This night, the night was like a thick inkstone, too deep to be dissolved - it was still as silent as that night... The street lights were particularly soft and gentle - like shining pearls in the darkness...

Compared to that night, there seemed to be many fewer dark clouds in the sky - the moon, which looked like a beautiful woman's face, opened its big bright eyes, staring at the earth without seeming tired at all.

Therefore, the outlines of some vegetation in the bushes, such as the branches of trees, flowers and grass, are seen more clearly under the reflection of the moonlight and street lights.

At first, Tang Shu stood waiting with a nerve-wracking mission, and the taste was of course mixed... Pain and expectation collided in his mind - he held it in so much that he felt so uncomfortable that he became a little nervous. My shivering legs were almost unsteady.

Later, slowly, he calmed down, his eyes were bright and his mind was not distracted - he made up his mind that there was no need to be afraid of tonight's actions. He was considering and thinking:

"No matter who that black shadow is, if I meet him, what should I do? - Do I need to yell like in the movies and TV shows - Stop!"

If the black shadow was afraid... and ran away, he thought for a moment and simply said:

"Don't run? Where are you running? - Otherwise... I have a knife... I will kill you!" Then he took this spring-loaded knife and stabbed it directly...

After thinking about it, I felt less scared than before and returned to my usual feeling of calm.

He was looking forward to, waiting for...

He paid special attention to every sound, no matter how small it was, even the rustling of a breeze or the rustling of a leaf, not letting go of any doubt...

He felt that he was ready to capture the black shadow at any time... He leaned forward...

Ten minutes, twenty minutes, thirty minutes... time ticks by one by one...

However, half an hour has hour has passed, and the strange black shadow has not appeared yet.

He began to calm down - his mind calmed down, his blood cooled down... and there was no longer the impulsive energy he had at the beginning.

He thought that everything he was doing now was just fabrication, hearsay, and speculation... He even felt that it was a bit ridiculous, and it was simply a joke.

Zheng Wei was just making a joke on him, but he felt that he had taken Zheng Wei's joke as the truth. He didn't even fall asleep and stayed here all night long.

However, these inexplicable thoughts crept into his mind and occupied his childish and curious heart. He had to do this - if it could eliminate his doubts, it would be worth it.

He both expected that black shadow to appear, but also didn't want it to appear... He left the ambush spot under the yellow jujube tree and walked slowly around the entire garden path.

Tonight, as if on purpose, the creatures in the community couldn't hear the slightest sound anywhere - everything was completely silent, the crows were silent, and they were as silent as cicadas...

He also saw that the wild cats in the community had huddled up in the bushes and fell asleep quietly.

He climbed up to a low wall and sat down. From here, he could see the nearby park, which was not too large and had rich vegetation.He saw this park... He remembered the scene when he met Song Jie for the first time, and unknowingly thought of Song Jie thoughtfully... Song Jie might have fallen asleep at this time.

At this time, a "beep" sound of the door opening and the slight sound of branches breaking reached his diaphragm - obviously he was taken aback...

What surprised him even more was that when he came downstairs in Building C, he looked at Song Jie's window and saw a light on inside the window...

He hurriedly ran to the yellow oak tree - and held his breath there... The sound of footsteps could be clearly heard in the garden - approaching from far away, walking very fast, gently, but carefully.

Hearing the footsteps coming in his direction, and the sound of the footsteps getting closer and closer...

"Okay, he's here... He's finally here... I've finally waited..."

He thought quickly in his mind, both frightened and impatient.

He hurriedly took out the switchblade from his pocket, but couldn't open it in the panic - for some unknown reason... but red sparks flashed in his eyes, and he was so fearful and angry that even his hair was trembling slightly. .

The footsteps kept coming towards him - he hurriedly hid behind the bushes, leaned forward to meet the footsteps, and when the black figure approached, he raised his head and took a look... …

OMG! ——This is actually his father Tang Kui!
Tang Shu couldn't believe his eyes and rubbed his blurred eyes, but he still recognized clearly that the black figure was indeed his father.

Although his father was wearing a mask and a black cloak on his head, with the brim of the hat pulled down very low, covering his entire face, Tang Shu clearly recognized that this was the back of his father who was so familiar to him.

Tang Kui stood on tiptoe and walked in from the side door of Building C where Song Jie lived. He climbed up to the fifth floor, walked into Song Jie's warm and sweet boudoir, and got into Song Jie's gentle A warm quilt filled with the scent of women's body...

Of course Tang Kui didn't expect that his son would stay here to supervise him without sleeping at such a late night, so he didn't pay attention and found Tang Shu...

The bushes all covered Tang Shu, although he was not discovered - however, Tang Shu shivered, trembled, and panicked... He tried his best to hide there by shrinking down.

Suddenly, Tang Shu made a 180-degree turn - the original jealous, jealous, and seemingly powerful little boy turned into a timid, weak, weak, and timid little boy. …

He was caught off guard by the sudden appearance of his father Tang Kui, and had no mental preparation at all. Later, he gradually felt surprised and frightened, and became inexplicably shocked and turned pale.

But after a while, when the surroundings were completely silent again, he stood up from the bushes and then remembered: "Why did father come to the garden in the middle of the night?"

In shock and fear, he dropped the switchblade on the grass, but he didn't even think about looking for it - he was ashamed of his father's despicable, dirty and even beastly heart.

He suddenly woke up and understood what was going on - just like a bucket of cold water poured on a burning charcoal fire - which confirmed that his father did have that kind of relationship with Song Jie... If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes , he didn't really believe it at all, and had been blinded by Song Jie's lies.

I hope you like my new book——

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