yu Chisheng missed her so much that he secretly came back to see Murong Lian on the weekend. At this time, she acted very coldly, because the thought of saying goodbye to him always lingered in her mind.

In this regard, Yu Chisheng, who had doubts, thought that Murong Lian had changed her heart, so he couldn't help but say some harsh and negative words: "You are really a woman who has changed her mind. I have only been gone for a long time, and you don't love me anymore?"

After hearing these words, Murong Lian couldn't help but burst into tears and murmured: "Oh God, there can't be a more miserable person than me. I hope I die immediately so that I won't be in pain." .

When the sky got slightly brighter, Yu Chisheng left without hugging her or kissing her. He only left one vicious word:

"This is our ending, so you are satisfied now! This way you don't have to regret it when Cao Jing gets sick, and I can start my new life without any distractions."

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