Love is like sugar and marriage is like water

Chapter 48 7 Confusion and 8 Confusion

Song Jie took off the red scarf tied to herself and tied it around Tang Shu's neck...

Tang Shu felt the warmth and pleasure brought by the fragrance of the opposite sex. He couldn't help but beam with joy and dance, tightly hugging Song Jie's waist as soft as a water snake, and shouted happily with joy.

Tang Shu ran away again and played all the games he wanted to play with Xiaolong...


If someone asked Tang Shu to describe in detail the series of psychological changes that occurred in his heart in the week after he failed to capture the shadow that night... He would find it as difficult as climbing to the sky and struggling to think.

This is a period of strange talk, hot and cold, and strange times.

His mind was very confused - disorganized and confused.

This is caused by contradictions - a combination of several pairs of contradictions, such as mutually opposed feelings and thoughts, irreconcilable suspicions and hopes, and incompatible happiness and pain.

These comprehensive contradictions were like a whirlwind, rolling over his immature mind that had never been emotionally tortured - an unimaginable force swept through him.

Just imagine, a 17-year-old child is rebellious, struggling, confused, and regretful.

If he does not have the courage to look within himself, then he is afraid to think or explore anything that confuses him.

All day long he thought about how fast the day would pass and night would come quickly.

This is because once night comes, he can sleep peacefully, sleep soundly, and not have to think about anything... he can be carefree.

During this time, from the inside, he didn't want to know if anyone cared about him, if anyone loved him... He also didn't want to admit that no one loved him.

He avoided his father... However, he could avoid Tang Kui - but he could not avoid Song Jie... He still liked Song Jie.

When he stood in front of Song Jie, who was blooming like a flower, he couldn't resist this temptation. Not only he, but also all men could not resist - when a man faced a beautiful girl, everything All psychological defenses will collapse.

His desire and pleasure seemed to be burning with fire - like going crazy, scurrying around with the wind, devouring everything unscrupulously, making it unbearable for him...

However, why does he need to know what the people around him are like? He is willing to be like his father. From the bottom of his heart, he is willing to burn and melt on this raging fire——

Moreover, he felt that it was a flame in which the flowers in his heart bloomed brilliantly and burned and melted.

Ever since he had learned a little about men and women in adolescence, he had been completely dominated by his impression of beautiful members of the opposite sex, especially beautiful women like Song Jie who he couldn't resist...

However, ever since he learned about the relationship between his father and Song Jie, he had been deceiving himself, still holding on to the slightest illusion... hoping that Song Jie would not destroy or break up his endangered family that was on the verge of dissolution.

He wanted to try hard to avoid those memories that he thought were invisible and made him heartache, but he really couldn't do it, and he didn't have the ability to do it. All efforts were in vain...

He actually closed his eyes in anticipation of all the terrible things that would happen in the future - he seemed to have seen through the fragility of love in a hazy state...

This kind of distress probably won't last for a long time. In fact, it is extremely short-lived, so short that he has no time to think or stop his mind...

A sudden thunderbolt, like a lightning strike, knocked him down on a new life track - this track, in his opinion, the world was dark, like a landslide, like the ground cracking, like a building collapsing, like The giant tree is destroyed... everything will end.


Tang Shu ran away from home in anger for more than ten days... He turned off his mobile phone and wandered around by plane and train - but after he spent all the money he brought with him, food, housing, transportation, etc. all became difficult. Only then did he remember the benefits of family and parents raising him.

When he opened his cell phone in a guilty mood, his mother sent him hundreds of text messages and hundreds of missed calls. Tears blurred his vision. He immediately got in the car and returned home. When he opened the door, he saw What surprised him was that his parents were not at home.

He immediately called his father, who said that he was on a business trip for a meeting... He hung up the phone without even having time to say a few words.

He called his mother again, and her mother said in a feeble tone that she was in the People's Hospital for infusion... After hearing this, Tang Shu hurriedly wanted to rush to the hospital to visit his mother...

Before leaving, neighbor Uncle Zhang saw Tang Shu coming back, so he came over and told him everything that happened at home after he ran away from home.

Uncle Zhang is about 40 years old, tall and energetic, with slightly bald hair on the temples, thick black and neat eyebrows, and a pair of big eyes, bright and shining with a simple light.

From Uncle Zhang's ugly expression, Tang Shu had already guessed that something unusual must have happened at home...


Uncle Zhang said in a reproachful tone: "Tang Shu, you are so ignorant - you actually ran away from home... After you ran away, your mother cried all day long. She was worried about you..."

"I...I'm sorry - I'm just traveling for a few days to relax."

Tang Shu said apologetically.

"It's useless to say you're sorry. You should apologize more to your mother. Even if you go on a trip, you have to say hello to her! You've grown up now, so don't be so impulsive."

"I..." Tang Shu hesitated.

"Okay, let me tell you, after you left, your father and your mother had a fierce argument, and the sound was so loud... I lived in the next room, and I heard everything they said. It’s crystal clear…”

"It's common for them to quarrel. You don't know...Uncle Zhang..." Tang Shu said calmly.

"But this time it was different from the past. The noise was quite loud - it had never been so loud before."

"What's the noise?"

"Your mother blamed your father for being unfaithful in his marriage and fooling around with Song Jie, a neighbor in the community..."

"Ah..." Tang Shu was obviously surprised.

"Your father defended himself at first, but then he got angry and said some vicious words... Your mother started crying - she seemed to have mentioned the matter of filing a lawsuit against Liu Li... She opened her mouth to scold Liu Li and Song Jie ...Not abiding by women's ways..."

" is my mother?"

"No, just listen to what I have to say - at this moment, your father threatened your mother."

"Then how did my mother know that my father was fooling around with Song Jie?"

"From their quarrel, I felt that someone was causing trouble." Uncle Zhang said, "It was caused by an anonymous text message..."

"Who sent this text message?"

"I'm not sure... I think it must be someone who knows the inside story, or someone who wants to harm your father - otherwise, there would be no reason for these things to be leaked."

I hope you like my new book——

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